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Lv 612,523 points


Favorite Answers14%

I am a middle-aged woman. I have 2 grown children and 2 teens still to raise off. I also have 4 grandchildren! In which I just adore all of them!! God has truely blessed me with alot of lineage!! The bible says that children are a "Gift" from God above!! And all of mine are truely a Wonderful Gift!! I'm so grateful for each and every one of them!! Their all very unique each in their own ways! My Passions are: Poetry. Poetry is so therapuetic for me! I may not be as good at it; as some people but I feel that I can be better at it than others too! So, this is so irrelevant. I dont write poetry to be competetive, I write because its a great Passion of mine! I also love my walks!! To just be outdoors enjoying the Beautiful day that the Lord has made for all of us!! And to be getting my cardio going at the same time is a "Double-Blessing" for me!! I love the Lord with my whole heart and Soul !!! I also love taking "Outdoor Photography"!!! Smile & Love Alot, Without Love We Have Nothing!:)

  • How can I get another 'Yahoo-Questions' bumper sticker, someone stoled my last one off of my car?

    I know who it was too, this teenager who lives around the corner from all of us! She's known for having sticky fingers around my neighborhood! I can't remember if I got it from being a certain level or just for getting on Y/A years ago? If anyone has one and remembers how they got it, please do share? Thanks! Oh and 10 points for 'Best Answer'! :)

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Question for all you 'Antique-Collectors' & 'Old-Album' collectors?

    Ten Points for Best Answer!! I know someone who wants to sell some old albums on Ebay, but I need your imput on approximate amounts he would get roughly for albums such as 'The Beatles' 'Revolution' album, and 'The First 'Beach Boys' album, and many other old big names along those lines? Any imput from actual 'collectors' or people who know a thing or two about how much old albums in good condition are worth on Ebay, would greatly be appreciated? Ten Points for Best Answer!! Thank-you all tons for your help!!

    1 AnswerMagazines1 decade ago
  • Has anyone else gotten their security sign-in email and password deleted from their Yahoo also?

    I am just wondering because I can now for the first time in 6 years go to 'Y-A'='Yahoo Answers', without having to sign in, and I can also go to my email without having to sign in. At first I thought it was cool, until I got a 'Pop-Up' that had a security warning! Saying anyone can now read my email's! Has anyone else gone through this also? Because if so I want to hear your story, and if I'm alone on this, how do I get it back to where it was? When I used to have to sign in, and no one could just go to my email's and read them as they wanted to? Someone PLEASE help? I want it back to where I have to sign in to go to my email account and here at 'Answers'. Can anyone guide me to just the right place to go to where I can get that back on? Any help from everyone will be greatly appreciated! Best Answers will be really read properly with the utmost care along with consideration for being selected..All answers will be so much help! Thanx Everyone!

    1 AnswerPassword and Sign In1 decade ago
  • Any tips on how to spend the rest of my life?

    I have 4 children. Two grown, and two teenagers. My youngest two are both starting High school together today for their first time in years, being in school together. My youngest son will be graduating this year's end.. Then my youngest daughter will be following him, in another 3 years... I have spent a good part of 30 years raising kids.. Sure, I have hobbies, but I'm not married, nor do I have a significant other I plan to be with any time soon, either.. I could not stop crying for about a month now because of this day.. This is early signs to me that my job as a Mother will pretty much be ending soon, I know we never stop being Mothers, but they will all soon be independant, and either go off to college, or begin doing thier own things.. And will no longer need me... I've been raising kids since I was 18. By the time my youngest is of legal age I will be 50. My life will be half gone, what will I do with my idol time.. I have lots of hobby ideas, but anyone have any other suggestions, to help me acclimate to a life just for me?

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Can Someone Tell Me What Tribe My Daughter's Great Grandfather would Be From?

    My Daughter's father comes from Native Indian Descent. His Great Grandfather was born in 1884 In The Carolina's. On The East Coast. Would Anyone Be Able To Help Us Find Out What Tribe She's From And How We Can Get My Daughter's Tribal Benefits She's Entitled Too? Their Last Name Is "Barfoot?" Does Anyone Know Anything of Beneficial Help For Her? Her Cousin Found Out There Indian Heritage Rather Easily, and Even Took Their Blonde Blue-Eye'd Daughter Who's Native Indian Descent, also To The Dentist On The Reservation, Where Their Tribe Was From. When She Was 5-6 Years Old.They Had No Problems Finding Out There Tribe. I've Been Searching For 13 Years, For My Daughter's Indian Origin, Archives, Reservation, There Tribal Name Any Of It Would Be Ever So Greatly Appreciated, By Us All. But Mainly What Her Tribal Name Would Be? The Closest I Got Was She's Either Muscogee Creek, Or Tuskegee Indian. Maybe even Choctaw, Or even: "Cheyenne". Even My Ex-Husband Would Love To Know What Tribe He's From Originally!! Her Great Grandfather Was Born In The Carolina's, But Moved And Had Her Grandpa In Mobile Alabama, If This Helps At all. Please Anyone Who Knows About Tribes, Where Their Now Reservationed At, How To Find Out How To Get Her Benefits Only Please? Thank-You all For any ImPut, to Help My Daughter, Find Out Her Heritage. 10 Points For Best Answer! Smile!

    3 AnswersGenealogy1 decade ago
  • Need Legal help for Senior family member who has brain damage?

    I reside in Arizona and need to know if anyone can help me with my step father... He's dieing, and was a very good caring and loving step dad to my sister and myself.. He is allowing me to have his car, but we dont know where the keys are nor do the apartments (where his things are) want to help us in any way because they want all of his things inside his apartment. But they didn't know he even had a car so my sister called the police here in my town of Kingman, and he said tow it to your sisters apartments. It's here, but i have only so long before my apartments are going to want me to have a sticker on it then they will be towing away cars. Anyone know the laws in Kingman Arizona at all. What legal right's do I have to put the car in my sons name without him signing or if I got him to sign in his condition with brain damage, I could get into legal trouble the nurses at Hospice have said. Can anyone who knows the laws in Arizona give me some good insight as to what I should do?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I am kicking myself right now for asking a question and losing points for this, but... Can anyone tell me ?

    Can anyone tell me what it is I'm doing wrong? I have been on this NEW Yahoo Beta Email, for about 2 hours now.. Trying to read my Best Answer's, and still cant!! I like the Old Yahoo email way better, this new one is way too confusing.. If I click the question asked, for the page where we both comment, it says I dont have an URL, and or I need to charge something or something to that effect, and so I read on one of the question's that we cant read our Best answer's anymore unless we get the New Beta email, well I've got it and still cant read my Best answer's! What does it take to get to that page? And what am I doing wrong? This is very frustrating for me!! And I just lost 5 points ta' boot!! Anyone knows anything about the new email , can you please give me some imput, it would be greatly appreciated!!!??? Thank-You, for any and all help with the whole New Beta thing?

    9 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever, done one of these surveys, and got robbed?

    I did this Oh, about an hour long survey, in hopes, of gettiing a free Halloween Costume, last night, Lo' & behold I even ordered two things, well, they wouldn't put me past the last page, because I wouldn't give up my credit card number, I asked them to bill me, and I would have been good for the payment, but, its all "Nonsense!" They never were going to send me, a "Free" costume, were, they? Well, they messed-up, because they would of had me, for two of their products, had they been honest!!!!

    3 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • Help! I'm having trouble, getting yahoo-music, to put on the kind, I like,,can anyone help?

    I have tried over & over again, to get some Oldies, or Motown, on the yahoo music page, but, they only give you sells Pitches , or one or two second teases, is there something I'm doing wrong? I cant see paying for the radio, how "Ridiculous, is that!!" Any real answers, would be very much appreciated, real step-by-step, help..Thank-you!

    2 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Did anyone, else see 20/20s Ten ways of the end of the world?

    On the show, they talked about how the "Global Warming" is because, of man.... And how the ice-bergs, in Antartica are all melting because of this same warming, and it showed huge, ice burg's breaking....and Polar bears, holding on to an ice berg, for its life......And how, it will only get worse, (which we all know it will) Louisiana, will indeed be under water, because of the sea level raising, and parts of Florida... And all the other devistations that could happen..... It really made me fear for my children,, and grandbabies...future....For many years, so many people have tried to invent ways of not having to use "Gasoline, and oil" but our Government would never allow, them to get it "Patented" and because of this our economy is going under water.......So sad.. Any imput, from anyone??? I'd love to hear how you all feel about the carbonoxide poisoning our environment, because of cars-fuel......Also, does anyone agree our Government doesn't care?.

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Anyone, out there, like, Joss Stone, as much, as I do?

    The white girls, definately got "Soul" !!!! And, I love, the fact that a "White girl" can sing the same kind of music, I grew-up, on.. She has that whole "Motown, sound", going on........But, I heard, she's from England, if this is true, where in England do they even listen too Motown, let alone learn, how to sing it like she does, is it true, she's from England, anyone, know??

    7 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever said something they regretted saying, right after they said it?

    Well, I have, this morning.. And I want to "Publicly" apologize for "Judging" all you "Country" people, out there... I really have never understood, all ye'all, or where your coming from, at all, ever. All my life I've heard bad things about "Dumb Red-Necks, etc... And, because, of my "lack" of understanding, or fear, of Country people, (fear, after seeing the movie "Deliverance") with Bert Reynolds, I said something very "Rude" to a Questions, person, please except my Apology, I was very rude, and very wrong, Do ye'all forgive me? Truely am sorry...Smile...

    13 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Have you ever wanted to help someone so bad,,but someone got in your way??

    I just got done telling this suicidal girl, how much she is loved and comforted her, as much as I possibly could, and even gave her help numbers, and told her all about how wanted & needed she was, that suicide was not an option, and yahoo completely deleted my answer back to her, I'd like to know why, aren't we allowed to help eachother, alls your help will do is put her in a worse place than where she already is, in ? The girl was looking for help from us, not cops? Thanx........

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Does anyone agree with me, that, there should be more sites?

    I feel that there are alot of people who are new with computers, such as myself.. I've come along way, since I first got mine, I feel.. But, I wish they had more sites, for like beginner, users.. More help sites, or easier, self explanatory pages, for us new users.. I've had some really bad experiences, with alot of frustrations,,involved... stemmed from being new, at my computer, and not having anyone, at home to help me, figure things out.. I even have other sites, I've started, that I've had "Drain-Brain" discouragemented results from...that are still just sitting there, without weeks of any responses, back from me, stemmed from lack of help from computer site- people, (employees), am I the only one, going through these frustrations? I wanted to meet new people, even, on 360, and uploaded all my family photos, etc... They wanted me to view, what I uploaded, and there was nothing there, to view.. I know i did everything right!! I just wanted to cry, because, of the time spent......

    3 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know how I can get my own photo, to replace my Avatar?

    I have tried so many areas to try to get it on atleast my Yahoo home page.. And to my dismay, with "NO LUCK!!" Whatsoever!! Its been very frustrating, too because, I've asked the question as plain and simple, as can be, for them to understand, even gave them the photo number! With no help from the search team, maybe their all on a long coffee break!! Hm,?! Because, they simply referred me to you guys, so any imput what-so-ever, will be greatly appreciated, please make it simple, for me, I am mentally drained from all the time I spent trying to figure this out on my own, thank-you, for your imput.........

    5 AnswersOther - Computers2 decades ago
  • Does anyone know a ballpark figure (price-wise) how much, those Verizon LG9000 cell phones, run?

    In the town I live in, there's not alot of different types of cell phone stores. Does anyone know of a cell that has:Inexpensive, but good quality, I could purchase at Walmart. That has e-mail included, without the camera?Any imput, would be greatly appreciated. I dont want to spend alot of money, because it'll only be for checking on my kids, while I'm in school, and with both those features, I can catch them, on the computer, when their too busy too answer the phone, see?

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics2 decades ago
  • Does Yahoo allow us to go back, and answer a question twice?

    Because, a person by the name of djhedrush asked a pop quiz. About a movie. he gave the words to the movie & everything.. I think the movie was, "U.S.Marshalls" am I correct?

    6 AnswersMovies2 decades ago
  • Does anyone remember the name of the movie, based on Syd & Nancy's true-life story?

    They were "English" and they were big time Heroin addicts, they either stabbed eachother, or over-dosed, together... I haven't seen it in years, just wondering what the name of it was, if anyone remembers, PUNKS, would know?

    5 AnswersMovies2 decades ago
  • Does Anyone know how I can get rid of my Bulk-Junk Mail, on my e-mail sights?

    I must get, anywhere from 10-40 Bulk-Junk mail, a day!!! No kidding!! I spend atleast 1-2 minutes, everytime I log onto my Yahoo, e-mail, or my Outlook Express e-mail, deleting Bulk-Junk mail. And sometimes I get so frustrated & do it so fast, I'll accidently delete, mail, my family will send me at Oulook Express, Help any infomation, from anyone, that can really be useful, will be very much appreciated!!

    2 AnswersHomework Help2 decades ago
  • How come other people can use Question for dateing but me?

    I have never been so hurt by everybody's responses to my dateing question? Wow, who died and made you all God? Jenny loved Forrest, she just had alot of life to live, and she didn't feel worthy of him, remember? Rent the movie! I'll never lower myself to this, page for dateing again, thats for d___, sure!! Besides, all you women, weren't suppose to reply , I'm not gay. The guys were all very nice, thanx guys!! Your the only ones, that lifted my spirits after, all those cats attacked me. Thank-you! Christy.........

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 decades ago