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Earthy Angel asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Dog help! Serious answers only!?

My dog is almost 5 years old and I never got her spayed. She has never had a litter of puppies and I have always kept her far from male dogs, especially when she is in heat. The last few weeks she has been acting kind of weird- usually she does right before she goes into heat- and she was in heat last week and I think it is done now. However, for the last almost week, she hasn't been eating a whole lot, she took a little bit of food from my hand if I hand fed her and the last 2 days I have noticed that she is urinating in places she has NEVER urinated. It is like she has become incontinent. She has also been giving me this weird wide eyed look. Has anyone else had this happen to their dog. I was able to set up an appointment for her for this afternoon because my concern has gotten that extreme. Any idea of what can be causing this? I don't want to get hit with a vet bill that is going to cost me an arm and a leg!


Thank you everyone for your responses. I did take her to the vet, which I had every intention of doing, and exactly happened what I thought would- I didn't have enough $ to get all the tests required to find out what was wrong with her, however, the vet was about 99% sure (without doing a blood test) that she has a PYOMETRA- which is a serious condition that can kill a dog pretty quickly. I had to wait until today to get some money together to get surgery done for her and the surgery will spay her in the process. I have wanted to spay her, but you know how Americans are- we don't have money and we don't have time, until we need to do something in an emergency situation.

I appreciate all of the people that contributed and showed the same concern that I have for my dog. She's my pup and always will be :)

Pray for me that her surgery goes well, my friend took her today for me (I couldn't take time from work, go figure!)

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I can tell you care, a lot for your girl, from what you say

    However what you have described , is not , IMO good ,,

    It points to the fact ,your dog may well be ill,

    could be, a womb infection , or a urinary tract infection etc


    This must be your first concern

    I know vets bills are a worry ,

    but your companion dog , needs your help right now ,

    and it is your responsibility, to see she gets it

    .I do not know, if you have the equivalent

    to the ASPCA or RSPCA~~~~where you are,

    They may help you with those bills.

    It is always .. worth asking ,

    some will even spay , your pet for free .

    ( which will solve a lot, of health problems for you in the future )

    Or your vet ,may allow you ,to. spread the costs

    over a given time

    THE BOTTOM LINE IS :__ take her to the Vet ASAP

    I hope she will very soon, be back to her normal happy self


    Source(s): my experiance
  • 1 decade ago

    She is exhibiting signs of pregnancy. Are you 100% certain she wasn't bred by a stray that jumped your fence or any other male in the neighborhood?

    That wide eyed look is such a normal pregnancy symptom. However, they can have false pregnancies and they will do the exact same thing.

    It would be too soon for your vet to feel any pups or x ray them if there are any. They can usually feel something around 29 days, x-ray after 45 days.

    Also, have the vet check her urine so bring a sample if you can. It might be a ui infection. That is probably the only test you need. I don't think it sounds like anything other than a false or real pregnancy.

    Good luck!

    Source(s): breeder
  • 1 decade ago

    It is often difficult to tell however, weight gain is a good indication.

    In the early stage of dog pregnancy

    1. Her vulva, genital area, will be more slightly swollen, than it would be after her estrus period has ended.

    2. Her teats, or nipples, will become more pronounced and hard.

    3. Her temperament will change, she should be less puppyish. She maybe quieter, more lazy and want more attention. Being quieter, is a wolf trait. A pregnant female is more vulnerable, and it pays to be less conspicuous.

    4. Two weeks after mating, there might even be bouts of morning sickness, which will last a week or so. Some dogs are prone to sick up yellow bile in the morning if their stomachs are empty. Always give your dog a few dry hard biscuits first thing in the morning. Make sure that they contain a few of the black charcoal ones. A pregnant dog should definitely have a few biscuits with extra black ones if possible, first thing.

  • 1 decade ago

    You have no reason to not spay your dog. I suggest you do it yesterday. 5 years old is not even senior yet, so it is never too late. And why would you not be willing to take her to a vet? That comes with owning a dog, you know. She needs to be checked out very soon. Only the vet can help you with your dog. YA is not a sufficient source of professional veterinary care.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Hi. I was a vet tech for fifteen years - your dog could be having a "false pregnancy," in which case, it will pass on it's own. She could actually gain weight and, later on, produce milk with this syndrome. If this happens, be careful, a hormonal dog may think she actually has puppies and be protective of them. Once a dog has a false pregnancy, they can have them regularly, so the thing to to is get her spayed.

    The urinating may also be signs of a urinary tract infection, which can only be diagnosed at your vet's and treated with antibiotics. These do (unfortunately for our budgets!) have to be treated or they can spread to the kidneys and cause major problems.

    Hope that helps!

  • Please remember that my answer is not a vet's answer and you should still take her to the vet!

    But something very similar has happened to my dog. I'm sorry to say, turned out she had diabetes and it was attacking her liver. I'm sorry to say, and I know I shouldn't tell you this, but she died.

    The symptoms were: She wasn't eating unless I hand fed her-and she was a big dog, so that took hours-and even then she would sometimes refuse the food. I never noticed anything with urination. She went anywhere all the time, really.

    Source(s): Me.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Sounds like an allergy: Give the puppy Benedryl one million tablet each and every four hours must do it. If the swelling does now not cross down inside sixteen hours, or if it will get ceaselessly worse then you'll have to take him to a vet instantly and potentially get a shot of steroids to quit the response.

  • ®
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I hope your dog is going to be fine. Please spay your dog. If not a female unspayed can run into some very serious female problems that could be a matter of life and death. Ask your vet about this and he will explain it all to you. My cousin lost her Golden Retriever due to this. I sure hope your vet has already given you a not so serious diagnosis.

  • 1 decade ago

    A dog is in heat for 21 days. And they can pee a lot more. The wild look is her wanting to get out and find a male. If you are not going to bred her get her fixed. She will be happier

  • china
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    When your dog is hurt and in pain you don't question a vet bill. No one other then a vet can say what is wrong with your dog. You doing more harm than good right now seeking answer here because you want to save money on vet bill. This is what comes with owning a dog. I hope your dog is alright Don't worry it maybe something minor.

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