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Lv 32,387 points

the dogs voice

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You may know me by Yahoo Answers, and I tell it like it is. I may seem rude, but sometimes I just lose my patience. If I seem really young, I'll go ahead and say I am, but I've heard plenty of times that I seem much older than I actually am. I do know a lot about dogs, if I do say so myself. I love all animals, but especially canines. I'm working on spreading awareness of animal cruelty. I plan on becoming a vet, and possibly opening a dog sanctuary after. Good Luck to everybody out there! :)

  • Sick Betta fish, someone PLEASE help me!?

    I have a white Betta fish, I've had him for about a year. Recently, his fins have "rotted" away, turning from the normal large beautiful fins and tail to hardly anything there at all. But, in addition to his fins rotting away, my betta also seems to be having (I'm just guessing here) swim bladder issues. He stays sunken to the bottom of his bowl, sideways and fairly listless. He can barely swim, and swimming seems to be an extreme struggle for him. So much so that he can't swim to the top and get his food. I found this help page: and have followed its instructions like soaking his pellets and adding epson salt to the tank. It's only been a few days, but I'm very concerned since he hasn't been able to eat at all. I currently have him in a one gallon goldfish bowl, with room temperature distilled water. I used to have small fish bowl colored pebbles, a plastic rock house plant thing, and filtered tap water. I have removed everything to make it easier for me to change his water everyday, and I am currently using distilled water since the help page said his problems may be due to water quality issues, and distilled water is the most "pure" water, right? So, here are my questions:

    -What is wrong with him?

    -What causes this?

    -What can I do to make him better?

    -Any tips, tricks, or suggestions at all?

    Thanks so much for any help you might have! It is greatly appreciated!

    5 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Something wrong with my microSD card?

    It goes to my cell phone, but I sometimes (I've done this twice) put it in an adapter and put it into my laptop's card reader to take the pictures off. But, a few days ago, I turned on my cell phone, and it said "blank sd card or the files are unsupported." It has never said that before, and when I tap on it, it says "Format SD card? All existing data will be deleted." I have some good pictures on there that I'd love to save, and a ton of music too. So, I tried to save them and put them on my computer, but when I put the microSD into the adapter and put it in my laptop, it asks if I want to format it? Any ideas on what might have happened? Can I save the music and pics? Thanks! (:

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • 800 m for a sprinter, please help!?

    So I'm a sprinter in indoor track, the longest race I've ver run is 500 m, which I loathe and I'm not very good at it. The longest I can run well is a 400, but I generally run 55m dash and 300 m dash. But for district championships, I'm on the 4x800 relay team, which means we all have to run 800 m, which is 4 laps around the indoor track. I'm also in for 4x400, which I actually know how to run. The 4x800 is the first event. So any tips? Experiences? Thanks!

    1 AnswerRunning9 years ago
  • Hard to swallow and feels like there's a lump in my throat?

    I am pretty sure I have a severe sinus infection, with lots of discharge and a fever. I've had it since Friday night, and since about 9:00 this morning if feels kind of hard ot swallow, like there's a lump in my throat. It also feels very hot, and it is VERY sore, like ot the almost to the point of tears sometimes, and I have a high pain tolerance. So, why does it feel hard to swallow? Do I need to go to the ER? Any suggestions? Thanks guys, and Happy Holidays!!!

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • To what temperature can a Boxer withstand?

    My neighbor keep their Boxer outside all the time, including during the winter. She is small for a Boxer, probably about 40-50 pounds or so, and doesn't have an undercoat, or even a thick topcoat. Apparently she has continued to shed, and is not building up a thicker coat at all, even though it has been cool (about 50 degrees or less, more recently 30-40 degrees Fahrenheit). It has even been down in the teens at night. She als has a small black spot on her ear that began last winter, and has just recently begun to spread. Apparently the vet had said that it was from a scratch, of from her shaking her head. But it never healed, and stayed a small black spot. Until recently, where it is cracking and getting worse and spreading. So, do you think it is frostbite? The neighbor won't take her to the vet. And to what temperature can she survive with only a dog house with cedar chips in it? Thanks guys!

    10 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • I have a cold (not quite sure if it is)?

    I have a bad cough, and a somewhat stuffy nose. I get really really dizzy when I stand/ sit up even if I do so slowly. My muscles and joints ache and feel sore, especially my back and neck. I also feel feverish, but I don't know the exact temperature because I lost the thermometer! I need to get over this ASAP, so, got any tips? Thanks guys! (:

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases10 years ago
  • My armpit hurts very badly, please help!?

    It has a small lump, kind of the size of an itchy mosquito bite, so it is slightly swollen. It isn't red or anything, but it is very sensitive around that area. It is on the inside of my armpit on the side of the muscle that is closest to my chest. It is slightly firm, but not very. It is VERY painful to the touch, and has gotten bigger in the last hour. I noticed it this morning when I woke up, and the soreness is getting worse. It's sore like a muscle that you strained. I have not been sick recently, and have actually been the healthiest I've ever been these past two years. My allergies have been acting up since it's fall, but that's the closest to being sick I've been so far this year. I have not taken my temperature because I can't find a thermometer, but I do not feel feverish at all. The armpit that hurts actually feels cooler to the touch than my other one, which doesn't hurt at all. I have no idea what to do, or what it is. I've never had this before in my life, and felt no symptoms until I woke up this morning. It hurts when I touch it or move my arm, but when I relax it and rest it on something so it's elevated I don't feel any pain. I don't feel sick, just very nervous and worked up because of how worried and scared I am. If you can help me, 10 points and God Bless You!!! Thank you so much!

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care10 years ago
  • My legs turn inward slightly at the knees?

    It's hard for me to make them straight, and I've read a couple other similar questions. I am not obese, and have been underweight most of my life except for the past few years and now am at a low normal weight. I have no eating disorders, I eat like a pig actually, its just my metabolism. I have a very flexible arch and need good arch support. I've been told it's not a bad thing but I want my legs to look normal.

    I almost always always always wear jeans when its cold, and a close friend recently told me that when I wear boot cut jeans it makes my legs curving in more noticeable. I'm not a big fan of big flare jeans usually, and that's why I like the boot cut jeans that still have a little bit of a flare. I want my legs to look less curved in, so what cut jeans should I get? Apparently my legs don't really look curved in skinnies (not the skin tight ones), only in boot cuts (I haven't worn flares since I was 10 and am now 15). Thanks! ((:

    2 AnswersOther - Health10 years ago
  • Sooo... there's this guy, think he's interested?

    I am in high school, and we're in the same grade. We have one class together and we did outdoor track together. He's one of the popular guys and apparently is a jerk but he's always seemed really nice to me and somewhat shy. During our class I would constantly catch him looking at me and he usually looked away quickly but sometimes he just met my eyes and and then smiled. He would do that in track too, and my friends would catch him looking at me. That all sounds pretty good to me, but then there's this. I've talked to him on Facebook a few times, and I think the convos were pretty interesting and funny. But it seemed like he would try and contradict everything I said and he was very sarcastic. I was always the conversation starter, and he only replies when I have a question about track or school. And if I just say Hey then he doesn't usually reply. So with the positive and negative things, do you thing he might be interested? Thanks and 10 points for best answer! :)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • What is that song on the samsung commercial?

    I just saw it on CBS... during Mad Love. I've heard it before but it has a cool beat in the beginning and goes "yeeeeaaa, yeeaa, yea" in the beginning. I didn't see any of the commercial= but I know it had to do with samsung. Thanks! :)

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Already asked this quesstion but..?

    Let's just say the first answers weren't satisfactory, and I think I was slightly misunderstood. And yes, I know this has absolutely nothing to do with dogs, but most of the people I've encountered under this section seem to be a lot nicer, and more creative. So, I had an idea for a book, and I wanted some opinions on what you all think would be a good name for a 1700s pirate ship. And possibly crew members. And I'll go ahead and make this clear: I am not relying on your answers, I just want opinions. Thanks! :)

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Trying for a Moroccan Theme for my Bedroom?

    I have a pretty tight budget, so I can't spend a ton on expensive decor. I already have a bedspread, it's green (about the color green on this website) and turquoise and is a geometrical paisley design. I also have a large Moroccan lantern ( , and two more fabric hanging ones that are pink and orange. The fabric ones don't really go with the bedspread. And the bedspread isn't very dark or richly colored, but I adore it. So how could I tie in really Moroccan stuff? Any ideas for wall color? Overall jut ANY helpful ideas? Thanks! :)

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • HELP! What should I do?

    Okay, I asked this almost exact question a few months ago, and asked a question also involving a boxer and the same family. To explain and summarize, the step-dad is a major jerk and thinks he knows everything about raising dogs. The mother doesn't know anything about animals, and just goes with it (although somewhat unhappily, and doesn't stand up to him much). The daughter is a very close friend of mine. About 6 years ago they had a white boxer (mix, possibly? I think he looks like an American Bulldog personally) that suddenly died. About 20 years ago, the step dad had a "fighting stock" pit bull. And trust me, I wouldn't put it past him to be involved in dog fighting. And just over a year ago, they got a male fawn boxer puppy. The puppy wasn't allowed to be inside at all, just like the original white boxer. One day the pup got the screen door open, and the step dad beat the snot out of him. A few weeks later, he sold the pup.

    And finally, he got another white boxer puppy about 4 months ago. She has never been to the vet, doesn't have a county license, or any shots. She is now six months old. Yes, she has been beaten many times, once so badly she bled from her mouth. And yes, I have reported them. Whenever he gets mad at the step daughter, he takes it out on the dog. One time, he didn't feed the dog for 4 days, no food or water, and he chained the kennel closed. My friend would sneak out and feed the pup and give her water at night. It is now winter, and its been in the single digits. Has the boxer been inside at all? No. She now has frostbite on her ears, muzzle, and paws. I got her boots so she could walk on th snow without making her paws bleed as much. Whenever I go over to her house, the step dad doesn't do anything to the boxer pup, but I have gotten pictures of her frostbite. And even though I am well within walking distance, I wouldn't be able to get a picture of him abusing the pup, and I would never know when he was doing it, I'd have to be there 24/7. And my friend would get in MAJOR trouble if she took a pic, but her camera doesn't even work. And she can only call 3 ppl on her phone, so she can't report. And even though I have reported multiple times and to multiple places, NOTHING has been done. I can't imagine what my friend would do if her step dad sold this pup too. And her parents have been really nice which is weird for them (at least for the step dad) and that's what they did before they sold the last puppy. I'm guessing the step-dad would sell the pup, and I've been checking shelters and the classifieds on a daily basis. Nothing. But then again, he might sell the dog to one of his friends, which wouldn't give me a chance to ask a friend to buy her for me and then give her back to me, then I would pay them. But that plan wouldn't work if I didn't know about it, and trust me, he wouldn't tell my friend. And i love the pup like she's my own, and I couldn't stand to see something happen to her, or never see her again. So what should I do? Thanks for any help you can give me.

    P.S. And I'm not gonna stand by and do nothing.

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Getting/ Building a shed for a hangout?

    I would like a 16x16 shed or maybe a little bit smaller (like a 15x15 or something). Do you know about how much one would cost, with putting electricity and maybe even insulating one. I know where I would put it, and it's a nice level area big enough for a 16x16. Do you know where I could find one pre-built even, like around south west Virginia? and how much one of those would cost? Thanks!

    8 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Miniature donkey info?

    Okay, I know this sounds stupid and irresponsible, but I'm interested in miniature donkeys. I've done a little bit of research on them, but I'd like to know more about them. Anything, especially like care for them, feeding them, how much land they need, and everything like that. Or is there a site I could visit to learn more? I've already been to way over a dozen sites, and they all have pretty much the same information (not much). And I'm also a big fan of rescuing animals, but I couldn't find anything on petfinder, other donkey rescues, and I don't know of any other animal rescue sites. I love animals, and have always been interested in equines. I have plenty of land that has had horses, cows, chickens, pigs, rabbits, ducks, cats, dogs, you name it. We can easily build a barn for it too. So what should I know to continue or change my mind, and what all would I need, ,male or female, foal or adult, and do you know anywhere in or near Southwestern Virginia where I could find a miniature donkey? Thanks so much for any help! :)

    1 AnswerOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Help! I just talked to an animal control officer...?

    My best friend got a boxer puppy about 3 months ago. Long story short, her step-dad abuses and neglects the pup (she's 5 months old now). He has beaten her on quite a few occasions (sometimes pretty badly too). When he gets mad at my friend, he'll lock the pup up in a chain-link kennel so no one else has access to her and sometimes he won't even feed her (like for a few days). My friend isn't allowed to pet her, train her, or play with her or anything like that. It's getting colder, like below freezing the past few nights and some nights a few weeks ago etc. but the puppy has slept outside the whole time (except hen the step-dad is out of town) and even sometimes when he is out of town. The pup gets to sleep in one of those plastic crates with a matress pad over it to keep her warm. And maybe a blanket or towel or something inside the crate. And we all know boxers have very short, fairly thin fur. I was there the other day, and her waterbowl was absolutely filled up with leaves and dirt. And it's stayed like that. My friend is only allowed to exercise her (no jumping, petting, or cuddling at all) by running her in laps around the house. All other times she is in her pen. Most of the time, she didn't even do anything when the step dad beats the snot out of her. One day, I saw him drag (literally DRAG) her out to the kennel and throw (yes, throw) her in the kennel so hard she hit the other side of it, probably some 8 feet away or so! And just the other he held her up by her neck and was choking her, but he put her back down before he strangled her. And, on top of all that, she has never been to a vet in their care!

    So, I called and reported it to animal control. The guy I talked to was very nice and sounded interested, but he also said it's unlikely he can remove her. He didn't really say what he could/would do other than investigate it. But since she really doesn't show any physical signs of abuse, and there aren't records, there isn't much they can do other than maybe fine him for not having a county license or rabies shots. But the pup needs to be helped, and I have noticed it seems like her health might be deteriorating a bit, but still, same as I said a sentence ago. So anybody have any good ideas on how to get the dog outta there (because it's certainly NOT going to stop)? I'll accept even the craziest ideas, and yes, I'm so desperate I'll consider all of them. I'll try to answer any questions you might have! Thanks guys!!! :)

    19 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Circles under my eyes?

    I have circles under my eyes, but they aren't bluish or blackish. They're red. My eye isn't ever bloodshot, but under my eyes is almost always red. And if I don't get enough sleep or sometimes some other reason, they get really puffy. I do have allergies and I take medicine for it, but it doesn't seem to help at all. I've tried green tea bags, cucumber, and countless creams. Every now and then, something seems to work a little bit, but then it just goes back to normal. I've tried concealers, but I'm really pale and usually they're too dark for my complexion. When I do try concealer, they just make them even more red. Anyone know what may have caused them? Or how to get rid of them? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks! :)

    7 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • My "friend" is being a *****? What should I do?

    So I'm in Junior High and one of my once closest friends is being a b*tch. She is constantly putting me down about my appearance, how I trained my dog, how I talk, what I wear, and even what I eat. She has had hardly any discipline and her mom wasn't in her life for most of it, and she hasn't met her dad. She's lived with her grandmother. I suspect this girl of stealing some of my possessions. I told her yesterday I didn't want to be friends with her anymore after she hit me continuously. I didn't see her today, and tomorrow she will make fun of me, put me down, and spread rumors about me and try and make me seem like a bad person. I asked my mom, and she said to ignore her. I have tried that before, and it doesn't work. She tells people she knows are my friends that I talk bad about them, then they won't talk to me and she'll hang out with them to make me jealous. Please, what should I do? :(

    14 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • My friend just got a boxer puppy...?

    My best friend had a boxer that lived untill only six. It was never allowed in the house...ever. Even on th coldest days in winter they kept it outside and if they decided it was too cold, they put it in the drafty basement that is always the same temperature as outside. He would have blisters on his legs from snow and ice. It got hit by cars 3 times, and they never ever took it to the vet's. Now they have an 8 week old boxer puppy that is going into the same situation. If he stays outside this winter, he'll freeze to death ( he doesn't even have a dog house, just a wire crate). These are rules set down by her step dad. The dog isn't allowed inside because he doesnt want its fur everywhere or it ti ruin the furniture. My friend has tried to tell her step dad that the puppy should stay inside but he just yells at her and tells her that he's had dogs before and it can stay outside because its a big dog. Personally thats the dumbest excuse I've ever heard and my friend and i nedd some help on what to do about this. Please help!

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • does anybody have a kitten for free in Roanoke,VA? kitten for free in Roanoke,VA?

    if not free, under $50 or near Roanoke,VA

    6 AnswersCats2 decades ago