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I'm fun, smart and sexy. To bad for you I'm happily married!

  • what is the best meal delivery program out there?

    How much weight have you lost on meal delivery programs?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Would you cancel your labor day plans because of a possible hurricane?

    My family and I have reservations to vacation in Myrtle Beach, S.C this labor day weekend, and we are to arrive on Thursday of this week. I am traveling with six kids, my husband and my mom. The resort we are staying in is right on the ocean front, what should I do?

    5 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Please help me...I'm expecting twin boys and need help with choosing names!?

    I've narrowed it down to these six.....







    Please help me choose two..thanks.

    46 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What is the funniest thing ever done to you during a serious argument?

    During a really serious argument, I got upset and told my husband that I was going to get a divorce. He turned around and coldy replied, "you don't need a divorce lawyer, you need and excorsist", lol. I had to laugh, this man was dead serious, and then he walked away. Needless to say, I ended up apologizing and making up to him. What has happened during an argument with someone you love that immediately made you laugh?

    15 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • What is the funniest thing your spouse/partner has said or done to you during a heated argument?

    During a really serious argument, I got upset and told my husband that I was going to get a divorce. He turned around and coldy replied, "you don't need a divorce lawyer, you need and excorsist", lol. I had to laugh, this man was dead serious, and then he walked away. Needless to say, I ended up apologizing and making up to him. What has happened during an argument with someone you love that immediately made you laugh?

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Please help me, is my marriage doomed????

    My husband admitted to me that he dreamed of having sex with another woman last night. He says that he did not see a face only the body. We looked it up on to see what it may mean, and it stated that he may be dissatisfied with our physical relationship. At the point I turned around and asked him if that was so, and he immediately said, "yes, our sex is baadd", with emphasis on the word bad. Now, he immediately saw the hurt look on my face, and backtracked saying, "I didn't mean it like that, I meant that we have been having sex at least every other day, and now we've gone two days without having sex". I'm like, 2 days? Are you for real? That is what makes our sex life bad? For some reason, I don't believe him...What do you think? Does he really think that having sex with me is bad?

    21 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Question to all Christians?

    How can I work on having more faith in God? I stay at home all day resting because I am 5 months pregnant with twins, while my husband works 6 days a week. Because I'm not working, money is really tight, which I'm stressed out about. I fuss about his way of paying bills, rent, giving money to the church, and everything that I feel could possibly hinder us in the long run. No matter how much he makes, I still find something wrong, and end up being miserable. We have 5 kids and a very limited budget. When he approaches me saying that we are giving the church $100.00 out of this check, knowing that all we are going to have after we pay bills is a little over a two hundred dollars, it makes me depressed. We have to feed our kids and ourselves for two more weeks before he gets paid again! Not to mention gas, and toiletries, etc. He tells me that I don't have enough faith, and that I am hindering our blessings, and that giving to God should come 1st. How can I have the same amount of faith?

    38 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Need advice, please help!......I just don't know how to stop!?

    How can I stop complaining, and fussing and ridiculing my husband for every single thing that he does! I'm scared that I'm going to make him hate me. He is out here working 6 days a week for me and our 5 kids, while I stay home all day resting because I am 5 months pregnant with twins. Because I'm not working, money is really tight, which I'm stressed out about. I fuss about his way of paying bills, rent, giving money to the church, and everything that I feel could possibly hinder us in the long run. No matter how much he makes, I still find something wrong, and end up being miserable. He tells me that I am breaking him down, and that I make him feel less than a man. Please help! How can I hide my dissapointment and anger at his decisions? How can I mask my sadness when I feel as though we are going to have to scramble to feed the kids?

    29 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • To anyone who knows about weight loss, what can I do to not gain anymore weight during this pregnancy?

    I started out already overweight, and now I have gained all of the weight that I need to gain for the ENTIRE pregnancy allready! I'm five months pregnant with twins, and even though I would love to lose a little bit of weight while I'm pregnant, I just mainly want to staty where I am right now and not gain anymore weight. The babies are already measuring larger than average, and I just want to eat just enough to ensure they are getting the nutrients that they need. Please, do anyone have any suggestions?

    35 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Does anybody else on here know any old people jokes?

    ..3 old women who were sisters all shared a house together. One day the youngest sister went to take a bath and stepped into the water, she turned around to get something and when she turned back she couldn't remember whether she was getting in or getting out. She called for the middle sister to help her, and the middle sister said I'm coming! Hallway up the steps she paused for a moment to catch her breath, and then she couldn't remember WHY she was even going upstairs. She called for her oldest sister to ask her if she knew, and the oldest sister said, "you were going upstairs to help Violet, remember"? "Oh, yeah, now I remember", the middle sister replied, as she continued up the steps. The oldest sister just sat at the kitchen table thinking to herself, wow, I'm glad I'm not as messed up as those two, and she knocked on wood. She then got up and headed towards the door, wondering who on earth could be knocking at this time of night! :)

    11 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Can your joke top mine? I don't think so..........Mine is hilarious!?

    If you think so then please let me know the joke, I am kind of sad this morning, and need something to make me laugh. Thanks.

    My joke-That was funny, and even though some people are saying that it is an old joke, it was NEW to me, lol. Well, I try to top that with this....3 old women who were sisters all shared a house together. One day the youngest sister went to take a bath and stepped into the water, she turned around to get something and when she turned back she couldn't remember whether she was getting in or getting out. She called for the middle sister to help her, and the middle sister said I'm coming! Hallway up the steps she paused for a moment to catch her breath, and then she couldn't remember WHY she was even going upstairs. She called for her oldest sister to ask her if she knew, and the oldest sister said, "you were going upstairs to help Violet, remember"? "Oh, yeah, now I remember", the middle sister replied, as she continued up the steps. The oldest sister just sat at the kitchen table thinking to herself, wow, I'm glad I'm not as messed up as those two, and she knocked on wood. She then got up and headed towards the door, wondering who on earth could be knocking at this time of night! :)

    15 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Please help...I'm scared for my unborn twins!!!!!!!!?

    My husband believes in whippings and spankings. We have five kids, and the youngest three gets terrible whippings for even the smallest things! He is a Christian who uses the bible as his reason for using the belt and his huge hands. My 4yr old is terrified of him. We've only been married for five months, and there were no signs of this before I married him! He quotes "spare the rod, spoil the child", over and over from the bible in his way of explaining why he disiplines the way that he do. I was whipped and spanked terribly as I grew up and it just made me worse! I was out the house and pregnant when I was 16! Beating made me rebel, and soon I got immune to them. I started tolerating the pain, convincing myself that it was nothing and that I would continue to do bad. I am now a 30yr old woman who HATES and disagrees with spankings and whippings. Now I am pregnant with this mans babies, twin boys to be exact....What am I to do?

    10 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • A question for all Christians.......?

    My husband spanks and whips our kids, and then he prays with them. Is this normal? He is a Christian who takes every word in the bible literally! He only uses the king james version. He has whipped my four year old son( from a previous marriage) for things such as spilling juice on the rug, or for drinking a sip of his juice after my husband tells him to wait until we get home. He uses the belt at times, but most of the time he just pulls down his pants and whips him with his gigantic hands. I hate it! I don't like it, and I am tired of having to walk on pins and needles trying to protect my son from getting a "holy whipping". We have five children, the 13yr old and the 11 yr old do not get spanked or whipped. Only our 7yr old, 5yr old, and 4yr old, with the 4yr old being punished more because my husband thinks that I spoil him and lets him get away with everything. He says that he is my "golden child", and that he is a "mama's boy", right in front of my sons face! Is this biblical?

    35 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Need advise, please help....... I don't know what to do!!!?

    I just got married five months ago, and my husband is having a hard time relating to my son. My husband is a Christian who believes in spankings and whippings. My husband also came into the marriage with his five yr old son. I notice that my husband beats my four yr old son for things that HIS son has done and didn't get anything other than a warning about. My son tries to have conversations with my husband,and my husband acts disinterested, and aloof. Yesterday, my son went to hug his stepdad when he got home from work, and my husband acted as though he didn't see him, and as my son turned away I snapped. I asked him how could he not see my son trying to give him a hug? He just shugged his shoulders. The only time he talks to him is when he is threatening to whip him, telling him to clean his room, or telling him to get away from me and stop being a "mothers boy". He comes home anxious to know about any "bad things" that my son has done. I am walking around on pins and needles, help??

    50 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • My husband loves to spank and give whippings, esp to my 4yr old son, please help?

    "Spare the rod, spoil the child", is is favorite verse from the bible. He doesn not believe in time out, or punishments. I just got married five months ago, and my husband is having a hard time relating to my son. My husband also came into the marriage with his five yr old son. I notice that my husband beats my four yr old son for things that HIS son has done and didn't get anything other than a warning about. My son tries to have conversations with my husband,and my husband acts disinterested, and aloof. Yesterday, my son went to hug his stepdad when he got home from work, and my husband acted as though he didn't see him, and as my son turned away I snapped. I asked him how could he not see my son trying to give him a hug? He just shugged his shoulders. All he says to him is to "stop being a "mothers boy". I feel as though I hate him when he whips my son for stupid stuff like wasting juice on the rug. My son gets the worst spankings out of all the FIVE kids, I hate it! Please help?

    10 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • My husband does not want me to go out with my friends and my family without him, what should I do?

    This past weekend, I went out with my friends and family. I got back in the house around 1am, and went to bed. That morning my husband refused to look at me and told me that I made him sick. Confused, I asked him why was he so mad at me. He told me that I reminded him of his ex wife who use to leave stay gone for days at a time. He knows that I am NOTHING like her, so I was offended and sad. Later that day he told me that when I go out, it's like saying that he and the kids are not good enough company for me. Now, we have been married for 5 months and this is my 1ST time going out with my friends and family without him! He tells me that now that I am married, I no longer have anything in common with my single family members and friends. He says that its not fair for me to go out, when he doesn't go anywhere. That's his choice! I have no problem with him going out! Because of how cold he was to me when I got back home, I am kind of scared of ever going back out again. Is that fair?

    25 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • My husband shows my four yr old no love, what should I do?

    I just got married five months ago, and my husband is having a hard time relating to my son. My husband is a Christian who believes in spankings and whippings. My husband also came into the marriage with his five yr old son. I notice that my husband beats my four yr old son for things that HIS son has done and didn't get anything other than a warning about. My son tries to have conversations with my husband,and my husband acts disinterested, and aloof. Yesterday, my son went to hug his stepdad when he got home from work, and my husband acted as though he didn't see him, and as my son turned away I snapped. I asked him how could he not see my son trying to give him a hug? He just shugged his shoulders. The only time he talks to him is when he is threatening to whip him, telling him to clean his room, or telling him to get away from me and stop being a "mothers boy". He comes home anxious to know about any "bad things" that my son has done. I am walking around on pins and needles, help?

    13 AnswersFamily1 decade ago