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Everything is everything.

  • Ya'll remember the movie Demolition Man?

    With Sly Stone and Wesley Snipes? How in the world were the shells used for wiping after trips to the bathroom. Can someone answer that for me please?

    8 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Sexy Cell Phone Pics?

    What do you think of sending XXX pics to people? Just wondering, I love to blow people's minds with a good one.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • For those with toddler girls?

    My andgel just turned 4 on 01-22-07, but she has been touching herself. She touches her vagina and nipples is this normal? Please tell me what I can do so I won't freak out.

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Only for the grown, sexy and experienced....?

    This is my deal. I work with these two guys, one I used to be in love with and slept with (he's38). The other trained me and has been like my closest friend and we know everything about one another, and just decided yesterday to kinda start dating (we're both 27). And then there's a third guy who I used to be engaged to and we have been decent friends since (he's 31), but lately he's pushing to get back together and i don't want that so what do I do?

    18 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Am I evil?

    I am in love with a co-worker and he has a gf. But the funny thing is we still "mess around" and he knows how I feel about him. We hadour comapny Xmas part thia past Saturday and he brought his gf. Now after 2 screw-drivers (open-bar) I decided to make her come dance with me. You know electric slide, cha-cha slide ect. and talk to her and found out more about her. Now the whole night the love of my life thought I was going to tell her that he cheats on her with me, so he was very nervous. But we all know that alcohol is a truth serum and I could've blabbed, but I didn't. But long story short...I was trying to keep them apart the whole night. So...Am I evil??

    30 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Ladies...I have a problem with women. Can you give advise?

    OK, this is my deal. I'm 27, single mom, and confident (in most cases), have a good job, ect. But I find it hard to have females as friends. I have plenty of male friends and that's who I hang around, but sometimes I would like girl time. You know shopping, lunch, male strippers, that type of thing. But I have a trust issue when it comes to women. My daughter's father ended up marrying a friend of mine and since then, I trust women about as far as I can throw them. How can I over come this trust factor.

    8 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Ladies, what kinda underwear do you like your man in?

    Are you just a boxer or brief chick? Or do you like men that wear bikini's or thongs ect?

    20 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Getting it off my chest?

    Hi all, this is actually something I want to tell the man I am in love with, so let me know what you think.

    Hey you,

    Seeing you everyday is so hard. Somedays I wanna slap you in the face for making me love you and other days I want to give you the longest, deepest kiss possible. I know you are seeing someone else and I have to deal with it, but it's kinda hard. I say I'm going to put all my energy into my daughter and my career, but sometimes my mind drifts and it's all on you. While you were telling me about your trip to day, all I wanted to do was kiss you and tell you to be carefula nd have a good time, not to mention the way I wanted to send you off. (you know exactly what I'm talking about) OK I'm rambling, but long story short. I think Heather Headly said it best when she said, "If you love something you've got to let it go, if it comes back then it means so much more. But if it never does at least you will know, it was something you had to go through to grow."

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • For the she devils in the house.....?

    Hey Ya'll!

    I'm in love with a man I work with. We have dated and have had awesome sex, but now he has a g/f. When I wanted to go out with him he said he didn't have time for a g/f and he was focusing on his career. So how do I steal him from her?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What does this mean?

    Recently in hip-hop songs I've been hearing the saying "eating bubble-gum" i.e. I know you see it. Does that just mean eating "good stuff" something else?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What does this mean?

    Recently in hip-hop songs I've been hearing the saying "eating bubble-gum" i.e. I know you see it. Does that just mean eating "good stuff" something else?

    3 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • What is the most embarrassing...?

    What is the most embarrasing thing that has happened to you while you were drunk?

    Mine was last night and I fell down some concreate stairs, bit my top lip (you can see teeth marks) and it is very swollen (co-workers asked me who hit me), bruised my thigh (size of a melon) called a co-worker at 2am...the list goes on.

    I remember why I stop going to $1 tequila night.

    8 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • I want him so bad, I can taste him...?

    I am at work and my co-worker and I often hook up and get busy. But right now, I just want to take him somewhere in the station and please him. Give suggestions. We have tried offices and studios and everything is locked. What would you do?

    (oh ladies, don't front, you know that you like to give it, even though you may not admit it.)

    25 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What is the easiest way to break off an engagement?

    I have been engaged to my fiance for about 2 months and things are not working. I let him move in with me right after we got engaged and damn, he just doesn't do **** right. He leaves clothes on the floor, dirty dishes in the bedroom, and has to be reminded of stuff that he should do. And he is so bad with money. I told him if he were to live with me he would have to contibute and when it's time to pay bills, something always "comes up". I can do bad all by myself and don't need any help. What to do?

    16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is he still stuck on her?

    My fiance called me in tears, saying his son's mom is moving. Now, his son died at three months old and to my knowledge him and her have not been involved in a long while. Jaden (his son) died Sept 05. He told me he made a promise to his son (in a dream) that he would always watch over his mom (ex), and now he feels he is breaking a promise to his dead son, because he can't watch over her. Pls tell me what you think.

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How to let go?

    I am in love with someone else, but I know him and I have no future together. I really do love my fiance and he is almost the "perfect man". I have no clue what to do. How do I tell my fiance it is over in the most sensitive way possible? Or pls give better suggestions.

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I am so close to cheating on him and we're engaged...?

    My co-worker and I almost did the deed right here at work, like about 15 min ago. I am sooo horny and so wet right now, but I don't wanna f**k my fiance, I wants this dude. We have been together several times before and he always gets me like this. I can be havin sex with my future husband and think of my co-worker and how his tounge-ring feels on my c**t. I am caught between a "rock" hard d**k and a hard place...what to do?

    29 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Question for the married ladies?

    I told my fiance last night that I wanted to push the wedding back a year, just to make sure we are doing the right thing. I already know I'm getting COLD feet from just thinking about it. But do you think I was wrong for doing that? And is it a case of just the wedding day jitters or I'm I just confused about life.

    15 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Was I wrong?

    Last night I didn't get off work until midnight and my fiance had to be at work at 8:00am, so I told him I would get a ride home (my car is in the shop) so he could get in as much sleep is possible. My ride hm was a co-worker I used to date, but now we are JUST FRIENDS. I have introduced them and everything and all it was, was a ride home. What do you think?

    19 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Just Friends?

    My fiance "said" an old friend came back in his life and they have been in contact. Now, from what I am told this old "friend" is a woman that he grew up with and I'm cool with that, but I had never heard of her until about a month ago. But here is the kicker...she bought him some Air Force Ones. For those who don't know, they are an expensive pair of shoes. She said it was a late birthday gift (about a month and a half late). But when I asked him about it and turned the tables, he got upset. I asked him, "What if a male friend of mine bought me a gift?"

    He said, "Why?"

    "Because he wanted me to have it."

    "Men can't buy you gifts."

    I said, "Ok." Very sarcasticly.

    My conclusion is that if we have friends male or female they can buy gifts for us and we can't be upset. Am I wrong???

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago