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  • a question asked.....?

    if you were kissing a guy (girl asking) and just hugging afterwards, and he puts his head on your shoulder and then his whole body just kind of completely relaxed...almost completely limp, and he was breathing hard, would you say he had been turned on? (sorry...I don't know much about this kind of thing)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • medical question, mostly curiosity?

    so I have eczema, and it's more of an annoyance than a problem, but I've noticed that hot hot water makes it feel better - the same with most general itches. If I put my arms under hot hot shower water it feels real good, and then the itching goes away. Also, the areas with the itches can withstand hotter water than there rest of my body can. The same with the itches on my legs. I'm really curious as to why. Is there a medical explanation for that?

    1 AnswerOther - Health9 years ago
  • question about a Canon PowerShot A3000IS?

    Recently, I tried to turn on Canon Powershot and the screen went black and said "Lens Error. Will Shut Down Automatically. Restart Camera". I've restarted multiple times and get the same message. I'm going to look at the user guide book, but also, want to know if any of you have ideas?

    2 AnswersCameras9 years ago
  • I have been having issues with hotmail and now dA?

    so recently I've been signing into my hotmail, and I can get into it, but once I get to my inbox, I can't open any of the emails, or get into any of my folders. Now, today, I logged unto my DeviantART account, and it reacted the same way. I refreshed the page and it worked for a couple of minutes, but then it went back to the way before. I don't think I have a virus, because I have a very good protection and it has always told me if there is even a hint of a threat, and I don't go to websites that could have viruses, or I do my best not to. Does anyone know what could be wrong?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet9 years ago
  • what are some causes of a nosebleed?

    there was no reason for a nosebleed - I hadn't been blowing my nose recently or touching it or anything. I was recently told that I have an iron deficiency, and I have been trying to bring that back up by taking iron pills, and eating foods high in iron on the diet list my doctor gave me. I had some other symptoms but my doctor said they were iron related/dehydration. What else could cause a nosebleed? it wasn't long, or serious, but last time I had a nosebleed was a long time ago, when I was using a saline nose spray(which I stopped using.)

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • what should I do, about things at work....?

    so I work weekends so my boss(like most normal people)is not there. I work in a group home, and the house is in really bad shape, so slowly, my boss is trying to make it better, and right now we're repainting all the major rooms. My weekend coworkers can find nothing to do but complain about everything my boss does - "that's a disgusting color" "she should have done something else" "why can't she leave well enough alone?" etc, and they also complain about everything else she does. I know that my boss is doing the best she can, and it just makes me angry to hear them talking about her that way. What do you guys think I should do? My coworkers are at least 30 years older than me so it's harder to confront them because they still think of me as the "young girl who knows nothing".

    5 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • the movie, "One Missed Call"....?

    I saw the very tale end, and it was very confusing. Can anyone tell me what it was about? I came in around when the main character is running around inside an empty mental hospital being chased by a spirit, or something. I saw the end, but not the beginning. So what's the story?

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago
  • was it okay for the waitress to stand there and count....?

    her tip while I was still sitting there? I work at a group home, and I took one of the clients out to eat(as he does every week)and he paid for his food, and I paid for mine, and I paid as much tip as I could, and he put some tip in, as well. The waitress had been almost too friendly and chatty during the whole meal and then she counted the tip while we were still sitting there and said "thanks, guys" in an almost sarcastic tone. There wasn't much tip because he didn't have much money, and the rest of the money I had I needed for gas to get home. Was it okay for her to stand there and count the tip while I was there? I felt bad already, it only made me feel worse.

    1 AnswerFood Service9 years ago
  • okay another question about downloading?

    so after figuring out a few things, I finally got my songs on my computer to my iPod thanks to Y!A answers, however, I can't buy anything from iTunes as I can't pay for it right now, BUT, all songs I have downloaded before have ben free from, which is legal. However now when I try to download from there when I click the download link, it just plays the song. Does anyone have any idea why?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet9 years ago
  • question about downloading music to an iPod Nano?

    I know, I know, it sounds ridiculous that I don't know how, but I recently bought an iPN from a friend and I got a charger/synchronizer/downloader, and I have tried to download some music to the iPod, but it won't work? what am I doing wrong?

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players9 years ago
  • why does everyone act like it's a bad thing to be a virgin?

    People act like I'm some k ind of terrible person, just because I'm 19 and a virgin. What's so bad about it?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • what does it mean when they say ....?

    "characters welcome" when advertising a new episode for a TV show? Like "all new Psych this Wednesday(or whenever they air); Characters welcome". What do they mean by that?

    1 AnswerOther - Television9 years ago
  • possibly allergic to bath salts?

    so I've noticed that I can't really take baths - they make me hot, sweaty, and uncomfortable, even if the water is more lukewarm than hot. But it's increasingly worse if there are bath salts in the water - I feel like I have a fever. Could I be allergic to bath salts, or is it just me? If not, why would that happen to me?

    1 AnswerAllergies9 years ago
  • a white spot on my screen.....?

    So I noticed that on my screen there's a blank spot - but it only shows up when I watch videos on When I first noticed it, I was curious, I know that sometimes happens, if the computer is mishandled, or broken or something...but I don't mishandle my laptop, and I don't think it's broken. So I thought about it, and decided to see if it spread, or showed up when, etc, but it only shows up on It's not big, and it doesn't really bother me, but I'm just really curious. Is it a glitch on my end, or theirs?

    2 AnswersMonitors9 years ago
  • could a spin out on snow/ice cause your tire to become loose?

    About a month ago I was driving to school and I hit some slush on top of ice, and I did a complete 180. I thankfully did not hit anything - no trees, no rocks, and there were no other cars. My car was still running fine, and so I turned back around and kept going. I didn't notice anything wrong, until about a week later, when it started to make a funny noise, and it was hard to make right turns. I told my dad, and he figured out it was just a loose tire, which he was able to fix. I never told my parents about the spin out because no one was hurt, and the car seemed fine. I did the pivot on the right tire, so is that what could have made it loose? I'm just curious. I can't think of any other reason for the wheel to have been loose.

  • a flower that I remember where I grew up?

    in the first house that I remember living in (my family moved around a lot) there was a bush in our backyard with some beautiful, sweet sweet smelling flowers. They were pure white, and the bush was maybe 5 feet tall. And like I said, it was really sweet smelling - I can still smell it if I think about it. You could smell the bush if you stood a couple feet away. Sadly, I have never found that bush again, and my parents don't remember its name. It was in South America (we lived in Bolivia for seven - give or take - years), so I'm guessing it only grows in tropical regions. Does anyone have any ideas? I know that it's not a lot of info, and I'm sorry. But I really want to see if I can find this flower again, or at least know its name.

    5 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • guys, men, boys, what about.....?

    girl's hair do you like? My dad never wants me to cut it short, my guyfriends have always said it's better long, and my unofficial boyfriend likes to touch it. (not complaining. :P) I'm just really curious, what about our hair is so un-resistable to you?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • how do I get this guy to understand that I'm not his personal counselor?

    So I'm 19, and this kid is 16 or 17, I'm not sure. But for some reason he really really really likes me, and thinks I can solve all his problems, and asks me questions like, "why can't I get a girlfriend? why does everyone look down on me?" etc. It's okay if he asked once in awhile, but he tries to talk to me every single night. Sometimes I ignore him because I just can't handle it. In early December I finally just couldn't handle it anymore, and I asked him to give me space. So he left me alone for a week, and then it started all over again, so I just started ignoring him completely. So he left me alone until recently, and I thought it was going to be okay, but he back to asking me not only questions about himself but he asks me very personal questions I don't feel like discussing with him.(I've told him that before, too). I like him alright, if only he would back off. I feel like he's drowning me, but he doesn't seem to understand that. What can I do, to get him to understand??

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • I have eczema , don't want to scratch...?

    I have eczema on both arms. I want to donate blood, but I can't because of the eczema, so I want to try really hard not to scratch. I put lotion on it and wear long sleeves, but it drives me crazy. Last night, I put ice on it, and that stopped the itching for a short time. What are ways to stop the itching/not itch?? Thanks!

    4 AnswersSkin Conditions9 years ago