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The Teacher

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A little leaven, leavens the whole loaf

  • Can we make people sign saying they will let us know if we can not use their photo?

    We'll have people sign if they consent but I would like to have something saying specifically saying those who don't consent take every reasonable effort to let us know if we are taking pictures and they don't want to be in it.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • Why are drone strikes bad?

    Based on the conservatives it appears America never killed anyone until the invention of drone strikes.

    I seem to remember a lot of bombings in my youth, and a lot of innocent people dying from America dropping bombs on every corner of the world especially in the middle east.

    Can someone tell me why drone strikes are worst than bombs.

    BTW: The answer of "Obama is killing a innocent people" is NOT the right answer. Killing innocent with Drones, Bombs, or a pointy stick are ALL bad.

    The right answer will explain why Drones are so worst than other weapons of death.

    6 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Who owns the game I made?

    I made a game using RPG Maker VX. It's not a game for the "general public" but a training tool for other people at my job.

    The problem is to work best I need to port it to mobile devices, so people can practice on the go, and RPG Maker VX is not designed for that (as far as I know).

    If I show it to my boss I think he will want to hire someone to make a game just like mine but capable of being put on a mobile device.

    I feel the game could be a useful tool for a lot of people who do my kind of work, and I think I could sell it to other companies.

    But if someone takes my game and recodes it, who owns it as far as selling it.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design6 years ago
  • I don't care if friend dies... am I a bad friend? (wait hear story).?

    We've been friends since like `98. We've been super close, she knows things about me no one else does, I do love her (or I did, I don't know anymore).

    She was always depressed, at times suicidal. This has been going on for at least 11 years.

    Even though she was a straight A student in school she has done nothing with her life. I mean nothing, she is in her 30s and she has never worked a day in her life. She lives with her parents and doesn't even help around the house.

    She loves fictional characters to a point well past obsession, and if one of her favorite characters on a TV show dies, she sprials into a super depression.

    And she loves her fictional friends far more than any real people, myself and her family included.

    Every now and then she says she wants to kill herself, I tell her that she shouldn't.

    But lately... its a lot harder to say that.

    She disappeared in December, not responding to emails or anything and I thought maybe she actually did kill her self.

    And I was relieved. At long last dealing with all the ups and downs of her drama was over.

    Then a few days ago she contacted me (with more drama) and I am somewhat disappointed.

    I don't want her to die... but I'm not sure I care if she lives. Am I a bad person?

    2 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • Who owns the software I make? Me or my company?

    I am trying to I am trying to develop some software to make my job a little easier and more effective.

    If this works I think it could be a big benefit to other companies in the same business. Who would own the rights to the software me or my company.

    Let me be clear I am not a professional software designer and this is not a software or even tech based company (they actually pretty behind in technology but that's another story).

    I just have some knowledge about software design as a personal hobby and I think this could help me at my job.

    5 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • Who owns the software I make? Me or my company?

    I am trying to I am trying to develop some software to make my job a little easier and more effective.

    If this works I think it could be a big benefit to other companies in the same business. Who would own the rights to the software me or my company.

    Let me be clear I am not a professional software designer and this is not a software or even tech based company (they actually pretty behind in technology but that's another story).

    I just have some knowledge about software design as a personal hobby and I think this could help me at my job.

    2 AnswersCorporations7 years ago
  • When will MRA's stop asking for women who make false rape claims to get the same sentence as a rapist?

    How come they never realize there is no other law that says "if a person falsely accuses another of a crime, the accuser will be sentenced to the same punishment of that crime."

    Women claiming to have been raped are NOT the only people who accuse innocent people of crimes, and there are laws that punish those people, but they NEVER say "the accuser should get the same punishment as the accused"

    Maybe they should, I don't know, but the point is that is not the law.

    Wouldn't the MRA's have a better chance of being taken seriously if instead of pushing for a law that doesn't exist, they pushed for women who accuse innocent men of rape to be punished the same as other people who accuse innocent people of crimes?

    12 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • why can't I submit answers sometimes?

    About half the time the button to submit does not show up. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it.

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Should I male or female psychologist?

    After 30 plus years of denying it I have finally come to terms with an incest relationship I had as a child. I realize now that this lead me to lead a sexual life as an adult I am equally ashamed of.

    Long story short I am seeking therapy. In my area there is a psychologist who is known to have experience with incest survivors, but she is a woman. I am not sure how I would feel expressing my deepest, darkest feelings about sex to a woman (I'm not that comfortable expressing them to a man either, but I have to tell someone).

    I could see a male doctor but I'm not sure he would understand incest on the same level because he is not an expert in that area.

    What should I do?

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Should I male or female psychologist?

    After 30 plus years of denying it I have finally come to terms with an incest relationship I had as a child. I realize now that this lead me to lead a sexual life as an adult I am equally ashamed of.

    Long story short I am seeking therapy. In my area there is a psychologist who is known to have experience with incest survivors, but she is a woman. I am not sure how I would feel expressing my deepest, darkest feelings about sex to a woman (I'm not that comfortable expressing them to a man either, but I have to tell someone).

    I could see a male doctor but I'm not sure he would understand incest on the same level because he is not an expert in that area.

    What should I do?

    3 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago
  • should I male or female psychologist?

    After 30 plus years of denying it I have finally come to terms with an incest relationship I had as a child. I realize now that this lead me to lead a sexual life as an adult I am equally ashamed of.

    Long story short I am seeking therapy. In my area there is a psychologist who is known to have experience with incest survivors, but she is a woman. I am not sure how I would feel expressing my deepest, darkest feelings about sex to a woman (I'm not that comfortable expressing them to a man either, but I have to tell someone).

    I could see a male doctor but I'm not sure he would understand incest on the same level because he is not an expert in that area.

    What should I do?

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • why are the girls I'm attracted to super religious?

    I believe in God and being a good person and all that good stuff, but I'm not very religious (even though my family is) and I don't seek out girls who are very religious. But whenever I meet a girl and start to like her I find out that she is super religious.

    Why am I always falling for these girls?

    5 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago
  • why are the girls I'm attracted to super religious?

    I believe in God and being a good person and all that good stuff, but I'm not very religious (even though my family is) and I don't seek out girls who are very religious. But whenever I meet a girl and start to like her I find out that she is super religious.

    Why am I always falling for these girls?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • whose more open-minded?

    in bed?

    men or women

    9 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago
  • Lesbian woman married a man while dating a woman?

    A female friend of mine has just recently come out (or half way out) though I pretty much knew se was lesbian or at least bi for the past 10 years. I was happy to hear she had finally accepted that which I had always known. And I suggested to her that she start dating.

    She did, she is dating a married woman. A married woman who is married to man.

    I actually know the woman too, the three of us went to college together, and the married woman was one of the most OUT lesbians I had ever met, and I knew then she had a crush on my friend, and though she never said it out loud I knew my friend liked her back, but would never act on it because she was still fighting the idea of being gay.

    So I'm happy that they are together, but she's married, to a guy. And based on what I my friend tells me the other girl has no intention to get a divorce.

    My friend keeps asking me what she should do? I don't know, she really loves this girl and I think the girl loves her, but she's married. I don't know what to say?

    3 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago
  • Lesbian woman married a man while dating a woman?

    A female friend of mine has just recently come out (or half way out) though I pretty much knew se was lesbian or at least bi for the past 10 years. I was happy to hear she had finally accepted that which I had always known. And I suggested to her that she start dating.

    She did, she is dating a married woman. A married woman who is married to man.

    I actually know the woman too, the three of us went to college together, and the married woman was one of the most OUT lesbians I had ever met, and I knew then she had a crush on my friend, and though she never said it out loud I knew my friend liked her back, but would never act on it because she was still fighting the idea of being gay.

    So I'm happy that they are together, but she's married, to a guy. And based on what I my friend tells me the other girl has no intention to get a divorce.

    My friend keeps asking me what she should do? I don't know, she really loves this girl and I think the girl loves her, but she's married. I don't know what to say?

  • Why do women think having a male gay best friend is cool?

    Men don't go after lesbian best friends.

    1 AnswerGender Studies8 years ago