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  • what happened to

    The whole website seems more... well cleaner SFW-ish. What happened? Change of management? Anyone?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Is Jim Carrey really dead?

    ABC says they can't report due to some legal restrainst on them by his family?

    17 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Good Morning World, I Love Youuuuu!!!?

    I LOVE YOU! I Love each and everyone of you. Even you creepy forum troll. Yes you too, whinny EMO b!itch. Every single person on the planet today. I Love you, I Love you so very much. Even though we will not likely meet, I love each and everyone of you. Have a great day! :)

    4 AnswersOther - Asia Pacific1 decade ago
  • My MSN crashed my pc to a restart everytime I initiate a Video call or webcam chat, any solutions?

    Could someone assist me with this problem I'm having with MSN. It seems that every time I launch a video call or webcam chat my pc hard crashes to a restart. I don't know how to fix this. I tried reinstalling MSN completely but to no avail. Does anyone have any Ideas?

    2 AnswersMSN1 decade ago
  • Some of the most successful relationships are based on lies, true, false or somewhat right?

    I read an article about how some of the most successful relationships today are based on lies and it got me contrasting it against the conformed morale of a "text-book" example of a healthy relationships. There is no such thing as a white lie. A lie is a lie, it doesn't matter how one sugar-coats it to reaffirm themselves that it isn't one. Now we all have been duly informed of the repercussion of a lie at some point in our lives, how it destroys bonds and trust. But isn't a lie well stuck too is as good as the truth? Before someone throws down the hammer of truth listen to this example. A wife ask her husband if she looks fat in a said dress, husband lies and says she doesn't? Remember there are no such thing as a white lie. Now take that situation and multiply it by a thousand. Now, lets say the wife leads a double life, she's cheating on her husband.. But she keeps both life in balance? Neither neglecting one over the other. Does that mean its OK to lie so long no one gets hurt?

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • So far down the friend zone..HELP? :(?

    I'm in love with this girl. She doesn't know it. We have a rather good friendship. She tells me her secrets and I tell her mine. Sometimes we can even spend hours just chatting. But here's the problem, I've always been nice to her. In fact, I don't mean to crow about myself, but I'm nice to everyone. The thing is now, that because I was always nice, in the sense that I didn't come out and straight away hit on her, I've sorta become her friend. By that i mean, I'm so far down the friend zone I don't think there's anyway I can return and just ask her out without her either laughing her head off or ruining our friendship. As she might think that the only reason I got friendly with her was to ask her out. Whish isn't the case, mostly, I was genuinely interested in just friendship at first but then midway I had this strong feelings for her. I wish I could supress it and hope it would just go away but I can't. What should I do?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Need Info on Monsanto Electronics Please?

    Does anyone know ANYTHING at all about a company called Monsanto Electronics. I mean anything, a website, article, etc. Please Help. I tried googling it but to not much success. Please Help.

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Some of the most successful relationships are based on lies, true, false or somewhat right?

    I read an article about how some of the most successful relationships today are based on lies and it got me contrasting it against the conformed morale of a "text-book" example of a healthy relationships. There is no such thing as a white lie. A lie is a lie, it doesn't matter how one sugar-coats it to reaffirm themselves that it isn't one. Now we all have been duly informed of the repercussion of a lie at some point in our lives, how it destroys bonds and trust. But isn't a lie well stuck too is as good as the truth? Before someone throws down the hammer of truth listen to this example. A wife ask her husband if she looks fat in a said dress, husband lies and says she doesn't? Remember there are no such thing as a white lie. Now take that situation and multiply it by a thousand. Now, lets say the wife leads a double life, she's cheating on her husband. But she keeps both life in balance? Neither neglecting one over the other. Does that mean its ok to lie so long no one gets hurt?.

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Some of the most successful relationships are based on lies, true, false or somewhat right?

    I read an article about how some of the most successful relationships today are based on lies and it got me contrasting it against the conformed morale of a "text-book" example of a healthy relationships. There is no such thing as a white lie. A lie is a lie, it doesn't matter how one sugar-coats it to reaffirm themselves that it isn't one. Now we all have been duly informed of the repercussion of a lie at some point in our lives, how it destroys bonds and trust. But isn't a lie well stuck too is as good as the truth? Before someone throws down the hammer of truth listen to this example. A wife ask her husband if she looks fat in a said dress, husband lies and says she doesn't? Remember there are no such thing as a white lie. Now take that situation and multiply it by a thousand. Now, lets say the wife leads a double life, she's cheating on her husband. But she keeps both life in balance? Neither neglecting one over the other. Does that mean its ok to lie so long no one gets hurt?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How many celebrities are there in the whole world?

    Both big time and small time celebrities.

    8 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • How Do I Fit In My Family?

    I just can't seem to fit in my family. It's been for a very long time now. I try hard to make them like the things I like, I know it's wrong to make people want to do the things I want but Isn't families suppose to at least have a passing interests in another family members avocations. I like talking about a lot philosophical stuff but when I bring something interesting to the dinner conversation everyone ignores it and talks about something else. It's worse when they ignore mine over 'How my sister's day went?". My folks just don't seem to like me very much. My mother once said I was a burden to her, I don't know if she meant it but it felt like someone stabbing me. I know they love me but im not sure if they care about me though. Everyone else clicks very well with each other but when i try, they call me ignorant and hardheaded just because i don't believe all the things they say. Sometimes i wonder if i was switched at birth. I wish I knew a way to fit in with the family?

    10 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • a friend is working at a fast food joint, should i leave a tip. if so how much..??

    Its not very customary for people in this country to leave a tip, but some do it anyways. I was wondering if i should leave a tip. I don't want her thinking i was some kinda cheap bastard, i may sorta have a thing fer her...

    12 AnswersOther - Dining Out1 decade ago
  • Regarding Formula 1 and Football Results...?

    Is there an applet or script that allows for live display of english primier league and or formula 1 results on blogs. I'm planning to put one on mine but I can't seem to find one. I was just curious to know if anyone else might know of any out there

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Will nice guys always finnish last??

    I just can't seem to understand women sometimes. I find it gallingly hard to get a gal to even notice me beyond 'friend' material. Im polite, i NEVER cuss or at least in front of a lady, i love engrossing conversations and I like to think tht i have a good ammount of social etiquette. And NO, I DON'T have a 'confidence' problem, I do stand up comedy at a local diner on a regular basis. But yet somehow, all the girls want is tht hunk across the hall with those big pecs and biceps, who calls all his girlfrinds and ex's his "bitches" with a seemingly 'bad boy' attitude. I hold open doors for them and what do I get, nothing, not even a thank you. I compliment them even if I know they're fishing for it, yet no one looks past me more then once. I drive them back home from a party after they get wasted and i never try or even think of taking advantage of them, but all they see is that hunk with the leather jacket across the hall. Are nice guys doomed to finnish last??

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Where do old pornstars go..???

    we all know the pornstar life-cycle of (be borned-screw as many-bag a rich old bast@rd-screw him as many times required-he dies-pornstar inherit mass fortune-goes to bahamas-and settles) But what happens to the 'not so lucky ones', where do they go...and no this is not a question about sex, so grow up...I was just curious thats all...

    9 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups2 decades ago
  • What is the single most TINIEST thing in the world.???

    smallest/tiniest thing in the world

    11 AnswersOther - Social Science2 decades ago
  • Is it Cheating when your Dating Multiple Women..?!?

    I've been dating a few girls lately, nothing serious has happened, I was wondering is it wrong to go out on multiple dates...i dunno it feels like cheating, but Im not getting into anything serious, im just interested in finding the right gal first, then ill stop the 'multiple date' thing and concentrate on her...

    28 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago
  • why can't nice guys finnish first?!?!?!?!?

    I just can't seem to understand women sometimes. I find it gallingly hard to get a gal to even notice me at a club or a bar or heck even at a bar-mitzhfah!! Im polite, i NEVER cuss or at least in front of a lady, i love engrossing conversations and I like to think tht i have a good ammount of social etiquette. And NO, I DON'T have a 'confidence' problem, I do stand up comedy at a local diner on a regular basis. But yet somehow, all the girls want is tht hunk across the hall with those big pecs and biceps, who calls all his girlfrinds and ex's his "bitches", yeah so he's like cloned version of brad pitt, so does that mean Im doomed to mediocraty as far as getting a great gal is concerned just because i choose to be polite.? Does that mean the only kinda gal ill get is the kind tht went after the hottie and failed so she settled for second best..? Why can't nice guys finnish first...???

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago