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Bah. If I was really that interesting, I wouldn't be doing this now.

  • What do you think of the Rutgers football team?

    Are they overrated? Is this year a fluke year, whether they go undefeated or not?

    4 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • When will conservatives admit they were wrong about Iraq?

    A new report by the U.S. intelligence agencies (the link below) says that the Iraq War spawned a new generation of terrorists. When liberals (not Democrats who went along with it) said this would happen they got called, "stupid," "anti-American" and "unserious about security."

    So conservatives, where is your apology?

    P.S.- There were no WMD's, in case Rush Limbaugh or Fox forgot to mention that most unwanted of facts.

    14 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Republican idea of freedom in Iraq?:...?

    (Click on the link) Is this what the Republicans want the Iraqi's to learn from America? I thought Republicans cared about justice and fairness yet so many Republicans will say that that it is perfectly okay because "we're in a war." So if we're in a war to protect our freedoms, then must we abandon those freedoms so someone else doesn't take them away?

    And if you say, "oh, you don't have civil rights when you're dead" then what did all those soldiers fight and die for? For you to live a long liberty-less life or a life of freedom with danger.

    Didn't the Soviets (who were bad) do this? 5 months without charges?

    Commence the name-calling.

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Since Bush and the Republicans hate "liberals" in education so much...?

    shouldn't they approve of this move? Switch the name of the leader and the country, make it into an American name and Republicans would love it.

    Read the story contained in the link.

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Who is the most over-rated QB?

    I say Michael Vick. Because he can run but he can't seem to pass no matter what system or players they get around him.

    18 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Why is the American right-wing conservative community so against science?

    Except when it is to make weapons?

    They don't believe in global warming, prefering to say that it's not agreed upon when the only "scientists" who say it isn't occuring are paid by Exxon or some energy company.

    They don't beiieve in evolution when 99% of the scientific community does and has proven that it occured. Note, that it doesn't mean that God doesn't exist.

    They don't believe that the Earth is becoming more polluted, instead calling the scientists "eco-Nazi's"

    They don't believe studies showing countries with greater access to birth controlhave less abortions than those with restricted or no access.

    They don't believe gays areborn that way even though studies have come out saying it's genetic and hard-wired into the brain.

    *Historical note: These are the same people who believed in witches, the flat-Earth, that Africans were inferior, phrenology, the Earth was the center of the universe, and so on...

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What should be the Republican party slogan/motto?

    I say, "War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength." (from 1984) because apparantly the only way to get peace is through war, being watched and controlled will preserve our freedoms and ignorance (about news, science, world) is strength according to red America and the Republicans.

    Bring on the hate!

    15 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why do Americans hate America?

    Polls for the last 6-9 months have consistently shown that the majority (50-61%) of Americans either want a withdrawl of forces in Iraq, or think the war was a mistake.

    When it was 20% of Americans that thought that, the Republicans and conservatives said those people were crazy anti-American leftists who hated Bush, but now that it is around 60%, does that still hold true?

    What about Republican Congressman that are part of the 60%? Do they hate American too? OR do polls not matter now that they don't favor Bush? Or are pollsters now anti-American too?

    24 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If the economy is sooooo good...?

    then why has the rate of poverty increased for the past 4 years? Isn't it really the case that the rich got richer while the poor and middle-class have not only not increased their income but have less purchasing power also? Combine that with the lower-paying jobs that are being created and we've got a bad economy that looks better because companies are earning more, yet not paying their workers proportionally.

    *It's not a left-wing anti-Bush newsource.

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • How can you prove that prayer works?

    If you pray for X and it happens, you say God heard and prayer worked.

    If you pray for X and it didn't happen, you say God works in mysterious ways and everything happens for a reason so that's why you didn't get it.

    How can you prove that it works? Proof is important because otherwise anyone can come up with anything at anytime and demand you believe it because they said it.

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why is it okay for women to take money into account when dating a man...?

    yet if men take sex (or looks) into account in dating a woman, he is called shallow? Why can women say outloud they want a rich succesful man, yet if men say they want a dumb nymphomaniac, they are looked upon as a*&holes?

    I'm not saying both are wrong or right but it's an unfair double-standard. Both ideas should be okay (and acceptable) because that's how people feel so let them feel that way.

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What is so wrong with universal health care?

    As long as private health care is still an option?

    It's not like the U.S. can't afford it. We still spend more per capita on health than any other Western nation while we have the biggest economy too. Why can't we look at France (who has arguably the best healthcare in Europe) and improve on it and make it our own? Even Cuba has a higher world-wide quality of healthcare than we's Cuba! I think America can do it.

    So what is so wrong with it, ideologically or morally? How can you tell a child that he/she doesn't deserve health care because you think that is a socialistic program and better luck next time?

    25 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • What bothers you the most about the opposite sex?

    Anything at all. Physical, emotional, or mental.

    50 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Isn't religion really socially and culturally constructed?

    Why do people think their religion is the one and only? You might believe it but why would you go on record to say that Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and others is the one true one? Doesn't it depend on when and where you were born?

    If you were born in North America 3,000 years ago, you'd worship whatever your tribe did. If you were born in India now, most likely you'd be a Hindu. If you were born in Macedonia during Alexander's reign, you'd worship a group of gods. If you were born in South America in the early 1900's you'd be Christian. Isn't this so obvious? So then why do people think their God and belief is the most natural and logical belief that one can have and furthermore that it was the way it always was and will always be?

    That's not to say that there is or isn't a God, but why one God and not the other? Why don't people at least see it's dependant on time, place and temperment and not on some "truth?"

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do I like Pat Buchanan?

    I'm as far left as you can get without falling off the table. I'm for socialized medicine, greatly reduced defense budget, no countries or boundaries, no religion, pro-anything that hurts the rich and so on.

    Yet I like and respect Pat Buchanan while I abhor this administration and most conservative ideas. I even agree with him on some issues, like guns and Israel. Why!!? Ano no, he's not attractive and I'm not gay.

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Iraq and now Iran: Why do people still listen...?

    to the "experts" when it comes to Iran now and what we should do (if anything) about Iran. These experts, like Bill Kristol, VP Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Sean Hannity, Joe Liberman, a cadre of pundits on CNN, FOX, NBC said that:

    1. We would be greeted as liberators

    2. We would be out of there in less than a year

    3. Iraq has WMD's and we know exactly where they are

    4. Iraq tried to buy nuclear weapons

    5. Attacking Iraq will reduce terrorism

    6. The war will not cost over $600 million

    All these turned out to be greatly and terribly wrong, yet these same people are on every news show, and in every news article advising on what to do about Iran.

    Why are they still thought to be credible? And why is it that anyone who points this out is said to be "anti-American and not serious about safety or terrorism."

    *Yes, Democrats voted for the war so this goes for them too

    *Bush admitted Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11

    17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If Adam and Eve were the first two people on Earth...?

    then aren't we all products of incest? And isn't incest against the Bible? You can't have sex with a brother or sister, according to the Bible. How can this be explained?

    You can't say that Adam and Eve weren't the first two people on Earth, yet still believe in the accuracy of Adam and Eve.

    Either the Bible is 100% true or it's 100% false.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago