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  • Is this child abuse and what should I do?

    This morning my dog started barking after I took out my hamster to make sure he was o.k (Dropped him earlier and he has been moving slowly) so I heard the door to my parents bedroom fly open and she came in and grabbed the dog by her neck and hit her really hard and looked at me and told me to "walk the ******* dog" and slammed the door. The 2 minutes I took to put him back up, she comes back in and yells, "I told you to walk the damn dog!" I said I know and she gave me an evil glare and I said What? She then punches me in the face and then I went off on her saying it was unacceptable to hit your child out of anger like that, intending to hurt. The car ride to school was rough. She started saying that she didnt punch me she lightly tapped me. This is so not true and it hurts that she wont even apologize, that she doesnt even feel sorry for it. She even said that I can go tell whoever I want but shes just going to deny my accusations. I dont know what to this child abuse? it didnt leave much of a mark. It turned red and grew very hot but thats about it. Any suggestions?? She's like this every morning but this is the first time she actually punched me.

    5 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • does a tv give off harmful radiation?

    Or computers. By harmful radiation i mean such radiation that if you were right next to the source it could give you headaches, kill brain cells, etc. see, i have to sleep right next to the tv and lately i have been getting headaches ever since. and i do have a computer and laptop but only use laptop now. Plz let me know if it does or not and i do know nearly everything gives off radiation, even the sun but i just need to know if any of it coming from these sources could possibly be putting off harmful radiation. thanks!

    7 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • Can i work at mcdonalds?

    i am 13 turning 14 in november and i really need a job. i was wondering if i could work at mcdonalds being the age i am. and by the way, dont you think it is age discremenation to say i am not hiring you cause you are to young?(i live in Ohio)

    6 AnswersFast Food1 decade ago
  • IS the cincinnati nature center closed tomorrow? 5points?

    i need to know if it is going to be closed tomorrow due to the rain. 5points if your the first who answers it correctly. i will need your resource of how you found out that.

    2 AnswersCincinnati1 decade ago
  • Can you choke on your own vomit?

    well when you are puking down into the toilet then can you like run out of breath then choke? idk, i dont know much about medical issues but me and my cuz want to know so can you? or can you like breath while you r vomiting?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • how can i miss school today?

    I want to miss school today but legally haha, so i want to know how to stay home from school. like how to get sick or whatever. I REALLY dont wanna go today. maybe i could mix some food together and make it look like throw up? idk what to do help! my last option is breaking a bone

    9 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • How bad does it hurt to break a bone?

    Im planning on breaking my knuckles tonight to miss school but i want to know how bad it hurts. and is it okay to. i know there is some arthritis involved here but i just want to know that if i do it once i will be okay. i have never broken a bone in my body...

    5 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • What is the longest amount of time you ever stayed awake, and for what reason?

    just wanna know... mine is for 3 days and i watched a VERY scary movie and i didnt want to fall asleep, it was so bad

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How should i ask him out?

    well im going to ask out my crush (Also my neighbor) but i dont know a way to do so. maybe get someone else like one of my friends to do it for me, give him a letter, or tell him straight up. idk....

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What does this saying mean?

    ok i have a crush on this boy and he knows it. and i told him a poem i made up. Then he changed his status on myspace to "after this my eyes have bean opened i now fully see and under stand and i now know its not real it dosent exsist" but the thing is, he still likes this girl that he used to go out with. i dont know what the meaning is but here is the poem i sent him. when i think about you, i cant make a sound

    Your the other half of my heart

    you make my world go round

    when i look at you i get butterflies

    when i hear your voice i cant help but smile

    you always seem to make my sun shine

    but you dont understand, what should i do?

    there is one more thing i need to say

    I belong with you~

    p.s. i cant live without you i would rather die.

    so what do you think his meaning is? PS: he is emo

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what does it mean when a guy repeatedly says hi to you?

    Like im outside everyday and he says hi to me, everyday. and he will say hi again later that same day. does he have a crush on me? the way he says hi...its different from an average everyday hi. i think he is too shy to talk to me and he forgets that he has already said hi lol ^_^

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • boys, does he like me?

    Ok i am 13 years old and he is 12. i have had like the biggest crush on him since like as long as i can remember, he is also my neighbor. he is shy around me and everytime he is out and im outside also he says hi. im not kidding, EVRY time. and his face blushes when he is around me. and me and him have brown hair and so when i told him im getting blonde highlites he said that he is getting them to but thats the first time i heard that. he also smiles alot around what should i do? i need to know if he likes me or not and why hasnt he asked me out yet? please help! i also made this poem for him which i might give to him before he moves...

    When I think about you, I cant make a sound

    Your the other half of my heart

    You make my world go round

    When I look at you i get butterflies

    When i hear your voice i cant help but smile

    You always seem to make my Sun Shine

    I cant live without you, I rather die

    Every second with you, is a second in heaven

    I was hoping I would never have to say


    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How can i lose as many pounds as i can in 2 months?

    so i need help. i need to lose as much as i can. im going into 8th grade and i want to change and i want everyone to be suprised. see i used to weigh 150 last year and this year i now weigh 118 and thats not enough change for me. (I didnt do ANYTHING to lose that weight,its freaky, it really is) so i want to weigh at the most 105 but my goal is 100. so how should i go upon doing this. starving myself is not an option so i need tips and stuff. i ride my bike EVERY day for at least an hour. i only eat 3 times a day. i need to know if i should continue this plan or do something else but i need to lose at least 13 pounds for me to be satisfied before school starts and do you guys think i am old enough to start wearing make-up?

    29 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Should i be concerned?

    like 2 years ago i was playing in my backyard and i didnt have any shoes on and when i came up on my deck i looked at my feet to put my shoes on and then i saw a very tiny yellow worm crawl and dig its way through my skin in my foot. so now its in me and i dont know how many is in me. i dont know if i should be worried or concerned or what not. i dont know anything about worms but one crawling in my foot doesnt sound all that great.

    4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Wide variety of food combinations!!!?

    You should try these food combos. we did and i have to admit, some were not all that bad. tell me the food you tried and how good it tastes to you.

    Chocolate Pizza: Put chocolate syrup on pizza ( we tried it on cheese pizza)

    Chocolate milk tea: Put chocolate milk in a cup then put iced tea in the same cup and mix.

    To the max: put more than one kind of pop in a cup ( We did mountain dew and pepsi) and put like 4 teaspoons of sugar in it and mix.

    Super Mix: Put bbq chips (we used grippos brand bbq chips) in a bowl, then put some cereal in it (we used fruity pebbles) and put pretzels in the bowl shake it around abit and there u go, a super snack!!

    Syrup Sensation: You can put syrup on almost anything to give you the sweet taste your looking for! Try something like a hotdog for example. sounds wierd with syrup on it instead of ketchup right? well it tastes good, a sweet hotdog, yum! here are some of thousands of possibilities: Pizza, pop, stake, chicken, turkey, spaghetti, bacon, eggs, toast, bread, Cheesesticks, cookies, brownies, and tons more!

    again, try some of these foods, they are actually not all that bad. tell me which one you tried and if you liked it or not, thanks =)


    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • POLL:Cookies'n Cream vs. chocolate chip Icecream?

    Which one would you like more? If u havent tried either of these icecreams then please dont vote.

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have the game Spore? :)?

    Just wondering... I was wondering if you like this game...and i kinda need help connecting to Spore online....I have FULL bars of connection to router but when I try to login it loads then it says Something about Not being able to connect to Spore servers :(. plz help..I WILL choose best answer AS soon as yahoo! will let me. ;)

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Poll:Twilight vs. Harry Potter?

    Which movie do you like more? Note:Please dont vote if you havent seen both of them.

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Will you look at my video?

    And tell me If you like it and you can comment on it to. This is the link.

    please, I cant seem to get alot of views. I only have 88 views so far. For my other one I have about 393. Thanks!!!

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • can a wii get a virus by going on the internet with it?

    Internet meaning the internet channel. See i have a virus on my computer (The one it connects to) And I have 2 computers. I cant connect it to this one. But im wondering if it can get a virus by connecting to a computer that has multiple viruses (Im talking at least 20)

    5 AnswersNintendo Wii1 decade ago