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  • Have you ever wrote a hand-written note to a guy?

    Writing a new blog called - collecting stories from real girls! We write letters to real boys every day! Have you ever written a love letter? Put a sticky note on your guy's mirror or desk? What's the worst pickup line you've ever heard? Let us know about it! Or upload a link to a picture of it, if you can!

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Have you ever sent a random person on facebook a message just because you thought they were cute?

    Writing a new blog called - collecting stories from real girls! We write letters to real boys every day! Have you ever written a love letter? Put a sticky note on your guy's mirror or desk? What's the worst pickup line you've ever heard? Let us know about it!

    3 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • What is the craziest thing a guy has ever done to you?

    Writing a new blog called - collecting stories from real girls! We write letters to real boys every day! Have you ever written a love letter? Put a sticky note on your guy's mirror or desk? What's the worst pickup line you've ever heard? Let us know about it!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Which of these t-shirts should I get for my friend who loves GLEE?

    My friend is a boy and he LOVES Glee. Which of these shirts should I get him for Christmas, and what color? PS - he loves sparkles and cute colorful things.

    4 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • How do you design t-shirts without having the white box around the graphic?

    I used to use a PC but now use a Macbook pro... either way though, when I make a design in Paint or whatever program and upload it (I'm selling t-shirts on -- when the design uploads it always has this white box around it. It's not so bad for designing white t-shirts but on colored or black shirts it's ridiculously unprofessional. Does anyone have any tips for how I can get rid of it?

    Also, mac users- if you have any good free programs you recommend for graphic design for t-shirts I'd appreciate it.

    2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • Please help singing critique needed - Heart Barracuda - song for show?

    Please give me a little constructive criticism on the following Youtube video-- it's me singing Barracuda by Heart. It's for a show coming up and I really need the help.... I appreciate it... You can be as rude or critical as you like, just please be honest! Post comments here or on youtube. Thank you sincerely!

    1 AnswerSinging1 decade ago
  • Singing critique needed... please help!?

    Hey guys... I can't tell you the reason, but I really need some critique on the following piece. And if it's really horrible, please tell me... I want to know what you think.



    3 AnswersSinging1 decade ago
  • Anniversary present for parents needed- they will be spending a week in Orlando and it must be a surprise!?

    My parents are spending four days in Orlando this upcoming week in celebration of their 30th wedding anniversary. They haven't been on a vacation in over 15 years so I really want to do something special for them.

    My dad is not big on shows, so that's probably out--- neither one of them really cares for amusement parks or rides. I was thinking I would get them a nice gift certificate to a restaurant. Dad loves steak, Mom does not - so if it's a steakhouse it would have to have lots of food options. Both love seafood. I wanted to get a gift certificate to a restaurant in Epcot Paris, but I don't know if that is possible?

    THis would have to be a place where I could pay for in advance and give them either a gift certificate or just let them know to go to the restaurant. Other suggestions besides restaurants are welcomed as well if you have one... my parents are in their 50s and my price range is $100-$300.


    4 AnswersOrlando1 decade ago
  • What rap song lists girls names?

    There is a song, I thought pretty recently, where the rapper lists women's names "Marquisha, Shavonda, Larissa, Shadonna, etc." someone suggested to me DMX's "What They Want" - and it's close, but I thought this song was newer... any suggestions?

    7 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade ago
  • Why is it impossible for a Bipolar I diagnosed person to get health insurance?

    I am a 26 year old, fully functioning, working, female adult who just happens to have a Bipolar I diagnosis that I got at the age of 21 while still in college.

    It so happens that I was on my parents healthcare until the age of 23, and then was uninsured. I have had several high paying jobs with group benefits since then, but I recently quit the last one to return home to help an ailing family member with a family business. Because it is a company of under 6 people, there is no group insurance plan.

    I have money and am proud that I earn my own wages. I have NO problems paying ridiculous amounts for health insurance, provided that they will cover prescriptions and everything but co-pays. My current insurance plan is crap and will not cover any psychiatric treatment, will only cover regular medical expenses (broken arm, stitches, etc) after I've paid $500 out of my own pocket, and no prescriptions.

    I have applied (and been denied) for health insurance already from: Blue Cross Blue Shield, Humana, United, and a couple of other major health insurance agencies. They all reject me immediately because of the Bipolar I diagnosis.

    I have appealed this rejection a few times because I have never been hospitalized as an inpatient, I have never hurt myself, etc. It seems very unfair to me that they randomly reject me without viewing my case file. My psychiatrist is even willing to write a letter on my behalf and I have had insurance agents personally appeal to underwriting, to no avail. I have had NO problems with my disorder since I've been medicated, which was December of 2003.

    Any suggestions here? I really need health insurance... at some point I'd like to have children, and nevermind the fact that I just want to be covered in case of emergency.


    5 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • 401k -- HELP!?

    I work for a very small company with 6-8 employees that does not offer any benefits. I just found out today that our payroll company is offering a 401(k) (with no matching or anything) and the deadline to enroll is today.

    Here are some facts: I am 26 years old and have no savings

    I make roughly 40-50k a year and make only about 500 extra a month after bills are all said and done. (Yes, I have too many bills!)

    I really understand that a Roth IRA or something like that is probably better for me... but I won't do it unless it's forced. I like that my payroll company is going to deduct from my checks and it will start immediately.

    Please tell me if starting a 401k is a bad idea... and if it's not, please tell me the percentage of salary I should contribute.

    5 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • What was Jordin Sparks wearing on So You Think You Can Dance?

    Jordin was wearing a red dress on So You Think You Can Dance result show on 6-26-08.

    I love the dress... any ideas who made it?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Has anyone had success in treating their panic attacks without medicine?

    I have always been a pretty nervous/anxious person but I never had panic attacks until about 2 years ago.

    They almost always occur at night, and usually when I'm not at my own home or out of town. Alcohol plays a factor- the more I drink the more likely they are to occur, and I've noticed that they happen more when I'm ovulating or in the PMS part of my menstrual cycle. I will have them from 10 minutes to 4 hours and they always involve stomach problems, throwing up, chills, hot flashes, and intense panic.

    I have them less now because I don't travel or drink as much and I try to always sleep in my own bed, but this is really becoming problematic for me. I'm only 26 and want to live my life and not run away from it. I don't want to take medicine because I already take medicine for Bipolar disorder. I think birth control contributes to the attacks so I've stopped taking that too.

    Any help is GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!

    13 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Why is Yahoo so irresponsible with news reporting? They ruined the American Idol finale for everyone!?

    Last night, I didn't get to watch the Idol finale live. I TiVoed it, like many other Americans. Now, I understand that I should watch it live if I want to minimize risk that the ending will be spoiled for me, but sometimes with how busy life is- that is just not possible.

    I When I returned home, I didn't turn on the TV, did not answer the phone, purposely did not go to any news sites for fear that they would ruin it for me...

    I did however check my Yahoo mail. And there, right on the front page of my inbox (I have never agreed with Yahoo putting news headlines right there anyway), is "Cook Wins American Idol". If I wanted to check news headlines, I'd go to or

    MSN and were both responsible enough NOT to put the winner in the TITLE of the article for fear that it would ruin it for someone. CNN's title was "And the winner is..."

    Finally, Yahoo posted this BEFORE American Idol had even AIRED on the east coast. Why?? Any ideas??

    7 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • What 80's cartoon had the lead chacter's mother die in a plane crash?

    I was asking friends about this last night and could not remember. I thought it was Jem, but I learned today that Jem's father died and not her mother.

    The episode starts where the main character (a little girl) and her sisters are saying goodbye to her mother who is going on a business trip. She is very upset that the mom is leaving her for this trip and is angry. When the mom goes to kiss her goodbye (after kissing the other two girls) she turns her head in anger and says something like "I hate you."

    The mom then boards the plane, it takes off, and the girls watch in horror as her plane crashes and she dies.

    This cartoon haunted me as a kid! Any ideas what it was?

    1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Can an employer give you 401K money and then take it back??

    I have a friend who works for a very large international company that will not be named. She has been with them for several years, and is on a special contract. The employees on this contact receive 401K benefits. At some point in 2005, she volunteered to go work a natural disaster for several months. Apparently since she was not working his original job during this time she was not eligible for the 401K but the company paid it to her anyway.

    Now-- when she returned to his original post several months later (after working for the same company the whole while)-- they had an accounting error and neglected to pay the 401K the first couple of months. After complaining for months about this $500 she filed a grievance.

    Now-- the company has realized she wasn't supposed to get the initial $2500 he got while she was away, and they are taking THAT money back, along with everyone else's who was in the same situation. Can they do this? This money was from between 8-12 months ago.

    5 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • One year anniversary present?

    I am 25 and my boyfriend is 36-- we make our one year anniversary on November 25th. I am originally from New Orleans and met him right after Hurricane Katrina, he was literally my bodyguard and we dated--- after months of dating I moved up to New York to live with him. We've lived together for 6 months.

    I'm down in LA with my family for Thanksgiving and he's flying down to meet me in New Orleans for Thanksgiving/our anniversary. Any ideas on a one year anniversary present?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Mary Kay products?

    I'm looking for a few good women to help me start my business and be "virtual hostesses." Here's what you do. #1 You e-mail me at or or reply to this that you want to help #2 I send you some catalogs, business cards and my online parties that I host, along with your own "code" - I even send you tons of free samples! #3 Refer me to your friends and family, make sure they use their "code" when they buy-- #4 Whatever your friends and family buy (everyone wants to buy SOMETHING) I will give you 20% of. That's it! Just for passing out catalogs. So- if you pass out 10 catalogs, and each of those people buys $20 in product. That's $200 and you get $40 in FREE PRODUCT! Anyone want to be a "virtual hostess"?????

    2 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Where I can find a pomeranian chihuahua mix in Buffalo, NY?

    I'm looking to adopt a puppy in Buffalo, NY. I've looked at all of the animal rescue groups,, 1800saveapet, etc, and the SPCA website (which does not let you view pets pictures right now) - and cannot find a pomeranian chihuahua mix (or pomchi). I am trying to get this particular kind of dog because I lost my dog of 7 years due to Hurricane Katrina (I evacuated from New Orleans) and I'd like to get another one just the same.

    Please help!

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Would anyone like to help me out and win free mary kay products?

    I am a Mary Kay consultant who is also a Hurricane Katrina evacuee- so I've moved from New Orleans to New York and need to have 15 interviews but don't know anyone up here. So- I'm looking for 15 people anywhere who will do a phone interview with me and my recruiter to help me learn how to do the interview. You do NOT have to agree to join- I just need help practicing. It will take 10 or 15 minutes tops.

    If you are interested, please e-mail me at or reply to this question. I will reward you by letting you pick out any item from up to $20 and I will ship it to you FREE!

    Will you help me?

    1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade ago