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Is this a dumb idea?
So my friend and his mom have been diagnosed with lymes disease and can't afford treatment so I'm starting a online fundraiser. There's 4 people involved in this thing, so my idea was if you donated $50 or more then you would get to vote on which one you wanted to get cream pied by the others. At the end of the fundraising period whoever had the most votes got cream pied by the others. Of course there would be a video made of it... Is that a stupid idea? If so what are some better ones? Thanks!
2 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities7 years agoIs it legal to not give a 16 year old a break after working 8am-4pm in NC?
This just happened to me today. I was suppose to get a break but didn't. They've done thing like this in the past. Is there some legal requirement for giving breaks? Thanks!
2 AnswersLaw & Legal8 years agoWhy has my dog been acting weird?
We have a 6 year old shih tzu that we have had for 3 years. It's a very sweet, lazy, chill dog. It normally just lies in one spot all day and sleeps. It's like the ultimate lap dog. Recently she's been acting weird. Normally when we leave for a bit we can give her a treat and she'll go right in the kennel no problem. Recently when you give her a treat she'll bolt away from the kennel and you have to pick her up and force her in it. After she's in it she fusses and barks and whines as loud as heck. As soon as you get home she starts doing the same thing until you let her out. On top of that she's been acting a lot more attention needy. If I'm doing a ab work out on the floor she'll run over to me and try to get me to pet her/hold her and she'll won't stop. She does this a lot where she seems like she must have attention, and she's just been all around louder and rowdier. Any idea's why this would be happening?
1 AnswerDogs8 years agoIn order to get my level 3 license in NC, does a parent have to be present?
I already have my limited provisional license, and was about to go get my full license, but im not sure if a parent has to be there or not and the DMV's line has been busy for about 30 mins and I cant get through. Any ideas if they have to be there?
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years agoI can't find the song I heard in a trailer before Monsters University. Take me home?
I heard this song in a trailer before Monsters University and I really liked, but I can't find it. I know the chorus had the words "Take me home" in it, but other then that I'm not sure. If you know the song that would be awesome!
1 AnswerOther - Music8 years agoHow do I obviously flirt with a girl?
I am suppose to be in a play and I have the part where I have this crush on this girl so I'm suppose to be crushing on her like *ALL* the time. Even while we are sitting next to each other while someone is giving a lecture (its a modern day play). But I have like NO idea how to flirt. I'll do like the yawn and stretch and put my arm around her or try to grab her hand, or just scoot closer to her. But thats like all I know how to do. Any ideas? It also needs to be kinda obvious to the audience.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoDo I need to do anything else for chest workout other than bench?
I'm just starting to do 3 a week workouts (full body) and I was wondering if I should just do bench or if I should do less bench and throw in one other exercise? Thanks!
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years agoCan firing .2g bb's out of a 400 fps AEG airsoft gun damage it?
I just recently bought a lancer tactical and was using .2g bb's in it and my friend told me that I could break the gear box using .2g and that I should use .25g. Is he right? Can using a .2g bb really damage my gun?
2 AnswersOther - Outdoor Recreation8 years agoIf im lifting every other day and doing cardio on the days inbetween, how much protein powder should I use?
I'm on a fairly tight budget to so I really don't want to use more then I have to.
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years agoIs there a way to stop someones posts from showing up in your newsfeed on facebook?
So there is this one person on facebook who is ALWAYS posting political junk and I want to know if there is anyway to make their posts not show up in my newsfeed. Thanks!
3 AnswersFacebook9 years agoIf I'm doing squats what other exercise should I do for my legs?
I'm just looking for another two or three, I was thinking the seated calf raise ( and one other thing, but I don't know what, or should I do two other not including the seated calf raise?
2 AnswersRunning9 years agoI'm almost 16, and haven't grown for four months. Will I grow any more?
I'm a 15 year old boy, turning 16 in little more then a month, I'm a little shorter then 5' 7" but haven't grown in four months. My dad's 5' 9" and my mom is like 1/8" shorter then me. Will I grow anymore or have I stopped?
2 AnswersMen's Health9 years agoWhat to use instead of the "great minds think alike and so do ours" line?
I hate that quote, can anyone think of something that says the same thing but in different words?
4 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years agoOn average, how much do police officers make?
I am looking to go into law enforcement and I know they don't make all that much but I would like a general range. I know it differs from department to department, but I also heard that it goes up some every year or something. Anyway if you could give me a range and different types of law enforcement officers that pay more or less that would be awesome. Thanks!
3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years agoWhich are better, "King Arms" .36 gram airsoft bb's or "Mad Bulls"?
Bellow are the links to each of the bb's, also can you see them when the shoot since they are green and not white?
Mad Bull:
King Arms:
2 AnswersOther - Outdoor Recreation9 years agoDid I seriously injure my knee?
I do a lot of parkour and free running (basically doing flips, jumping off, on, and over stuff), and I did a backflip 180 at a gym and landed right on my left knee. It hurt really bad for a few minuets, but after about 5 minutes I was able to start doing flips and stuff again, it still hurt but I could defiantly still do them without making it feel worse. That was about a month ago and I have been doing a lot of stuff that puts a lot of pressure on my knee since then like a 5k obsticale race, more parkour and free running including backflips from the height of about 8 feet or more. It never feels bad when I do stuff like that but whenever I hit it even a little bit it will start to hurt REALLY bad again, like a pain of 8 out of 10. Even today I landed on it on the trampoline and that was the worst yet. It doesn't hurt to bend it or anything, and its not swollen or bruised. It just hurts for for a little while and then is sore and feels weak for the next day or two after I hit it. I have no idea what might be wrong with it and football season starts back up for me in about a month so I really hope it heals up by then and that nothing is seriously wrong with it. If you have any idea what could possibly be wrong with it I would greatly apreciate it. Thanks!
1 AnswerPain & Pain Management9 years agoIs there any cheap or free slow motion programs for mac?
I have iMovie but it won't support 60 frames per second. I thought it did but i tried and it didn't work. Anyway I just want something I can use to slow down my 60 frames per second (and 120 frames per second) to slow motion with. Is there any programs for that?
1 AnswerSoftware9 years agoWhat does ¿Quién te vendió el libro de español? mean in English?
3 AnswersLanguages9 years agoWhat short hairstyle would look good on me?
I am thinking of changing my hairstyle right now but not sure what to. Here is a vlog I made so you can get a look at my current hairstyle and what hairstyle would look good on me. You don't have to watch the whole thing but watch past 10 seconds (half my head is cut off for the first 10 seconds of the video)
A link to a picture or something would be great. Thanks!
3 AnswersHair9 years agoWhat can I use instead of a stunt pit?
I am looking for a pad for jumps and stunts and stuff I plan on doing but I can't afford a $1000 stunt pit. Is there anything similar I can use that is way cheaper ($50 or less)
1 AnswerOther - Sports9 years ago