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  • I need some good venison recipes?

    I've pulled some recipes from the net, and I have other recipes I've used for venison (pot-roast and stew), but on only my 2nd day deer hunting I managed to get a doe. I butchered her, and now have a boatload of venison. I'm aging steaks and a big roast (both cut from the hindquarters) in my fridge. The tougher cuts (stew meat, pot roasts, soup meat) are already downstairs in the freezer.

    So I need recipes for the steaks, the roast (which is the entire haunch), and the tenderloin.

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Home-made canned spiced apples?

    Having a very productive apple tree, and not liking to leave them all for the critters, I canned 7 qts. of them last summer. Like an idiot, I didn't save the recipe (I thought it was in one of my cookbooks) and now I can't find it. I remember the ingredients, but not the amounts. I've just spent the last half-hour looking on line and here, and I can't find one using just these ingredients anywhere. They are: sliced apples (peeled and cored), sugar, water, vinegar, whole cloves and cinnamon sticks broken into pieces. Please help, the apples are starting to ripen.

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Weird tattoo reactions.?

    I have a smallish (2" x 4") dragon tattoo on my outer thigh that I've had for 10 years. Sometimes, when I get a mosquito bite on or near the tattoo, the whole tattoo will turn into a hive. The swelling will be confined to just the area that's been inked. It doesn't itch, and the swelling goes away in a couple of hours. It's happened maybe 8 times since I got it, but seems to be happening more frequently. The inks are black, blue, yellow and green. Has anyone else had this happen? Does anyone know what causes it? I'm not really worried, just curious.

    5 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago