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Lv 31,076 points


Favorite Answers18%

I'm a married, "30 something" year old Christian mother of two children. I have a teen daughter and a "forever" 17 month old son in Heaven. I live in the Southeastern part of the USA. I try to always be open-minded and non judgemental.

  • Any soldiers out there?

    Can you please inform the rest of us about what is really going on in Iraq? The soldiers I have talked to or their family members say that there are some really good things happening for the Iraqi people.

    Do you believe the military presence in Iraq is positive or negative and do you think that the troops should be withdrawn?

    If your not a soldier or a family member or close friend of a soldier, there is no need to answer my question. I want soldiers' opinions.


    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do you have to be baptized by an "ordained" minister for it to count?

    Ok...some of my friends and I were having a discussion about baptism and some said that a baptism only counts if it is done by an "ordained" minister.

    The apostles weren't "ordained" nor did they attend seminary school.

    What do you think?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do some people ask questions and then never select a best answer?

    There are times I've asked a question and picking just one best answer was difficult...but I always pick a best answer.

    Why do some people just let it go to voting?

    I think if you take the time to ask the question and people take the time to answer the question, then you should make the time to pick a best answer.

    What do you think?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Thumbs up or Thumbs down: What's your critieria?

    I've noticed that thumbs up and down seem to be given based on agreement of opinion...rather than whether the answer is good or bad.

    I would like to know what other people use as criteria for giving thumbs up or down on answers.

    I give thumbs up for really good answers or creative answers.

    I give thumbs down based on disrespectful answers.

    What's your take on this subject?

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do the various religions (or beliefs) on R&S view abortion? Pro-choice or Pro-life?

    Just curious.

    I'll go first...I'm Christian and I am (believe it or not)...Pro-choice.

    Your turn.

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do you get peanut butter out of your hair?

    My daughter was trying to get liquid makeup out of her hair and she thought peanut butter would do the trick (since it works on gum). Anyway, she basically coated the top of her head with peanut butter and her hair is very greasy. She has washed it with shampoo and dawn dish detergent. It helped but she still has grease residue in her hair.

    Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How did you first get hooked on Yahoo!Answers? Especially the R&S section?

    (I somehow posted this in the wrong I'm trying again so it will post in the R&S section.)

    I found YA when my daughter's hamster needed a double amputation. My first question was to try to find out if a hamster could live with just two legs. (THEY CAN!!)

    Then I found the R&S section and I knew I had to get involved.

    I think I'm addicted.

    So what is your story?

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How did you first get hooked on Yahoo! Answers? Especially the R&S Section?

    I found YA because my daughter's hamster needed a double leg amputation. I wanted to know if a hamster could live with just two legs.

    I then noticed the R&S section and new I had to get involved.

    So now I've become a regular. I think I'm addicted.

    What's your story???

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Should you repent or ask for forgiveness each day?

    Just curious what everyone thinks about this subject.

    Do you think that we should ask for forgiveness of our sins each day...even if you haven't committed an obvious sin?

    I do pray for forgiveness each night. There are times in my life when I know I need to repent for something I've said or done, but most days I don't feel that I have been sinful.

    I still ask for His forgiveness whether I'm sure I've sinned or not...just in case I said or thought something sinful and I just can't remember it by the end of the day.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Baptism- To submerge or sprinkle or both?

    I was brought up that baptism is correctly done by being completely immersed in the water.

    Is sprinkling enough?

    I've heard the arguement that the water is only a symbol of having your sins "washed away".

    Do you have to be baptized to enter Heaven?

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does "prayer for forgiveness" give you an automatic ticket to Heaven? I was having a discussion with some friends and someone brought up the point that even if you were a horrible person all your life (rape, murder, etc.) and in your final days (sincerely) prayed to the Lord for forgiveness, that it would "wipe the slate clean" and could still go to Heaven.

    I'm talking about the Hitler, Charles Manson type people.

    Seriously, if Charles Manson decided to ask God into his heart and then earnestly prayed for you think God would let him in?

    Isn't this what Christians are taught to do to "be saved"?

    I'm a Christian so I'm really curious about this. It's hard for me to imagine someone so evil being able to have eternal joy and happiness.

    Any thoughts?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who thinks the American people should get to vote on who is chosen as Vice President?

    I've really never understood why we don't get the opportunity to vote for the Vice- President. This is the person who will be second in command. Remember Dan Quayle? Jeez.

    I know you vote for both in the final election but I think we should get the chance to pick Obama and McCains running mates to decide who will be on the final tickets.

    Think about it:

    McCain could die in office (age related) or Obama could be assasinated (race or religion related).

    (you know you've all thought of these possibilities)

    Anybody care to elaborate on this subject?

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Here's your chance...Obama or McCain and Why?

    With maturity...make your stand for the canidate you support the most and why. Please do not bash each other. Let's see which side can give the most mature-intelligent answer.

    19 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Christians...what experience finally got you to ask God into your heart?

    Just son's death was my turning point. I had always considered myself a Christian but I realized that I never had developed that "personal relationship" with God. I felt like I was seeing God and life with a new pair of eyes. I'm sure everyone's experience was different. I think it's very interesting to hear other people's experiences.

    Please don't bother answering this question if you aren't going to take it seriously.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A question for the guys...what would be your dream wife?

    I'm just curious to know what guys think the perfect wife is. I love my husband and he loves me and I think I'm a pretty good wife and he is a good husband (although I would like for him to be a little more romantic). But that's based on what I think a good wife is (a female perspective)...I want a guys honest opinion.

    PS- I'm not talking about the perfect wife sexually... so don't go there.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Has anyone noticed that the more u answer questions on this site, the more sarcastic u become with your answer

    I've been answering questions for the last 3 days on this site and I've become more sarcastic with my answers. I can see now why people give some really smart a** responses. WOW! Has this happened to anyone else?

    27 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Is it a bad idea to have another baby after losing a child?

    I lost my 17 month old son (death labeled SUDC) less than 10 months ago. My husband wants to have another baby. I have concerns that I may not be able to handle the emotional side of having another baby. My son died in his sleep. He just didn't wake up. There was no way to predict nor prevent his death. How can I have another baby and not worry about the same thing happening again? I'm a stay at home mom and I just don't know if I could survive losing another child. I can barely survive life now. Any suggestions or advice?

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Any bereaved parents out there?

    We lost our 17 month old son. He died unexpectedly 9 months ago. Death was labled SUDC (similiar to SIDS). How can I help my husband and surviving teen daughter? Religion isn't an option. They blame God for allowing him to die. Support groups aren't an option. Neither of them want to go talk to anyone. They do not talk about it much at all. Especially my teenager. Any suggestions?

    10 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Can a hamster live with only his two front feet.?

    Both his back feet were injured. We took him to the vet immediately. The vet wanted to put him down. We want to try to save the hamster for our daughter. One foot has already turned black and will have to be amputated. The hamster is on pain medicine and antibiotics for the other foot. We think he will lose that one as well. Can a hamster be happy with just his two front feet?

    6 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago