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EllO MaTe 8)
get the heck outa here.... ha just kidding.... wash your hands! don't get sick.....
How can i go to the bathroom without getting so scared?
Ive had diarreah since last night and i am scared to go again.the only reason why i went last night was because it forced its way out and now its more liquidier. What can i do to just let myself go?
8 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoHow can i just go to the toilet without getting so scared?
I have diarreah and i went once last night but now its worse. How can i just go without getting scared? I just hold it in and i dont like to go. Last night i went because it forced itself out like its supposed to.
3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoWhat's wrong with my ankle?
I started track about 2 weeks ago and thursday of this week my left ankle started to swell really bad.
Its mostly on the right side (the side where it faces in to your other leg). But i can feel it up to m knee and to my toes. I realy wanna run but cant cuz of my ankle! What can i do to help it heel fast? Ive iced it but what else???
2 AnswersInjuries1 decade agoIs it true that the more you've had the flu the better your body fights it off?
doesn't your immune system get to know the virus and then knows how to fight it off and maybe even prevent it before it hits?
9 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoIs it possible to get the flu when you had the flu a week ago?
I had the flu last week and I got over it, now I'm feeling sick it possible to get the flu again? or is it the same flu?
I got over it completely now I have a huge headache and I feel like a fever might come on and I'm feeling a little nauesous (spelling.?) and i get that thing where you get really hot then really cold then really hot.....
3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoDoesn't shontelle look like Dawn from Danity Kane?
are they in any way related? i just saw her music video and they look SO much alike
1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade agoHow do you describe the texture of chicken?
just say it's italian bread crumbed chicken breast...
how would you describe the texture of it?
2 AnswersPoetry1 decade agowhat facial skin acne treatment would you reccommend?
-oily only in the tzones
-i don't have A LOT of acne but get occasional breakouts
-i wash my face every night
-i took a quiz that said i have normal to combination skin but i don't know if it's accurate
-never tried proactiv or acnefree or anything like that...i've only washed my face with soap and water!
5 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade agois the AcneFree stuff made for adults or can teens use it too?
it says that its an adult acne remedy but can teens use it also? would it damage my skin?
1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade agoWould you believe me if i said this?
so picture this...
you and i have plans to go trickrtreating...
you tell me that you are going to meet me at this one house at 530...but you dont show up...then you tell me your meeting me at papa murphys but you don't show up...
then, you call me and tell me your almost there...but i told you my dad wanted me to come home because i got in trouble...
but the next day at school, you hear that i went to the haunted house with one of my other friends...WOULD YOU BELIEVE ME?
please tell me why you would or would not believe me! i really did get in trouble and i'm scared that my friends gonna think i'm lying!!! i really am telling the truth!! my dad gave me this talk about responsibility and then my friend called and asked if i wanted to go to a haunted house with her..
my dad said yes...
but i couldn't go trickrtreating...
it sounds so suspicious! but it's true!
2 AnswersAdolescent1 decade agoEast Coasters?? what do you picture when i say....?
Washington State...
Oregon State...
What do you think it looks like here? i'm not trying to judge or anything it's just today my substitute said that he went to S. Carolina and he met some guys and he told them he lived in WAshington...and they said
do you have paved roads there?
i just thought it was interestnig and wanted to know what you guys thought!
6 AnswersOther - United States1 decade agoWhat do these Revolutionary war quotes mean?
1. "give me liberty or give me death" patrick henry
2. "no taxtation withougt representation" rev. jogn mayhew
3. "don't tread on me" ???
4. " I am not a virginian but an american" patrick henry
5. "be civil to all; sociable to many; familiar with few; friend to one; enemy to none;" ben franklin
thanks...i have a rev. war test tomorrow and need to study!
3 AnswersHistory1 decade agoWhat cologne, perfume, body spray do you wear?
where you got it:
what it says it smells like:
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoHow should I train for 4 miles?
so my goal is to run 4 miles...i'm planning on doing cross country next year (i didn't do it this year) and i have to be able to run 3 should i train for this?
and i haven't ran in a month or two so im losing my ability to should i train to run about 4 miles?
4 AnswersRunning1 decade agoHow many seconds are in a year?
...let's see who gets this right...
14 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade agoWhat song is this???????
i listened to it when i was....5 or something...i'm 13 now so it's been quite a long time...
it goes
i wanna play with you on the mountain
i wanna ------- in the sea
i wanna live with you forever
something like's a guy that sings this...he also has an album named after him and he as this song on it i think....
5 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agoIs this normal when you're losing teeth?
k so my last few teeth i've lost, the gums grew in them before they even got loose...i lost a lot of teeth when i was 6-10went through this huge gap of not loosing any teeth until about 12 1/2 and now im almost 14 (lost my teeth way late)...
the gums keep growing into the tooth and i don't remember if it's normal or not...also just 20 minutes ago i was eating a graham cracker and i heard this sound in my mouth like i bit something really hard and my loosest tooth cracked in half, but the gums are all up in the it's still there
i don't want food to get trapped in there and cause irritation or infection or nasty stuff or cavities...
so is this normal and how do i deal with this? thanks...
i have really healthy teeth fillings or crowns or root canals...just went to the dentist 2 months ago for a cleaning
1 AnswerDental1 decade agoHow do you make Olive Garden's salad dressing they serve with the breadsticks? ?
Has anybody tried to make it yet? if you did how did it turn out?
How do you make it? it's the most amazing salad dressing and i'd really like to try it out!
3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoWould 13-12x be linear but not a direct variation, nonlinear, or a direct variation?
a. linear but not a direct variation
b. nonlinear
c. direct variation
1 AnswerMathematics1 decade agoWhat would this relationship have in common on the graph? y=2x, y=2x+4.........?
the question is asking me what this relationship would have in common when it's drawn on the graph. and im not aloud to graph this either...
i'm having problems with the y-1=2x and i don't know how to solve itttttt! what would these equations have in common on the graph?
example problem:
the equations don't have a y-intercept so all of the data will pass through the origin (direct variation).
3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago