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  • What type of dog breed is best for homes, and is easy to train?

    We own a dachshund and those dogs ( I've been told ) are breed for hunting and outdoor type. And that explains a lot ( my dog poops and pees in the house and is VERY stubborn and hard to train ) but we are working on it. My mom is thinking of getting another dog that is more like a indoor type dog ( like maybe a golden retriever or toy poodle?)

    9 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • I hate my dog so much, what do I do?

    I love him but he is so annoying! He is.. UNTRAINABLE! We've even put him in classes in petsmart. He's a dachshund , and my German Shepard dog got trained theretoo when he was alive and he was so angelic along with my beagle and chihuahua but THIS dog is so stubborn!

    He pees in the house, poops too. VOMITS because he chews on his toy he loves and sometimes it hits his gagging reflexes I presume. And we even train him sometimes and all he knows is to sit! We set him free in the house and backyard but when it's night time we cage him because he will poop or pee and destroy things . We can't leave him outside either because he ruins my moms garden and barks ALLLL NIghttt LOONNNG! He barks at birds and everything and even I feel pity for our neighbors! Neighbors even complained ( different neighbors ) 4 times since we moved here and I'm just so embarrassed -.- he growls at everyone who isn't my sisters , mom, dad or me. He even almost bit my grandmas friend , who babysitted him-.-

    And when we leave the house, we cage him wth food and stuff and when we come back , he somehow found out how to nuzzle the cage and open it then he'd drag his good bowl and water and pee in my room and the couch UGHH.

    He doesn't listen when I tell him to not do anything either.

    He escapes from his cage at midnight and goes upstairs . It's gotten so bad that we even put a bell on his collar -.- I always here his bell jingle as he climbs upstairs.and his name is LUCKY! How ironic! More like unLUCKY!

    7 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • What should I wear when I hang out with my friends at the mall?

    I honestly want to dress lazy and comfortable ( like a crop top and some shorts , and keds or maybe sandals , curl my hair and maybe a black bag ) but there might be cute guys and stuff there :/

    Plus we're going clothing shopping and being a girl... Ifeel as if I have nothing to wear ...

    I want to look cute but not TRY HARD!

    Just list some things ( it's summer here and I'm not really into the show a lot of butt or leg or belly kind of person, I'm sort of conservative )

    List outfits and I'll find the best for my style and look for similar things in my closet please help :))

    6 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style7 years ago
  • Am I the only one uncomfortable kissing in public? As in, school?

    I'm fine with hugging and cuddling and stuff , but my boyfriend that is my first boyfriend ever always tries to peck my in the cheek or if he's lucky, my lips, when lunch period ends because he walks me to my class an I just side hug him casually/ lovingly and I see some couples like kiss and etc and it makes me feel like he's bothered by it. I mean first off, ITS ONLY FOR A PERIOD we see each other every weekday, and second off, it makes me feel weird kissing him while people are shuffling frantically to their class :/ I feel like he feels annoyed by me not kissing him back ( I laugh and push away and go inside my class ) I don't tell at him or anything =__=?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is it weird that I hate going to "family " parties?

    As in : your parents friends, aunts uncles, your neighbors , etc! Who else's parents always tell then to befriend the kids who are going?? I hate it.

    I don't hate the people but te party itself. People dot care whose house it is and mess it, spill things, leave paper cups, go inside your room, ugh.

    And it's a hassle. The hosts ( such as my parents ) buy soooooosoooosoooo much food, and in the end everyone always takes everything and they even go through my snacks ( which I save for school ) I'm being kind of selfish but UGHHHH

    I hate those overly loud party guest and those awkward teens siting on the couch in ther phone , and moms gossiping whilst dad's drink...

    I was planning on working on my summer project but it happens to be July 4 >___<

    I HATE IT. Friend parties, I like. It's all teens and I know then well, instead of parents trying to make their kids awkwardly be friends..

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • How do I get lighter skin?

    I live in a very hot state :( so the sun is inevitable. I do use sunblock

    My skin is like a mixture of yellow tint and the places untouched by the sun ( torso, and back of arms rtc ) and like light colored / yellow tint

    Whenever I get tanned I turn into like a little overcooked pizza dough color Dx ( moms korean and dad is Filipino/Vietnamese ) SOOOO I have a southeast Asian side. But my dad is really pale and so is my mom:/ maybe because since they work indoors they don't get much sun, while I go to school tha is an open campus =_____=

    Anyway , yeah please do tell :)

    6 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • Is losing 5 lbs in about a month really good , or is it just "whatever"?

    I'm 5'3 , 123.8 lbs

    Goal weight: 110

    When school ended on the 22nd of May, I began my diet and exercising , I started on the verge of 130 lbs.

    Last year though, I lost about 20 lbs in two months, which I calculated I lost 10 lbs in a month.

    But I sort of starved myself last year in the 2 months of summer ( not actually starve but I would NOT eat unless my stomach growled ) and I only exercised for 20 minutes

    But this month I exercise for about an hour and I eat steadily too, no junk food and etc, yet I'm losing my lbs slower.

    Should I eat less than 1200 and only eat when I'm really really hungry or should I continue my regimen of this month?

    I really wanna lose weight faster , before school starts :(

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • How many of you think G-Dragon is cute?

    Me and my friend were just talking about it, because of his recent concert, so we started watching his old videos ( in which he had eccentric hair...) and now his hair is like pulled black and spiked and etc.

    I mean somewhat, he is attractive, in a way. His style is eccentric and his attitude is alluring as well as his high singing voice yet manly talking voice .____.

    BUTTTTT one if my friends said he looks like an Asian boy version if Miley hence he looks ugly. -.-


    3 AnswersKorea7 years ago
  • HELP! New to dating, is there always an awkward stage during dating?

    I've had a boyfriend for a few weeks now and he's really sweet and we were BFFS for the longest time, and we used to text each other a lot and reply so fast, and use a lot of :) ^__^ =__= and idk who began it but now it's as if we would text each other an someone would obviously know they texted you but they would wait for like 10 minutes to reply to look busy and cool? I think?!

    Ex: for 3 days now ( idk who began this ..)

    Me: bla bla

    Him:blah XD ( 10 min later)

    Me: ( hears beep. Ignores for 4 minutes )

    Me: replies

    Him: ( waits 5 minutes. Shows up as read. Texts back in the morning )

    And we would always text :

    Lol yeah, lol really? Oh cool :P

    When we hang out though we act more like friends. He puts his arms around me but all we'd talk about is our mutual friends, our funny problems ( not life problems . We both hate saying our bad deals in life ) and etc

    We would hug yes , but I feel like I'm getting bored and so is he? Or is this just an awkward stage since we were once bfffs .__.?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How can I avoid getting tanner in the summer?

    I'm a yellowish tint ( half korean , Filipino/Vietnamese ) so I guess my southeast Asian side causes me to get dark after two minutes in the sun

    I use this brand of sunblock it's called Hawaiian something and I live in a very hot place...=__= no I will not hermit inside , carry an umbrella, or walk in the shadows or wear a jacket

    Maybe recommend a good and effective sunblock? Mine seems to not e working. I know you still get dark even after sunblock ..

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • Is my grandmas house probably haunted?

    We're going to visit for vacation in California. She lives in the suburb area and her house is like a smaller version of a Victorian house but I'm not sure if that's just the style or it's actually old old. Guessing its kinda old though.

    She has shelves in her two guest rooms, one used to be my moms room, and there are dolls and old toys ( mostly porcelain dolls and some old cabbage patch dolls) in boxes and whenever I sleep in that room it seems kind of eerie. Maybe it's all the dolls

    Also in the living room she has a piano with this mini statue of the Virgin Mary and one time I was walking to the kitchen and the rosary fell from her hand. Coincidence, idk. 0__0

    Her attic is also filled with old stuff and when me and my sister went there to adventure ( it's kind of big and roomy ) we heard creeking near the stairwell and it was only my grandpa in the house and we went back to the living room and he was sleeping soundly. ( the creeking didn't sound like an OLD HOUSE creek, like several creeks indication walking.)

    Also their bathroom is creepy. It has a very heavy shower curtain , and I hate that it's not see through, cause what if a killer is behind? It makes the whole shower seem red and dark, and it always blows even though it's a heavy material and they have no vent directly to it.

    IS IT IS IT? This was a few years ago, and I'm kind of worried when we visit :3

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • How can I lose 10 lbs in about two months?

    I'm 5'3 and I weigh 124. My normal weight is 110-115, I just feel healthier that way.

    I try to eat 1500 or below a day and I use the treadmill 4-5x a week and burn up to 400-500 calories

    But so far I feel as if I've gained more muscle than get thinner:/

    I don't want to he muscular but more lean and thin. I weighed 130 in the beginning of June and lost 6 lbs ( well technically August 22- now )

    Please help! Give me tips and foods to absolutely avoid! IDONT drink soda AT ALL or eat chocolate and chips :)

    I'm trying to be thinner before school resumes. So I can buy a whole new wardrobe

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Do guys like the concept of couple matching things? guys perspective please?

    Me and my first time ever real boyfriend ☺️🙌 are going to this huge carnival event thin that has this "love theme" and I wanted to wear like a couple shirt. Nothing EXTREME but I want to try it out once :) I've seen people do this in disneyland.

    I don't want to ask him yet though. I wanna know if it's weird and whatnot. He's not the bashful, jerk , rude type though. He's not a softy either. He'll say if it looks ridiculous publicly :/

    Shirt: it's white and mine says " I love him" and his says " yeah.. What she said" it's from a funny website

    ALSOOOO the carnival is like a fun little cheesy thing. It's not likea. Serious date place but for couples to hang out and good off

    Yes? No? Eh?😅👍

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • My cute crush asked me out finally, but I'm hesitant..?

    Well when I hung out with his friends, there are NO girls. They speak korean which I can't understand what so ever, but they are Americanized :/ I just feel like they talk about me . When his friends talk it just sounds like they're talking about me in a disgusting boy way. The guy that asked me out, he is different from his friends , but he'd just turn around and laugh and say " really? " and etc like they're talking about video games or sports or idk. But his friends make me feel uncomfortable. They don't do it everytime

    The guy I like, he is sweet and smart and cute, and he does act like his friends whenever I see them from the distance during lunch, but he acts really nice around me! And I don't really wanna be that girlfriend whose like DITCH YO FRIENDS.( //.\\ )

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is exo k and exo m the same group? Or are they different?

    I recently got pushed to watch GROWL by exo, and I loved it. But it always hear different fan calls a: exo m exo k, but are they still one giant group? Or we're they split just in the MV "GROWL"? I am confused

    **new to Kpop

    3 AnswersKorea7 years ago
  • I'm getting calluses and dry spots on the soles of my feet?

    I've been running the elliptical and I noticed the side of my big toe is starting to get dry and the skin is peeling?

    How do I stop this?

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions7 years ago
  • How can I self train my dogs?

    I've had a few dogs that were professionally trained but they've been long gone. We got a dachshund for about two years and he's quite old, but I managed to teach him how to sit without even realizing. ( I'd put one finger out and say sit and treat him)

    Hes pretty old and we might get a new dog for his company but I want that dog to sit, roll, play, stop barking when I tell him to, stop peeing pooping in the house, teach him a way to tell me when he needs to go outside to do his duties, and to behave . How? It seems impossible -.-

    2 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • In school, I am usually determined in the first few months, but grow lazy. How do I keep motivated in highschool?

    I still manage to get a' s and b's in the end but in the first 2 quarters of school, I'm like YEAH IM DOIN IT! But after that, I stop doing y homework when I get home : it takes me 2 hours until I go nearby back pack. Also, sometimes I would just write the answer from the back of the book and last minute study and end up getting an a or b but it's HECTIC! How do I keep myself motivated? Especially since it's junior year !!