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I am a carefree young person, who has no responsibilitys, I am healthy and active. I enjoy gameplaying, cycling, gambling + writing computer programs.

  • Yahoo Questions and Answers?

    I want to search for certain words in yahoo Q&A, but the words I want searched for are in the identy`s of the askers, not in the actual questions being asked, is it possible to do this kind of search in Q&A? how?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Only insulin dependant diabetics.?

    I am curious how well controled other diabetics are. Because I used to think that anything above about 6.0 was bad, but recently the nurse seemed more concerned about my low tests. So I would like to know what other diabetics on insulin are when they test their blood. I find that about one third of mine is above 10 and about one third below 6. I exercise quite a lot and eat mostly fruit and veg and bread type of foods.

    7 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Yahoo gamers, which is better?

    To play right, or to play fast? I ask this question because often when playing backgammon or dominoes (but probably other games are similar), I often get people telling me to hurry up, get a move on, and often becoming very abusive and nasty. I usualy take about 6 or 7 seconds to move, but in certain positions when tough choices need to be made, can take up to about 30 seconds. Is it them who have the problem and should learn patience, or me that should always make a move within 3 seconds, even if it`s the wrong move? I usualy just tell them "if you want a faster game, you should be playing football not board games". I`d like to know the overall opinon of other players, and are there more people who think to play right is best, or to play quick. Also I`d like to know are others annoyed by being told to hurry up every time you take more than a few seconds to move.

    5 AnswersBoard Games1 decade ago
  • How to change where you live?

    If somebody wanted to move from one country to another, what exactly has to be done. Obviously a passport is required, a flight needs to be caught. But I was wondering about visas or change of citizenship etc. If you were intending to spend the rest of your life in the country being moved to, you wouldn't want to have to keep getting yearly visas or whatever. So what is the proper way of doing this?

    3 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Is British Telecom the worse telephone company in the world?

    I have had nothing but problems with them since I started. 1st of all it was a dodgy internet line which kept turning on and off, and when I tried 2 ring them and speak 2 their adviser he had such a strong accent that I had 2 get him 2 repeat everything 3 times. And even after that he never even got anywhere near 2 fixing the problems. I mean if somebodys job is 2 talk 2 ppl on the phone u would think that the no. 1 requirement would b that they speak clearly, but not in this case. And now again I am having problems with BT, they charged me £50 telling me the money would b returned in a few months, now I have rang them and found out that that was a complete lie and they r not returning the £50 even though 4 months have gone by. And once again it took 3 phone calls to get through 2 them. The 1st 2 times I got stuck in a Q and after waiting ages was finaly cut off. Considering that BT`s job is communications, u`d think they would b able 2 communicate with ppl, but no. They r useless.

    2 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • Drugs? should they be illegal or legal?

    I know many people who take drugs (usualy quite soft drugs), I myself don't even smoke tobacco, but I believe things would be better if recreational drugs were made legal and could be bought from a drug store. At the moment the criminal element is benefiting from the fact that drugs are illegal. It seems to me that the fact that drugs are illegal doesn't seem to stop anyone from taking them who wants to take them, it may even glamerize the drugs. If drugs like canabis or even cocaine were avaliable from drug stores, the government could control the industry much better. The drugs could contain clear warnings, and the drugs could be taxed (to help the government who have to pay from the drug problem in society). Their strength (or weakness) of active ingedents could clearly be labelled, and everything would be far less risky, the chaotic and dangerous trade in drugs at the moment could be made much safer. Obviously there should be a age limit on the buying of the drugs. What do u think?

    19 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What information is required for fraud to happen?

    Today (19th Jan 2007) A person online who I didn't know told me I had a name which could mean that I could get part of somebodys will. I didn't know the person who died, I just shared a surname with him, and allmost definatly wasn't related 2 him. The person who claimed 2 work for "Omega chambers" was asking me 4 some information, I suspected I was being set up for fraud. The info he asked me 2 provide was :

    My full name

    My address

    My marital status

    My telephone number

    He didn't ask me 4 any bank account details.

    Is it possible 4 people 2 steal from U with just these few pieces of information?

    The e-mail he left me was :

    Have others been contacted with similar storys? was I right not 2 give him my name and address, etc.

    The story he used wasn't very believable, he claimed a rich person with no living relatives had died in a car crash, and he needed somebody who had the same surname 2 try 2 claim the will.

    Whats the minimum info required for fraud?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Unprovoked attacks, what to do?

    Last week I was the victim of an unprovoked attack. I didn't know the person who attacked me, I never said anything 2 him before the attack. He was twice my size and I never tried 2 hit him back during the attack, I only tried 2 protect myself by covering my face. Although the injurys I sustained during the attack weren't very serious (just brusies and cuts to my mouth and lips) they did make it painfull to eat or drink hot stuff for the following 4 or 5 days.

    I reported the attack to the police. Do you think this was the right thing to do? And what do you think the chances are that the attacker will be punished? Although the attacker was a stranger to me, I could now easily identify him, and in fact I have now found out his name. Do you also think that I did the right thing by not fighting back. Although at the time of the attack I didn't know why I was being attacked, now I understand that the reason I was attacked (in the attackers opinion) was because "I looked at his daughter".

    9 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • To work, or not to work, that is the question?

    Work here (Wales UK) typicaly pays about £200 a week. But if you dont work you get JSA (£58 a week), you get housing benefit (£65 a week), you dont have 2 pay tax on what you get (£20 a week), you dont need to pay to get 2 and from work (£25 a week), you dont need 2 pay for dentists, etc. (£7 a week), you dont need to eat so much because you are not working hard (£10 a week), you dont need 2 pay national insurance controbutions (£8 a week). So £58 + £65 + £20 + £25 + £7 + £10 + £8 = £193. Does this mean if you work for a typical wage here you will actualy be only £7 a week better off (200-193). Since normal jobs are 40 hours a week you will actualy be working for 7/40 = 17 and a half pence per hour. I don't know about you, but I value my time at more than 17 and a half pence per hour (for Americans thats about 9 cents per hour). And this calculation doesn't take into consideration the time it takes you 2 get 2 or from work either. The figures were aprox, but they R more or less right.

    4 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Long distance contacts?

    I seem to have fallen in love with someone who is thousands of miles away. This is probably quite common now with everyone using the net. Do these type of relationships work, and how often do they actualy leed to the two people actualy meeting for real? Up untill now there has been nothing negative at all and we seem to get on so well. I would like to hear from others who have met and had relationships through the net, especialy if they have led to strong relationships and a happy time. Can you really know what someone is like before you have met them for real? We have talked using voice, and swaped many pictures.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What happens when you have been the victim of fraud?

    I had money stolen from my acount without my permission. I informed the bank of this and they told me the company who took the money. The two things I have been wondering since this happened are :

    1. Will the company who stole my money get prosecuted, if so what is the likley sentence they will receive?

    2. Will I get back the money that was taken from my account?

    If any of you have had similar things happen to you in the past, can you tell me what happened, so that I know what to expect, thanks.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is this the way to solve poverty?

    I use the net a lot, and have been talking to a person in Nigeria, I am from Wales in UK. I have been told that all I got to do to help this person escape poverty in Africa is to invite them to Wales as my guest. And they will be given a visa and be able to live here and escape poverty. Surely if everyone in the rich countrys done this there would be nobody left in the poor countrys. And poverty would be solved. Is me inviting this person to Wales a good idea? Is there something I am missing here? or could poverty realy be solved if enougth people were to invite others to move?

    23 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Punishment for criminals, way too soft.?

    This a bit of new I read today :

    Elms was jailed for life at the Old Bailey in March 1996 for raping a teenager at knifepoint. He previously served a four-year sentence for indecently assaulting a 15-year-old schoolgirl

    There is no way a rapist should be allowed to rape someone, get just 4 years in prison, get out and then rape more people.

    I think the justice system in this country (Wales) and probably many other countries is way way too soft. Surley crimes of this seriousness sould contain punishments that stop these people ever being able to reoffend. Maybe even they should be sentenced to death on their second (or maybe even first) offence. They can't possibly argue that they didn't know it was wrong. Everyone at that age knows rape is wrong.

    My question quite simply is :

    Is the law way too soft on criminals, and should it be allowed to be much much harder on serious offenders.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Chinese keyboards?

    how does the chinese keyboard work. As i understand things the Chinese have a different symbol for each word, there is no way all this could fit on a single keyboard, so how do they type in this language. I am hoping to get an answer for someone in China.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Am I surrounded by violent criminals?

    Wherever I look or go there seems to be so much uncalled for violence. Today I watched about all the football violence on the news. The night before last I was punched by a person at the pub, even though I done nothing to provoke the attack. I walked away without getting involved in a fight, I am very much against uncalled for violence. But there is a high chance this guy will continue to harass me in future. What is the right responce to this situation? Should I fight back just to tell him he can`t do this again and to try to stop him, or would that make things worse? Or did I do the right thing to just walk away?

    4 AnswersSociology2 decades ago
  • Answer this only if you are brave enougth?

    I asked a maths question here a week or two ago and it was answered correctly within about 15 minutes, so I have decided to ask a much harder question.

    In school I used to solve similtanious equations, since school I have learned about complex numbers, I have decided to mix the two areas to produce a similtanious complex equation, the first to give a correct answer gets the 10 points :

    x squared + y + 40 + 32 i = -5

    x + y squared + 53 + 107 i = 10 i

    solve both x and y (both are complex numbers)

    hopefully this question is hard enougth to keep you going for longer.

    Only try this if you want a challenge.

    10 AnswersMathematics2 decades ago
  • Yahoo survey?

    Every now and again I get a message apearing asking me to take a survey, it is labelled as "socratic servuy". I have tried to take this servey twice now but the button they give me just doesn`t work. Is this happening to everyone who uses yahoo answers? or is it just my computer it doesn`t work on?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades ago
  • Three lights, One room, And You?

    There are 3 lights in the room, and 3 switches outside the room, you can not stand in the room and reach the light switches, nor can you leave the door open to watch the lights. You are only allowed to enter the room once, and you need to find out which switch is for which light, they are not labelled, and all switches and lights are the same, you are alone. There is a simple answer, 10 points for the first to get it.

    21 AnswersJokes & Riddles2 decades ago
  • Age? I think it does make a difference, in this Q-A anyways.?

    How do you find out the age of people on this question-answer site, without having to keep asking them of course. Is there a simple button somewhere that displays this, if so where is it? I think knowing the age of the people who`s questions you are answering would be a big help. I am in my low 30`s by the way.

    9 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades ago
  • Answer this math problem and get yourself some points, if you can.?

    what is the square root of (-5 +12i)

    I put this question up in a pub, offering a free pint to the one who answered first correctly, noone won the pint, and I eventualy had to reviel the answer myself. But I think there isn`t many smart people in my local.

    By the way there are two answers and the person who gives both answers first will win the points, I would give you a pint, but pints can`t be sent by e-mail sorry.

    14 AnswersMathematics2 decades ago