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I am 15, i like to do many different things, so i usually have a variety of questions and answers. The main reason i'm on here is cuz i get sick a lot

  • What kind of car should I get?

    I'm looking for something small, great on gas (college student), nice interior, and fast at the same time.... for under 4000 bucks.

    The cars I like the most that fit into this category are the Lexus IS 300 and the Honda Prelude, but I want something a little bit better mpg.... Any suggestions?

    3 AnswersBuying & Selling8 years ago
  • *READ AND REPLY* Opinions, New Ban List?

    What cards do you think will be banned?

    Everybody is saying BLS, Reborn, Sangan.

    If BLS is banned (Hopefully not, i love that card) then chaos sorcerer better be at 2.

    I personally think that BLS will not get hit, i think he's fine at 1. He's a bit overpowered, but he's so easy to get rid of, he has no effect to save him. Dark hole, torriental, mirror force, d prison....

    Anybody have opinions on dark world decks? I don't run them but my friends do and i think grapha or snoww may get limited. I hope so cuz they're ******* annoying.

    Or agents? I run chaos agents personally, i hope earth stays where she is, venus, and hyperion better stay at 3. Some people say earth may rise to 3 [yes, she's ****** awesome, great eff plus tuner (:]

    Some people say dark armed should be banned, what do you think??

    rescue rabbit? idk about him, i don't like him, but if he's limited to one, that'll make a LOT of people mad.

    Cylinders? I ****** hate that card!! I've lost so many games by magic cylinder eff.

    Personally, i think pot of avarice NEEDS to be banned so bad. Pot of greed, plus 5 monster reincarnation, with no discard or life points payed or tribute in any way.


    2 AnswersCard Games8 years ago
  • How to make thousands of copies of cd's?

    I have an up-and-coming mixtape, i live in an area where not everyone has internet, and i feel like i can get more local reach by doing it on cd's instead of putting it online. how do i make at least 500 copies of the cd? i want to give it to almost everyone at school and the local spots. i only have 1 laptop. also where do i get the cd album cases, and the cd decals (the ones that go on the cd itself)

    any pointers?

    4 AnswersOther - Electronics9 years ago
  • Best Thing To Comment On A Girls Facebook Photo?

    She's cute and i want to start talking to her.

    I don't wanna say the typical "wow so pretty"

    But i don't really talk to her so i don't want to put something stupid and she'll be like wtf?

    6 AnswersFacebook9 years ago
  • Advice? Nice, Witty Comebacks?

    This guy keeps talking **** to me on twitter and it's kind of annoying i really don't want beef cuz that's childish as hell. What should i tell him so he just stops spamming and subtweeting me? Do i just ignore it? It's been going on for like a week i responded at first now i'm just ignoring it but it's getting pretty annoying. What should i tell him?

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Help/Advice on friends?

    Okay well i don't really hang out with my old friends and i've been hanging out with a lot of new people at school and out of school here and there and some of them i enjoy hanging out with so ill call em up or whatever and they don't answer and i feel like they don't even wanna hang out with me, but i don't wanna hit em up a bunch of times cuz i may seem like clingy or something? idk, any advice?

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • How do you channel qi after cultivating and storing it?

    I meditated and stored a bunch of chi in my dantian how do i utilize it to heat up my hands and/or heal somebody?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • In the State of California...?

    Am I Allowed to get my cannabis card with a doctor's recommendation and parental consent at the age of 16? (I have chronic insomnia, my mom's finally okay with weed after i convinced her that it's the only natural solution instead of toxic sleeping pills)

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Can someone please explain this to me.?

    I've been thinking about this a lot, can someone please help me out.

    Why are some of the most popular people in school sometimes so unattractive, annoying, stupid, and ****.

    I mean not to toot my own horn, but i'm very musically talented, i'm pretty good looking, i'm smart, i'm pretty funny, i have good social skills, i'm down for like whatever, i'm pretty self-confident, i don't seek affirmation from others all the time like most people....

    But yet i'm not even that popular. It doesn't really bother me at all usually, and i'm pretty content with my friends and although i know like the whole school, i'm not actually cool with all the 'popular kids'....

    i consider it kinda a good thing at times, but it's really starting to bug me for some reason today.

    Yet on the other hand, the most popular kids in school are annoying as **** sometimes, they act like all retarded, they don't do **** in their spare time, they're not attractive, they're all like the exact same robot clone. wtf.....!!

    Someone explain this to me, cuz i don't understand.

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • GIRLS ONLY!!!!! HELP!!!?


    I'm a guy 16 and the girl im actually starting to like is 15 she's like really popular and freakin' GORGEOUS and i'm just like maybe above average popularity and i can honestly say i think i'm kinda cute for a guy, well she thinks i'm cute but she's like really hard to get any tips?

    She blows off my texts when i text her, never really talks to me outside of our class together, and never texts me first but in person in class she's always all into me and talking to me, saying that i'm cute and having real conversations with me, i thought at first that she was trying to make someone in there jealous but there's no really cool or good looking guys in there, mostly like nerdy girls and fat dudes and stuff.?

    So someone help me figure things out, i'm confused!!

    And any tips on how to get at her *like future girlfriend wise* ??

    Thanks :D

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • GIRL HELP PLEASE!? FROM A girl's perspective?

    K so ima make this short and sweet

    This girl she always tells me i'm cute and always eyeballing and eye contacting me and she likes talking to me in person and she tells her friends she thinks i'm cute, and we also talk in algebra 2.

    but when it comes outside that class sometimes and especially to texting she just like one word answers and takes forever to reply -_-

    Wtf is going in? is she really into me? I think she's ****** georgous, i'm usually all confident and smart and ****, but this girl's got me stumped.

    how should i go about flirting with her/getting at her.?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How to change languages in a video game?

    I bought mw3 in english but my parents speak spanish and i want to change it so we can all play it together

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Best file share website?

    Hulkshare, 4share, & file swap won't let me download files.

    Media share doesn't let you upload DIVX or AVI

    and it's too large for email attachments. (it's a video)

    what do i do?


    1 AnswerOther - Internet9 years ago
  • Best Cartoon song ever?

    I gotta say I'm the map from dora?

    4 AnswersComics & Animation9 years ago
  • How to plug in 1/4 inch mic plugs/jacks into your computer?

    Do you plug into a mixer and then input the mixer to your computer through 3.5 or USB or something?

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players10 years ago
  • Family question what do you call.....?

    My uncle married this girl, her dad's brother, has a kid (her cousin), that guy has a kid. SO he's my step aunt's cousins kid. We're pretty cool, and he's a year younger, and i'm trying to explain to somebody. what would you call our relationship, like second step cousin?

    3 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • I need help with my problem. Easy best answer probably?

    I love rap, and music and making music

    When i write lyrics i rap them to see how it flows.

    My mom always gets mad cuz some of it has cussing, and the only time i have free time is at night usually (or right now) And she gets mad cuz she's trying to put my sister down, and i have a small house.

    What should i do. Probably very easy solution but i can't think.

    3 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop10 years ago
  • I still feel high from last night?

    I smoked a shitload of weed at a party last night, and i woke up about 2 hours ago, and still feel lightheaded??

    4 AnswersAlternative Medicine10 years ago
  • So today i got high. Question for smokers?

    Usually when i get high i smoke a lot, then feel a little high just act kinda stupid or really chill and everything sounds a little funny, but today, i didn't even smoke as much as usual.... But i got super ******* high everything was hilarious!!

    i mean everything. and i pissed on myself by accident, and everything was super bright and hard to hear. WTF happened?

    Was it just super dank, or what, i smoked a gay little pipe and a gravity bong.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture10 years ago