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  • do you need to wash salt water off a drysuit?

    this will be my first season of winter kayaking i have all the gear but just one question. I kayak in the ocean and was wondering if it's necessary to wash the salt water off my drysuit every time im done kayaking

    1 AnswerSwimming & Diving1 decade ago
  • how do i care for my drysuit ?

    a specific question, after kayaking in salt water does my drysuit need to be washed with non salt water. do i need to wash my kotatat drysuit after kayaking in the ocean

    3 AnswersSwimming & Diving1 decade ago
  • winter kayaking question?

    im going to ocean kayak in the winter for the first time, my question is when im done kayaking how do i wash the salt water off the kayak without it freezing, when im done kayaking i like to spray it with the hose to get the salt water off, but wont the water from the hose quickly freeze onto the kayak during the winter ? how do i prevent this

    1 AnswerOther - Winter Sports1 decade ago
  • Winter kayaking maintenance what do i do?

    i for the first time will be kayaking in the winter up here in the boston ma area. i already have my drysuits with my insulating undergarments and other safety gear. but i neglected one aspect of cold water kayaking, what type of maintenance do i need to perform on the kayak to keep it operating properly in freezing water, in particular what should i do to make sure my rudder along with the cables continues to operate properly rather than freeze up, my kayak does not track well and i need the rudder, im afraid the cold water will cause it to freeze and to malfunction or even break what can i do about this

    2 AnswersWater Sports1 decade ago
  • what should i wear under my dry-suit for ocean kayaking?

    i live in massachusetts, have been ocean kayaking for two years and am seriously considering buying my first drysuit and kayaking all winter long, i believe i have already found what will be a great drysuit for me, but my question is what should i wear under the drysuit to stay warm. keep in mind i live in MA, and the water temperature can get close to the freezing point during the winter i believe in February the average water temp is around 36 degrees, the air temp can go to the teens or single digits. can anybody list some specific products you feel will do a good job of keeping me warm in these temperatures. also i want garments that will not retain water in the event that my drysuit floods, so no cotton.

    does anyone have any ideas, any websites that specialize in the sale of this stuff ??

    thanks for the help

    4 AnswersWater Sports1 decade ago
  • do i have a mental disorder?

    I've been this way my entire life and am wondering if its because of a mental disorder

    im a 25 y/o male

    my symptoms

    1) im very shy, withdrawn and often awkward in social settings. when in conversation with people i often just don't know what to say or how to respond to others approaching me. i have no real friends at all, i only have acquaintances whom i see at work and say hi to.

    2) I sometimes can't pay attention something can be explained to me and if im not truly interested in whats being said I will often completely tune out and be oblivious from that point on. this being said when something does interest me im capable of paying great attention. i can sit and read a book and remember the bulk of what i read.

    3) im often in my own world, i can sit and daydream and for brief periods of time not even notice whats going on around me, sometimes my own world annoys other people especially when they are relying on me for something and i cant help them.

    4) something can literally be right infront of my face but I wont notice it until sometime later. people will often point at the object Iam looking for shouting stuff like "its right there" "can't you see it" but i will be standing there throwing up my hands looking straight in the direction they are pointing saying "nah i don't see it"

    also i will often miss ridiculously easy solutions to problems, but can figure out answers to difficult problems

    5) im depressed sometimes mostly about my lack of social life

    6) and one more thing, I have a HORRIBLE sense of direction, i can drive somewhere a hundred times but still get complete lost every time i try to get there without a GPS, when going into someones house for the first time, when ready to leave i will become lost when looking for the exit and the person will have to point me to the door

    i know i must have at least one mental disorder, the question is can anyone here steer me in the right direction and possible give me some possibilities as to what disorder(s) i have

    thank you

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • what are differences between male / female Alaskan malamute?

    m considering buying an alaskan malamute puppy, and was wondering if anyone could tell me the temperament differences between a male and female alaskan malamute.

    for example, is one sex more domineering, aggressive, prone to kill smaller animals, more difficult to train, etc

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • what type of dog breed is best for me ?

    I need some help picking a dog breed.

    i will be a first time dog owner, even though i have never owned a dog before I do feel i will be able to properly train and discipline a dog. Im the type of person who knows how to prepare for something new. i have a great ability to learn from reading books and plan on buying several of them on how to train dogs, i also plan on watching several of cesar millan's dvd's.

    im 25 years old, live in a single family house in lynn ma, a semi cold city environment with wide fluctuations in temperature average january temperature is probably around 30 degrees and maybe 85 degrees in july. Massachusetts is definitely on the colder side of the climate spectrum.

    im a pretty active person, much more so in the summer than the winter. I enjoy long daily 10 - 20 mile bike trips, jogging, going for walks, would love to play Frisbee or fetch with a dog, im sure the dog could run along side my bike while im riding. i also wouldn't mind having a dog to pull me around on skis. (that seems really fun)

    although im much less active in the colder months which is about half the year up here in the boston area, i would be up for bike rides and jogs even in the winter if my dog wants to go with me, (except on those absolutely frigid days, or bad weather conditions).

    im also the lovey dubby type and would like a dog to show me affection, i would also enjoy rough housing with it on the occasion as well

    what type of dog am i considering ?

    before i go any further i must say I want a medium to large dog, for some reason i never liked small dogs and could never see myself owning one so that eliminates a lot of breeds right there.

    im not expecting to get every thing i want, but would like a good mix of the attributes listed below.

    1) be prone to as few health problems as possible. I know many breeds are prone to certain illness i would prefer a breed that is prone to relatively few illnesses

    2) i want an affectionate dog, one that will give me kisses and hugs when i walk in the door, and will want to hang out with me and do stuff together, but then again i don't want one that will tear up the furniture when i leave for work, i will probably have to crate him / her

    3) i want a dog with some guard dog instincts, im not looking for a dog that will attack anything that walks through the door, but one that will alert me of a stranger on my property, and will be willing to defend the property if necessary

    4) i want a smart dog that has the ability to be trained, i plan on reading many books on how to train dogs so i should have an idea of how to do it. i would like them to be able to learn simple commands like sit, lay down, heel, relatively easily

    5) the dog doesn't have to be friendly toward other pets but it's a plus

    6) grooming, id prefer a dog that doesn't get hair all over the place, but eh what can you do, i don't have a problem grooming the dog just as long as it's no more than say 3 times a week.

    7) i hate sitting around doing nothing all day and so should my dog, only problem is i work full time and will have to crate the dog while at work, i can let him out at lunch maybe take him for a quick walk, but then it's back in the crate until im home for the day, at that point i should be able to give plenty of exercise, except for those extremely cold days (say 25 degrees or less) or on bad weather days (although i will sometimes take them out on bad weather)

    8) i want a dog that looks good to me, the particular breeds that have caught my eye are the Dalmatian, and Alaskan Husky

    the particular breeds i've been focusing on include

    german shepherd


    alaskan husky



    (if you have in mind a better breed for me please mention it)

    German Shepherd

    PRO'S -


    great ability to learn,


    willing to protect the house,

    likes to exercise,

    and are affectionate

    would be a great jogging / bike riding companion

    CON's - must be properly trained in obedience or else can become very aggressive (i plan on properly training my dog but i would be a first time dog owner so it might not work out as expected)

    the breed supposedly has all kinds of health problems



    i think a Dalmatian would make a great long distance biking partner, it should also like to jog with me, play frisbee, fetch, tug of war and all the other fun stuff.

    they are good companions

    can be used as a guard dog

    although they do have health issues, they seem to be less of an issue than in most other dogs, i imagine deafness won't be a problem because any puppy im considering, can be baer tested, they can get skin allergies, and can get urinary stones but those are all the major health issues i know of in this breed

    they are beautiful animals, i love the way they look


    i've heard they are difficult to train

    they are hyperactive, although for the most part i think i can give him plenty of exercise i do think that hype

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • moving from boston to TEXAS any advice?

    so i wanted to move from boston to texas, maybe austin, the move is not definite yet but i want to make it happen. im looking for a job in the electric utility industry preferably in texas.

    my question is this

    what is life like in Texas, what are the main benefits, or problems. what about pest (insects), job market? weather ? cost of living, what should i know?

    some reasons for wanting to move

    sick and tired of big government, and big taxes

    sick of people who love the idea of socialism or communism

    im so sick of the cold rainy weather

    im in need of a real culture shock and change

    lived in boston my whole life and i need a new environment and a new start

    im 24 years old in case if it makes a difference

    what are the biggest differences between boston and texas ??

    any help would be appreciated

    3 AnswersBoston1 decade ago
  • make semi transparent tables in myspace?

    How do you make semi transparent tables in myspace, but have everything in the tables fully opaque

    I want to see the background image through the tables but the text and everything in the tables needs to be fully opaque, the tables need to have semi transparent black color in them so people can read the text.

    here is my myspace profile in case if you need to look at it

    any help is appreciated

    1 AnswerMySpace1 decade ago
  • how is life in australia?

    i've been living in boston mass, (usa) for my whole life and have been thinking about packing up my life and moving to a different country

    reasons for moving

    im sick of the cold weather up here in boston, want to move somewhere warmer

    i have a college degree in tv broadcasting but its of no use because their are NO good jobs available

    most people in my area have 2 jobs and work a good 60 + hours a week just to be able to pay the bills, i want to live somewhere where i can work 40 hours a week and expect to have a decent life

    people are rude up here

    the economy is garbage

    my life is getting boring and stale in a need a change of scenery

    im sure i can think of more reasons but ill just leave it at this for now

    so anyway would australia be a good fit for me,

    perhaps the most important thing, is i want to be able to get a job that will allow me to have a decent life without having to work 60+ hours a week

    1 AnswerOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • should i move from boston to london (england)?

    ive lived here in the usa, in boston mass for my entire life, and its getting a bit stale. Ive been thinking about moving to a different state in america, but recently have had a different idea entirely, i've been thinking about moving to england.

    I have some reasons

    first the job market in the us, just plain sucks, i have a college education in television broadcasting, but cant find a decent job anywhere.

    the cost of living is sky rocketing and wages just are not keeping up,

    im sick of the cold weather

    im sick of republicans

    health insurance is laughably exspensive

    my life seems to be a rerun and i need a change

    would London suit my needs, can i get a decent paying job in the television field, i know the cost of living is higher in england, but what extra amenities do you get for it,

    hows the weather in England

    i guess i just want to kn ow what great Britain is like, can anyone give me an idea

    11 AnswersLondon1 decade ago
  • how does my wedding video website look?

    so i’ve been doing video ever since highschool ( for about 7 or 8 years) but i just got started with web design, so i made a website to advertise my video services and was wondering what you all think about it, how does it look?? check it out

    3 AnswersSearch Engine Optimization1 decade ago
  • how does my wedding video?

    so i’ve been doing video ever since highschool ( for about 7 or 8 years) but i just got started with web design, so i made a website to advertise my video services and was wondering what you all think about it, how does it look?? check it out

    2 AnswersSearch Engine Optimization1 decade ago
  • 2 phone numbers with one?

    does anybody know of any service that will allow me to have multiple cell phone numbers for one phone, i would prefer for it to be a one time payment rather than a pay per month deal.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • open source movies / video?

    i had an idea to make an open source video community much like linux. instead of sharing software we will share videos. this is how it will work. say you are a good script writer, well you write a script upload it to the web, then some one who is a good actor downloads your script, gets a camera guy then acts out the script and uploads everything back to the web. then someone like me who is a good editor will download the video files and edit them together, to complete the video, and upload it all back to the web, for viewing. We will upload all the files to the web including the actual project files. i work with final cut pro so after im done editing the video i will upload the finished piece along with the source files and project file, so someone else can download and add on to my work

    this sound like a good idea, any body want to get working on a web site that will allow us to o this

    3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Any body need a free pro video editor?

    so im a pro video editor that uses final cut pro, i mostly edit wedding videos, wedding season hasn't really started up yet so i went a couple of months without editing anything, just wondering does any body want a free video editor. if you have a video that you need edited and its not going to be too much of a pain for me i will do it just for my love of editing videos, respond with details about your project and if i feel like doing it ill let you know

    i have a website with demo videos but i have my phone number on it and dont feel like having anybody call me, so im not going to give out the web address, sorry, maybe i can email you some demo's if you wanna see them

    i do have a few videos up on my youtube page if you wanna look at them

    my email is

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • get paid to place ads on my videos?

    i happen to be a pro video editor, mostly doing wedding videos, im quite good with final cut pro and am capable of producing some great results, i was wondering if there are any web services kind of like a google adsense for videos, in other words are their any websites that will put ads in my videos and i can get paid when someone watches them??

    1 AnswerSearch Engine Optimization1 decade ago
  • Trying to make money off of a?

    so i run a Linux website and i have some ads on it, but so far im not making much cash. does anybody know why im not making much on the ads, are they not well placed, content not targeted well enough?

    im also curious to see what you all think of the website, ive put some good work into it and would like to hear people's feedback

    1 AnswerSearch Engine Optimization1 decade ago
  • How google adsense like?

    i run a small website and i was just wondering how many organizations offer the ad placement on your site, ive already heard of google adsense, adbright, etology, voxant, and yahoo publisher, does anybody know of anymore, im mostly interested in pay per click advertising

    2 AnswersSearch Engine Optimization1 decade ago