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I love animals, and have a dog, 3 cats, 3 guinea pigs, 4 budgies and a snake. I'm studying animal care and hopefully doing a foundation degree next year. I love reading and would love to write my own book, probably on dogs or pet care. (I'm a boffin)

  • Got any really crap Xmas prezzies? Past/present?

    I didn't, all mine were nice, but I love hearing some of the awful things people get!!

    3 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Vets opinion if possible- my dogs acting bizarrely.?

    It started a couple of days ago. We have never allowed her upstairs. We have cats, whom she gets very excited about and sometimes rushes to the foot of the stairs but never goes up. The other day she went upstairs and sat outside the toilet whining while my mum was in there. She keeps wandering up the stairs in this really weird way like she's lost. She isn't chasing anything or excited in any way. She looks confused. She's only 2. We thought maybe she needs the toilet, maybe she's feeling poorly etc. But she's been walked, fed and seems physically well.

    If we shut the door to a room she seems worried and scrapes the door frantically until we let her out. And this eveing she's bee up the stairs four times.

    Is there a reason why she might be disorientated? Shall I take her to the vets?

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What different wines?

    What different wines are there (any colour) and what are their basic characteristics? I always pick the one on offer when I go shopping! But back in summer I saw a review on telly about a Riesling. I tried it and really liked it, so now I'd like to know more so I can make a proper choice when I'm shopping.

    9 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Should there be such a thing as an Ethical-arian?

    I cannot call myself vegan despite holding some of their views, since I eat meat, fish and eggs.

    However I spend a lot of my time thinking about animal welfare and trying to make ethical choices. I only ever buy organic meat. I don't consume milk of any kind as I have strong views on it being unnatural, and unnecessary for my health. In fact it encourages my asthma and hay fever.

    I prefer to only eat eggs from a local farm where they keep both hens and cockerels (therefore avoiding the issue which vegans have with eating them). I never eat battery eggs.

    I don't eat much meat, but treat it as a luxury and something that has worth. I don't mind paying more, and I prefer local meat, or that which has been hunted- like wild game, as this is more natural and the animal had a good life in the wild.

    I think that although humans do not need to eat meat we have evolved to be omnivores, and I enjoy the taste of meat, and feel that if an animal is to be killed for food then that is alright.

    14 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Why do so many veggies think?

    buying meat is wrong, and yet think dairy and eggs are okay, even though farming these things does involve killing things, just not directly for meat?

    Nature produces an even amount of male and female chicks, and so, even on a free range organic egg farm, where are the males? They were killed at hatching.

    Cheese is produced using rennet which is extracted from a calve's stomach, and dairy cows are impregnated yearly, then have their calves taken away so that they can be milked for human consumption. Many male calves are killed because they are surplus to stock- just like the male chicks as both milk and eggs are products of female animals only.

    Cows are burdened with huge udders, and are overmilked. It is also not natural for humans to drink cow's milk.

    Do these things not count as wrong- doing? Is killing an animal for meat the only way of being cruel to an animal?

    I personally think most veggies are really good people who stop eating meat because they care, but vegans do more resear

    11 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Advice for cooking venison?

    I have a small roasting joint of venison. It's about as long as an A4 piece of paper is wide. I don't remember the weight, sorry. How long should I cook it for and how can I stop it going dry?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Any advice for cooking a whole salmon?

    It's about 3ft long! Could I stuff it? My dad said he's seen chefs covering fish in loads of garlic and salts and herbs etc. I've seen them stuffed with cous cous.

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • How to catch wild game without a gun?

    There are many rabbits near where I live and also squirrels. I would like to catch a rabbit ideally, or any kind of bird. How can I make a trap that doesn't involve carpentry- hole in the ground, box, wire or rope sort of thing?

    10 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Eastenders or Corrie? Why?

    I love Corrie myself.Used watch Eastenders it now- don't like the 'hard' characters and bickering.

    15 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Giant toad?

    I'm an animal care student and at college in the exotic room there is a giant toad of some kind. It is in a small tank under a piece of bark. I fed it once and really liked it- what species do you think it could be? I looked in books but am not sure?

    3 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Name some words which are different in the USA to England?

    You know- like sidewalk in America is Pavement over here.

    You can also say things which are just spelt or pronounced different, like behavior/behaviour and debris.

    13 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Is a taurus and capricorn a good match?

    My birthday is 13/05/86 and the love of my life's is 15/01/67- is that a good match?

    What are taureans and capricorns like?

    I also have my moon in cancer, and possibly scorpio rising (not sure). What does that also say about me?

    13 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • How do I test for rats?

    We have a compost bin at the end of the garden and behind it there's an old stone wall. Recently a load of red coloured earth from the inside of the wall has been dug out- loads of it- and are wondering if there are rats in the wall. There is a pond on the other side so in my experience is is ideal rat country. How can I test if they're in there? Is there a way of making a homemade trap?

    4 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • A doctor's answer would be nice?

    I recently said to the doctor that when I get the urge to go for a wee I find it really hard to hold in. I'm only 21 and he said there should be no reason for that and blamed it on the antidepressants I was taking and so changed them. It hasn't made a huge amount of difference. As soon as the urge comes on I suddenly feel like I'm going to wet myself.

    Not only that but when I go for a number 2 it also feels over- sensitive. I don't have piles or anything- as people are all too keen to advise me about- it just feels like I have really thin skin or something and it's really sensitive.

    Is there something that could cause this? I also have very sensitive eyes and if a fan heater or air conditioning is on my eyes water constantly.

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Organic gardener totally baffled by fertilisers, manures, minerals....?

    Me and my dad have had an allotment for just over a year now. We do not know much about gardening, except basics. Last year was a bit of disaster with very little crop- carrots got carrot fly, potatoes got blight, slugs ate the rest! I realise now that we dug too much. The soil is quite light and dries out quick. At the moment we are only really knowledgeable enough to do a simple spring mass-planting, because I get very confused when it comes to inter cropping, and all the different things that some gardeners have going on all at once. I have worked out a ground plan for our plot which includes carrots, parsnips, peas and beans (runner and broad), potatoes, cabbages, brocolli, sweet corn and squashes. I am planning on trying out crimson clover as an attractive green mulch.

    At present th plot is covered in a good layer of horse manure which I haven't dug in. I am planning to rake it in a bit come planting time. I'd be grateful if people could advise on fertilisers for the veg I want?

    7 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • I'm gay and want some friends?

    I'm 21 and came out properly to my mum last May. My brother also knows but not my dad yet. Anyway, now that I'm okay about it- suddenly all the pent up loneliness is coming pouring out and I really want to meet someone that has something in common with me, or at least have someone to talk to- even if that was online.

    I joined up to a dating site for 2 days, and emailed loads of people on a friendship basis, but not one has replied. I had to pay money for it as well. I'm not doing it again- anyway, there are no 'gay clubs' around where I live in Cornwall Uk. None that I know of anyway- and even if there was I'm not confident enough to go- and who would I go with?!

    Any ideas anyone?

    Is there anyone online who wants a friend?

  • Wild game recipes?

    This year we having a game feast over Christmas, instead of factory farmed turkey and other such rubbish.

    I have a few things however that I haven't any recipes for, as yet. These are hare (only the legs), and I have 2 wood pigeons. Any simple recipes would be appreciated and if you have a nice recipe for rabbit pie/stew I'd be grateful.

    I'd be grateful also if you could avoid any milk products in your ingredients as I can't eat those.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Revenge Ideas?

    I'm an animal care student and I recently wrote to a local shire horse sanctuary asking for some work experience. The lady who rang we was lovely and I was really excited. Anyway, this morning I went along, really enthusiastic and dying o meet the horses. But the man who owns the place was a complete b*st*rd. At first I thought he was just a bit doddery or something but then I realised he was definatetly being rude, and not just that but a real bully. Another girl turned up who was new and he'd already mentioned he thought she took drugs- no evidence though, and he proceeded to point at her and make remarks right in front of her face. He said she had as much life in heras a dead duck. He shouted at you and criticised you when you didn't even do anything. He laughed at everything I said, and when he asked me about my course or posed a question and I answered he laughed at the reply and kept saying- 'what do you know about this/that...(implying I was stupid)' and he tutted and shouted at

    34 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Revenge ideas?!!!?

    I'm an animal care student and I recently wrote to a local shire horse sanctuary asking for some work experience. The lady who rang we was lovely and I was really excited. Anyway, this morning I went along, really enthusiastic and dying o meet the horses. But the man who owns the place was a complete b*st*rd. At first I thought he was just a bit doddery or something but then I realised he was definatetly being rude, and not just that but a real bully. Another girl turned up who was new and he'd already mentioned he thought she took drugs- no evidence though, and he proceeded to point at her and make remarks right in front of her face. He said she had as much life in heras a dead duck. He shouted at you and criticised you when you didn't even do anything. He laughed at everything I said, and when he asked me about my course or posed a question and I answered he laughed at the reply and kept saying- 'what do you know about this/that...(implying I was stupid)' and he tutted and shouted at

    9 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Isn't it a bit unfair?

    That the lesbian/gay section on Yahoo Answers is hidden away under society/cultures instead of in the relationships section? You wouldn't describe straight people as a 'culture' or sepearate society would you? So why are we deemed to be like that?