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  • my first valentines and what i should get him??

    Sooo I'm 17 and he's my first boyfriend. By Valentine's day it would be three months . What should I get him for Valentine's day though?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • first boyfriend/relationship/kissing advice?

    So he's my first boyfriend and the other day he started making out with me but again he's only my first bf so I didn't know what to do so it was awkward for me. He kissed me once then a second time then the third he didn't stop and there was some tongue and I really didn't know what to do. And he also caught me off guard if I knew it was coming I would've been more prepared. But I was like so nervous. And I just need to know what to do for the next time we makeout. We were also in school so it was even more awkward cuz I'm shy and it was like in front of people. So when I pulled away from him (secretly because I didn't know what to do r how to make out) he thought it was just cause I was shy. But please no rude comments I just need some helppp or advice. Im 17 by the way so no one says oh ur too young to makeout. Lol I'm not.

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • how to answer this text???

    My boyfriend just texted me and he said "I want you babe" he's sorda my first bf . So how do I respond to that ? What should I say??

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • how to flirt with my boyfriend?

    Its only been a month but he's basically my first bf and I really like him. But we are texting and idk how to keep the convo going by flirting with him. Like yeah I could ask him the same boring questions about "how's life" but jw wants me to talk to him like he's my prince charming which he is lol so if u have any advice. Like cute things I could say to him ? Please help me

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • first boyfriend puppy love!!?

    So I'm 17 and I currently am with my first boyfriend.... But ever since he asked me out I haven't been able to eat. My mom said it was puppy love but isn't puppy love for younger teenagers ? And another thing my mom is meeting him on Friday !!? What should I be doing while my mom interrogates him?

  • facebook help pleaseeeee?

    So I got a facebook message from someone and I think its this person that I really need to talk to but I can't message him back cause he blocked me a while ago but I swear its him ! What do I do? I tried sending a message asking who it was but the message couldn't send because I was blocked . Please what do I do. I desperately need to talk to him and I think it might have been him pleassseeee help

    4 AnswersFacebook8 years ago
  • He likes my best friend !?

    This boy I dated when I was like 12 started talking to me again he was flirting and he told me he was gonna think about being back with me. Well when I was 12 me him and my best friend used to all hangout now I'm 17 and he said he likes my best friend. She told me that she's not gonna go out with him cuz she doesn't want me mad at her but she posted on her status "wow the text I got just made my whole night <3" then when I asked her who it was she said nobody she tells me everything but she didn't tell me that. I've known her for years! :( and this guy really hurt me and I think she was leading him on. :/ I know that saying "never let a guy come between your friendship" but idk please help I need someone to cheer me up. Idk what to do...

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Summer/bikini helpppp?

    I'm going to wild wood this summer and ill be wearing a bathing suit almost all day everyday. But I've always wore a shirt and shorts to go swimming because I have stomach fat and its embarrassing so I cam never wear a bikini unlike my cousin who is beautiful and has a flat stomach and can walk around in a bikini. Im going in less then a month . How can I get a flat stomach by then? I have seriously thought about not eating or bulimia but it doesnt seem right. I mean I'm not fat I'm just chubby but please help I'm 17

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • I've never had my first kiss ! Please help!?

    So I'm 16 and this boy likes me and u like him tomorrow he wants to kiss me but Im afraid I'll mess up or get to nervous. Please help me. What do I do

    11 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • my best friend likes me!!?

    I have this amazing best friend. I mean she's been there for me since grade 9. and we are now in grade 11. we are both girls. i dont like girls im straight, shes lesbian. She told me that she likes me and i give her alot of respect for telling me that. But thing got awkward. and i just get annoyed with her. I feel bad that im mean to her sometimes but she is just frustrating. Like shes always asking to hang out with me outside of school and i feel uncomfortable. and in class she'll do something (like get up and get a piece of paper) and she'll look at me cuz she thinks im looking at her. I love her (like a best friend) but she really loves me. more then a best friend. And she knows that i dont go that way. she keeps asking me to sleepover and i dont want to bcuz she mite try something. please help me. what do i do. ?? OH and whenever i talk about my BOY crushes she'll be like "OMG u like to many guys." And one more thing is she'll text me "I need a gf, i feel so lonely!" im just like "besty ur 17 wait for love to come to u. stop stressin."

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • i have a problem. please be nice when ur answering this.?

    When school started I met this boy, he's in my 1st aid class and he is funny, smart, and gorgeous. I really like him. But im shy. I could never talk to him on my own. My sis is friends with him. They go way back. I didn't know that and I told her that I like him. the next day she told him that I like him. He told her (exact words) "I mean she's cute but she has to ask me out." He wanted me to ask him out to see if I was mature enough. cuz he's 18 and im 16. so everyday i tried to talk to him but i just got so nervous! then he met this other girl who was stalking him and I realized i had lost him. Then she got a new boyfriend and left him alone. He got a college girlfriend and then they recently broke up. Friday at school I was going to the library to take a test. He just happened to be walking down the same hallway. I pass him and he says "Can't say hi, alright i got u." And I turned around and said "Hi Brian." And he was like "Hi Brian" (Mocking me). I laughed. He didn't talk to me when he had a girlfriend but now that he doesnt he is sending me mixed signals again. I really like him. Like alot. Can someone please tell me what to do? Some advice. I've also never had my first kiss b4. never even had a bf.

    4 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • I would like both girls and ESPECIALLY guys to answer pleasee?

    Im 16 and on the shy side im a girl. Guys at school dont notice me at all. they dont talk to me they dont look at me. I guess thts alright. but on sunday i got a new outfit. it's cream colored leggings with pink flowers on them. they r cute. i wore those on monday with this pink shirt. it looked nice. but i look nice any other day. so anyways this kid in my class told me that he likes my outfit. and i said thank you. (i also have a small crush on him.) but then i have him in my class at the end of the day and he got real close to my face and whispered "i like your outfit" so i said thanks and laughed. my friend sits next to me and the kid (lets name him richie) sat in front of her. a few minutes into class he turned to her and said quietly "i like those flowers. man dont u like that outfit?" i pretended not to hear him. but ive never been givin that much attention. im wearing the outfit again on tuesday if he starts talking to me again about my outfit is there a certain thing i should say or do? pleaseee help meeeee. just give me some advice

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • I get so nervous sometimes? please help me.?

    I'm 16 and I get nervous whenever I have to talk to a cute guy or o a presentation in class (or just speak outloud in class) when im with my friends im normal. loud fun. but im so shy in school. I get nervous. and its getting in the way because i end up not doing my work which is bringing my grades down. I need to know what this is called. Like I feel stupid doing things sometimes. and I hate feeling like that and everywhere i go i feel like everyone is watching me and it gets me upset and even more nervous. please help meeeee.

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • boyfriend??????????????

    I'm 16 and I'm VERY shy. I like this boy and hes 18 but whtev lol anyways hes in my class and my sis told him that i like him and he said he likes me too but he wants to get to know me before we start dating which im totally fine with. The only thing that might get in the way is A) Im really shy and B) I've never had a bf beforee. this will be my first one. So im kinda nervous. plzzz help me and plzz dont be rude. i know im 16 and i shouldve already had my first kiss but i never did. Plzzzzzz helllllppppp

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Periodssss???? Its not nasty just please answer! I need help?

    Im 16 and Im about to go visit my cousin and its summer so we will be swimming. But I really need to know if there is a way I can just skip my period for one month because I would like to be able to have fun without worrying about that. My periods always come at the end of the month and thats when I'm going to see my cousin. They always come at a bad time. Please help me. I cant take the pill my mom wont let me.

    10 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • who can be polite enough to answer this please?

    im moving to georgia next friday to be with my sister. im 15 and still in high school. I think I'll look stupid going into a new school mid year. Everyone already knows eachother and kids pick on me and call me ugly. I know it may be different in georgia maybe they wont pick on me but it still scares me to walk into a new school midyear and everyone already knows where the classrooms are and ill be the only one. please help me. like give me some confidence or something? please?

    6 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • i feel like im stuck in a box that my mom wont let me out of?

    I feel like I cant be myself around my family. Im 15 and most people my age have smoked (cigarettes,weed) and I NEVER did. I feel to embarrassed at school to say I havent so everyone thinks i do. But my mom wont let me make my own mistakes. She keeps me locked up in the house. I barely have any friends and i just want to be a teenager and have some fun. I never even had a boyfriend yet! i wish i could just try weed just once so i could see wht its like and i kno tht all of tht stuff is bad but im a teenager! please help!

    1 AnswerFamily9 years ago
  • i got a nook 4 my birthday.....?

    i have a BN account. and i downloaded 3 books 4 my nook. but when i was about to read one of them the books werent on my nook. it says on the computer tht they have been downloaded i dont rlly know how 2 get them on my nook???

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics10 years ago
  • can my mom do this to me???????

    I love my mom with all my heart butttt. Here's the story. She wants to move to georgia all bcuz my bro-inlaw is stationed out there so my sis and her 2 babys moved there. I wanna be with them but not in georgia. I rlly feel like killing myself or cutting or crying and running away. idk. I have friends here i hate making new friends. and im rlly shy. she said she's not doing this to be selfish but shes only thinking bout herself. pleasseee help wht should i do?

    14 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • I think im really ?????????????????????????

    I think Im rlly ugly bcuuz Im 15 and still havent had a boyfriend and not even a first kiss and all my friends have had all those things. plzzzz help meee

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago