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Sr Citizen,71, student of History, culture, languages and religion and philosophy. I Believe that no Creator God exists, and that mercy, goodness and love are totally compatible with and for atheists and agnostics. Morality is not a religious possession, rather is a humanity issue. I Enjoy discussion on all issues.

  • How does the Mother's Day day get picked,,,?

    in 1937 , it was on May the in 2007 it is on May 13,,,why?

    2 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • Did any of you pregnant sixteen year olds have the smarts to tell your daddy that a angel had got you pregnant

    Did you wonder if your father would believe your story, and that he would go find you a husband fast? Ever wonder what Mariam's (Mary) father and mother thought about this story? Every wonder why GOD would send a Holy Angel to rape a married young woman (After all she was supposedly espoused, and that is according to Jewish Law, any such story about GOD causing this girl to become pregnant is nonsense. GOD does not violate the TORAH or INSTRUCTIONS which by the WORD promotes Holiness for Israel. An espoused woman, or married, having intercourse with ANY other creature, or man, or myth,,,,would be brought to court and tried for adultery....if she was raped, she had recourse in the Law for redress, and who ever had caused her pregancy, was tried under this Strict law. To pass the whole virgin birth narrative off as Jewish history is to ignore the many myths that circulated in the region, and had been part of the Greek Pantheon for hundreds of years.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Second Question: RE: Inerrancy of the NT. Many Christians call Jesus "The Nazarene" Where in the OT is this

    According to the gospel author, Matthew, chp 2:23, at least two prophets of the OT are referred to as having made a prophecy that Jesus would be called a Nazarene. WHERE are these prophecies in the OT.... ? IF you cant find it,,,would you consider that the so called prophecies were part of the fiction which was imagined by the author unknown to try to substantiate the establishment of Jesus as the new CHristian religion leader?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • In my last question, about Truth of the New Testament, I question the inerrancy of the NT. What does this?

    mean? What constitutes the quality of "Inerrancy", which most NT scholars insist applies to the NT as well as the OT. It seems that the definition of inerrancy does not hold up under examination, and practical interpretation seems to give it another definition altogether. The word "Inerrant" should mean, without error..none. Therefore, if the Bible has NO errors, it can qualify,,,aside from copiest errors with are the case with many typesetters.. lets examine whether the Bible, especially the NT is indeed without error. I would like to ask you to validate my question by doing some basic research. IF you cannot find the answer, dont just reject the question....look further.

    First item: The NT says Jesus was anointed, and according to the words of Jesus, saying, he did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill the LAW,,,,,where in the NT did Jesus receive the anointing that was required, according to the Law of Leviticus, to be anointed?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • DO you know why Christians cant handle the Truth of questions that require comparitive research?

    Most Christians are convinced that they have the inside track to heaven despite the fact that the New Testament actually contradicts the Hebrew Bible on which Christians claim their New Testament is supposedly based.... and Despite the self proclaimed denial, that he was anything more than a man, Christians have virtually rabid manic expressive promotions to recruit additional adherents to believe the same falsifications that do not stand up to honest comparitive analysis....Compare the four gospels...not one agrees in detail with another,,,,is that inerrancy or what? Whats wrong with acknowledging that the gospels are Fiction? Whats wrong with accepting that the Seven Universal Laws of Noah are the best road map for living sane, honest and blessed lives? Nothing, in my opinion beats Micah, To DO JUSTLY< love mercy and walk in humility with the ONE God. Anyone agree with me?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Has anyone subscribing to this web site changed opinion or belief by reason of reading these Q& A?

    For the past several months I have been asking a few questions and responding to a few questions, as well as reading most of the answers to the various quuestions. Obviously many are glib or sarcastic responses, and thats to be expected, however, there appear to be many sincere responders. I dont necessarily agree with most of the Christian apologetics, yet occasionally I see a good response. It is not sincerity I question but rather the lack of study of Scripture, be that as it may be Most of the Atheist response appear to be more or less sarcastic, though a few have attempted to give reasonable answers to the various challenges. Now, my question, has anyone here been persuaded by argument or reasoned answers to change your previous position or belief from reading this forum?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you think that Christians should acknowledge the sins of the Church in their actions against the world?

    From the founding of Christianity, it has waged war against all the pagan religions believers, against all the Muslim religions believers, against all the natural earth religions believers and against the Jewish religion believers. The history of Christianity has been one of bloodshed and forced conversion by the sword. In this it is nearly paralled by Islam, though one might perhaps considere Communism a State religion with millions of murders to its infamy as well as any other religion....SO,,,it would appear that murder is really the primary religion of the world...Maybe the Christians dont have to apologize after all, eh? Any opinions?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What major issue makes Christianity, an Idolatrous religion?

    Consider that when Christianity was first founded, it was in competition with several thousand pagan religions, many of which had very similiar doctrines, but there are at least two major doctrines that define what constitutes Idolatry, which Chrisitanity incorporated...anyone care to guess? sincerely

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • would you mind, or like, to give me some response, input to my Answer, to the recent question: about Satan?

    the snake and being saved on Noachs ark? I know my answer may be controversial, but thats the whole idea, isnt it....what else opens the mind better than controversy.....I would like to hear your opinon on my answer. Thanks.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • How do we know that no man, no matter what fantastical things he might have done, could be GOD?

    The one Characteristic which is attributed to GOD is that GOD cannot ________. All men_________. Therefore no man can be half man half GOD...or quarter man Three quarter GOD. THE CODE WORD IS ____________.?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • How relevant are you if you have no Creator, Father or Mother?

    You believe that your existance is relevant, you touch your self, you think, you speak, you see, you reason. But how can you exist here without a Father, Mother and Creator...thats the One, God?

    IF you argue, that you were born in a petri dish, your GOD, Creator, Father put your sperm/egg together. You had a father, mother and Creator, GOD. No matter how you cut it,,,you exist, by reason of the Creating union of your father, mother and Their creator God. You are capable of thought, reason, will, faith and belief. To deny GOD, is to deny your father, and to deny your mother and to deny your own existance. The perfect response is?: I am,.________________.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • IS there a better Command that might be added to the Original Seven Universal Laws of Noach?

    It is reported that God gave Noach two additional laws to add to the Original Five Laws of Adam. Then to Moses, God gave Israel, three additional specific laws for relationship to GOD and Man, as well as the special 603 instructions for attending to worship by the Priests and in the Temple, or Mishkahn (Tabernacle). What command can you think of that is any better than the Seven or even the Ten Commandments?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Jesus is supposed to have come to fulfil the Torah, how come then:?

    IF Jesus is supposed to be our High Priest, and the High Priest, in the event of commiting an UN-intentional sin, was to sacrifice a Bullock, why isn't Jesus referred to as the Bullock of God, if he was fulfilling the High Priest Sin offering?. The Law prescribed a Female Lamb for a sin offering but not a male does that fit with Jesus being a male?

    Another part of the question: What was the offering , for sin that was Intentional as compared to the sin offering for un-intentional sin?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Why did GOD instruct Moses to have the Israelites kill a lamb in Egypt ?

    In the OT, Ex., GOD tells Moshes, to instruct the Israelites to kill a lamb for the passover. Keep in mind, the killing of the lambs was not a sacrifice for sin until after the Mishkan was built. Does anyone know the significance of killing a lamb in Egypt at that time?

    Ok a hint: The Egyptians believed in a pantheism of idolatry. The Lamb was one of the god animals revered and even worshiped of Egypt. Why kill the lamb for Passover?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • I know many of you have asked, What is the purpose of life?

    However, I want to get some input from some of you that question the existance of a Creator. What purpose do you attach to your existance if there is no Creator? Or what do you think your existance is for? IF you have read any of my previous questions or answers, you know that I respect your opinion, and am sincerely asking for serious response.

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Is Using SPELL Check against your religion?

    Alright I confess to using a bit of sarcasm in this question, but people, please, its no difficult thing to check the spelling of your post prior to submission. If you are serious about wanting to be read, use it. Please.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Ok, lets discuss Sin offerings : Do we need a Sin offering, if so, what is the proper offering?

    SOme of you are certainly giving interesting answers, but some of you are not thinking very clearly. Nonetheless...lets try this. Sin offering, according to the OT are what animals? (hint: Leviticus 9:8, 9:15). Now isnt Jesus supposed to be a "Sin offering?", yes of course, so why isnt he called, a Goat of GOD, or a Calf of GOD, which is it friends? Didnt Jesus say, he came to fulfil the Law, and isnt this the CORRECT offering for sin?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Say, that was pretty good responses, now try this one: IF the child in the previous question is not guilty,?

    Then why should the child be condemned to hell, simply because he had never heard of Jesus ? And this is Christian doctrine, that all, even little children are so condemned...and get this, especially Jewish children as are their parents for not believing in the pagan dead man god.

    Oh, right, got off the track there.

    One of the Seven Laws of Noach has to do with establishing courts of Justice. Isnt this contradictory to the doctrine, Judge not, that you shall not be judged? Do Judges get sent to hell for judging? SO, which is correct, TO judge, or to not judge, that is the question?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Suicide or self sacrifice? WHO Judges which for eternity?

    Suppose that you were faced with Judging, your sitting on the bench, a young child, that gets his fathers pistol from the drawer, and pulling the trigger, kills himself. Suicide?

    Same child, gets his father's pistol, points it at his brother, imitating what he sees on TV, pulls the trigger and kills his brother. Murder?

    Same child, sees his mother being beaten severely, goes in and gets his fathers pistol, and shoots the attacker father dead. Murder?

    Same child, acquited of any of the above crimes, broods in depression over his Sunday School teachers words, Thou SHalt not KILL... gets another pistol and shoots himself. SUicide? who motivated this death if not the teacher, who is responsible ?

    In the OT,KJV, The Command is , Thou shalt not Kill, but in The Original SOurce Document Text of TORAH, the Command is, THOU SHALL DO NO MURDER. Is there a difference? Which is the correct translation? Do we murder with words as well as weapons? Who is the judge?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago