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  • Can Christianity exonerate itself from sins of the Holocaust?

    Rev.Bishop Williamson has been dragged to court for merely expressing his mind with a sense of commonsense doubting basic executive capabilties of human beings of any nationality and Religious faith. The Germans created holocaust in their cities of north and south states during the 30years war due to infighting consequent to Christian Reformation and ruined Germany both socially as well as economically.Catholic or Protestant they kept their later truce and held faith in Christianity.Whatever the preceedings and cosequences of ww.1 the general Antisemitic bias of Christian Europeans in general has been accentuated in the case of Germans due to national disaster of defeat and intolerable conditions imposed by the victorius Allies in the face of economic depression and much to the diamay of Mahatma Gandhi who fore warned the British and the French of disastrous consequences of such policies. Proven or unproven but pointing to national humiliation the provoked sentiments of Germans were directed to their fellow Jewish citizens with doubt and hatred but with the unexpressed tacit approval of fellow Christian Europeans. If humility and compassion are the halmarks of Christian Faith why did the Church or other European people remained complacent during the concerted hate pogroms against the Jewish people and toxic gassed genocide in Concentration Camps? If Christianity concerned only with technicalities of human behaviour irrespective of people of various nationalities keeping faith in it and without appeal to holiness of superior virtues but allow take revenge on innocent and uncommited people like the Jews on a mass scale of annihilation and yet concede the Blot of Sin committed by the most dedicated people as the Germans as if it is holy to accept it with an approval of national authority and commit people who doubt it with ignorance or with a necessity for common sense to imprisonment allowing no access for a fair trial seeking which Jesus sacrificed himself at the Cross for the welfare of humanty.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can women dare to wear adolescent hair of armpit,body and pubic respectively as Nature created?

    Practical considerations behind this provocative vulgar question-

    1)Modern women claim equal rights in all fields of activity along with men and freedom from subjugation.

    2)Girls undergo the same rigors as boys both physically and mentally in all aspects of education.

    3)Reaching puberty during secondary education girls overtake boys both in early onset and consequent maturity physically and mentally.

    4)While boys grow in a natural manner girls begin to beset with personal problems of menstruation and growth of body hair especially under armpits and pubic areas. Thus body consciousness about personal appearance coupled with diffidence and shame develops in girls caring for hair on head and hating it on other areas considering as ugly and unwanted and augmented by mothers.

    5)Nature has bestowed equal rights of bodily development keeping aesthetic and practical necessities in both males and females in consideration but females deny the same as in (4).

    6)Human procreation is the prime responsibility of females and beauty considerations mutilating nature's purpose denuding the female "Hairy human form" endowed with highest faculties of creation and revered by Hindus as 'Keshav Roop' of lord Vishnu who is the 'Purushottama' in male and becomes female 'Vaishnavi' should be given the utmost concern to the exclusion of all other superficial considerations.

    7)Boys develop as men growing beard and mustache as privilege symbolizing projective mind set while girls become women without the privilege of men but with all the highest responsibilities of hairy human form of greatest sanctity in conceiving and delivering both male and female babies and deserving the first salutation by men as "Vande Matharam".

    8) If a Hindu consider the sanctity before watching a cat walk of man made beauty and if of other faith lend reasonable considerations in answer.

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Can the present U.S Americans measure up to the spirit of sacrifice of earlier generations?

    1)Electing a non white as president has proved their flair for democracy and secularism

    2)Building World Trade Centers has proved their spirit of international cooperation.

    3)Fighting against irrational terrorism as well as fascism has proved their mettle.

    4) Support for Islamic Center at Ground Zero has yet to be proved as a reminder of their founding motto: In God We Trust and faith in Christian virtue of compassion against destructive acts of ignorance flooding it with inexhaustible power of Love rather than fight against it choosing narrow vantage points of terrestrial convenience using weapons of physical combat.

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Are the Presages of "Oktopaulus"in Oberhausen a Message to Humanity and an open question to human Wisdom?

    As an Indian germanophile in appreciation of Germans' extensive understanding and service to Indian scriptures and heritage I feel sorry for the indelible blot of collective guilt(mitschuld) heaved upon them for causing grievous events in WW2 and fear that any foolish harm done to Paul may not favourably extend its intended support. Consider the following points to ponder:

    1) Predictions of Paul were accurate with German precision.

    2)Confirms the revelations of Monistic Philosophy that consciousness is the all pervading basis and not the result of a chemical process in human brain.

    3)Desire is the cause of birth and hunger is the cause of death and consciousness is the supportive basis of both.

    4)Success is hailed with open hilarity and Failure is fused into narrow resentment with threats of intimidation and death.

    5)LOVE is the sublime Human Wisdom of realizing Unity in all Diversity of God's Creation.

    .Should the same be sacrificed and an innocent and choice less living creature be staked to death to appease the hunger of human desire for success and avenge resentment for failure?

    6)Oceans are not created from tears shed by resentful human beings but by Love and Grace of God to support life on Earth which the eight legged creature receives from all corners and directions of its natural habitat.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can educated intellect ensure rational discrimination and positive conduct?

    Question considering the fact that most 9/11 terrororists involved directly or supportively were of high education in reputed universities.

    11 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Thanks to FIFA World Cup have the English rediscovered their Fatherland?

    The Hindu daily news paper report dated 29'th june: Breweries go dry-English fans are swigging so much beer that breweries across Germany have warned that the country could run out of its beer stock before july 9.

    2 AnswersFIFA World Cup (TM)2 decades ago
  • Should Religious Faith appeal to Dogmatic Conviction or Rational Discrimination?

    Faith appeals to human mind which by virtue of its own nature is prone to vacilate between options because of the special gift of choice and doubt outcome of results anticipated by actions. Any religious faith which is an embodiment of true love, humility and wisdom is based upon the compilation of all works of holy men of highest order of virtue and discrimination in the form sacred books likeTheHoly Bible orTheHoly Quoran.Just as the brain controlls all internal physical functions autonomously the voluntary actions controlled by the subtle functioning of mind together with intellect and intelligence needs to be guided along righteous paths avoiding all kinds of harm to onself and others. This implies reposing faith in the sacred injunctions recorded in Holy Books and implores an implicit order of obedience and a religious conduct of actions.The present day happenings point to ruthless actions of dogmatic conviction or religious conversions instead of conduct.Where is the error?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Why does human hair esp. the adult hairs in women cause double standards in otherwise rational persons?

    Vegetation- trees,greenpastures, shrubs etc. take water and elemental nutrition from earth and prepare food and medicinal agents for the living by photosynthesis of sunlight. Animals have and are not averse to fur on their bodies.Only humans who are conscious of time and have a logically rational and transformative mind react indifferently to adult hairs that grow after puberty epitomized by ads.of beauty clinics of a phenomenon that nature, out of some necessity, bestowed in keeping with timely nature. Without fully and scientifically exploring all the aspects are we with a false sense of greedy aesthetics mutilating something that nature created out of necessity?

    3 AnswersHair2 decades ago
  • Are Photons,Mesons etc.manifest or imaginary phenomena?

    Any perceptibly manifest phenomenon by experience should simultaneously satisfy two conditions viz.a Magnitude represented by some number of dimensionless ratio or defined units and a Characteristic relating to cognitory discriminative qualities(color,tone, smell etc.).A strong beam of light involving photons satisfies both the above conditions such as intensity in lumens /unit area and a discriminating color such as orange,green or white etc. Hence answer is sought to identify the related attribute since any phenomenon imagined as a numberless dimension will be in contrast to the manifest and ,therefore,beyond the scope of objective experience.

    4 AnswersPhysics2 decades ago
  • What causes a slight recoil in the reflector disc of searchlight when light beam is switched on?

    Ref.question asked seeking clarification of a doubt that wheather the light beam contains any particles of impercepible mass which collectively exerted a recoiling pressure on the concave reflector satisfying the third law of motion and yet could attain the ultimate velocity as verified experimentally without contradicting Theory of Relativity.

    6 AnswersPhysics2 decades ago
  • How do Heisenberg's uncertainity principle and Zeno's paradox of moving arrow compare?

    1 AnswerPhysics2 decades ago