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Favorite Answers74%
  • I gaduated college last May with a degree in Aquaculture. Where can I look for a job?

    I can't seem to find any job openings in my field. I know the economy isn't the best, But I'm willing to relocate about anywhere. I've tried and don't even get any replies when I send my resume! Are there any other places I can check for job openings? TIA

    1 AnswerTechnology1 decade ago
  • CHKDSK and Registry Error?

    Last week, I updated my Dads' PC from XP SP1 to XP SP3. Now, every time the PC is started, it does a CHKDSK Scan. After that process finishes, the desktop comes up and shows an "Error in Registry Files". The Error is 6 squares rather than a numerical error. I also can not De-fragment Drive C and get an error "That the registry needs to run a scan check". The computer will then work (although slow). I have run Virus and Adware Scans- no problems found. The PC is a HP Pavilion, and there were no problems before I updated WINDOWS. Can anyone help? If you need more info, please ask. TIA!

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Possible to have a relationship again?

    I'm a 49 Y.O. male going through a divorce. I have Panic Disorder/Attacks and depression. Does anyone think it's possible I will ever find another partner? BTW, I'm on disability and can't afford counseling. Thanks for your help.

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Any chance fo having a relationship again?

    I'm a 49 y.o. male in the process of getting divorced (her idea). I am disabled due to Panic Disorder, and therefore, don't get out a lot. Does anyone think there is a chance I'll ever find another partner?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Need help on a Mercury outboard engine?

    I have a 1974 Mercury 110, 9.8 HP, that stalls intermittently. It just "shuts off" at any speed (randomly) and generally will resart with one pull of the starter. The in-line fuel bulb stays hard, I don't have to pump it to restart the engine. Seems to get somewhat worse the longer it's run. IMHO, it feels like an electrical cut-out (I'm an auto tech, understand engines, but not much experience with outboards) Has all new fuel lines and pump bulb, plugs, and new points?(dealer installed, thought it was CDI) Runs great otherwise, just randomly quits with no warning. Any help would be appreciated, TIA!!

    9 AnswersBoats & Boating1 decade ago