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Favorite Answers31%
  • What does, say, "5500K" color mean?

    This notation is often used in printing, etc.

    I'm pretty ignorant of physics, bu I know about black body spectrum. However, it is not constrained to a specific wavelength. Is it the peak wavelength of the black body spectrum of that temperature?

    Just curious.

    6 AnswersPhysics2 decades ago
  • don't you think that adoration of the Students almost inevitably corrupts the Teacher?

    Sometimes I feel that religious and philosophical teachings which rely on "direct transmission" should be banned... No single human Teacher trying to preach the Ultimate Truth can stand the adoration of the students. They all get corrupted. They all become arrogant bastards. E.g. there's a lot of wisdom in Zen, but most of Zen teachers look like bastards, and most of their koans and parables look just like a way to show how unique and f*ckin great they are, and how they understand stuff which humble mortals will never ever get to.

    What do you think about that?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • What does the phrase "I believe in science" mean?

    Found this in one of the answers by JessiYari: "No. i am an Atheist, i believe in science." I've also heard other people saying the same a few times before.

    I understand what atheism is, but what is "believing in science"?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • atheists: Christianity and Industrial Revolution?

    This one is a continuation of my previous question, "how this world would look like without Abrahamic religions":;_ylt=AoyXN...

    Up to now the most interesting idea is grammartroll's "The Industrial Revolution would have occurred 1000 years earlier". Do you agree or disagree? Was Christianity a boon or a curse for scientific progress? Yeah I remember the bonfires and inquisition of course, and I remember the Chinese have invented lots of things, however I think China was much weaker industrially, compared to the West, until it converted to Communism... Wouldn't nontheistic contemplative approach prevent the industrial progress?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • atheists: how this world would look like without Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Islam, Christianity)?

    Please think before answering, and please elaborate. Avoid short answers like "much better". I understand it can only be unscientific guesswork, but the question looks interesting for me nevertheless.

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • I have trouble accepting some of God's actions. How can I convince myself?

    When I'm reading Bible, grief is the main emotion I feel. I sorrow for all these poor guys who were targets of God's wrath, all that burning sulfur and floods and Egyptian plagues and constand fighting, and bleeding Jesus and Judas who hanged himself and Apostles beaten and executed... It's almost like these pages smell of blood. And later there was inquisition and crusades and innumerable martyrs...

    I'm a gentle kind of person. I'm against violence to animals, say nothing of people. I'm against corporal punishment and I never had it in childhood. My parents always told me all problems in this world should be resolved with words, not with your fists and weapons - and it works for me. I think everyone is good deep inside their hearts.

    How can I convince myself to accept the way God treated his own kids?

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • By their fruit you will recognize them (Matthew 7:16)?

    This one is for Christians.

    "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit." Matthew 7:15-16

    I think you know this passage. Could you outline a few principal points you would use to tell false prophets from true ones? Please do not use tautalogies like "The ones which speak of One True God". Muhammed also said he's speaking of One True God, and every single false messiah did.

    Judge by their fruit, not by their deceptive words.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Would you want a different God?

    This one is for the followers of all religions and for atheists. You know your God and believe in Him, or if you're an atheist then you know and believe there's no God.

    Have you ever wanted God to be different in some way? Have you ever thought while reading Bible, Qran, etc that maybe He should have had a different opinion for something, or acted differently? I think answering this should not be a reason for God's wrath - after all, you accept and love Him completely in all aspects of His existence, just like He accepts you as you are. He would probably want you to be a little better and holier, but he forgives your sins nevertheless. You could want the same and this does not mean you do not love and accept God.

    So: have you ever wanted any change in your God? I don't know what it would be. Maybe more tolerance, or more intervention in our daily life, etc.

    The same for atheists - would you like to live with God, and what would you like Him to be? No pink spaghetti unicorns, please.

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • very low quality of questions in the last few days?

    Have you noticed that the quality of questions has seriously declined in the last few days, right after the shutdown this weekend? Most of the questions are extremely stupid and childish.

    It is funny that I found the same question by mindtweak:;_ylt=AjNgWz3WDM...

    but it was asked 6 months ago :)

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades ago
  • Antidepressants, stimulants, nootropics - good or bad?

    What do you think about psychoactive drugs? Prozac, Ritalin/Adderall, etc etc etc... The drugs making you more concentrated, or smarter, or more positive about your life...

    Is it moral or immoral to use them? And WHY so?

    If "for dysfunction correction only", then how do we define the border between dysfunction and normality? And WHY so?

    Would our world be a better place if people used more drugs to correct their state of mind? And WHY so? Will it definitely look like "was and will make me ill, I take a gram and only am"? Or it can be a benefit for society and human personality?

    Do you think that psychological conditions which are widespread now might be considered disorders in a few hundred years? E.g. aggression? Should we consider using drugs to treat such conditions?

    Thanks in advance for all your answers.

    8 AnswersMedicine2 decades ago
  • Question deleted?

    Now that's interesting.

    I asked a somewhat silly question in "Mathematics", about kids declining to use calculators, and asking arithmetic questions. The subject was like "one can use a web browser to ask... but cannot use a calculator?" or something like this. I got a few not really interesting answers, and one dude (I don't remember his nick) didn't read the question and posted a recommendation to use Firefox.

    I thought some mockery is ok, and selected the answer as best with a comment like "no interesting answers so the best answer goes like to xyz, he gets 5 stars for open source advocacy, and a penalty of 4 stars for being unable to, or not caring to read. i think open source movement needs more people like him. they're unstoppable".

    That kid might have been a little pissed. It turned to be his only best answer, of about 150.

    Now I have the question deleted. I didn't delete it, and didn't get any e-mail about voilations.

    Am I paranoid, and it is just a glitch? Or not?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades ago
  • a funny regular expression?

    I tried to ask this riddle in math section, now I'll try here.

    Look at this regular expression (perl/sed style):


    What does it match to? What it was written for? Please answer in a few simple words.

    12 AnswersOther - Computers2 decades ago
  • a "simple" geometry problem?

    Here's the one for those who are good with triangles. I'm from Russia so some of math terms I use might be wrong - hope you'll understand it right. When I'm saying "angle ABC", I mean angle between segments AB and BC, at point B. Hope you call it the same.

    This is NOT homework.

    You may NOT use trigonometry (sines/cosines/etc) or coordinates to solve this.

    Draw an isosceles triangle ABC, so that AB=AC, with a 20 degree angle at point A. The other two angles will obviously be 80deg each.

    Point D is on side AC, so that angle ABD is 20deg (and so angle DBC is 60deg)

    Point E is on side AB, so that angle ACE is 30deg (and so angle ECB is 50deg).

    Connect D and E, and also place point F at the intersection of BD and CE. Look at new triangle formed with these 3 points.

    Find the angle EDF (or angle DEF, whichever you like - one gives you another easily).

    I repeat, using trigonometry (sines/cosines), coordinates, or any kind of highly advanced maths to solve this problem is PROHIBITED.

    10 AnswersMathematics2 decades ago
  • Any statistics on native countries and age of Yahoo Answers users?

    I'd expect at least two thirds are teens, at least two thirds are from US, some are from UK, and there's a certain percentage of Indian users, while other countries are almost not represented. But maybe I'm wrong.

    I'm from Russia myself.

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades ago