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Jesus should be the foundation for everything. If He is our foundation then our structures will never weaken and fall.

  • Thought provoking question about sin?

    This is a question concerning sin. No this is not about what sin is worse because I do not believe that any sin is worse than any other sin. Humanly speaking we all lump some sins in this "worse than" category, it is natural. My question and thought is this: What is really worse? There are some horribly depraved individuals out there that do horrific things to little children behind closed doors. We know that that is bad, no one needs to really comment on how bad that is, because its horrible. Our tendency to think that that is the worst thing that you can do comes out, its natural. But perhaps, perhaps its not as bad as when children are sexualized in society and it is openly accepted. Of course if someone is doing something behind a closed door in secret, its horrible. Even they would probably agree that it is bad because obviously they are trying to hide it. But what about the everyday sexualization of children that has become accepted by the masses? What is worse, a few people sinning in secret, or sin that has been accepted on a massive scale? What does it say about society when we take our sins out from behind closed doors and put it out in public and it is accepted? And another question, when sin is accepted on a mass scale, who exactly is guilty? Is only the person that commits the sin guilty, or are all the people who are accepting the sin and find no problem with it also guilty? Think about it.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • The answer to this question may seem obvious, but give it some thought and you may see it is not so obvious?

    This is a question concerning sin. No this is not about what sin is worse because I do not believe that any sin is worse than any other sin. Humanly speaking we all lump some sins in this "worse than" category, it is natural. My question and thought is this: What is really worse? There are some horribly depraved individuals out there that do horrific things to little children behind closed doors. We know that that is bad, no one needs to really comment on how bad that is, because its horrible. Our tendency to think that that is the worst thing that you can do comes out, its natural. But perhaps, perhaps its not as bad as when children are sexualized in society and it is openly accepted. Of course if someone is doing something behind a closed door in secret, its horrible. Even they would probably agree that it is bad because obviously they are trying to hide it. But what about the everyday sexualization of children that has become accepted by the masses? What is worse, a few people sinning in secret, or sin that has been accepted on a massive scale? What does it say about society when we take our sins out from behind closed doors and put it out in public and it is accepted? And another question, when sin is accepted on a mass scale, who exactly is guilty? Is only the person that commits the sin guilty, or are all the people who are accepting the sin and find no problem with it also guilty? Think about it.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Can you help me figure out what song this is?

    This is an oldies song and basically it starts out with a really cool guitar riff and then a male sings "In the morning you will find (him or it) the man who stole your wallet" Do you know what what song this is?!

    1 AnswerLyrics9 years ago
  • Fellow Christians, have you ever?

    questioned your presuppositions and wondered where you got them from and if they were right or not? Would you be nervous to question some of those things that you have been taught by the church your whole life? Do you feel intimidated by other Christians who you think would make you feel bad if you just merely raised a question about something in the bible? Are you worried that questioning something would make you a bad Christian?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Fellow Christians, how do you explain the fact that if Jesus.....?

    died on a Fri and was raised again on Sun as modern day Christians believe that in fact Jesus was not in the ground 3 days and 3 nights as the bible says that He was? But that maybe since the bible does tell us that "just like Jonah was in the belly of the fish for 3 days and 3 nights so will the Son of Man be in the ground", maybe Jesus did not in fact die on Fri. Maybe He died on another day? How hard would it be for you to step outside of what you have been taught all of your life by the church and question some of these things that haven't made sense for a long time?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I have a rather interesting bible question (don't answer if you are not willing to read some verses)?

    When the twelve spies were sent out by Moses to spy out the Promised Land, they came back and said that they had seen the Nephilim there. The Nephilim were the descendants of Anak. But, wait. The Nephilim were also present before the flood. How can there be descendants of Anak before as well as after the flood IF everyone died out but Noah's family? But wait that is not the most interesting part. I thought there would never be a suitable answer for that question but then I stumbled on Duet. Chapter 2. So does Duet. Chapter 2 provide a clue as to why the twelve spies "thought" they saw Nephilim? What do you think? Are you intrigued?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • If you have a leg cramp come upon you all of a sudden during exercise is it better to keep exercising?

    Is it better to keep exercising and try to work the cramp out, or is it better to stop? Because I have a cramp that I got in my leg from running yesterday and it is still there. I have applied heat, massage, everything. I still want to exercise this morning because I don't want to get lazy because my leg hurts and then become complacent. So isn't it better to just do everything normally and let it work itself out?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Question about menstruation?

    Ok, I hope that this question is not stupid, but does being on your period cause diarrhea? Because I actually seem to get severe stomach cramps and diarrhea more when I am menstruating and then I don't remember which it was, but one of those pills like midol or something it said on the box anti-diarretic and I was like "wow." (sorry for the spelling)

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I need help please! I am working on my sons science project, and I need to find out about?

    Ok. I have looked everywhere! I am trying to find out about the different ways to make raisins. I know that they are typically sun-dried, but I know that they are also water-dipped sometimes and dehydrated. I am trying to find out what it means to be water-dipped, but I can't find it anywhere! Aah! It is so frustrating! If someone could just tell me what this is, I would appreciate it so much!!

    2 AnswersAgriculture1 decade ago
  • Somebody help me please! I am working on my sons science project. I am trying to find out?

    Ok. I have looked everywhere! I am trying to find out about the different ways to make raisins. I know that they are typically sun-dried, but I know that they are also water-dipped sometimes and dehydrated. I am trying to find out what it means to be water-dipped, but I can't find it anywhere! Aah! It is so frustrating! If someone could just tell me what this is, I would appreciate it so much!!

    4 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • I need help you guys...has anyone ever heard of this song War/love instrumental by 5th elament?

    Ok. I found this song by accident on project playlist. I had never even heard of 5th elament before. But on pp it is listed as War/Love instrumental. Now I want to find the song on limewire. I have tried to find the song just on the regular web so I can find out what album its on so I can go buy it. I swear it is like this song does not exist anywhere except for on project playlist. It is so frustrating!!! Can anyone please help me find this song? Maybe it goes by another name or something?..........

    1 AnswerJazz1 decade ago
  • I need help with a song. Has anyone ever heard of War/love instrumental by 5th elament?

    Ok. I found this song by accident on project playlist. I had never even heard of 5th elament before. But on pp it is listed as War/Love instrumental. Now I want to find the song on limewire. I have tried to find the song just on the regular web so I can find out what album its on so I can go buy it. I swear it is like this song does not exist anywhere except for on project playlist. It is so frustrating!!! Can anyone please help me find this song? Maybe it goes by another name or something?..........

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Is anyone familiar with this song or with this group? I am looking for War/love instumental by the 5th elamen?

    Ok. I found this song by accident on project playlist. I had never even heard of 5th elament before. But on pp it is listed as War/Love instrumental. Now I want to find the song on limewire. I have tried to find the song just on the regular web so I can find out what album its on so I can go buy it. I swear it is like this song does not exist anywhere except for on project playlist. It is so frustrating!!! Can anyone please help me find this song? Maybe it goes by another name or something?..........

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Question about my bully fish?

    Hello, I have a tank with barbs and one is a big ole bully. I tried adding a couple more fish to the tank in hopes that more fish would quash it but he just started bullying those fish. So I took him out and put him in an isolation tank. Is that recommended?

    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Are all lizards green?

    8 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • I found something in my bathroom that I thought was a lizard, but now I am not sure......?

    I am not sure whether it is a lizard or a salamander. How can you tell the difference between the two? They look almost the same.

    4 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Hello, I have a question about my fish. I have two albino tiger barbs......?

    I have a tank with 2 tiger barbs, 2 albinos and 2 cherry barbs. The question is concerning the albinos, one of them looks like they may have fin and tail rot, because their bottom fin and their tail looks torn and beat up. Only thing is that I don't think thats what it is, because none of the other fish seem to be suffering from it and I have dealt with fish disease before. And he behaves normal, hes not acting like hes sick. I noticed that the other albino chases this one around a lot they can all get a little aggressive with each other. So my question is, is it possible that it is not a disease but that they other fish may be nipping him so much that it is messing up his fin and tail? Does that happen?

    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • What are some of the signs that a fish gives that they are about to give birth?

    I have two silver mollies, what might I expect to see the female doing or what will she look like before she is about to give birth?

    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • What does it mean when a fish changes color every once in a while?

    I have two silver mollies and I have had them for a while. They look more white than silver. Every once in a while the female will start to turn gray. It will be gradual. It will start to look light gray and then the next time I look at her an hour or couple of hours later she will be very dark gray. But I know she is not sick. My fish are very healthy and they are in an established tank and the female has already had babies once.

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • I have a tank that had healthy fish and then..............?

    I had a tank with four tiger barbs in it and they were all healthy, as far as I know. I had two lucky bamboo stalks and I decided to put them in the tank. So I did. They were good with em for a couple of weeks, but now two of them have developed Ick. I have read that bamboo is ok for a fish tank and I have seen bamboo in the fish tanks at the pet store. But I was just wondering if it is possible that they could have developed this because of the bamboo?

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago