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Weird tattoo reactions.?

I have a smallish (2" x 4") dragon tattoo on my outer thigh that I've had for 10 years. Sometimes, when I get a mosquito bite on or near the tattoo, the whole tattoo will turn into a hive. The swelling will be confined to just the area that's been inked. It doesn't itch, and the swelling goes away in a couple of hours. It's happened maybe 8 times since I got it, but seems to be happening more frequently. The inks are black, blue, yellow and green. Has anyone else had this happen? Does anyone know what causes it? I'm not really worried, just curious.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The tattoo is starting to react are developing antibodies to it and when you get a mosquito bite there, a reaction to that starts up a chain reaction to anything that is an allergen of any type in the area. My guess is the green but it can be any color.

  • 1 decade ago

    You might want to talk to your doctor. I have a tattoo on my foot and I get by mosquitos there all the time. My tattoo never swells or anything. It just itches a lot!

  • 5 years ago

    it can be awkward getting used to the tattoo being there, but i have never had regret for any of mine (i have 3) they all 3 represent something special to me and when i see them those are the thoughts i have... I looked at all 3 of mine and inspected them carefully and criticized them at first and even convinced myself that one part of the outline on one was not strait, but then i realized i was over-reacting and let it go. Now i know they all look good and are special to me.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a unicorn on my shoulder and every once in awhile the outline puffs up. I was told it happens to some people and not others. Also told not to scratch it so I do not break skin. If it does not hurt and gives you no problem then I would not worry about it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    im not sure what cuases it have youtalked to your doctor about it... he might have something you can put on it .. or might know what cuases it

    good luck

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