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MARTIN B asked in Arts & HumanitiesHistory · 1 decade ago

Unprovoked attacks, what to do?

Last week I was the victim of an unprovoked attack. I didn't know the person who attacked me, I never said anything 2 him before the attack. He was twice my size and I never tried 2 hit him back during the attack, I only tried 2 protect myself by covering my face. Although the injurys I sustained during the attack weren't very serious (just brusies and cuts to my mouth and lips) they did make it painfull to eat or drink hot stuff for the following 4 or 5 days.

I reported the attack to the police. Do you think this was the right thing to do? And what do you think the chances are that the attacker will be punished? Although the attacker was a stranger to me, I could now easily identify him, and in fact I have now found out his name. Do you also think that I did the right thing by not fighting back. Although at the time of the attack I didn't know why I was being attacked, now I understand that the reason I was attacked (in the attackers opinion) was because "I looked at his daughter".


Joe C as I understood it Liberalism means that people are allowed to do whatever they wish as long as it doesn't interfear with others similar rights. This of course should not mean that whenever someone is hit that they should automaticaly fight back. If everyone done this our would would surely rapidly decay into anacy.

Update 2:

judging from the first 6 answers it certainly looks like I did the right thing to report the attack. And to think that I had to wonder the following day whether to or not. Seems I made the right choice if the majority is right.

Update 3:

SX8Trmom5 it seems that things work differently here in Britain. I took all the info to the police, and it hasn't cost me anything (yet). I hope the guy doesn't deny what he has done meaning that the thing won't get to court and there would be no expense to myself. I`m fairly certain though that even if it did get to court, because of my situation I probably would be entitled to free help. The state sure do do their best to help victims of crime here in Britain (lucky for me).

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First of all, reporting the attack was the best thing you could have done. Second, a situation such as you were in requires that you make a lightning assessment of your chances if you fight back versus your chances if you don't--and there's no room for second guessing. In this case, you probably made the right decision, because your attacker strikes me as a loose cannon that was looking for a fight ("You looked at my daughter"--come ON!) and a bully as well (I noticed he chose someone half his size with whom to begin a matter--now THAT takes REAL courage [yes, very heavy on the sarcasm am I!]).

    Since you know his name, by all means give it to the police. The idea of pursuing a civil case against him is also good, but it can be costly. However, some attorneys may be willing to take it on a contingency basis--if they can't get a settlement in your favor, they don't get paid (but if they do recover for you, be prepared to pay them about 1/3 of your settlement). You might want to check out your assailant's finances to see if this would be a worthwhile course to pursue--if he's living in an appliance box (figuratively speaking), you probably won't get anything.

    Hope you're healing well!

    Source(s): Been there, done that, got the T-shirt, the mug, and the hat
  • 1 decade ago

    You did the right thing by reporting it (make sure to give the police his name now that you have it) Don't beat yourself up (sorry for the pun) about whether you should have hit him back or not. You cannot change the past. If the incident has made you feel vulnerable then go for some self- defense classes. This person obviously has anger issues and need help. For this reason you have to pursue the matter. If he's done it to you he'll most probably do it to someone else and the other person might not be as lucky as you were. He needs to get therapy for his anger issue and pay any medical bills that you might have incured. Phychologically this will haunt you for some time. Talk about it to a sympathetic ear and don't be scared to let your emotions out (in other words, cry if necessary) It sounds silly, but I've been a victim of an attack myself and it is a bit like having post traumatic stress. Hang in there!

  • Joe C
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    If at all possible, you should have fought back. Liberalism in the society has caused you to become conditioned into thinking you shouldn't. When I saw you asked that, I thought you were a woman. Why would you need to ask? And someone above says that you shouldn't? This is ridiculous.

    Of course, you should have reported it, but again because of liberalism, probably not much will happen. Make sure to take civil action against him.


    Martin, no, they shouldn't "automatically" fight back, but unless there's a compelling reason not to, they should do so according to the law of common sense and of self-preservation. It appears, unfortunately, that you are showing classic symptoms of the liberal affliction.

    And I assure you that the world would not "decay into anarchy," but rather would be restored to law and order when the decent and law-abiding citizens become strong, instead of liberalized wimps.

  • boots
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I don't think anyone should be attacked just for looking at someone...We have two eyes, and usually both of them work. (I recall a time when I was ticked off because they could only look in one direction at a time)!!! If you know who this person is, follow up your police report with the extra info. If you are a minor, and he is an adult (over 18), chances are he could wind up in jail, and I would definately file a lawsuit against him for assault and battery. You might get some cash out of it for your pain and suffering. Good luck!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Certainly reporting to police was correct. Also the reason for the attack is not relavent. Request updates from the police as this joker should not be walking the same streets as civilized folks.

  • mimi
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If this had happened here where I live, you would have had the right to use deadly force. I am so sorry, this happened to you, you did the only thing you could do, if you had fought back, he could have beaten you to death, especially the difference in size.

    You need to get this guy put in jail, he has no right to attack you like that. You need to carry something to defend yourself with, if you are not allowed to carry a firearm where you live, carry pepper spray.

  • saehli
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Reporting was certainly correct. Fighting back: I don’t know how I would have reacted. I guess the same as you.

    Even if the attacker is not punished it was correct to expose him, and this might have some effect. Don’t let them **** on your nose!!!

    As noseye said: the reason for the attack is irrelevant as long as you didn’t really provoke him!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You should definitely press charges. If you do he'll probably be punished. You also did the right thing by not fighting back.

  • 1 decade ago

    This person is obviously disturbed. You did the right thing by reporting him.

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