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Nosey parker

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  • Am I right to be suspicious?

    My ex colleague has asked me to provide him with resources for teaching when he is only a coach. Strange enough though as a coach he was paid £10 more than the rest of the team per day than those of us who are qualified teachers. Since Feb 2016 we have all been unemployed and now not only has he been asking for resources and lesson plans etc, but the so called sister company for the one we used to work for have indicated they would like my resources and lesson plans and yet they have not offered me a job. The reason they have given is that they don't want to start in May from scratch as they have a need to standardise what they teach across all of their companies.

    In the meantime, I may be working in a school full time as of next week courtesy of an agency. I haven't supplied any of my resources or lesson plans as I feel this is something you would only do in work.

    I am suspicious because I feel they want to use me as a mug. My resources and lesson plans and schemes running for 12 - 16 weeks, have taken hours to prepare each week and I am not about to share them for nothing. Am I right to feel like this?

    4 AnswersTeaching5 years ago
  • Are jobs of ten hours or less worth doing in the UK if you are single?

    I am curious whether anyone would consider a part time job that was 10 hours or less a week worth doing.if you are single and on benefits.

    I personally feel it isn't worth it, but don't know whether I am right on this.

    The advice I have been given is that you are allowed to keep £5 's and then £1 for £1 over and above that is deducted from job seekers.

    3 AnswersTechnology7 years ago
  • Do you ever feel that life is sometimes not worth living?

    'I am at present unemployed and this week I have done my ususal amount of job search hours close on 40, next week I will be doing this again plus my voluntary hours and my evening class. So next week I will be busy for a minimum of 53 hours.

    I feel drained most days and absolutely done in. I wouldn't mind feeling done in, if I was in paid work, but being unemployed is soul destroying.

    I;m sure that my mental health is now affected as I regularly feel fed up to the point of tears for no good reason once I am home behind closed doors.

    I also don't seem to get much time to me to just chill out and relax as others with issues just keep dropping in, sometimes I feel that life is not my own and that I must be selfish to want this.

    Some of my friends wouldn't want me to have a job as it would mean less time spent ;listening to them.

    So I feel crowded with things to do and none of it makes me feel that life is worth living. I must be born unlucky.

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • Are there any advantages to registering as blind or partially sighted in the UK?

    I have a friend who suffers with really serious eyesight issues. These became far worse after lazer surgery to correct her vision.

    She also has some aspect of Aspergers Syndrome.

    All her life the eyesight issues she had before surgery and with the Aspergers were put down to anxiety and mental health issues, which I feel is completely wrong.

    Put it this way if I said to you that Leonardo Da Vinci had a form of Aspergers or Autism do you believe that made him mad? Did it not make his other senses and abilities stronger? He was a gifted artist and a person gifted with foresight, did that make him mad. No.

    People who have Aspergers or Autism may see things from behind a mirror or glass but that does not make them mad. Instead it makes them different.

    As a result of this misdiagnosis it has plagued her life to the extent that she gets descriminated against.

    Instead I think she has not only been misunderstood and misdiagnosed all her life and this coupled with very bad eyesight makes her a target by Job centre Jobs worthy staff.

    She was sent a letter she could hardly read because the text type was moving on the page, this resulted in her losing an appointment with the job centre and she has now been sanctioned. She has since explained that she couldn't read their letter and the staff did not believe her.

    This lady also has trouble seeing numbers and these eyesight issues have been wrongly catergorised under mental health.

    As a teacher I regularly have to alter resources, print them on green or blue paper and even lemon paper. Sometimes, I have to enlarge the texts to large type via the photocopier so that A4 paper becomes A3. This has to be done so that the learners with the eyesight issues can engage with the lesson. Just because I do this does not mean these children or adults have a mental health problem.

    Sadly this person has just been sanctioned for not attending an appointment. This means she has been descriminated against because the staff did not accept her reason for missing the appointment. That she couldn't read her letter.

    I think these eyesight issues are covered by the Equality Act under the 9 protected characteristics that you can't be descriminated against because you have a disability.

    Which brings me to are there any advantages to a person being registered as blind or partially sighted?

    Can anyone help?

    Does a blind register exist anymore?

    If you can help please do.


    1 AnswerPeople with Disabilities8 years ago
  • Is there such a thing as seasonal eczema?

    I notice that at the start of the very cold season my skin gets very itchy and sore. It is flaky and dry on my head and also very flaky dry on the edge of my face meeting my hairline and on my cheeks, however when my skin is dry and itchy in these two areas it feels hot and bothered whether it is ice cold outside or not and on my face in particular it develops a red rash in the shape of a butterfly..

    On my body my skin is very itchy and spotty although moist due to moisturisers and emollients I use in the bath and afterwards. The spots look like the pores of the skin is expanding with the intense cold or intense heat. The skin on my body does not start dry but with the winter it can become so after a week or two of intense itching.

    At one time I used to think I developed shingles every winter and summer alike for a good few weeks before it would miraculously start to ease off and resort to being normal skin.

    At this very moment I am itchy and I am trying to resist the urge to claw it for relief. Thing is if I cover it now with cream before bed it will become extremely uncomfortable and impossible to go to sleep.

    Sometimes I find it is helpful to take an antihistamine and take a clean cotton pillow slip to bed and try to wear it like a bib underneath my PJ's. The cotton soaks up the sweat and eases the itch the problem is that doesn't help my back going through the same thing.

    It is pure torture to feel this itchy and it is driving me mad so has anyone got any ideas that might help?

    Last year my skin specialist prescribed several tubes of 5% steroid based Dermovate and that did the trick over three weeks. But I am not so sure if strong steroid creams and ointments are a good idea.

    7 AnswersSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • Do you ever feel undervalued and taken forgranted?

    Of late I seem to have worked every hour god gives. I feel drained of energy and worn out.

    I also feel that sometimes learners do not appreciate all you do and just take it forgranted that because they are adult learners that they don't need to do anything or take responsibility for their learning in anyway., sometimes I feel they are there to take advantage of the ride but without giving it their best they still expect to succeed. .

    2 AnswersOther - Education8 years ago
  • What are the rules about temporary sickness benefits in the UK?

    Since the the 20th of September 2013 I have suffered on and off bouts of vomiting, headaches, nausea and the runs. My Dr told me on the 25th of September that I had a virus and although I was prescribed medication to stop the runs and vomiting, this only gave me temporary relief for a few days.

    Needless to say I am absolutely fed up and I have been back to my doctor who told me again that it was a virus and it needed time to work its way out of my body.

    Today I have had an interview with my local job centre and my agreement has been changed to 36 different things a week. I told my adviser that I hadn't been very well since the 2Oth of September but I had kept going against this illness which I had hoped was temporary and going to go away soon.

    I also informed him I was waiting news of a specialist appointment a scope and biopsy test to be done.

    He obviously didn't hear me and continued to speak to me like some criminal or waste of space.

    Thing is I feel that I should be on the sick for approximately 6 - 8 weeks to give myself a chance to recover and have any essential treatment.

    Even tonight as I am typing my stomach is churning, and a rotten eggs taste is rising, I have a headache behind my eyes and on one side of my head and I feel awful. I also know that tonight, I will start vomiting for the third time this week.

    So does anyone know if there is such a thing as temporary sickness benefits and what the rules are to recieve them?

  • Am I right to feel fed up?

    Since the 20th of September I have had vomiting and the runs on two or three days each week. It is driving me mad.

    The Doctor tells me it is a virus so I have been taking medication for it. But I still get the runs and the vomiting spells.

    I feel awful with it and that each day I'm free of it I know the next one might not be so good,

    According to my doctor it could take weeks to get rid of as the virus is one that keeps re-attaching itself to my stomach.

    I'd love to be able to flush it out by drinking water but it is stubborn.

    I now feel quite drained of energy even on good days and I am fed up.

    I am also waiting for a scope examination which could take another three weeks to get.

    So am I right to feel fed up?

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • How do I find out my password for my wireless internet provider?

    I have just bought a tablet that works with Google.

    However in trying to set it up I was asked to put in a password for my wireless internet. The tip given is that it is to do with my wireless router.

    So I typed in one number and when it failed I then typed the other number in and it too failed.

    The tablet then said there was a problem with my connection yet my internet page was open on the lap top and in use.

    Can anyone help?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers8 years ago
  • Who is the cheapest supermarket?

    As we are all living in the days of austerity we owe it to ourselves to find a supermarket that sells all the brands of food you like or the next best alternative at a reasonable price.

    I like shopping in Sainsbury 's but I am going to stop as their prices are a good 10 - 30% more than other supermarkets.

    Also I get tired of reading of how you can shop frugally but if you did this your weekly shop would be done in 6 diffferent supoermarkets just so you could use your vouchers etc.

    So who for you is the best and why?

    5 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits8 years ago
  • Should I have a Windows tool bar or tutorial on my system?

    The other day I was looking at how to create a Zip file within microsoft word and found out that no such thing exists. Yet I do remember creating a file on my old lap top in which I could save x number of word documents. I used to be able to do this from my desktop.

    Today I am on a more up to date system but have no Windows toolbar or Windows tutorial kit on my desktop, yet it is on the computer somewhere.

    Has anyone got any ideas where it has gone?

    My system is Windows 7 and Internet explorer.

    I would love to create some Zip files as they so much neater than masses of little files.

    Can anyone help?

    1 AnswerGoogle8 years ago
  • Seasonal swelling and water retention. What is causing it?

    I'm in my early 50's. But for 3 years running in the spring, summer and autumn I have increasingly swollen and painful feet. They appear to be full of water.

    At one time I used to get swollen feet and water retention filled feet on summer holidays this was betweenbetween 2007 and 2010 and once the holiday was over my feet would return to normal. I assumed at the time that the reason for this happening was a combination of summer heat and travelling with no space for your feet to be comfortable.

    Prior to 2007 I never had swollen feet or water retention ever.

    Tonight when I look at my feet where my flat shoes meet the filled water tyre around my ankle joint, which is painful and itchy, my feet look like those of a 70 - 80 year old person. Half way down my leg from my knees on both legs these feel hard and swollen also.

    I am fed up and being told its because overweight is not in agreement with me?

    So what do you think is causaing this?

    I think I have a heriditary problem as my father used to suffer in a similar ways despite being thin.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases8 years ago
  • What is your understanding of an ALS role?

    I am a qualified adult education teacher within the lifelong learning sector and today I have been asked if I would like to stay employed but in a different role to the one I am accustomed too. I also suspect that if I say no that my job won't exist in September 2013. This is due to cutbacks in the Education budget.

    My other worry is that I am the sole income earner in my flat and taking on the role of an ALS person would result in an income loss of around 8k a year pro-rata. From 24k to 16k or less for the same hours.

    I'm also at that stage in my career when instead if taking a dive in my career I should be looking towards getting a promotion and rising up the ladder.

    What do you think abou t this?

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Where do you type your frustrations or questions?

    I have just deleted a question as someone complained that I needed to condense, they also said it was a problem that most women seemed to have.

    If yahoo answers is not the place for this can you suggest where it is right to type your questions and frustrations of everyday matters?

    In particular I would like to be part of an online environment that does not descriminate against your sex.

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Do you have difficulties meeting deadlines?

    I have 40 reports to write before Tuesday afternoon. I know I'm only going to have half done but I do feel guilty that the rest will have to wait to possibly Thursday if not Friday.

    Thing is as a teacher I feel that more than half of my Job is about being an administrator and I am fed up, tired out and just never have any energy for the things I like anymore.

    Lesson Plans, Schemes of Work, Resources, Action plans, ILPs, Registration documents, Monitoring documents, Assessments,, Exam entries, applications, Induction documents, learners work journals, Learners work. To name a few. Now tired out all the time. It wouldn't be so bad if we got paid for all this extra work. So sometimes I do just feel like packing it all in and telling Mr Michael Gove to stuff it.

    1 AnswerTeaching8 years ago
  • Why when signing out of yahoo does an advert load?

    Yahoo must be having problems. I believe that everytime you have used and checked through your emails you should be able to log out.

    However, this has not been happening of late. I have clicked to log out numerous times and instead an advert loads on my screen instead.

    After I have tried to log out say 6 times I give up and click the red x at the top of my screen.

    This is not what I teach my learners to do for security reasons, so why is this happening at home?

    I have also noticed occassionally that yahoo will ask you to close several pages down, so I have made sure none are open when trying to log out.

    Has anyone got any ideas what is causing this?

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products8 years ago
  • What causes yahoo incoming emails to freeze when trying to open them or to move them after reading?

    Yahoo seems to have problems with its email at the moment.

    Also for the first time ever the other night a screen box appeared telling me to close down pages to continue as I had reached the maximum number that could be kept open

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail8 years ago
  • How do I reconnect to wireless internet?

    For some reason or other my wireless has switched itself off and the wireless button won't switch itself on.In fact it has a red light on and it does not appear to be budging. Normally this would be a white light when on.

    I have internet at the moment courtesy of Ethernet Cable but prefer wireless. Can anyone help?

    3 AnswersComputer Networking8 years ago
  • Has Yahoo Mail got problems at the moment?

    Something has been going wrong now for about 10 days. Sometimes Yahoo does not let me log out of my email account. So to hopefully log out, I go through the procedure to clear my pages and then shut down without logging out. I log back on to my screen to ensure that the yahoo page is not open at my email.

    Next thing the other day I was asked for my mobile to secure never losing access to my account. Now I have an email in French asking for my address etc. Not sure exactly whats going on so will be ignoring this latter detail as Yahoo already have my details from when I set up my original account.

    Is anyone else having problems of this nature with Yahoo?

    Is it possible that these problems are as a result of the new email system?

    2 AnswersNotices and Errors8 years ago