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I'm happy happy happy!Not.Like me or not,I don't care.

  • why are my central heating vents blowing out a sweet stinky smell?

    I woke at 12am to this smell. Unit itself is fine, but odd smell coming trom vents. Stinky sweet, burns my nose kinda smell. Help plz

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)8 years ago
  • What is the correct level on the temp. Gauge for a 2004 dodge caravan?

    My husband thinks the temperature level should read at the little line below the middle line. But most people think middle line is normal. My van in cold weather does stay on the line before the middle. But lately we've had overheating problems. Changed thermastst,radiatior cap,temp.sensor,fans,fan plugs,and head gasket and water pump. Van is now riding about 1/2inch above little line..between that one and middle line. Is that ok,or is it still overheating?

    2 AnswersDodge9 years ago
  • My car loses power when driving, and shuts off randomly?

    Okay, so 2 days ago my car battery died whenever I tried to start up my car in the college parking lot. I got it jumped, and drove it to the nearest auto parts store. They tested my battery. It had a 30% charge, and they said that my battery was from 2002. Needless to say, I bought a new one. And everything went perfectly for the 20 minute car drive back to my house.

    The next day, I drove it to work. My job is only about 7 minutes away from my house. Right before reaching my job, I stopped at a stop sign. After I turned, my car started losing all power and the speedometer began to drop. My car stopped dead in the middle of the road. I waited a moment and started it back up. It drove to my work. On the way home, it stopped dead right as I pulled into my driveway. /: again, it will start right back up, drive for a few minutes and shut itself off.

    Today, I took the alternator off and went and got it tested at 2 different places. It tested fine.

    What's going on?!

    *i'll also note that the engine shakes.

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • How do you hook up speakers from a home entertainment center to regular TV?

    I have the speakers alreay hooked up, and we can watch DVD's with the speakers. I just want to know how to hook them up to the television as well so I can hear the same effects on regular TV.

    3 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • Charger port to my Blackberry phone is broken. Are there any wall chargers that I can connect my battery to?

    I have a i8350 Blackberry phone.

    The battery that fits into it is a lithium ion rechargeable battery.

    1400mAh(type) 5.2Wh

    1380 mAh (min)

    My charger port to my blackberry is broken. I have bought multiple phone chargers, and none seem to work when inserted into my charger port.

    Basically, is there another way to charge my phone?

    Can I buy a charger that I can just insert my battery into?


    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Artists/Bands similar to Stephen Jerzak, Shayne Orok, Craig Owens... etc?

    Slow acoustic/piano artists. I've heard all the bands like nevershoutnever! and stuff like that. I'm preferably looking for artists like Stephen Jerzak, Steve Salazar, Anthony Green, Dave Melillo... You know, slow stuff by solo artists. Many artists used to be in bands and have now gone solo acoustic. I'd like to find more. I'm looking for singers that sound similar to Christopher Drew :) Thanks.

    3 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Can u get pregnant after fallopian tubes clamped?

    I had my tubes clamped 6yrs ago after my 4th child.We(hubby and I)don't use any birth control cause of this.And I had a short period,lasted 3 or 4 days on july4th.But,I'm getting worried.My breasts ache alot and I'm overly tired and I"ve had heartburn for the last 5 days or so straight,even without eating anything.

    Sooooo,can I still get pregnant anyways,and can I have a period while pregnant?

    Maybe I'm just paranoid?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Why should brown skin mean you are an illegal mexican?

    Every where on answers it's "illegal mexican".Why?Why not illegal Honduranian or illegal Guatamalan Or illegal dominican republican?Does their latino skin color automatically label them as mexican?Isn't that a bit presumptuous?

    What about those dark skinned Honduranians that look black or the Dominicans with dark skin?You'd see them on the street and never classify them.Because they don't fit the typical "mexican"look?Did you know there are white skinned mexicans also?Blonde hair and blue eyes.They could all be illegal,but they wouldn't be accused and put down soley by the way they look.But let a brown skinned woman with black hair stand in the food stamp line and there'd people go,calling her another government cheating illegal mexican.Or worse,a *******,which is what they are called where I live.It wouldn't matter if she was born here ,along with the last 5 generations of her family.She could have more american roots than you or I,but no one would care,cause she lokks mexican.Sad.

    17 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Question : What's more important,being a drunk driver that killed a person or being an illegal immigrant?

    Last Monday an illegal immigrant was drunk driving on hwy40 and killed another driver.Thats really terrible and awful,and I believe he should be punished severely by whatever means available in the court system.It's been all over the t.v here in N.C.But what I don't understand is how(in my perspective)the news channel is focusing more on the guys illegal status than the fact he was a drunk driver.Drunk driving to me is way more of an issue here than his legality.Even worse,the fact that he killed a person by drunk driving .But the focus seems to be more about him being illegal.

    I don't care if they deport him.Good riddance.I personally feel anyone who kills another by drunk driving should receive the death penalty.Being drunk and driving is not an accident,no matter if you are illegal or not.But all they are talking about is the fact the guy has been deported twice from California and was using a fake I.D.So what!He killed a man...isn't that more important?

    13 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • I'm really "LOST".Can someone help me?????

    Okay,so I've watched the show for ,what, 3 yrs now(or however long it's been going).And I'm hooked.But this last episode really messed with my brain.WTF?Are they still on the island or what?And those bearded flashbacks of Jacks won't flashbacks but the future?And wasn't his dad dead?That was his whole reason for being on the plane,right?So,why'd he tell that doctor in his "flashback into the future" to go get his dad from the top floor of the hospital?I am soooo confused.And Charlie cannot be dead,can he?

    I don't know,but if anybody can help.I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

    14 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Whats the point of burning a flag from any country?

    I recently read a question on here about burning a Mexican flag.Why?And why would any mexican person burn an American flag?

    So maybe it's a show of anger and frustration towards that certain group of people.Like when I get mad at my husband and break his stuff and throw things at him.I know its stupid,but i do it anyways.

    ***Only one more thing before I go: I would think the people of our country would hold more animosity towards Pakistan,Iran,and Iraq than Mexico.Mexico didn't bomb our country and we aren't fighting wars with them.So,why not burn the flags of Pakistan,Iraq and Iran?I think it's all stupid and childish,but that would make a little more sense to me.

    12 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Why get angry over illegals getting any welfare benefits when America gives it to them?

    Americans give them the idea.We practically push the application forms down their throat.We say "Go ahead,apply for your legally born children".WIC offices,doctors,schools,etc. tell illegal immigrants about our social servics program.They encourage them to apply.

    So,my question is "Why blame the illegal immigrant for getting benefits that our country has invited them to get?Why not blame our government?"

    I asked this same question,formed a bit differently,yesterday.But no one really answered it correctly.So,I'll ask again in hopes that someone gets my point.I just would like to know why there is so much animosity with illegals getting welfare benefits when we americans give them this opportunity several times over.I blame the government,not them.What about ya'll?

    13 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Can Someone Enlighten Me On The Subject Of Illegals And Welfare,Please?

    It's a common arguement that illegals get welfare and drain our economy.Besides the fact that they cannot recieve any assistance unless they have social security numbers.I mean,they could recieve for their legal children,right?Anti illegals complain about this alot.But WHERE did the illegal immigrants get this idea for applying for welfare?I'm sure they didn't walk across the border with this knowledge,seeing as how Mexico doesn't offer full welfare benefits like we do.Is it possible(gasp)that they learned about it from us americans?Besides the fact that americans who work in the clinics and hospitals have practically shoved the information in their faces.If someone offers you something free,won't you apply for it?Most people would,if they thought they could get it.Anyway,for all the hooplah over illegals and welfare,aren't we the same ones who first introduced this to them?Why be mad at them?Why not be mad and blame the government for giving them this info.?

    14 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Drivers license questions?Help???

    I heard that a law was passed where no one can get their license unless they have a social security card.Does that mean for renewals too?I mean,if you got your license before with a tax #,can you renew it still?And does that also include a green card or is it just a social security card?

    And if that IS true,isn't it a bit of a catch 22?Sure,if an illegal gets stopped with no license,they could get deported.Good for all the anti-illegals,right?But, if they get in a wreck with an american and seriously hurt the american ?If the illegal has no license,he also has no insurance.So,how would the american get any money for their injuries and car?Technically,it wouldn't be the illegals fault for not having insurance,especially if they had license and insurance before this new law came about.I just wonder what will happen in cases like that?I know I'd rather have insured drivers on the road with me.And you know that no one will quit driving just because of this law.

    6 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Why do racist people feel the need to be racist?

    It truely doesn't matter what skin color you have.It doesn't make you richer or smarter or more healthy.You can't become a nobel peace prize winner just because you are a certain color.Honestly,the color of your skin should not gain you automatic entry into an easy life.So,if all this has been eliminated,then for what reason do these people have to feel they have a more superior race than any other?

    Then you have those that feel the need to ask:"Am I racist if...?"WTF???If you feel the need to ask,then that generally means yes.You would think that they would be embarrassed to ask that question.

    Sorry,ya'll.I just got a big attitude problem from reading some dumb question about racism again from this guy with a real stupid avator thats ten feet long.Doesn't anyone else ever get tired of it?

    24 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Any anti-illegals here that believe in God?

    The bible states "Thou shall love thy neighbor".So,why do you feel such animosity towards your illegal immigrant neighbors when the bible clearly states that you should love your neighbor?I don't think the bible meant to say "only love your legal neighbors".

    It would explain alot if all ya'll didn't believe in God,but for those that do............

    23 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Is discrimination a crime?

    Or is it only a crime when used towards american citizens?True,illegal entry into america is a crime.But,isn't it also a crime to discriminate against those same illegal people?Illegal entry=crime.Discrimination also equals hate crime.Right?Regardless of where the person came from,in the United States discrimination is a crime same as illegal entry.So,why shouldn't those that discriminate against illegal immigrants be charged?A crime is a crime,right?Or do we have biased laws here too?

    18 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Do illegal aliens come from mars?

    Many americans are against illegal immigration,and they are very vocal about it.I've heard every name illegals are called when the american feels unjustified.Pretty much everything from ******* to beaner(?).And the one most feel is okay:Illegal alien.DO we have any legal aliens?Never met an alien,but eventually the illegal hispanic population have become them.

    So anyway,why is it that illegal immigrants are called aliens?

    22 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago