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Lv 43,498 points

Earthy Angel

Favorite Answers33%
  • American Idol... are you looking forward to it?

    Ok, so we're at what, season 6 of American Idol. Last year, I SWORE I wouldn't get into any more reality shows after watching American Idol and Taylor winning (I am so not a fan of his!!)- and as time passes, I become more and more excited about the fact that it is starting up again- what is wrong with me? Are you looking forward to American Idol yet again?? DO you have Idol FEVER?!??!!

    19 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Hold your WEE for WII?????

    So, I am sure by now we have all heard about this woman that was in a contest put on by a radio show. Apparently she drowned herself because she drank so much water and did not urinate at all. As a grown woman (20-some odd years old she was)- how could she NOT KNOW this is bad for you?? How could this radio station put on a contest that is OBVIOUSLY no good for a human! It is obviously deadly to drink fluids and NOT urinate- hence the hospitals requiring you to urinate before leaving after surgery.

    What do you think about the stupidity of the radio station for having a contest like this?

    What do you think about the stupidity of the woman involved, leaving young children behind because of her idiocracy?

    8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Mayo or Miracle whip?

    which goes better with cat food? Do you think my husband would know the difference?

    25 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • IE7 ok to download?

    Okay, since its been out now for a couple months, anything change with it? I know there were a lot of problems with it before and a lot of people (including myself) had problems with it. I want to upgrade because I do like some of the features it has, but it was slowing my computer down way too much! Any feedback on it??

    12 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Ladies, knowing what you know about your husband now....?

    Knowing what you know about your husband NOW, would you still have married him?

    I recently heard a survey being done with a few questions and this was one that really stuck out in my mind.

    24 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What would you do if you met the right person at the wrong time?

    In wondering this, I figured I would ask what other people would do. I will give you an example...

    Say you meet someone, you get along better then anyone you have ever met before, you communicate, you enjoy one anothers company, you can practically read each others minds, finish each others sentences, have a connection that you have never had before and likely will never have again. However, there is a damper keeping this relationship from moving forward RIGHT NOW. But, you know if you have the patience to wait, you would have the most amazing relationship that you could experience. What would you do? What would you do if you knew it was just the wrong time to start a relationship? Especially knowing you have fallen in love with this person and they just aren't ready for what you are?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Adobe Illustrator 10 HELP! Error message?

    So, I finally have decided to see if anyone might be able to help me with this error message that I have been receiving when I try to SHUT DOWN Adobe Illustrator. This started happening a few months back. The program seems to run just fine, but there is an error message that pops up when I am closing it. Can you take a look and see if you know what I need to do and why this is happening and what it means? See link for a print screen JPG.

    Any help is appreciated!

  • Making up sleep?

    For those people that work 3rd shift- typically having a 10 hour shift 4 nights a week- that would normally sleep during the day and have a hard time doing so- I have heard that people CAN'T make up sleep from lost. My friend has really broken sleep patterns, but on his days off, he sleeps like 16 hours because he is just exhausted from his long work week of overnight shifts. Is it just a fallacy that sleep CAN'T be made up?

    6 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Dog help! Serious answers only!?

    My dog is almost 5 years old and I never got her spayed. She has never had a litter of puppies and I have always kept her far from male dogs, especially when she is in heat. The last few weeks she has been acting kind of weird- usually she does right before she goes into heat- and she was in heat last week and I think it is done now. However, for the last almost week, she hasn't been eating a whole lot, she took a little bit of food from my hand if I hand fed her and the last 2 days I have noticed that she is urinating in places she has NEVER urinated. It is like she has become incontinent. She has also been giving me this weird wide eyed look. Has anyone else had this happen to their dog. I was able to set up an appointment for her for this afternoon because my concern has gotten that extreme. Any idea of what can be causing this? I don't want to get hit with a vet bill that is going to cost me an arm and a leg!

    17 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Life without love?

    Do you think there are people that have lived their entire lives without ever knowing the feeling of being in a romantic love with another? If so, why would you think they would do this? Just curious.

    10 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • What is Emo?

    So, I may be old or out of the "in" crowd or something, but what exactly is EMO?

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Downloading songs?

    Does anyone know of a good website to download songs that I don't have to actually download a program- ONLY the songs- or at least a website that I can save the songs to my computer in mp3 format that arent protected?

    7 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Anyone for Borat?

    Is anyone else planning on seeing Borat this weekend?!??!! It looks amazingly funny and ingenius!

    10 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Did you ever wonder... question about people/ants/giants?

    So, there are times that I think about and I wonder.... We as humans are GIANTS to ants and other insects and stuff- do you think that maybe there are Giants out there that can just step on us at any moment and squish us like we do to ants? I mean, the whole world could be the size of a basketball to another being for all we know. Anyone else ever think about this?

    9 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • What do you think?

    The Plague

    Thoughts of you plague my head

    Without you, my heart feels dead

    You bring out the best in me

    Why oh why, can’t this be

    Me your girl and you my man

    Don’t be like the others, they ran and ran

    My love is deep and true I say

    You loving me, I hope to see that day

    Just fine, I can live without you

    Its by far not something I want to do

    A future with you is something I want

    A need not necessary, or something to flaunt

    You’re love I will await

    If it is meant, if its fate

    Otherwise, I will move on and live my life without you

    Because without you in my life, I really don’t know what I’ll do

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Do you remember?

    When I was a kid, there was an AWESOME(!!!) cereal called Hidden Treasure- does anyone know if it is still made??

    4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • how do you convince your friend?

    I have a friend that is "older" and he thinks that hes "too old and moldy" for yahoo! Do you really think that is possible?? hes the coolest guy i know!!!

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Is it possible?

    Do you think it is possible to see peoples answers on yahoo answers and know if they are a good mate? Or rather, is it possible to find a good mate at all on yahoo answers? Realistically, someone that is smart, fun, funny, attractive, has a good job- you know, things that a good woman looks for in a good man.

    14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago