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  • Should I make one anyway?

    Everyone has an Instagram, besides me, and I'm beginning to wonder if I should make one. I have a fashion/beauty account but I don't have a personal account. There's a lot of reasons why, my brother thinks it's just not for me. I worry about dumb things like, posting pics, following who, number of followers, etc.

    Should I make one?

    5 AnswersOther - Internet7 years ago
  • Is this considered jealousy?

    I like this guy, and he might like me back, whose rather popular. Everyone knows him but I don't think he takes much notice to this. I'm not popular but one of his girl friends that he's known for a long time is. Like, really popular. And I know they hang out and text and it really bothers me. I don't envy her, I don't even even know her but I hate that they're friends.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I need some good character names, help?

    I'm currently writing a story and I have everything done (plot, story cover, trailer, etc.) but I can't think of any good character names.

    Main Character: (girl) Fairly long chocolate brown hair, honey brown eyes, and she stands about 5'5". 18 years old.

    Main Character #2: (boy) Auburn brown hair with emerald green eyes. Stands about 5'11". Also 18.

    Any ideas? I need a first and a last name for both! Thanks!

    6 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago
  • Does he like me or not?

    I've been trying to convince myself that I don't like this guy anymore. No particular reason, I just grew tired of my days being based on what my friend calls a flirtationship. During lunch, he looks at me a lot but today he did it even more. I'm assuming he was looking at me and another one of my friends said she's observed him and he does it a lot. Not just during lunch but PE too. I guess I'm oblivious. In PE he sat all the way on the other side of the gym but he was directly in front of me. And I laughed and she said he smiled once he saw me laugh. (Nothing was behind me.) He acts a bit dumb around me sometimes but he's flirty as well. He's voluntarily helped me serve the ball before a couple times. Does it sound like he does like me or am I crazy?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What should I do?! Please help!?

    I've liked this guy for almost 2 years and I've been trying to stop liking him for so long but it's so hard. A lot of girls have liked him at one point but it fades away within a month or 2. Everyone said it was obvious he likes me too but I think we just over analyzed it because I'm sure he doesn't. He's a bit cocky sometimes but he's super obnoxious and he always has to be right. Today was a huge eye opener though. In PE, he asked me to toss the ball and I did. He asked later on but he called me Sam rather than Sammie and it kind of pissed me off. So as I was throwing it, I said, "it's Sammie." And he was like, "it's the same thing." So naturally when he asked me to grab it for him again, I said no. (And it's because I was closest) And ever since them I've had the sudden urge to be very mean to him (which I haven't..not yet anyway) But I don't wanna like him anymore and I don't know what to do. It's bothering me.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is it normal for a teenage girl to dislike hanging out with friends?

    I have friends, so that's not a problem. I've also been like this. I constantly worry about being picked up and if whoever's going to get me is gonna be late, and what might happen. I can't drive either. And that doesn't make it fun because I'm worrying the entire time! But the thing is, I don't like being seen out in public with my mom or little brothers because I don't want to run into people I know. I also dislike shopping with my mom but I'm still young. What should I do?

    4 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • I think I have a crush on a jerk?

    Alright so I'm not too close with this guy it's just obvious flirting. It's more than acquaintances but less than a relationship. So it's kind of a flirtationship. Nothing has really happene though lately.

    I have a friend though that thinks he's a major jerk. For instance, there's this girl that is extremely shy, hates basically everyone, and yells at anyone who tries to talk to her. Even if they're trying to be friendly.

    According to her he was bombarding with her random questions but compared to what everyone else does to her, that's nothing. So my friend called him out on it and called him a d*** and I guess he told his friend.

    Yesterday as we were walking through the hallways, she told me that the previous day on the bus, these girls (one of the two I'm kind of friends with) were sitting in his seat. (But their aren't assigned seats, everyone just kind of sits in the same seat every day). She said he was like, "get the f**k out of my seat" and they refused to leave. and of my friend is right, he kept calling her a b**ch. and she began crying and saying that nobody liked her.

    I've never seen him behave that way but he probably thinks swearing makes him cool. I don't know. Can I get any advice? Does it sound like he is and it could just blow up in my face? He's never behaved like that around me but I haven't spoken to him in a week or so.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What should I pair this blazer with?

    I have this teal colored blazer with two black buttons and black lining. I don't know what to wear with it to make it look casual and feminine. Any ideas? again: IT'S WINTER SO NOTHING SHORT. No dresses or skirts

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • Does it sound like he likes me?

    SORRY THIS IS SO LONG! I've liked this guy on and off for two years now. (Let's call him Joe) Joe is popular while I'm more of an in between. I have my own social group. I guess our "thing" started earlier in the year. I don't recall how it all went down but somehow I ended up calling him arrogant. He didn't see it though and wouldn't leave me alone until I gave him at least one example.

    So that was our thing, we'd tease each other briefly. Sometimes we'd talk a tiny bit about what was going in class and we argued as well. Of course days went by when we didn't speak to each other.

    In P.E, Joe, my friend, and I were all put on the same volleyball team. I thought this was exciting but it didn't work out that way at first. On the first day, every time my friend served or hit the ball, he'd cheer her on or clap for her. Only her. I was obviously a bit jealous so I asked her to tone it down. She obliged. She'd duck when the ball came or shield her face using her hands. Joe would laugh though and mimic her. It only lasted for that day though, he stopped after that. I don't think he likes her either of them though.

    In English, my other friend transferred into that class and sat behind him. He'd ALWAYS turn around and talk to her. More than he talked to me which made me reconsider my feelings. One day when both of my friends in my English class were absent, I was arguing with Joe about something. Now neither of us were mad, we just disagreed on something. A mutual friend (at the time) said, "Oh my gosh, guys. Just stop arguing. Everyone already knows you two like each other."

    I didn't say anything. I was so embarrassed. He didn't say anything either. I wanted to turn around and look at him but I just couldn't. (this was before vball even started) Another time in PE, we were playing dodgeball. I had a ball in my hands and out of nowhere, he snatched it out of my hands. When I playfully punched his arm, he smiled and walked away. There was another time when we were playing volleyball when he said something like, "Don't mess up." And then when he went to serve I was said the same thing. But then he was like, "Why do you hate me?" Which he's asked me before but I've assured him I don't. I told him I didn't but I don't think he believed me. My friend told me not to worry because it was obvious at one point that I like him. And as of now, I don't think he thinks that I hate him anymore. He was also playing with the hem of his shirt when he asked and he wasn't making direct eye contact.

    Last week our PE teacher was yelling the class. I was sitting beside my friend and Joe was sitting on the opposite side. He was running his hands through his hair so my friend and I started mimicking him. He noticed because he was smirking and pointing.

    After we got changed, I was teasing him for playing with his hair as we were walking out of the gym. And he smiled and was like, "You like my flow?" And I just shook my head and laughed. We continued talking although he was a bit ahead of me. Then he said, "If I were you guys I'd be more embarrassed." So I said, "Oh yeah! I'm so embarrassed."

    On Thursday at lunch, according to my friend, he kept looking at me. One time, I turned my head and he looked away really fast. But that doesn't mean, he was looking at me right? In P.E. he was standing REALLY CLOSE during the game. He asked if he could stand there so he could get the ball but the ball didn't really come in our direction.

    I was trying to serve it but I couldn't do it. So he actually came over and helped me serve the ball! He was standing close then as well. At one point, he was mimicking this jerk's laugh and I turned around and laughed. And he was like, "isn't that how it sounds?" Another time he was like, "I got it!" But missed the ball and I was like, "Ooh you got that!" And he just smiled and chuckled. And on Friday, my friend told me he was looking for me earlier and she told him I didn't know. He left before PE so I didn't see him then.

    Today I didn't really even talk to him. He said, "Good job M/N" when I scored a basket in gym. He also passed me the ball three or four times but I didn't have anyone guarding me so it's nothing special. I get frustrated and wonder why I even like him. It feels pointless. I don't feel like there's anything for him to like about me.

    Again, sorry this was so long, I know.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Should I straighten my hair?

    I have really long, extremely curly hair and it takes a long time to straighten. Like, almost three hours depending on how it's behaving. Obviously I'd have to shower and use serum first. And then blow dry it and stuff before I actually straighten it.

    What do you think? Should I straighten it? Would it be worth it?

    5 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • People are racist towards me?

    I was born in America. My parents were born in America. My grandparents were born in America. My great grandparents were born in America. I'm Arab and I practice the religion of Islam. I've had people ask me if I was related to Osama Bin Laden or Sadam Hussein to which I responded, "No, are you related to T.J. Lane?" Obviously I'm not related to either of these men and I definitely didn't ever support them. Another time this guy told me that the conversation was only for Asians and Americans.

    When this happens, I'm tempted to respond with a sarcastic remark but I don't want to egg them on. I've spoke to my parents about this but I don't know if I should talk to the counselor's or principals. I don't even look very different compared to other girls. I have curly hair while a lot of the other girls have stringy hair. I'm not dark, but I do have a tan. Sometimes I'll actually wonder what I can do to make myself look like the other girls. You can only imagine how much I suffer on 9/11. Please don't be rude. I don't know what I should do or say. I'm afraid if I talk to someone, my voice will crack and I'll just start crying.

    Advice? Thanks:)

    1 AnswerCivic Participation8 years ago
  • How long do 8th grade relationships normally last?

    I know middle school relationships don't last very long usually. I do know some couples that've been together for two years while others break up after a week or two. The guy I like is dating this girl but I've only seen them talk a few times. Both of their Instagram bios are them together. I wouldn't ever try to break them up, I barely even know both of them.

    Advice? Stories? Etc.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What can I do with my hair?

    I have long, fine, dark brown extremely curly hair and I love it. I'm getting sick of it though, I wanna do something different. Nothing permanent because I do like my hair. Straightening it takes 2-3 hours and I only straighten it on rare occasions. Thinning it or layering it will just make my hair worst and it won't look good. My mom refuses to let me get highlights, I don't know why.

    Any ideas? Thanks.

    3 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • How to get rid of a crush/I feel ugly?

    I've had a crush on this guy since my friend pointed him out and it's developed even more through time. (2 months tops.) I don't know him very well but I do know he runs cross country and watches football a lot. He's friends with a lot of jocks but he seems really sweet and funny.

    I haven't talked to him very much besides small talk. One time I didn't know what we were doing in P.E. (I understood perfectly what was going on.) And he explained to me when a field goal happens and other stuff about football. He's in my Study Hall, American History class, and P.E. I don't really know why but a few kids sit in the wrong spots during warm ups.

    Sometimes he'll sit next to me (I don't think it's on purpose) and sometimes he'll sit next to this other girl. Today he sat next to her and he talked to her all throughout warm ups. I try not to care but it's REALLY hard when you have a crush.

    I'd try talking to him during any of our shared classes, but we have assigned seats and I don't sit anywhere near him. I thought he had a girlfriend but it turns out he doesn't. I've seen him talking to a lot of popular girls and it makes me feel bad about myself. The girls that wear PINK yoga pants almost every day and are thin twigs.

    I'm not fat but I'm not anorexic skinny. Sometimes I feel beautiful and I know I am but whenever I see him talking to those girls, I can't help but feel ugly. I shouldn't let it have that effect on me.

    I don't thrive on attention from guys but I also don't get a lot of attention from guys. Probably because I don't look like those popular girls. Ugh it's frustrating. I also try to focus on school, family, and my friends but it's really hard. He's everywhere I go!

    I think it's best if I just forget him. I wouldn't stand a chance as his friend. How do I do that? Please give your input and ideas on how to forget about him. Real ideas because every time I ask someone this I get bs answers. Thankss:)

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why did he ask me this?

    I think he might like me but I can't picture anybody ever liking me. He raised his shirt up during gym so I could see his v line and he asked me if I liked it. I didn't want to look so I just shrugged and said, "Okay." (I have nothing against him, I just think it's inappropriate for school.)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How would this sound if someone said this to you?

    There's this kid (let's call him John) and my friend has a huge crush on him. So naturally as girls do, she talks about him a lot. I don't mind it as much because it's easy to change topics. At first I didn't think he was cute but as she fell deeper into the crush, I changed my mind. His personality is kind of cute and so he is.

    So in P.E. we're playing flag football. There are only six girls in our P.E. class and we were split into four groups so I was the only girl on that team. John was on that team as well. I didn't understand what she had said while explaining the rules because I couldn't hear her. While I was trying to understand what was going on, John said something (Completely forgot what) and it sounded like he was making fun of me so I was quick to defend myself.

    I said something like, "Stop trying to explain it to me as if I'm a foreigner." I felt bad as soon as I said it because I wasn't sure if I had misinterpreted his comment. He just responded with a simple, "I was just trying to explain it to you." Since at least one girl had to participate, I had to throw the ball for the touchdown. I decided to throw it to John. He caught it and our team scored.

    I wish I hadn't said that because I don't want him to think I'm rude or bipolar. (I'm normally a happy, go-lucky person) I just get like that when I'm PMSing. Does it sound like I like him? Did it sound rude? What do you think he thinks? I don't wanna apologize or confront him because it'll sound like I thought it through which means I was thinking about him.

    I have a few classes with John. Study hall, PE, and American History. For some reason at the end of the day today, I saw him with this girl he talks to during Study Hall and I got a little frustrated.

    I'd like to be his friend but I don't know how. Most of his friends are guys, I feel like I'd sound like an idiot if I talked to him. I don't have the courage to talk to him...

    Please tell me what you think and what you think I should do.

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago

    I've got no idea on how to solve this problem. This math teacher is a bum, he hasn't taught me anything! He just strolls around carelessly. Can someone please help me out here? It'd be greatly appreciated.

    Given that the number 5913d 8 is divisible by 12, what is the sum of all of the digits that could replace d?

    Please explain it as well because I need to know the information.

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • Why is he only a jerk towards me?

    I've known this kid for a two years now. He just started being a jerk towards me though this year. Last year I liked him, but I completely regret ever liking him. He never knew about it though.

    It was his physical appearance that caught my attention first. Then I thought his behavior was cute. Now his personality is downright disgusting and it's so ugly that I no longer find him attractive. The other day in PE, he hit me with a mechanical pencil while we were heading outside for a game of football.

    He ran over to me and in a really fast voice, he was like, "Jennifer! Jennifer! Did I hit you? OMG I'm sorry!" I ignored him though. He goes onto say, "Are you gonna hit me? No you're not! You're not gonna hit me! You know why? Because you're too scared! Mhmm, you're scared of me." Don't get me wrong, I was tempted to punch him. But the PE teacher was close by.

    And today in LA, I was talking to one of my guy friends and he just strolls into the classroom casually. When he noticed he was talking to me, he was like, "no don't talk to her." And proceeded to start up his own conversation with the guy.

    It's virtually impossible for him to like me, so don't say that. I know for a fact nobody has ever liked me like that..

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • What names go well with the last name, Shiepe?

    It could be for a boy or a girl. Share some first names that fit with that surname. Thanks:)

    2 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • My brother won't talk to me?

    My older brother is 19 and we haven't spoken in two days. It originally started when he was teasing me about my hair and calling me stupid (basically using some of my insecurities against me but I didn't give him the satisfaction of knowing it bothered me) to which I ignored him and went upstairs to my mom's bedroom. We were trying on clothing she had just bought and I had explained to her how my brother was irritating me. She told me to tell him how I feel but honestly, I wouldn't wanna do that.

    I was still pissed off at him so I decided to tell my mom what he said while she and my father were out. Basically I told her he called her annoying and clingy. I went off to my bedroom and logged onto Tumblr while she called him upstairs. She didn't even yell at him for very long but I didn't hear what she said. When she let him go, he opened up my bedroom and said, "Don't ever talk to me again. I hate you. You're dead to me." And then he slammed the door shut.

    Should I talk to him? I rather not do that. He's overreacting, he didn't even get punished! Should I just wait until he feels guilty and apologizes? I don't know how long that'll be for. We used to hang out and talk a lot. We have a lot in common. When he gets mad, he gets mad. He didn't speak to my dad for two months because of a huge fight they had. I don't need him in my life, I have two younger brothers and my mother and father.

    I'm so confused. Help?

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago