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Humming Bird

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  • Why is family the most toxic people!?

    I can't believe that family is the most toxic people. Isn't family supposed to be united as one? Not my family. My son and I are the black sheep. My son is battling Hodgkin's lymphoma cancer since this past August 2011. Since his diagnose there has been nothing but drama in our family. We have no support what’s so ever from any member of my family including my mom at times. I am a single mother on disability taking care of my only child my son who is 22 years of age. We live with my mom and I have no money but my disability which is not enough to pay rent and the utilities. Therefore I have to accept how we are being treated or my son and I will be on the streets. My sister is a busy body trouble maker that is constantly causing drama about my son and me. I know she and her kids want us out. My mom never stands up to her, but she does to me and I am the one that takes care of my mom too besides my son and me. My sister has a huge house and is married but always makes her time at my moms for long hours. She brain washes my mom because she gives my son and me attitudes after talking to her on the phone or here. My son and I are always in our own rooms when they come over. My son can't be around to many people because of his WBC going low due to her harsh chemo he gets every other week. I notice now that my son is going through his journey of cancer, my family members don’t take it that’s its very bad. My sister is the main drama queen and my mom’s princess. I just want some type of advice if there are any low income places that will give my son and me a chance. I’m in California. Please so sarcastic answers. I don’t need them. Thank you!

    3 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • I need advice what too do please give.?

    Hi I am in an awkward situation. My dad wanted my son and I to move in with him and my mom when I was put on disability from my doctor due to an illness I have. My dad passed away a year later from a massive heart attack. That’s when my son, 14 of age then went into a bad depression and also suffers from OCD; he was close to his grandfather and took his passing very hard. He was depressed for a very long time. As time passed my son was diagnoses with Hodgkin’s lymphoma this passed August of 2011 he is now 22 years old. What I’m getting at is I have an issue with a family member, my sister who is married and has grown kids of her own. She has a nice big house too. She is constantly at my moms for long hours, sometimes 3 times a day. And she knows my son has chemo every other week and he needs to be where there isn't’t too many people around it’s crucial for him because he can get sick easily due to his WBC dropping low from the harsh chemo. She doesn't’t get it that his cancer is bad. She comes over and her and her kids take over and act like my son and I don’t live there. One day my son was feeling ill and his oncologist had him take a breathing test to check his lungs. We came home and sure enough there was my sister at the door looking in a pissy mood. She started in about something that wasn't’t even a big issues but she made sure it was and started yelling at me in front of my son after he just got back from the lung specialist. She had the nerve to yell and point to my son YOUR MOM is the one getting you sick. That hurt my son, he told her how when she is the only one that does everything for me. He told her she was negative energy for us. My mom doesn't’t say anything to her but she can sure tell me off at times. She is my mom’s pet I feel that she is. Do you think my son and I should move out? I have no money but what I get on disability and that’s not much, but my son’s health is important and he doesn’t need to be around toxic people like her, my mom seems to side with her, why because she’s married and has money and my son and I don’t. All I want is for my son to get well. Any advice what I should do?

    Please no sarcastic answers.

    Oh and she even yelled at me and said they will help you find a place because my son is. Sick. She later told my mom that her daughter can move In with her, see they want us out. She’s very cruel knowing my son is battling cancer!

    6 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • Stray or feral cat question?

    There have been several feral or stray cats around the area where my mom my son and I live. I am not familiar with cats I mostly prefer dogs instead. Well one day my married sister came over and she started leaving cat food for them. They all started coming around and one cat made herself a home and never leaves she was pregnant and had her kittens. When they got bigger and could eat on there own I called the animal shelter to come and pick them up. Well they had to make a few trips because it was hard to trap them. We don't want any cats my moms yard is a mess and smells like cat feces. This mother cat will not leave for anything and she has almost trip my mom when she walked out the door, she will not budge from the porch step she is very persistent like bossy. When we come home she runs to the front door and when we come in she tries to come in. She won't budge for anything. Why is she being like that? I don't like dealing with the same thing everyday. I didn't ask for a cat my sister started this and left me with the dirty work. I don't have time to deal with this cat, my son was diagnosed with cancer this past Aug, and I am busy I am his caretaker. Is there an easy way to trap this cat? The animal shelter man told me to be careful and don't let the cat bite or scratch me. She has a few times tried to claw me when I try to push her off the porch step. She will not budge and seems to do it more. Like I said I don't know anything about cat’s just dogs.

    6 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • Tired of my older sister and nephew being obsessed with mine and my only son's life?

    I have an older married sister that is so obsessed with mine and my son’s life. She tries to compete with me and her son tries to compete with my son. I moved in with my mom after the passing of my dad and my son too. My sister is married but is always at my mom’s house being nosy wanting to know what we are doing. And when my son isn't anywhere she is constantly asking where he is or what is he doing. She never wants to be home with her husband. She is over my mom’s house every night and day for long hours either sleeping or gossiping to my mom about others life and mine too. I am the one that takes care of my mom and does everything for her. My sister and brother are married but never volunteer to help so I can have some time to do things without worrying about my moms well being. She and her son are constantly on my sons face book being nosy. Every time someone comments to him she right away has to put her two senses in and wants to know who the people are and she does that with me too. Her son wants everything my son has or when my son wants to get something my nephew races to get it before him. He never talks to my son he doesn't want anything to do with him only when he is nosy about something that my son knows... If I go somewhere she starts calling mine or my son’s cell phone wanting to know where were at. I worry about my mom but my sister and brother don’t care the way I do. They can go and live there life because they know I am the scape goat. One time I couldn’t take it anymore and we got into an argument and sure enough she went to gossip to my brother which it had nothing to do with him. She told him all kinds of lies. My little niece my brothers daughter loves my son and I a lot but soon as they know they are visiting at the house they come over and take over everything and try to hog up my little nieces attention from us. Also when we have family gatherings my son and I are left out. They all set together and talk and act as if we aren’t even there. And then if we don’t show up they make it a big drama from what my mom tell us…My mom is always sighting with them she doesn’t see our point of view. She has more respect for them, why because they are married. I only have one son and they have more kids then me and they still obsessed about our lives. I can go on and on. Has anyone ever had this type of family problem? Does this mean I should move out and let them all be?

    Please give some advice and no sarcastic ones…

    Thank you

    2 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • My 22 year old son is always tired!?

    My 22 year old son suffers from depression, anxiety and OCD. He is always tired. He has had a CBC done and all his test come out negative. His thyroid test was negative and they even checked him for mono all negative. He had his gallbladder taken out last Nov 2010. I am so worried about him. He walks from the the house to the car and her gets out of breath right away. There are days when he is feeling some better but most of the time he is very tired and sleeping all the time. When he walks on the treadmill he gets tired right of way. he has lost weight without dieting. I am trying to search what can cause him to feel so tired all the time. If he goes anywhere he has too come home because he feels sick and so tired and sleepy. Could it be his hormones? Has anyone ever suffered from being tired constantly all the time? Any advice could help me. Thank you.

    6 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Our neighbors pitbull keeps chewing through our fence.?

    Our neighbors have a pitbull that her son owned. He got put in jail and left the dog there with his elderly mom. We noticed in the cold winter time the dog was left out with no shelter or even food. We felt bad and my son would give her food through a hole in the fence. So we asked if we could keep her in our garage during the cold season. Now that the weather is better and the ladies older son will feed the dog. We put her back in there back yard and now she is chewing ruining our fence to get back into our back yard. We are afraid because we have new neighbors on the other side that just moved in with kids. When she gets in our back yard she is constantly barking at them. Every time we put her back into her yard she chews her way back into our backyard. My neighbors don't even check on her when she is making all that noise tearing the fence up. What should we do? We can't have her as a pet because my mom is elderly and my son doesn't have the time to give her. We just wanted her to have shelter in the winter time. She is a good pitbull but has become dominant and stubborn! She wants to be in both back yards because when she is in ours she goes back to they’re yard. She needs to be with someone that can give her attention and to train her. I know she loves my son but he can’t take care of her, he’s got too much on his hands already. What should we do? Any advice would help and please not smart remarks.

    Thank you!

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Neighbors pitbull keeps chewing through our fence.?

    Our neighbors have a pitbull that her son owned. He got put in jail and left the dog there with his elderly mom. We noticed in the cold winter time the dog was left out with no shelter or even food. We felt bad and my son would give her food through a hole in the fence. So we asked if we could keep her in our garage during the cold season. Now that the weather is better and the ladies older son will feed the dog. We put her back in there back yard and now she is chewing ruining our fence to get back into our back yard. We are afraid because we have new neighbors on the other side that just moved in with kids. When she gets in our back yard she is constantly barking at them. Every time we put her back into her yard she chews her way back into our backyard. My neighbors don't even check on her when she is making all that noise tearing the fence up. What should we do? We can't have her as a pet because my mom is elderly and my son doesn't have the time to give her. We just wanted her to have shelter in the winter time. She is a good pitbull but has become dominant and stubborn! She wants to be in both back yards because when she is in ours she goes back to they’re yard. She needs to be with someone that can give her attention and to train her. I know she loves my son but he can’t take care of her, he’s got too much on his hands already. What should we do? Any advice would help and please not smart remarks.

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerDogs1 decade ago
  • My 18 month female pit bull personality has changed. Shes become aggressive?

    Our neighbors had a pitbull they never took care of her. She never had socialization with anyone except only by my son and I through the fence. We would talk to her and she would lick our hand. They even had her tied up for 3 days in the bad weather. Anyway I went over to ask if it was ok if my son could at least play with her once in a while. They said we could open the fence so she can come back and fourth. So we did that and she was happy to have someone pay attention to her we even kept her in our garage in the bad weather. Then finally the weather begin to get better so we close the fence back up. But she always found a way to our back yard. Finally we asked if we could have her since they never payed any attention to her. Now that we have her and its been over a week she seems to be showing some aggressive signs to my son and I and she won't lesson to us. She jumps on my son's face with her teeth open and I was petting her the other day and she snapped at me. She won't budge out of the door way and won't lesson to our commands. It's starting to get us nervous. She has never been aggressive to us like that before. She has become very dominate with us. We have never had a pitbull before so it's our first time. We live with my elderly mom and she once jumped on my mom with her long claws. She just licked my moms face but don't want to take that chance now that she is acting up. Can someone give me some advice I would greatly appreciate it...Thank you!

    She has not been spayed yet. We took her to get all her shots.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Cheapest places to live in New York? Or any other cities close by.?

    I plan to move to New York sometime later this year for a career opportunity. I am not familiar of NY, so I was wondering if you can tell me of any decent places to live there or close by...Is the rent expensive, food etc?

    No sarcastic answers please. Just asking if anyone knows on here. Thanks!

    2 AnswersNew York City1 decade ago
  • Would you say this is animal Neglect?

    My neighbors have this beautiful 1 year old puppy american pit. They leave her in the back yard all the time with no socialization with humans or other pets. My son and I are always talking to her through the fence cracks and she is friendly and gets very happy. The only thing that gets me sick to my stomach is now that it's been very cold and raining my son notice she is tied up to a tree with no shelter to keep her warm. She is out in the bare ice cold weather with nothing. She curls up like a little ball and looks very sad. I had to walk over to the neighbors to try to get them to shelter her and to let them know it's about to freeze and she should be in somewhere warm, I even offered our dogs bed. Well when it got dark my son went to peek through the fence to see if they untied her and put her at least in the garage, sure enough she was still out there tied and looked at him so sad. What do you think I should do? I don't want trouble with these neighbors but I am very concern for that puppy...These neighbors can be trouble. I don't want anything to happen to that cute puppy.

    Please give me some advice what to do without them starting trouble. I don't interfere with anyone in our neighborhood but these live right next door and we can see through the crack of our fence. She is a beautiful and smart pup. I love animals and it hurts to see any kind of animal being neglected.. Thank you!

    8 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • 2006 Ford Mustang or a 2011 Edge Sport?

    I have a 2006 Mustang that I am thinking of trading in for a 2011 Ford Edge Sport. Would you keep your Mustang or go for the new Edge Sport. I am confused. I know Mustangs are legends but I love the look of the Edge... Just asking for your opinion if you don't mind...

    Thank you!

    4 AnswersFord1 decade ago
  • How do I know if my new dog is happy with me?

    I adopted a 13 month old dog a week ago and he just mopes around and won't eat or drink. I take him for walks twice a day for 30Min's. I try to play with him in the back yard but he won't play. He just doesn't seem happy with us. He lays around and sleeps. He is a very sweet lovable dog but he seems unhappy with us. Is it true that some dogs can't adapt to new owners...I think he misses his previous owners. He was well trained too. We don't want him to be unhappy. The vet said he is fine...What should or could we do for him??

    1 AnswerDogs1 decade ago
  • How long should a 13 month old American Staffordshire Terrier Sleep?

    I adopted a 13 month old American Staffordshire Terrier, Since we brought him home he mopes around or just wants to sleep. I walk him twice a day for exercise. My son tries to play with him but he will play for a small bet. He doesn't eat much. The Vet said he was in good shape. He has all his shots... How much do they sleep. I am worried and he never barks! Is this all normal. He is a wonderful loving dog! Very lovable.

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My 13 month old American Staffy Terrier won't eat?

    I adopted a beautiful American Staffy Terrier 2 days ago and he is so loving and gentle but he won't eat his food. I have not heard his bark yet. He is very quiet and sleeps a lot. To me I'm wondering if he's depressed. I walk him every morning and evening! Could it be he may be adjusting to his new home environment? I am worried about him. I already took him to his first Vet visit. He is updated on all his shots and everything...So what could be causing him to be so quiet. He is a little gassy but he has regular bowl movements...Can someone at least give me some idea who is familiar with dogs. Thank you so very much!!

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Did he care for me at all or used me?

    I met this music entertainer on myspace and we started chatting every single day! For about 3 months. He told me he fell in love with me and that I made him happy. He decided to be honest with me and told me he was going through a break up but it was over and that he loved me. He knew I was hurt and sent me 2 dozen roses. Well one month later he wanted to meet me and we did meet and spent 4 days the weekend together. That is one thing I never do in the first place but I trusted him and knowing he was a familiar music artist I took the chance and we had a great time. When he saw me he acted like he was so happy and in love with me. We had a great time he paid for everything. He even bought me some nice expensive things that I told it wasn't necessary but he wanted too. Now that we are back he told me his life was still in disarray it would take him a long time to straighten it out. I am so hurt because I gave myself to him and I believed that he loved me. I deleted him from my space and I eventually deleted my whole page not wanting to see how the woman comments his band site. Would you say he cared for me a little or just used me? He would send me cards and pictures. I am so hurt at this very moment and I can’t forget him. We have not talked anymore since he got back!! How would you take it??

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Can a traumatic hearing loss be repaired?

    My Boyfriend lost his hearing in an explosion in July 2008/ his ear drums were real damage they were bleeding after it happened was rushed to the hospital. He will be having surgery in Feb. I just wanted to know if anyone knows if there is any hope for him of hearing 100% again. And if you know how long more or less the surgery will take and how long for him to recover from it. He is anxious and tries to keep his faith about it. He is not sure if he will have to have speech therapy if the surgery succeeds. Just trying to get some information for him besides from his doctor.

    Thank you and I appreciate it!

    Please no sarcastic answers on this one...

    3 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • How to make Eyelids look wider?

    I have big eyes but want my eyelids to look a little thicker or deeper/ can't see my eyelids to much. Is there a way I can. Someway to put makeup on.

    Thank you!

    And please no sarcastic answers!

    2 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Didn't file a 2006 W-2 540 form?

    Hello I wanted to ask a question. I was just sent a letter telling me I didn't file my taxes for the year 2006/ it is the 540 form they said I didn't file. I am on disability and didn't make nothing that year/ so in order to file what year do I need to file from? Would it be a 2007 W-2 for the year 2006? Would appreciate some advice and please no haterz to answer! Thank you so much!!

    5 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Bad broken ankle that never healed!?

    My mom is a diabetic and also has congestive heart failure,she has a pacemaker. She fell about 5 years ago and broke her ankle. They couldn't do surgery for her because of her heart and diabetes. It didn't heal right and now she is on bad pain every single day of her life. The bone you can see where it didn't heal. Is there anyway she can have some comfort for it. Like a special foot brace for the ankle! I am in desperate need for her! she can't sleep at night and can't walk much cause of the pain. It taking the quality of her life. Please help for some advice! I appreciate anything! thank you

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • How to burn pictures from an old Dell Dimension 2400 series.?

    I have Dell Dimension 2400 series computer for 6 years now. It is starting to slow down on me. It doesn't have a burner for CD's or DVD's

    I have lots of pictures that I want to save on a CD. Does anyone know of a CD burner I can connect to my computer to save my pictures? I really don't want to lose any valuable pictures. Please let me know if you know of any type.

    Would be so grateful!

    I have tried to burn them on a disk but not enough space on disk!

    1 AnswerAdd-ons1 decade ago