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  • How to easily fix over-tightened toilet seat plastic nuts and bolts?

    I live in an apartment, and I went to install a bidet attachment to the toilet. The bolts holding the toilet seat onto the bowl were thick plastic ones with lots of grooves. The nuts are also plastic with a flange sticking off of them for your thumb to push. Also, the bolts are part of the toilet seat itself. The top of the bolt stays flush with the seat/the seat moves with the bolts. The bolts do not have a head. They are only a cylinder shape with a phillips screw head hole.

    It seemed to take forever to unscrew those bolts by hand. So I got out my cordless drill and used its screwdriver attachment. Then they unscrewed very quickly. I installed the attachment under the seat and went to retighten the bolts to hold both the bidet and seat back down. But, I didn't think things through and to avoid a lot of tedious screwing I used the drill to tighten the bolts. Mistake.

    Now, just trying to turn a screwdriver starts deforming the plastic bolt. So I tried to get the nut off. But the nut has that flange that makes it almost impossible to turn with a wrench.

    I must have spent a whole hour trying to get that nut to loosen. And it only turned a couple times.

    I'm at the point where I figure I drill out the plastic bolts and just buy a whole new friggen toilet seat. It's just plastic. It can't cost that much. But then I can't believe there isn't a way to do this without destroying something and with it not taking hours upon hours of gross bent over a toilet work.

    4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)3 years ago
  • Are robotic arms used in making robotic arms?

    You know when you see a car commercial that shows the inside of the factory. There are all these robotic arms moving, welding and just doing a lot of stuff. Those arms are obviously manufactured. And I assume robotic arms are used to make the robotic arms. But then is there a third company making arms to make arms to make arms for the car company? Or does the company manufacturer its own robotic arms to use in making robotic arms. How did they make the first robotic arms? Did they use human labor?

    7 AnswersEngineering3 years ago
  • Can you name this science fiction book?

    I really liked this book because it explored the biological mechanics of the human brain functions in an advanced sci-fi future, also weird aliens too.

    So in the future a small group of people are sent out to investigate something. They are in a spaceship and have their backups in a sort of cryo sleep version.

    The main character is a guy that interfaces with immensely complex AI and tries to dumb down their thoughts so people can understand it. There is a vampire who has to take medicine to not have a seizure when he sees right angles. There is a person who has used technology to purposely give themselves multiple personalities in order to complex jobs better. There are other characters who are similar weird.

    They find the alien spaceship and think that the contact they have is just with a Chinese Room.

    They dissect one of the aliens and find only muscle. No brains or lungs. Just muscular tentacles. Turns out the aliens muscles can double as brain cells. And they are born with a finite supply of ATP for energy.

    They can move extremely fast and can figure out how human brains work almost instantly.

    One scene I recall vividly is when the main guy is in a corridor with one of the aliens. The alien moves whenever the guys eyes are moving in a saccade. So the alien is moving when the brain edits out the footage, so it’s effectively invisible to the one human.

    I cannot recall the title or the author though. I would like to know so I can recommend it to other people.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Should I regularly deposit money into my personal brokerage account?

    This is my first brokerage account and I'm not exactly sure what to do with it.

    I have my savings and checking account. They have enough money to cover rent and groceries for 6 months in case anything happens. I also have a Roth 401k setup with my employer. I put 10% of each paycheck into my retirement account.

    I also have a monthly deposit set up to put almost 10% of my monthly income into my savings account.

    The brokerage account I have setup only has money in one of the bank's/financial institution's diversified fund. I'm not sure if I can or should make a monthly deposit into my brokerage account.

    I could change the amount I deposit into my savings, but if my rough estimates of my monthly budget are correct, I could be depositing an additional amount.

    I guess I'm kind of thinking of it like a savings account that on average will have a better interest rate, but can change from month to month. But it isn't a savings account, so I'm not sure if that's a good view to have of it or not.

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance7 years ago
  • My first retirement account; I'm confused about filling out tax forms.?

    This year I started a Roth 401(k) retirement account. I was collecting tax paperwork, but I didn't find anything from the company that has the account. I know the money in it got bigger.

    So do I need to report that on my taxes?

    I know part of the Roth appeal is that you pay taxes before you put the money into it, so you don't have to pay taxes on interest when it comes out. Or something like that. I was not paying close attention to the presentation.

    But the amount pretty much doubled. Somehow I doubt I don't have to pay taxes on such a substantial increase.

    So should I call the retirement account company and ask for a tax form? Or will I just look silly if I do that?

    7 AnswersUnited States7 years ago
  • Why does poison ivy rash itch more at night?

    My friend has been dealing with poison ivy rash for a while now, and she keeps saying that it itches more at night, or after the sun sets. A pharmacist also said that having the rash itch more at night happens to a lot of people. So why does this happen? Is it because a hot shower in the morning lasts until late afternoon?

    Skin Conditions8 years ago
  • Why doesn't fruit satisfy my sugar cravings?

    When I get a sugar craving it is always for something really sweet. Such as, candy, chocolate, ice cream, cookies, cake, etc. When I try to satisfy my sweet tooth with a piece of fruit the craving doesn't go away (even though the fruit has about as many grams of sugar as some candy does).

    Is it just in my head, or is it the fat and other artificial stuff in the sugary foods I'm craving, or some other reason?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • How careful should I be with a potential FeLV stray cat?

    So I have taken in a 12 to 14 week old stray kitten who was wandering around my apartment complex. I already have my own cat who is FeLV negative. I'm getting the kitten tested ASAP, but I want to know how careful I need to be about the spread of disease between the stray kitten and the new cat.

    The kitten looks and acts very healthy so I'm not too concerned about any parasites. I keep the kitten in a black mesh cat tent (ABO Happy Habitat) inside the living room. My cat has access to the master bedroom and bathroom. They have their own separate food, water, litter boxes. I scoop the litter boxes with different scoopers. From what I can tell these are appropriate measures to take.

    But I'm wondering if the following measures are too excessive, or are not careful enough. I try washing my hands every time after I pet the kitten and go to pet my cat. But if I picked up and held the kitten, I don't wash every single spot he touched. Also I will feed them canned food from the same can. I will use different spoons for each cat, but there potentially is a route for the disease to spread since I reuse a food bowl or plate multiple times before washing it.

    Also my own cat will sometimes get into the living room, but he doesn't go close to the kitten. So they haven't touched each other at all yet. But sometimes I let the kitten explore the living room, and when my cat gets into the living room he will go sniff the places the kitten went. Since FeLV is spread through contact with fluids I think this is okay. But I'm still concerned about it.

    So does anyone know if I need to be more careful, or I'm the right amount of careful, or if I'm being too careful?

    3 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Any motorized cat toys specifically for a large house cat?

    I have a very large house cat made even larger by the fact that he loves to eat and does not play a lot.

    Right now he is 20lbs and he should probably be around 15 or 14lbs. Even interactive toys that I try moving like different types of prey only will interest him for maybe one or two paw swipes. Toys that are on a spring or wobble when a cat bats it don't work. He will watch it bobble, maybe swing at it, then once it stops moving he looses interest. I tried a ball inside a plastic loop but it seems to be a little too small for his large paws, and he doesn't seem to enjoy balls as toys. He only eats catnip, it doesn't make him more energetic. And he will just lick a toy if it has catnip on it. Laser pointers don't interest him for long because it seems he needs to feel his prey, not just see it.

    The only way to really get him exercising is to stick the end of a wand toy under a rug and move it from one end to the other. Then he will pounce on it for maybe a minute or two, take a minute or two break, then repeat. So it is a very interactive toy, and I have to be there to play with him. But I'm gone for a large part of the day. So I need a toy that is motorized and moves by itself.

    A friend sent me a link for "the cat's meow" toy and I saw something similar called "undercover mouse" on It looked perfect for my cat who ONLY actively plays with objects moving under a carpet or piece of fabric. But after thinking about it more, I realized that this toy would most likely not be the solution. Often when pouncing my cat will plop down on his belly on top of the toy, and I really have to pull to get it out. He most likely would lie down or sit on this motorized toy and it wouldn't be able to move at all. This would wear out the motor and make it less likely for my cat to stand up to pounce again. He could also easily flip it over.

    So are there any motorized cat toys, specifically ones under a piece of fabric, that are more rugged, large and designed for cats over 10lbs? Or does anyone else have a suggestion to get a very lazy, large cat moving.

    P.S. I am slowly decreasing the amount of dry food he gets and changing it to a high protein, low fat low carb canned food.

    3 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Downhill skiing is torturous for me...?

    When I was sixteen I first went downhill skiing and I loved it. But ever since I was in my 20's, every time I downhill ski I get pain in my feet that just keeps increasing until I stop skiing, sit down and take off my ski boots. The pain gets to be too much so that I can't keep skiing and the last time I tried I couldn't ski for more than five minutes.

    I have tried loosening my ski boots. I loosened them until they physically couldn't be loosened any more. I tried using a size bigger, or two sizes bigger ski boots. I take it slow on the bunny hills. But no matter what I get horrible pain in my feet.

    It is a general ache over all of my feet below the ankle. And when I shift my foot around in the boot I get some minor temporary relief, and it feels like blood is rushing back into my feet. Even when I'm sitting down with the ski boots on I have to take them off all the way to get complete relief.

    My best guess is that the back part of the ski boot has a tight curve that isn't changed by loosening straps on the ski boot. Maybe my calves and blood vessels are arranged so that the shape of the back of a downhill ski boot cuts off blood flow.

    But then my feet don't feel like they are falling asleep, they just feel painful and there isn't any noticeable tingling. It's like the pain you get from standing on your feet for hours on end, not like when you sit on your foot and it falls asleep. I have never had any problems with any other type of footwear than down hill boots. Any other pain I've felt has been from standing on my feet too long. My feet don't fall asleep unless I sit on top of one for a while. I cross country ski without this pain, so it must be the downhill ski boots.

    Has anyone encountered this before? I've just been avoiding downhill skiing, but maybe there is a more serious medical issue. And I would like to be able to downhill ski again.

    6 AnswersSnow Skiing8 years ago
  • Is there an electronic gadget that give you real time traffic reports?

    I don't have a smart phone, and I'm not gonna get one for a long time. But I have an hour commute and I get frustrated trying to catch a 30 second traffic report on the radio. Is there some gadget I can order that will give me the traffic report during my commute?

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics8 years ago
  • How to rent a small sail boat?

    I've never rented any type of boat before, and when I try googling to find a place that rents sail boats I can only seem to find group tour things. I just want to rent a one or two person sail boat and have fun on a lake for a part of the day. I'm in the Detroit Metro area.

    2 AnswersBoats & Boating9 years ago
  • If you are depressed as an adult, were you more likely to have been depressed as a baby?

    This is more about dysthymia (low level long lasting) depression, rather than depression caused by a traumatic event. I'm asking because my mom says I was a very happy baby. But I've had a chemical imbalance in my brain for a long time. Maybe even since I was four years old. And I don't really remember a time when I was completely free from anxiety or depression.

    So is there a correlation between mood as a baby and mood as an adult or child?

    (I tried using google, but I only got results for postpartum depression, which is not what I'm looking for at all.)

    1 AnswerMental Health9 years ago
  • Family Video plastic CD labels?

    They have the extra label that is plastic and water proof. And it's printed/engraved with the name, item number, and a bunch of useful information. I tried using google to find out what it's called and where you can buy some. But I just keep getting stuff about o-rings...

    Anyone work at Family Video, or a similar company and knows what I'm talking about?

    3 AnswersOther - Electronics9 years ago
  • Good chat rooms for when you're feeling depressed?

    I've tried googling for some, but I'm not looking for a forum/message board, and I'm not looking for a large frantic group chat. I just don't have energy. And I'm not looking for websites that spawn ads and might give me malware.

    I'm just feeling really down and need to chat with someone who understands that I don't have a good reason as to why I am feeling so down.

    I'm looking for some small chat rooms where you can instant message people.

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • How to organize a small amount of equipment rental?

    Our library has 10-20 items that patrons can reserve and rent for a couple days. Currently our system is to write down their name, phone number, type of equipment in a calendar. Then draw a line from the information through the rest of the days they will have the item checked out. It can get sloppy and confusing especially if more than two items are reserved on a specific day.

    Is there some low cost program, or easier and less sloppy way to organize this?

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance9 years ago
  • What are some other careers you can have with a bachelor's in electrical engineering?

    I got my bachelors in electrical engineering in 2009. After the job market crash and some other personal stuff I've only started applying for EE positions seriously for the past couple months. The problem is I don't seem to have enough experience to get a position. I've made a plan that if I don't get an EE position I will try to aim for some other positions.

    But what are some good careers you can get with a bachelor's in engineering?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • How serious is weight loss as a side effect?

    I had started taking a new medicine, and then in January I started to diet slightly and exercise a little bit, with the plan being to slowly decrease the calories I was eating and slowly increase the amount of exercise I do. The thing is, I've been losing weight really easily, I never really had to move past that first "starting out" phase of my diet. So I've lost about 15 pounds in 2 months.

    The thing is I am overweight (200lbs and I'm 5'5" tall)

    And I have sort of stopped my diet and I gained some weight.

    So how serious is this? I can only assume it's a side effect of the drug. Because in 2 months with losing 1lb a week (which is the most you are supposed to lose) it would be 8 lbs.

    I am seeing a doctor, but I don't want to really bring it up because it's VERY nice to be able to lose weight easily.

    32 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Can you donate bone marrow if you had childhood ITP?

    When I was a toddler I had ITP. I was hospitalized and treated with gamma globulin. I've never had a reoccurance. Does this mean I'm invalid to donate bone marrow or platelets or plasma? I have donated whole blood before with no side effects.

    1 AnswerOther - Health9 years ago
  • Shredder wiring help?

    My business has a GBC shredder 3260x and the cutters wouldn't turned. I saw some screws and unscrewed a panel. It was full of dust and paper bits, so I decided to turn it upside down to shake it off. However it was not attached firmly to that plastic bit and the heavy metal cutter and motor block slid off. In doing so it unplugged itself from a couple of pins. One of which is a huge capacitor. If I plug it back in wrong, it'll explode. Anyways I've tried finding a wiring guide online, but it doesn't seem to be there. If someone has some experience with this, or some tips it would be a big help.

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics9 years ago