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CHKDSK and Registry Error?

Last week, I updated my Dads' PC from XP SP1 to XP SP3. Now, every time the PC is started, it does a CHKDSK Scan. After that process finishes, the desktop comes up and shows an "Error in Registry Files". The Error is 6 squares rather than a numerical error. I also can not De-fragment Drive C and get an error "That the registry needs to run a scan check". The computer will then work (although slow). I have run Virus and Adware Scans- no problems found. The PC is a HP Pavilion, and there were no problems before I updated WINDOWS. Can anyone help? If you need more info, please ask. TIA!

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Reboot the computer is safe mode (press the escape key, F10 or F8 when the HP screen comes up at the start) and then wait for your computer to load.

    Then open up command prompt (Windows key + R and type "cmd" or just go to start > run > type "cmd") and type "CHKDSK /r" and wait for it to complete.

    If that still doesn't fix the problem then download CCleaner ( and run a registry scan to fix any errors in the registry.

    If that still doesn't work, back up all important files onto an external hard drive and format the computer, then reinstall XP and immediately update to SP3 to make your PC secure with the latest updates.

    Good luck! If you need any more help, email me: tracdoor[at]

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Registry errors are generally bad news, but what I would suggest is that you download a piece of freeware called CCLEANER (available from which includes a good registry checker/cleaner. Run the registry cleaner and see if this improves your problem. Other than that my only suggestion would be to restore the system from your last backup (I hope you did back it up before adding SP3) or if not try removing SP3 to see if this corrects the registry error.

  • 5 years ago

    I am a professional developer with Microsoft, and have about 10 years of experience in the field of Computer Engineering. Most problems with PC's are the result of malicious software that infected a Computer. Examples of this are things such as malware, viruses, trojans, spyware, adware, root kits, and worms. In other cases, they are the result of stability issues due to crashes, freezes, or Hardware Issues. Some examples of hardware issues could be a dirty cooling fan causing the computer to overheat, or low memory due to lack of RAM, which could cause the PC to run slowly. You may think it could be a virus, or malware, or registry issues, but it could be something else entirely. As a computer layman, one may find it hard to really ascertain what exactly is causing the problems, without having a professional do an in depth analysis of your PC.

    As professional computer repairs can be quite costly, I would recommend to you a Software that many of us in the tech department here at Microsoft use personally and professionally to diagnose and repair computer problems very quickly. It is a software called Reimage, from .. In my personal experience, and in the experience of many of my associates, this is probably the best software ever created for those experiencing computer troubles. This is likely to remedy just about ANY problem your computer could possibly be having, and have it running like new. Reimage has won several awards, and been featured in publications such as PC Mag.

    Source(s): Personal Experience with
  • Sarah
    Lv 4
    5 years ago
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