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  • How do I remove my line from an existing Walmart family Plan and create my own account with my existing phone and number ?

    My dad currently has a Walmart Family Plan set up with me on it. He moved to a different country recently and told me I needed to remove my number from the plan and have my own plan because he wasn't going to be able to pay anymore. How exactly do I do that? I tried calling the 611 number and I tried calling the 1-877-440-9758 number but it's just the same as the 611 number. I tried going directly to the Walmart I got it from, but they're never there. I really would like to get this done as soon as possible so does anyone know what I can do?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • When signing up for direct deposit, is it OK to type all of the zeroes in front of the account number?

    I just recently got a job at Walmart and I signed up for direct deposit at work. I didn't know where my check book was since I never use it, so I just used the account number on the statements online. I bank with Chase and they have a bunch zeroes in front of the account number. My mom said I didn't need to type all of the zeroes, but I did it anyway just in case. Is this OK? Do I need to go back and remove the zeroes?

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance7 years ago
  • How do I fix the internet connection on my laptop?

    I have a laptop that I got 6 months ago and for pretty much all of those 6 months, the internet has been terrible. I use the laptop in two places during the week. In one place, the laptop pretty much has a smooth connection other than randomly getting disconnected from the wifi. In the other place I use it, the connection is terrible. The crazy thing is that, while it is acting like I'm not connected to the internet, my wifi signal shows like it's perfectly fine.

    I tried using different browsers, resetting my laptop, doing every fix in the Command Prompt and Run program I could possibly find, turning off/on things like minimum power consumption and etcetera but none of it seems to work or, if it does, it provides a temporary fix.

    It can't be the router because the other computers in the house work perfectly fine and I don't know if it's windows 8 because one of the other computers has windows 8 and it works perfectly so it's gotta be my computer. Does anyone know if it's just my laptop that needs fixing or if there's anything I can do to improve the connection for my laptop? I honestly don't know what to do at this point. I will be extremely grateful if someone can find an answer.

    I don't know if this will help, but I have a Dell Inspiron 4520.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • Would I just call the store number if I wanted to follow up on a job application?

    I'm looking for a job at the moment and a lot of people are telling me I should try and call the store and ask about my application so that I stand out more among other applicants. I can only find one number for the store. Would I just call that number and ask for the hiring manager?

    Also, what exactly should I say when following up by phone? Someone said I should say, "Hello, I'm looking to check on the status of my application", but is that the write wording or does that come off as being too forward?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Can you sign up for FAFSA even if you aren't planning on going to college right after high school?

    I don't think I'm going to be able to go to college right after High School, but I was told by a friend that I should still sign up for it. Is this a good idea or should I wait until I am actually going to college?

    I don't know if this matters, but I'm planning on going at the beginning of next year and I'm planning on going to a community college.

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid8 years ago
  • If I'm not entirely sure if I'll be able to go to college immediately after High School...?

    Should I still apply for financial aid and scholarships and all that kind of stuff?

    I'm a senior in high school and we are about 2 weeks into our second semester of this year. I that I'm probably going to end up going to community college and I know what I want to do, but I just don't exactly know if I'll be able immediately be able to go to college when the next school year comes up or if I'll have to work for a year before I apply. I want to sign up for financial aid and get some scholarships and all that, but if I get awarded some of those scholarships and financial aid and all that, would I be able to hold on to that money and use it when I am able to go to college or would I have to fill that stuff out when I am actually sure that I'm ready to go?

    I tried asking a my school counselor and I tried contacting the community college, but I don't think they understood what I was asking and they just gave me websites where I could apply for the scholarships and financial aid.

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid8 years ago
  • What do you go to college for if you want to work behind the scenes on TV shows and Movies?

    Like operating the cameras and control room and stuff like that? What would I go to college for? Would it be Film and Video Production or is that more for the Film making? Do you even go to college for that type of thing?

    1 AnswerOther - Education9 years ago
  • Is this a workout that will help me lose fat?

    I am doing something called the Deck of Cards workout. It's when you take a deck of cards and assign each suit with a workout and whatever number and suit you get, that's what you do and how much you do. For example: let's say I made Diamonds push ups. If I draw a 5 of Diamonds, I'd do 5 push ups. Right now I only do about 20-30 cards a day, I separate the deck into smaller piles of 5 and do the exercises with 1 minutes rests in between. This is how I've assigned the suits:

    Hearts: Star Jumps

    Spades: Burpees

    Diamonds-Mountain climbers

    Clubs: Bicycle Crunches

    I started it a week ago, although I've only done it 3 times, and I'm going to increase the number of cards I do. It takes me about 15-20 minutes each time. I also have been eating a lot less than I usually do and I try to drink more water. Is that going to help me lose fat? Is there anything I should replace on that list of workouts? Should I be doing way more? Should I take shorter breaks? I also feel really sore and I've started to get really bad pains (which I expected) so are there any Pre and post workout stretches I should be doing? You don't have to answer it all, but any information you can give me would be helpful.

    I don't know if this matters in how I should change my routine, but someone told it does so I'm 17, about 5' 10" and weigh around 240 lbs. I think I have like 35%-40% body fat percentage. Again, I don't know if that matters but my friend told me you can find out a perfect routine if you use that type of info.

    Also, I'm going to be taking Personal Fitness for my gym this year where we get to use the workout equipment in our school gym. We probably will be using it for about 30-35 minutes a day. Anything workout routines for workout equipment in there?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Why is everyone jumping on the AW bandwagon?

    And, no, don't try and tell me that you've always been his fan because you know damn well you haven't. Just like when a bunch of people all of a sudden started liking Punk and saying they've always been a Punk fan when the only reason they liked him was because of his shoot promo.

    Am I mad he got fired just for making a joke that was not only "offensive", but not funny altogether? yes. I think they should have just somehow written him off TV and given him a suspension or something, but the fact that he is going on Twitter and acting like he was being edgy and all that is just stupid and the fact that a bunch of people are all of a sudden on his jock is even more stupid. What gets me is that he thinks he was bringing "attitude" to the WWE

    Offensive humor wasn't the thing that made the Attitude Era great. It was the over the top gimmicks, great story lines, and great booking that made it amazing. The problem with WWE is that the storylines are poorly written and appeal to younger kids, with the exception of 2-3. AW wasn't being edgy, he told a joke that wasn't funny in the first place.

    So, go ahead and tell me how I'm a PG fan/WWE fanboy and how you know more about wrestling because you've seen bits and pieces of the Attitude Era on Youtube and you all of a sudden think you know everything.

    If you are here to actually answer the question, why are people treating AW like a god? He wasn't anything special and O'Neal and Young did just fine without him in my opinion.

    7 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • Is it possible to get a weekend only job?

    I have been trying to get a job this entire summer and I haven't been able to get one. Now, I have to wait until next summer before I can get a job because the only days I'd be able to work are Fridays from 4:30 P.M to whenever they close and Saturdays from whenever they open to 2:00 P.M. Is it possible to get a job under those conditions? One reason I probably didn't get a job this summer was because I had no references or experience. Should I use the school year to build experience and get references? I wanted to know because it is my senior year and I originally planned to take a year to save up and get a stable job and all that, but a lot of people are saying that is a bad idea and that I should just go straight to college. Our family just doesn't have the money for me to just go to college and I'm afraid to take out a huge college loan.

    So, can I get a weekend only job or is it best to just put it off and try and build experience?

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • How does transfering from a two-year college to a 4-year college work?

    I am going to do what a lot of other people are doing and go to a community college and then finish up my bachelors degree at a university. How exactly does that work? What is the process of transferring?

  • Can I get help answering all of these questions regarding preparing for college?

    So, senior year starts in about a month for me and, while I desperately tried, I could get any job due to the fact that I don't have transportation. I also think it was because I didn't have job experience or anything like that. I was planning to not go to college right after High School and take a few years to pursue another career that didn't require college at all but i realized this summer that i need to get a degree and have a back up plan for the career I have due to the fact that the career I want is definitely not guaranteed success, no matter how hard you work at it.

    They asked on my ACT this year what college I should put down and, since I wasn't planning on going just yet, i didn't put anything. Now, i am worried that I wont be able to use that ACT score and I will have to take it again or something. My grades haven't been the best my Freshman, Sophmore, and Junior Year as well. Nothing too bad but I'd say i'm a tiny bit above average. Do they look at your GPA for your entire time in high school or will they pay more attention to your senior year?

    Right now, my plan is to go to a two year college to bring my grades up and improve my chances of getting into a better college. Is this smart or should I just go straight to preparing to go to a four year college?

    Also, i'm concerned about the price. Should I work for a year and try and save up as much as I can or should I just straight up take out a loan from the bank? I'm so afraid of how the future will be as far as money goes and I've been seeing these horror stories of how people screwed themselves horribly after taking a loan for college. Is this just the news trying to scare me into reading their article?

    Right now I'm planning on going to college for video editing, producing, or graphic design. Which one of those careers would be the best to go to college for?

    I know I screwed up bad by not preparing for college Junior year but I want to work hard this year to make up for that time. It's not that I was being lazy or anything. It was more fear that I was going to do something wrong and not wanting to prepare too early. I'm ready to start planning right now and I'll work as hard as I can to make sure I'm fully prepared. If you think I screwed up bad, go ahead and tell me. This way, at least I'll be prepared to work harder

    Thank you to all who answer and sorry for the many grammatical errors you see. I needed to write this in a hurry

  • Will bringing back the idea of having separate rosters and brand specific ppv's be a good or bad idea?

    So, I saw this article posted on WWE about the current GM situation for Smackdown and I was thinking to myself, "What's the point of even having a GM for both shows when all of the wrestlers just wrestle on both nowadays anyway?". I mean, they might as well just make AJ the GM of both Raw and Smackdown since it won't matter who is running Smackdown anyway.

    Then it got me thinking, would it be best if they went back to having separate brands and brand specific PPVs as well as making specific announce teams for both Raw and Smackdown? I used to love when Raw and Smackdown would have feuds and rivalries with each other at PPVs like Survivor Series and I also like how each show seemed different. Different announce teams and story lines and everything.

    I remember MitB this year and how the briefcases had blue for Smackdown and red for Raw. What's the point of that if the world champs perform on both shows anyway? They might as well have just made them look like regular brief cases. I remember a few years ago when a wrestler, if he won money in the bank, could go to either brand and cash in and all of a sudden be a part of that particular brand. Like I remember Edge was on Raw one time and cashed in on Smackdown and all of a sudden, became a Smackdown superstar.

    Do you think they ever will go back to having separate brands and all that. I heard in a commercial that John Laurinitis is supposed to fufill contract obligations or some BS like that and return for a match. Maybe this is setting up for a brand split again? Maybe he'll come back and have a bunch of wrestlers help him win the match and then it get's revealed that he is the GM of Smackdown and they are going to stop the whole Raw Super show idea and have two separate brands. Maybe they split up the announce teams and Cole and Lawler do Raw while Booker and Matthews do Smackdown and Matthews can be the heel announcer for that show. With brand specific PPVs, they now can make these rivalries mean something and have them last a bit longer and have several rivalries for both shows rather than just carry them in between each show.

    What do you guys think, should they go back to splitting up the brands or is it fine how it is now?

    2 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • Is there honestly any one reason I should start watching Impact every week again?

    I haven't really seen an episode of TNA/Impact since maybe a month or two into 2009 when Hogan and Bischoff came in. Is there any reason Is hould start watching again. I saw bits and pieces of Impact and they seem to be improving although I heard Hogan was in the main event and there is some sort of dumb storyline with AJ Styles

    7 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • If you go to a Community College, can you transfer those years over to go to a college or University?

    Like for example, if someone went to Wabonsee and wanted to continue their studies, could they transfer those years to NIU or something and have it count towards a four year degree or would they have to do another 4 years?

  • When I get older, would I be a bad person if I did this?

    My dad is a bit of a jerk. No, he isn't a jerk because he makes me do chores or anything like that. I do those happily. He is a jerk because he really doesn't respect me. He constantly makes jokes about me and I feel like he bullies me a bit sometimes. He basically is a "my way or the highway" type of guy. If you don't do exactly as he says or don't agree with what he does, he makes you feel like a piece of crap. For example, he is kind of prejudice and is always talking about how "black people are all cocky" or "White people are all rich" or whatever and i personally don't agree with him doing that. So one time, I confronted him about it. Nothing too serious, just asked him why he did it. He took it really offensively and told me that I should just shut up because he pays for my food and clothes (even though my Mom and Grandma are the ones who pay for most of that stuff). He's really arrogant and he doesn't really care about what others think. That's not even the farthest he's gone. He has bullied my mom when I was younger and they have divorced but I have to go to his house every weekend and i'm tired of the fact that everytime I try to work things out with him, he accuses me of being the problem and tells me off.

    I'm 17 now and, in a year, I plan to get as far away from this place as I can and, while I plan to keep in contact with my Mom and Brother, I plan to cut off all contact with my dad. I don't want to do this because, despite all of the things he's done and the amount of times he has brought me to tears, I still love him. but, it's like no matter how many times I've been brought to tears or how many times he has made me feel like crap, he still hasn't changed and I don't want that type of negative energy around my kids and family if I have one when I grow up. So, would I be a bad person if i just cut off all communication with my dad or should I not feel bad?

    4 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • So, does this mean Rock isn't going to appear in the WWE again until the Royal Rumble?

    They said the winner gets The Rock at the Royal Rumble. So is he just going to leave again and not come back again until then? I mean, if he loves the fans so much, why can't he stay and wrestle every week and earn his spot like the other guys in the back?

    10 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • AJ as GM, good idea or bad?

    I mean, at least it was kind of....surprising.

    I mean, I love AJ to death but I would have liked to see someone different like a legend or something. Who knows, maybe she'll end up being an amazing GM?

    But what do you guys think?

    3 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • You have to admit that Hand gag was pretty hilarious?

    I didn't think they would even make a reference to that, although I kind of hoped for it. What did you guys think?

    9 AnswersWrestling9 years ago