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Lv 42,915 points

Jeff S

Favorite Answers21%
  • pictures on kindle ebook readers?

    does anyone have an Amazon Kindle and read a book that contains pictures or diagrams? many of the books i read include diagrams and i want to be sure they'll appear in a readable format.

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds8 years ago
  • recycling machines at grocery store?

    The local grocery store installed machines where you can insert your recyclable plastic and glass containers and you receive a voucher to obtain the recycling deposit you paid when the item was purchased. Do these machines crush the bottles and cans so they can hold more material?

    4 AnswersGreen Living9 years ago
  • Water bottle to an interview?

    Is it appropriate or proper etiquette to bring a bottle of water to an interview? I had an interview today and it lasted about 90 minutes. In the past I've been offered a drink prior to sitting down. Today, nothing was said and towards the end I was getting dry mouth. No one noticed but it got me thinking that in the future I may want to bring a small bottle of water with me just in case. I'm second guessing myself now and would like your thoughts.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • taking advantage of a friend?

    My friend's wife filed for divorce and asked him to move out of their home about a year ago. He rented an apartment for 6 months and then approached me about renting out a room at my house. We agreed on $350/month. Additionally, he needs to pay $25/quarterly for a parking pass to the City. Other than that, he doesn't have to pay for anything else around the house. He is however on his own for food as I don't cook. He can use the kitchen with no restrictions.

    He approached me this weekend and proclaimed he felt that I was taking advantage of his situation. He believes that I'm "making money off him", his words not mine because the household expenses did not increase by $350 per month when he moved in yet that's what I asked for in rent. I disagreed and told him if he was going to live here, he should contribute.

    Am I wrong?

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Dreams about another woman?

    I'm in my mid-20s and have been married for just over a year now. I love my wife and we have an fantastic relationship. Lately however I've been having sexual dreams about another women who works in the same building as me and one of my wife's friends. I find both women to be appealing though I never, until the dreams started, thought about having sex with them. In fact, I don't even know the name of the woman who works in my office building as there are probably 300 or more employees. Now, it's like a vicious cycle. I see them and think about my dream, then I'll dream about them again. The dreams started a few weeks ago and I have one about one a week. I feel guilty and haven't mentioned anything to my wife. There is nothing she could do and I feel there is nothing I can do to control the dreams either. What are you thoughts.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation10 years ago
  • How much is your water bill?

    I moved into a new apartment and got my first waterbill $45 for 3months. $30 of that is a service fee for having water service and $15 for usage. In my last apartment, water was included. I'm wondering if $45 quarter sounds expensive to you. I was expecting $15 or $20.

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden10 years ago
  • Can you recommend a durable paint?

    I hate painting so it took up some motivation for me to paint my living room. I used a moderately priced paint ($22/gal) as recommended by the sales associate. It's junk! I squashed a bug on the wall and after wiping down the area, I discovered the paint was not faded so the small spot doesn't match the rest of the wall. Very frustrated now.

    I'm looking for an interior paint that can be tinted and also durable. If something gets on the wall, I want to be able to clean it without worrying about having the paint come off or the color fading. Can you recommend such a paint? Knowing the recommended sheen would be helpful.

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling10 years ago
  • Inexpensive iPad Movies?

    I'm looking for an alternative to the Apple iTunes store to purchase/rent movies online and then download/play them on my iPad. Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • LA Public Transportation?

    I am going to L.A. next week. Does L.A. have a good public transportation system or should I rent a car?

    1 AnswerLos Angeles1 decade ago
  • who is my insurance company?

    I've changed homeowners insurance companies a few times over the last couple years and cannot seem to remember who my current insurance company is. I've looked through my credit card statements and my bank statements looking for a large amount but I'm not able to find record of payment. Is there a place I can look to find this information?

    5 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • Difference in electricity used?

    I have an electric blanket with multiple heat settings. On the control, it says 180Watts. Does the electric blanket use the same amount of electricity regardless of the setting its on? In other words, will keeping the blanket on "1" consume less energy than if I keep it on "10"?

    4 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • How much is 3D programming from cable company?

    Does anyone know how much (roughly) it costs for 3D programming such as ESPN 3D?

    1 AnswerOther - Television1 decade ago
  • Getting down on one knee. Too old fashioned?

    Do you think that when proposing to a woman that getting down on one knee is too old fashioned? Someone consider it to be a sign of weakness to propose this way. Others say its equivalent to 'begging' for her hand in marriage. Still, others say its classic and romantic. What are your thoughts?

    12 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • best place to buy an engagement ring?

    I'd like to purchase an engagement ring for my girlfriend. I don't want to be cheap, but I really can only afford to spend about $2,500. The prices from one jewelry store to another differ greatly, even for rings of the same size/quality. Can anyone recommend a store?

    8 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago