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Shalom Yerushalayim

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  • Am I being selfish or is she being inconsiderate?

    My daughter scheduled her wedding for Feb. 14. I live out of state and cannot leave during winter due to financial constraints and the possibility of the pipes freezing. I do not know anyone trustworthy who would be willing to housesit. I told her that, sadly, I really don't think I can come. Am I being selfish or is she? Our relationship is quite all right but sometimes I think she thinks more of herself to the point of damn everyone else.

    9 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • How to say in Italian?

    I've heard that smart meters have been banned in Italy, but I can't seem to find an actual news article on it. I thought perhaps if I typed a phrase into the search engine that is in Italian, I would be more likely to locate a news story from an Italian media source.

    Could you translate both of these phrases for me?

    1. Smart Meters Banned in Italy


    2. Italy bans Smart Meters

    Any help you can give me would be appreciated. Thanks!

    3 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • Any recommendations for shows I can watch on YouTube?


    I don't have a TV, but I like to watch shows on youtube.

    I like criminal justice type shows, and dramas, but I've watched all of the Law and Order UK shows that are on there. I've also watched some documentaries about unsolved crimes, and some about "Extraordinary People". It seems there isn't much left to watch that I can think of.

    I haven't had a television for years, so I may not know of some shows to type in the search field.

    CSI shows only previews - you must subscribe to watch full episodes. Any suggestions you can give would be great. Thank you.

    2 AnswersYouTube7 years ago
  • Why would a director of a city government entity keep employees that lie?

    A local center for seniors is, in effect, being run by a small clique of witchy women who lie repeatedly about other employees, play tricks on them, sabotage their work, and constantly look for anything they can use against others. The director nods that she knows it, but then she doesn't get rid of them. Is she not, in effect, then complicit and effectively a part of the clique?

    It completely mystifies me why someone would retain employees that she knows are troublemakers. She says her hands are tied, but I don't believe that. There is no way I would ever retain people who were malignant as these few are.

    3 AnswersCivic Participation7 years ago
  • Aren't people who tolerate or explain away evil sometimes just as frustrating as evil people themselves?

    I will probably have to quit the job I've had for a few months because evil people sabotage my work, they've told lies about me, played tricks on me, etc. I am about to snap and will walk away before I kill someone.

    My boss knows they do this, but she gives them a pass for being elderly and calls their evils "quirks" and "idiosyncrasies." I'm sorry, but if someone has the presence of mind to connive, manipulate, play tricks, lie, calculate, etc., they surely have the presence of mind to be told to knock it off!

    There is a saying that goes something like, "No situation will ever change as long as it's tolerated."

    It seems to me that since my boss thinks everyone is a child of God (though Yahshua stated plainly that some are of their father the devil) and continues to accept these wrongs as "quirks", it's only going to continue.

    I've cried most of today because I am just as frustrated by her inability or unwillingness to realize that some people are just plain evil and mean. I would appreciate your thoughts, however, please don't tell me that old people are like that because they are old and they should just be allowed to be creeps. I've met plenty of old people who are sweet and kind. I believe the evils are due, not to age, but to cold and callous hearts.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • Has anYone else had trouble lately with Yahoo mail?

    Sometimes when I try to send an e-mail, it will either not send, or it will send only part of it.

    Also, I wish Yahoo would stop changing things. It seems the "upgrades" are actually downgrades. Simple is best. Why can't they just leave things alone that work?

    1 AnswerNotices and Errors8 years ago
  • Would you be willing to vote for Michael Jackson as the Most Famous Person 2013?

    Type in Most Famous Person Award 2013 in the Google search box and take it from there. He's number 1 already, but if you are an MJ fan, please show your love!

    5 AnswersCelebrities8 years ago
  • Could I get some help from those who speak and know Hebrew?

    I named some art pieces years ago, using a Hebrew/English dictionary. Unfortunately, I don't have that dictionary any more, and I don't currently have enough money to repurchase it at the moment. Could you take the following transliterations and tell me what they could be in English as well as in Hebrew lettering? I surely wish I didn't have to ask you, but it's been so long since I named them that I don't just want to guess. If your answers hit home with me, I'll know that's what each name is.

    Here are the names: GA'ASH KOSMI..(cosmic___?)...LE'HAZHIV.(the bond?)....EVEN YAKARA.(something having to do with gold or flowers?)...GLISHA.(flow? flood?)...HALAHAT..(lake of fire?)..MACHAZE. (what is that?)..LEHAVA.(inferno?)...ME SHAMEH ESH...(firefall?)also my blog page name RISHONI (something like first?)

    I have most of these posted on one of my blogs and would certainly like to give some background on the names; why I chose them. Some of them I can guess what I called them, but I don't want to guess. I want to be accurate. I would surely appreciate your help with any or all! Todah rabah!

    1 AnswerLanguages8 years ago
  • Why do the majority of meth users have higher than usual foreheads?

    I've looked at the "faces of meth" images on the Bing and Google searches and I can't help but notice that approximately 95% or more of the users have very high foreheads, in both the before and after pictures. Does anyone have an idea why this might be so? I have also heard and read that inbreeds have very high foreheads. Do you think there is a relationship between inbreeding and meth use?

    2 AnswersOther - Social Science8 years ago
  • Does it seem to you that people are becoming more and more to be isolationists?

    I know it seems that the people who are rude are SO rude these days. That's just one example, I know, but it also seems that people in general are less easy-going and don't really reach out that much anymore. Maybe it's me! But I just don't know. Do you think that perhaps because of the stressful, uncertain times we are living in (most of us) that people are more prone to be looking out for themselves and less concerned with their neighbors and grown family members?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Does it seem to you that the world is getting too complicated?

    It seems that some of the technology is made difficult on purpose. Instead of a simple cellphone like I used to have (til I lost it) now I've had to buy one that is just too unnecessarily "feature rich" and the manual that came with it doesn't even cover half of what is on it! Thus, I'm currently in a queue waiting for an online chat with the manufacturer for two reasons: I don't know how to work this stupid cellphone and I want to know if they still make and sell the simpler one I had. (I am epileptic and it sure doesn't help to have to go through so much stress just trying to have a cell phone!) Also I have to download a PDF manual on this phone whereas in times past a manual would come with any product purchased. I just wish for simpler things. I am so weary of this world. Many manufacturers, including Microsoft, try to "improve" on a product they had which was excellent and they just make it worse! Life sucks enough without all of this unnecessary BS in "advancements". I try to keep things simple so that I won't have so much stress to deal with. I'm about to give up on living the "modern" life and just say screw it! No phone! Any thoughts? Please don't be cruel in your responses; I'm looking for ANSWERS!

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Do you know of a good website that has an English to Hebrew translation with transliteration also?

    Also I would like to know of a good hardcover English to Hebrew Dictionary with transliterations. I would like to be able to know all of the biblical person and place names in Hebrew, for example, I know Ruth is Rut, Isaiah is Yeshayahu, Jeremiah is Yirmeyahu, etc. I would appreciate your help in locating these online. I found a dictionary I used to have which I will purchase again, but I cannot guarantee it will have all of the biblical names in it. I don't remember if it did because at the time I was simply trying to learn everyday words. Any help you can give me will be deeply appreciated.

    3 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • should my daughter let her ex-boyfriend's parents move in with her and her new boyfriend?

    Actually, I am taking a poll here on Yahoo Answers. Should ANY young woman allow her ex-boyfriend's parents to move in with her and her new boyfriend, even to help the parents out? If so, what is the longest time period you would think it would be all right? If not, why not? Please give your gender and age when you answer. It will help a lot. THANKS.

    6 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Where are the gold and silver on circuit boards?

    A man told me "I know the contacts are silver." Well, I don't exactly know which are the contacts.

    Also, another man said some people scrap metal to get the gold out of them.

    If you are very familiar with circuit boards, would you let me know where the gold and silver are on a circuit board? I scrap metal. I've been saving what I think may be the silver "contacts" and now know perhaps I should be a bit more nitpicky to save anything that looks like it could be gold (I've been assuming it was all brass).

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Should I feel bad about rebuking my daughter in order to wake her up to the facts about her breakup?

    My daughter dated a guy for 5 years. I wasn't against him, I just wasn't particularly impressed. She was drinking very heavily at the time also and having blackouts. She broke up with him because she felt like they were an old married couple fighting (she was 25 at the time; he about the same age). Though broken up, his dad and stepmom took her in when she hit rough times. That's all well and good.

    Several months to a year later, she met a really great guy. They moved in together. I met him when they had been together about 3 months and I could see that he really cared about her. She even said to me privately, "Mom, he LOVES me."

    Jump ahead to approximately 9 mos. later. Her ex-boyfriend's parents hit hard times and called on my daughter for help. She let her ex-boyfriend's parents move in with her and her new boyfriend! Her boyfriend wasn't thrilled but he's a nice guy and wanted to be a good person. Add to that, my daughter probably felt she owed them and labored hard to convince her new boyfriend that it was the right thing to do.

    My daughter broke up with the new boyfriend about 3 weeks ago cuz he was neglecting her emotionally and intimately. Mind you, he was faithful, he is not a beater and he is a very nice young man. Well, my first thought was that he probably started withdrawing when the EX'S parents moved in. Though he's been nothing but nice to the ex's parents, he felt uncomfortable and weird about showing affection and getting intimate with my daughter with her ex's dad and stepmom there. He kindly shared that with them all, and the ex's parents registered some understanding of it. My daughter, however, did not. Well, after 2 years, they are broken up and I must say he is the best thing that has ever happened to her.

    I broached the subject with her but she has been completely ignoring the impact that the move-in may have had on her boyfriend and tried to justify it by stating that there had actually formed a bond between him and the ex's parents. The ex's parents have been there for over a year!!!!!!!!

    I waited, called some family for prayer for my daughter to wake up and smell the coffee, and then lost patience. I texted her quite a graphic rebuke trying to paint a picture, if you will, of how the situation looked to someone on the outside. I ended my rebuke, which mentioned hillbillyishness, with (Insert pig squeal.).

    Was I wrong to be so blunt? I just don't think my daughter gets it sometimes unless you lay it out flat. I am the only person in her life who has ever been willing to TELL IT LIKE IT IS when others' more "diplomatic" entreaties have failed. I expect she will hate me for a while and will cry a river. I just don't want to see her throw her life away and make such a huge mistake because she's got her head up her ***. I must sound mean (that's what my sister said about my rebuke) but I really love my daughter. This young man really loves her and she may never find that again. Plus, even though she still drinks too much, she has matured significantly since being with the new boyfriend. Please offer your opinions, whether you are young or old. Thank you.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • what is the silver-colored metallic substance on the underside of a circuit board?

    It is in the form as if it is "dropped" on the same way one "drops" cookie dough on a baking sheet.

    References please to verify your answer are greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • Is anyone extremely fluent in Spanish who can help me with translation?

    I'm trying to translate cannelloni and cannelon into Spanish. These are Italian dishes, with the first being a pasta stuffed with a meat mixture, and the second being a meat mixture rolled up in paper and baked. If anyone can help me with this, I'd appreciate it. I've checked the online dictionaries and have not gotten anywhere so far. Thanks!

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • What is the difference between cannelloni and a cannelon?

    I believe cannelloni is a filled pasta, while a cannelon is a meat mixture rolled in paper. The true crux of the matter is that I am trying to translate both of these words (cannelloni and cannelon) into Spanish. I need help from both Italian cuisine experts and Spanish-speaking people! THANKS!

    2 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago