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The lady

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  • Regarding red light camera tickets in California.?

    A point was added to my license, and I was not the one driving, although I was the one who paid. Let me explain...

    My brother-in-law was borrowing the vehicle. I was not with him but his girlfriend was. In fact she was DRIVING and ran a red light. I didn't know anything about this until I get the picture in the mail. Obviously I was confused at first but figured it out and confronted my brother-in-law.

    The thing is I never met his girlfriend and still don't know her. He decided to pay me the ticket amount so I can pay the ticket. I knew of the option of giving her info to the officials, however decided that I didn't want to start any problems with a person I don't even know. So I paid the ticket and assumed that would be the end of it.

    BUT I got a notice in the mail recently that my license is going to be expired, because I have more than 3 points on my record. 2 from an accident I had last May, 1 from that ticket, and then after that ticket, I got stopped for another reason and was ticketed. I paid off all tickets as far as I know.

    What can I do? Is there way to dismiss a point to get my license reinstated?

    I need help ASAP as I have until 1/25/09 before my license gets suspended. Please!!!

    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Paragard IUD and Tampons?

    Should I not use tampons with an IUD inserted? Is there a risk of the IUD string being pulled too hard while removing the tampon?

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Could you read this Helga Bones?

    Regarding speaking against the atheists…

    Questions like this keep the war raging in here. This section is full of questions with its sole intent to make the other point of view invalid. I think we should be answering more concerns and true questions than try to prove the other side wrong. There is no turning some of these people. They are set in their minds that they are the only ones who are right. No matter what we say or do, we can't convince them of the truth. You can't sway them this way, so why try?

    The more you try to disprove their beliefs the more they try to disprove ours. I try to ignore as much as possible the rants and rages of the atheists who are so intent to prove that God doesn't exist. I know sometimes it's hard not to speak out, but do you really think you are accomplishing anything?

    Now I am not saying that you must not try to win over the atheists, just the opposite we SHOULD try. But in LOVE, not with angry words or attempts to put them down.

    You seem sincere with your point of view. So saying you are full of rage in your words. You need to love your neighbor as yourself, and your neighbors are athiests! You are setting a poor example to those who are poor in spirit. You need correction, so sorry if I offend you but you are so gravely wrong to do what you are doing.

    What scripture did you derive these conclusions from, because I would like to see them? What exact verse supports your view.

    This is one reason I prefer to go to a different sections and help those with real questions. I realize that I get a lot more appreciation when I answer questions in different topics. That goes to say what kind of impression you are putting on people without faith, when not even fellow theists appreciate your questions.

    • You need real wisdom to deal with people in this section. I suggest studying the book of Proverbs.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • People from different denominations married?

    The question below questions whether or not people from different races should marry. I agree with most that said that there is nothing in the scriptures that say that it is forbidden.;_ylt=Argsi...

    I am married to someone from a different race than my own. I know that my blood is just as mixed as those of our children however. My sisters and I have welsh, german, irish, and some sort of native american in our blood, and much more probably (I'm white). My husband is mexican, so he comes from a spanish backround and probably has some Aztec in him. So what difference does it make that I have mixed kids? I think mixed couples are beautiful together, and they make beautiful babies.

    So my question now is, what do you think about people marrying from different religious backrounds? I am a non-denominational Christian and my husband is Catholic. Both are Christian religions. We have different beliefs in some areas, however, we both believe in the same God.

    But some people may marry someone from a completely different religion. For example, Buddhists and Muslims. What are your views on this? What kind of problems could arise in attempting such a relationship? I think THAT would be harder than being married to someone of a different race.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • IUD inserted? How soon will I get my period?

    I was on the Depo Shot before I got the IUD inserted. The depo caused me to not have a period anymore. I decided to switch to the IUD, the reason being I wanted to have normal periods again. The info provided to me was I would probably have more cramping and heavier periods. Ok I was prepared to deal with that.

    However, I have only had spotting since I got the IUD inserted. No normal period at all, and it has been 6 months since I got it inserted. I know I am not pregnant. What's up?

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Has anyone else met a guardian angel?

    I have met one. Tell me about yours.

    The one I met, her name is Grace, and she is either my son's or my Guardian Angel.

    She had medium short dark hair and dark pimpled complexion and looked human at the time. She was genuinely interested in my son and I and we chatted for a while as we walked. She asked me where I was headed. and she helped me cross a trecherous bridge with a load of groceries and a shopping cart with cars passing dangerously close. She displayed a sort of super human strength, which I didn't really notice at the moment at she effortlessly lifted the carts. I hardly had to use any of my own strength to get the cart, with all the groceries in it and the baby onto the foot and a half high narrow walkway. I didn't know she was an angel until she had already vanished. She had told me she was waiting for her "ride" to "pick her up". And as she saw me cross the narrow 2-way street, I turned to thank her, and she was nowhere to be seen. There was no where that she could have ran or hidden. That was when I knew I had just seen an angel.

    Tell me what you know about your guardian angels.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians on Myspace?

    Do you know of anyone who has used comments made on Myspace against the person who made them? Is it right to judge someone by what is stated on Myspace?

    This has happened to my sister by a church leader. She had a very unpleasant confrontation from the youth pastor, and now she is embarrassed and hurt by the whole thing and doesn't want to go back to church.

    Once, having a Myspace page was looked down on by our church.

    What are YOUR feelings on this?

    Has something similar happened to you?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Reaching Goals: I need tips on how to accomplish all I want to do in life.?

    I have tried writing my goals down. It works sometimes, but I can't keep that routine.

    I have tried motivation tips.

    What I feel I really need is a course that helps me to discover exactly what I want out of life. Something that is career based, and aimed at self improvement.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you have a GPS tracking system?

    I need recommendations from people who actually have bought a system, so that I could get a good product.

    This is intended to be (1) a security system for my truck and (2) a way to track my truck when my husband isn't answering my calls.

    4 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Dream about a war, people exploding before me, and orange shooting guns?

    I dreamed I was watching the following scene occur as if I was watching it as though it was on the TV news. But at the same time, I was there.

    There was a large military company with uniformed soldiers working in this open area nearby a large thing that looked like a propeller. This big thing had to weigh tons and was about the width of a medium sized home. A couple dozen guys were next to this thing working, but there were also soldiers scattered throughout this whole area. There were one-story buildings along both sides of the area and space in the middle about the same width of a football field and track. As I watched, there was a helecoptor trying to lift this big foreign-looking propeller thing with a big cable.

    Then as this propeller was lifted, it began to spin quite violently. It made the helecopter lose control and the propeller hit the ground, and debri was shooting out from it and killing everyone nearby. Pieces of the propellor was coming off and hitting people.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • What career SHOULD I pursue?

    I haven't yet started any college but I am going back to school soon and need to know what kind of degree I want to aim for.

    I want to know what career would be good to use my spiritual gifts to help others & my skill/interests for satisfication in my job.

    My top 6 spiritual gifts starting from strongest according to a questionnaire I took are:

    Missionary, Discerning of Spirits, Knowledge, Administrative, Faith & Hospitality.

    Currently an administrative assitant with construction company. I thought of possibly taking courses first to advance in this field of administrative work.

    Also wondered if I would be good working in a different field of work. Previously worked as secretary in a counseling clinic. Worked w/ some psychologists & psychiatrists and wondered if I could become a psychiatrist. That would require extensive study but in the end I could be making approx $145,000 a yr.

    I also write poetry and some autobiography. But I know I don't need a degree to publish.

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • What career should I pursue?

    I haven't yet started any college but I am going back to school soon and need to know what kind of degree I want to aim for.

    I want to know what career would be good to use my spiritual gifts to help others and my skill and interests for satisfication in my job.

    My top 6 spiritual gifts starting from strongest according to a questionnaire I took are:

    Missionary, Discerning of Spirits, Knowledge, Administrative, Faith and Hospitality.

    I am currently an administrative assitant with construction company. I thought of possibly taking courses first to advance in this field of administrative work.

    But I have also wondered if I would be good working in a different field of work. Previously I worked as a secretary in a counseling clinic and worked with some psychologists and psychiatrists and wondered if I could become a psychiatrist. That would require extensive study but in the end I could be making around $145,000 per year.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • About being invited to church, what do you think?

    The above quesiton was interesting. It made me want to ask. Do you think to be a real Christian that you have to go to church?

    Once I was in a situation where my ex-husband was overcontrolling and did not permit me to go to church. I also had no car or driver's liscence and a young boy. I got invited to a church that I did eventually attend (with or without husband's permission I was going).

    But I really didn't agree with the guy who was trying to tell me that I HAD to go to church. I was reading the bible and watching Christian television at home, and really felt he was trying to tell me that I wasn't a Christian if I didn't go to a church.

    What are your thoughts on this? Could a person practice faith without having a church?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What do you think about my dream interpretations?

    I would like those who are experienced at dream interpretations to study the answers I have given to others on Answers for opinions on how I am doing. I am new at interpreting other people's dreams (this month) as I have only attempted to interpret my own.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Tell me about your relationship problems. Of you that have been cheated on, why do you think he/she cheated?

    I asked my husband. He says that he was immature when we met and that he felt he still wanted a chance to do things he had never done. (Which is not a good reason to cheat. Poor excuse) He said becoming a father made him think differently. But I argued that I had caught him cheating after the baby had already been born (this happened about a year ago). It didn't really make him more responsible. Then I realized that he may have been cheating from the beginning as I suspected but could never prove. He sort of confessed this way. What do you think?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Anyone else found condoms that you don't use in your husband's possession?

    I am on the birth control shot. I found 2 condoms in his wallet the night before last. We don't use condoms! I know that it isn't evidence of cheating, because they weren't used condoms. But it's in his mind that he might be able to cheat, right? He has them there just in case, right? Am I wrong to be upset that carries these with him?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I suffer from occasional imsomnia...there are times I sleep too much. See my details...?

    I've read a bit about what may be causing my insomnia. Possibly from predisposing factors: built in characteristics of a person that makes them vernerable...i.e. tense or driven people whose heads are filled with plans or worries. Or precipitating factors that I have dealt with, like stress of increases of responsibilities or alteration of schedule from a change of shift at work (very often). Then on the other hand, there are times I feel super exhausted and I feel I am sleeping too much, then I go and feel guilty about not getting everything done that I wanted to that day because I slept in. So my question is, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME AND WHAT CAN I DO TO MAKE IT BETTER??? There are somethings I have no control of, like my work schedule, but what is there that I could do. Sometimes I wish I could live off of less sleep. IS THERE ANY TIPS ON LIVING DAILY OFF OF 5 HOURS OF SLEEP. This is my goal, but I just can't get up earlier sometimes. HOW CAN I MOTIVATE MYSELF TO GET UP???

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Want to get out with your husband?

    I do. If we swap babysitting every other weekend 1-2 times a month, we could spend some alone time with our husbands. I have a 7 year old and a 3 month old. If you got 2 kids, let's get to know each other. I think that's the best way to go instead of paying someone to babysit for just wanting to get away a few hours of the month. I live in Garden Grove, CA. Anyone?

    8 AnswersParenting2 decades ago
  • Let's get together make a babysitting agreement. It's expensive to pay for babysitters.?

    I have a 3 month old and a 7 year old. Both boys. If anyone is interested in swapping babysitting duties 1-2 times a month. (Taking turns) We might be able to get out with our husbands more.

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby2 decades ago