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  • Can society realize what Philo discussions really are?

    Or must we suffer the constant drug/religion/self-help induced questions?

    1 AnswerPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • How many are done with Katrina?

    How many of you are just done with this disatser that has dragged on to the likes of the twin towers disaster? I swear, it's like watching a child ***** about a boo boo. Yeah, sorry major disasters happened.. but the key word is HAPPENED!! We have an ongoing war, drought and heatwaves across the nation , not mentioning wildfires burning MILLIONS of acres....and guess what.... YOU CHOSE TO LIVE IN A CITY THAT IS UNDER SEA LEVEL!!!!

    I'm done. I wrote my Congresswoman to finally stop paying attention to the WAA WAA of a city that should have been long ago drowned and returend to the sea as a sanctuary and for my tax dollars to go to educating the youth ABOUT GEOLOGY!!!

    Maybe then they'll chose not to live in a flood zone!


    4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Do you think Avril Lavigne is tough?

    I mean, flipping off a camera thats gettingpaid to take your photo isn't the pinnicale of toughness. Neither is the whole 'music industry punk girl' package they sell since she hasn't don anything tough....well, again, maybe drinking beer and flipping off a camera paid to take her photo while smoking...reaaalllllllllyyyyy tough.

    Besides the lack of talent, lame pop/bubble gum songwritting and the weak attempt at a tough attitude, do you feel respected as an Avril fan knowing she's flipping you off, which means disrespecting you, while laughing at you and taking your money? Man, if she had an ounce of talent, I could maybe see putting up with that but since she's talentless (and her newer albums show it), ya'll Avril fans are plain suckers.

    8 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Can anyone tell me... why Visa is racist?

    Everyone in the USA has had to have seen at least 1 of the 4 known Visa commericals where...everyone is moving in a uniformed manner to get to the line to pay for their meals/coffee/donuts/etc. The music in the background suggests everyone is working in an orderly, efficent manner...when sudden a 'WHITE/CAUCASIAN" perosn pulls out cahs and the whole visable process comes to a screeching halt; everyone behind the WHITE/CAUCASIAN person looks annoyed (all races present and accounted for).

    So my Visa THAT afraid of discrimination that they'll refuse to put a person that is non-caucasian in the role of the person using cash and stopping the line? After 5 commericals, you'd think they would? Are they that PC? Are they that afraid? What is this world coming too?!?

    2 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Anyone buying this.....China's food scare continues?

    While this story may not be true, China IS KNOWN for presentations, meaning, they'll go to any length whatsoever to portray their country as perfect. We all know that's only the Communist government engaging in propaganda.

    In my opinion, this is probably real. Notice the statement by the anchor person, '...the criminal Zi...'. If that'snot the basics for a communist spin, what is.

    China is posioning the world since they don't care about public health as other civilized countries do. They hunch over like they're taking dumps in squaller and filth, while the chain smoke themselves to death eating tainted, undercooked food. China is only about 100 years ahead of the Middle East when it comes to civility.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • The 7 wonders of the you agree with the competition?

    "...This contest will not detract from the value of the pyramids, which is the only real wonder of the world," Egypt's antiquities supremo Zahi Hawass told AFP...."

    Basically, Egypt has 'snubbed' their nose at the competition voting for the new wonders of the world and stating the pyraminds are the ONLY wonder of the world.

    My vote is this...I vote the whole Middle East (exluding Israel) should be marked as a wonder...a wonder how civilizations can live like it was 200 B.C. rather than 2007 A.D.! Bunch of Dark Age living cretans.

    4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Kelly Clarkson and American Idol...a launching platform or a joke?

    The article says it all. Does anyone really believe 3 people completely devoid of talent themselves, arecapable of judging correctly who is the next 'big star'?

    My opinion is American Idol is a joke. People that watch it are suckers and no one coming off that show is anywhere NEAR close to being talented enough as the old fashion way of gaining fame decrees who's good and who's bad.

    Anyone believing calling in and voting decides who wins and loses can literally be called lemmmings without a doubt. It's a scam, pure and simple and if you did call in, all you did was make the networks richer and you dumber.

    What say you?


    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How many support Palestine during this crisis?

    My opinion is, Palestine (no matter who controls it) is and always shall be, a hot bed of insurrection against the basic rights of humanity. IN the last 40 years, nothing good has come from this land; the main export has been terrorism. The USA has recently shelled out 68 billion dollars to support AIDS in Africa which WE ALL KNOW will go directly to the warlords which will continue the plight of AIDS and do no good; only genicide. NOW the USA supports a regime saying "poor me, the islamic scum have taken control"?

    My opinion on this matter is, another Iraq/Iran bu****it scenario with the USA ending up the bad guy.

    What say you?


    10 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • How many people watch Celebrity Fit Club?

    I got caught one night sick and nothing on tv so I tuned into the men vs women celeb fit club. After the first epsiode I decided to watch a few more cause I wanted to know who these people were and you know what...I can't beleieve they put this s**t on the air...wait scratch that...I can!!!

    7 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Question for atheists?

    Serious question - Since you believe there is no continuance after you die, what is your purpose for living? Again, I'm asking a serious question...what is the point to your life? I've heard rememberance, people remember you when your gone, but as we all know within 50 years of your death the chances of someone still alive that has pasted on your memory is nil.

    So my question again is, please tell me what purpose your life serves and/or what is reason for existing? I'm very curious about the answers, so please, try to answer as best as possible.

    Thanks in advanced

    53 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Just broke up with my girlfriend; reasons why what do you think?

    Basically, me ex is in her 4th year of Med school; residency and such. We live more than an hour from each other. I work, she attends school, we have our own places to live. My ex said if we didn't move in on her 4th year, we'd have to break up. She stated she wont have enough time to see me 4th year and scheduling will be hard.

    After moving some stuff to her place, I couldn't shake the bad feeling I had. I promised myself after my divorce I would never live with another women unless we were married or engaged. I felt her schedule and my work/commute ( I would have had to commute over 2 hours if I moved in with her) would have made no difference if we lived together. So I made the choice not to move in and she made the choice to break up.

    Do you think I made the right choice?


    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How many times a day?

    Do you hear people not conversing in English in the USA?

    Or how many times do you see or hear, press 1 for English, press 2 for <insert another language other than English>.

    How many times have you gone somewhere or called somewhere in theUSA for help, instruction or direction and was connected to or helped by a person unable to converse in English?

    Just curious.

    10 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Why can they not build a fence across the US/Mexico border?

    Last reason I heard that held some support was the monetary value...that's interesting since we just pledged, what was the number, 30 BILLION dollars to AIDS in Africa? How screwed up are the USA's priorities? Pledge 30 BILLION dollars to combat a disease that's being proliferated by the citizens of Africa due to war and strife and line the pockets of Warlords with aid money.



    20 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Who thinks the new Battlestar Galactica measured up?

    I finally took the time to see the first season of the new BSG and I can tell you, it sucks. Apollo is a wimpy girly man, Starbuck as a woman...doesn't work, a drunken XO and the replacement for Balazar...come on, it's a friggin PORNO. Literally, I hit the forward button every single time they flash into his mind and he talks to himself with the blonde cylon.

    I'm on Disc 2 and ready to return it without finishing or getting the 3rd.


    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Really, is anyone surprised about Paris Hilton?

    A medical condition? HAHAHAHAHA

    So here it is....this lowest of low human being gets to shurk her responsibility because daddy's money and influence say so.

    Honestly, next time she's out partying, I hope she wraps herself around a tree and doesn't comeback from it. Please give us that at least, Paris.

    7 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Why do the atheists here bait and attack people who believe in God?

    Seriously, why post these question that are blatantly used to attack people's beliefs? Who cares if they believe in something you don't...should they be made fun of? Do you believe in making fun of people by the color of their skin, also? Or how about their gender or sexual preference? I mean, do you have such a lonely or hateful existance that you have to attack for attention? Really, don't you have something better to do?

    As for atheists that post questions because they are interested and not malicious, this question is not directed to you.


    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you think Wie should be barred from the LPGA until 21?

    It's plainly obvious this 'child' cannot compete like a professional. Shooting an 86, two strokes from the 88 mark that would disqualify her from playing any LPGA round for the season, she bowed out citing a previous wrist injury.

    Completely unprofessional AND nothing more than a blatant 'waa' cry baby fest. The LPGA should come down hard on this lil baby and make an example of her; our daughters look up to this cheater??? Not anymore.

    And to boot, her partner lodges a complaint with the LPGA. Though it's not know what the complaint is, you can bet your sweet bippy she probably shaved some strokes and her partner caught her.

    14 AnswersGolf1 decade ago
  • Christians - Do you feel it's time for persecution?

    Do you feel the time is at hand for Christians to once again be persecuted for their beliefs? I keep listening to mainstream media and continually hear with increasing application, terms used to describe Christians as fanatical and right-wingers. I also keep hearing more and more from the media thats blaming whats wrong with the USA on 'religious wackos'. I for one believe before my life is over, I will unfortunately see at least the beginnings of Christian persecution; it's so sad.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Democrats - How do you feel about Congress?

    How do you, as a Democrat, feel about Congress's lack of producing anything worth while? 5 months and all they do is bicker and squabble and rattle their sabres but THEY CANT DO ANYTHING.

    When will both sides (repubs and dems) realize, this is not don't vote for your team because they're your team. It's politics, it's government and by nature it's inept but because you hate a lil weasel that holds the presidency, you empower complete idiots! So very pathetic!

    Oh and no longer exists. We are now 'The Great Mall of Planet Earth', not the once great USA.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think the Republican and Democrat parties represent the peoples will?

    Simple question - Do you think the Democrat and Republican parties represent and do the will of the people? I'm taking a poll for a research project, so a YES or NO will suffice.

    *Please refrain from the bashing one or the other or ranting and raving. I only need a YES or NO answer. Anything else will show you're an extremist for whatever party you support...that and the inability to follow the simplest of instructions.

    Thank you.

    24 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago