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  • Help my dog has maggot infestation in her anus. How to clean it?

    We've shaved the hair and are trying to physically remove them. They are INSIDE her anus and it is bad. HeLP!

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Rebound sex...with my Ex?

    Me and R have been broken up for 3 weeks now. I've seen him once and it was brief, I was returning something to him and he would barely make eye contact with me. He goes crazy whenever I initiate contact with a text and calls me repeatedly or texts me back. I haven't had my rebound sex yet but I finally wanted some last night. The guy I wanted it from was busy and I made out with my friend, and then when I came home R called and wanted to come over and have sex.

    LOL is it possible to have rebound sex with your Ex? He didn't end up coming over but he said he wanted to come over tonight and have sex. I've done a really good job getting over him and I'm trying the friend thing out. Is the rebound sex with my Ex a bad idea? I don't want to undo all the hard work I've done these past few weeks...

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Need Help From USPS workers or people who've taken a Drug Test before....!?

    USPS workers: What kind of drug test does the USPS administer? Meaning, do they send you to a drug testing center? Do you have privacy in the bathroom, or must you put on a hospital gown? Will there be someone in the room with me?

    I need to know soon so I can decide whether I need to buy powdered/synthetic urine, get a friend's urine or flush my system out, IF there's a way. I pretty much only have two days.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How can I prevent arthritis in my hands and carpel tunnel?

    I have two jobs, both demand hard labor from my hands. I serve at Chilis and often carry plates and trays, and I also am the cook at a preschool and wash lots of dishes and cook large meals. By the time I get home, it's physically difficult to do what I love best: play video games. Lately I've had more and more trouble shredding on guitar on Rock Band because my fingers are locked up and my joints are strained. Constantly holding down the right trigger in GTA IV is difficult as well. My reactions are slowed in Halo 3 because my joints freeze up.

    Getting different jobs is not an option right now. What I need is to know some good stretches/ treatments that I can do throughout the day. If I don't have my video games, then I will be truly sad. Thanks

    3 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Is the Perez Hilton site down??

    I can't load, is anyone else having this problem? I need my celebrity gossip fix!!!

    6 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Guitar Heroes, help!!! Which song is playing on the menu on Guitar Hero III? Look inside I'll explain....?

    Ok, when you are jumping around the menu in Guitar Hero III, there are songs that play in the background such as Even Flow, Welcome to the Jungle, Bulls on Parade which are all songs on the game. But there is one song that plays sometimes that I can't find on the game that I really like and wanna play or at least listen to! What is this song? It starts off with a guitar playing two notes up and down (a Major third for those who are music theory buffs) and then the drums kick in and the singer does too. It sounds really cool and it's driving me insane!!! Can anyone help? WHAT IS IT

    12 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Does my cat have a urinary tract infection? Or maybe worms?

    Okay first of all, Lloyd eats constantly. It's really annoying and he's getting huge. But lately he's had white stuff on his butt, but it doesn't always look like worms coming out of his butt but like white stuff on his balls. So is it worms or urinary tract infection? What are the signs and treatment of a UTI? And is his constant eating a sign of anything? I'm serious, he does not stop eating. Literally.

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Sexually frustrated woman, how to deal?

    I'm sexually frustrated; I am a woman. I am in a relationship, and I don't need any suggestions like, "Leave him," or "Cheat on him," because I will be with this man for the rest of my life (love at first sight).

    But I mean, we're only 20!!! Why has the wild jungle sex stopped? It's always me trying to start things up with him but he just doesn't seem interested. We used to go every other night, now it's maybe once a week. Sometimes I feel so shot down after trying that I feel like never trying to make love with him again. Last night, I was kissing him and he said, "I am so tired!" like this was a perfectly acceptable thing to say. So he rolled over and went to sleep but I had to go out in the living room for a while. I slept really terrible last night.

    How can I deal? Should I get a vibrator? Go out for a midnight jog? (I live in a dangerous area of town, that's not really an option) I need an outlet. Or a way to get that wild jungle sex back!!!!!!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • For clever people, question about broken iPod/cheating the system?

    My new iPod shuffle clip clips a little too well, I think. At work I looked down while taking out the garbage and noticed it had disappeared from my pants pocket. I thought it got caught in the dumpster but my boss gave it to me today because he found it in the giant dishwasher! It got caught on one of the giant metal racks as I was putting it in there. Needless to say it's broken and has considerable pressure, heat and water damage done to it.

    Here's where I need some advice. I'm going to call Apple to try and get a replacement and I need a good allaby for what happened to it because they will not replace it if I tell them what really happened. It doesn't look too banged up, they might buy it if I say I stepped on it or something. Should I break the clip off and say it broke and got stepped on? Any advice? IT'S WORTH A SHOT PEOPLE OKAY I don't need you telling me it's not going to work.

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • When will the fashion industry stop using anorexic models?

    Most women (the ones who are actually normal looking) look at fashion ads and adore them, but they think, "I won't look that good in the clothes," because we are not a size zero! Also, if you actually look at the ordering details at the bottom of the ad, it will usually say, "Sizes 0-6 available."

    Spain recently rejected 30% of its models for its fashion week because they were too skinny. They gave them a BMI (Body mass index) and those who were under the healthy level of body fat were not allowed to be in the fashion show. They did this because they are sick of anorexic role models who are making their teenage girls develop eating disorders.

    When will America adapt this attitude?

    11 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • How do I move my plant to a new pot?

    I have a bamboo plant that I'm moving to a bigger pot. I use marbles instead of dirt. How do I move the plant properly?

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Should Alabama create a MLB team called the Alabama Rednecks?

    Could also apply to Arkansas and Tennessee, if they can come up with descent baseball players. Then they could fight the New York Yankees and commence all kinds of North/South violence. How glorious!

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Should we get married?

    Me and my boyfriend live in the same apartment complex, but with friends. When our one year lease runs out we will definitely be getting a place together. I'll be in my third year of college.

    Note that we are in love and have been for five years, and so marriage is going to happen eventually. Anyone have any advice on when the best time to get married is? Benefits to rushing to the altar or waiting a certain amount of time?

    17 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Who thinks this would solve a lot of family/money problems?

    In a marriage, usually one person works full time and someone stays home with the children or both work and struggle to find childcare (and to pay for it). In these cases, the children either are closer to one parent or long for both of their attention as they are at work all day long.

    Wouldn't it work out fantastic if the parents could both work part time, that way the kids would see both of their parents during the week, there would be more family time together, and both parents could work, but not too much, and still see their children?

    The only problem is that you have to be full time to get benefits like insurance and stuff...I think they offer healthcare to part time workers.

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Myspace help?

    All I want is to have mybackground be a picture. None of the codes I have tried work.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Can I have messages sent to Thunderbird automatically?

    I have to click the button "get new messages" on my Thunderbird window before I am alerted of my new email messages. Is there a way to be alerted without having to check it?

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Ladies, would you lie to your man about being pregnant?

    Do you ever feel like testing him, to make sure he'll really stick around when you get pregnant?

    19 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Would you be mad if your girlfriend lied to you about being pregnant?

    What if your girlfriend told you she was pregnant, and two weeks later she admitted she wasn't, and that she was just testing you? To see if you would run or stay with her? What would you do?

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago