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Lv 43,958 points

Tasha W

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I am a mother of one with a twin sister that is a mother of twins. I take care of three of my sisters. I am a devoted person to my family and I love learning new things every day.

  • Do think I am doing the right thing free feeding my dogs? If no can you please help with some ideas?

    Ok I have two small dogs. I free feed them because I have come to notice they don't eat a lot. I have taken them to the vet and they both did get a good bill of health. The dogs just don't eat a lot. The way I would explain it is they snack through out the day. I call it that because they will literally take one bite and walk away. Go back and take a couple more bites then walk away again. I do watch how much I put in the bowl. I feed them around 2 cups a day. They don't ever eat it all in one day though. One of the dogs is a Chihuahua 4years old and the other one is a Yorkie Bichon mix. 4 years old What do you think? In my opinion its not normal. I did buy them from a lady who said they were moving and couldn't take them with her. I have had them for about 3months now.

    3 AnswersDogs4 years ago
  • I have a two year old skittish kitten.?

    I have owned her since she was eight weeks old. She has been skittish since the day I brought her into my house. She will run if anyy one is even walking in her direction weather or not its to give her a little attention. She hides in my couch all the time. I am just curious if there is anything I can do to calm her down a little bit. I want her to be comfortable. The interesting thing is that if no one is up moving she will come out and lay any where she pleases but the moment some one stands up even to use the rest room she will take off. I just want her to be comfortable and happy and for the past two years I just took it as that is just what she does, but I am not 100% sure if that is healthy for her though.

    2 AnswersCats6 years ago
  • Does my cat that's over a year old think my kitten is a toy?

    Ok so I have a fixed female cat that is over a year old. She has been a real pickle but my family loves her. My sister called me one day and tells me that her cat had a litter of kittens and she has to get rid of all of them so I said yes I will take one as long as its a short haired female. About a week ago I went to my sisters house and picked up the kitten. I brought her home and for a few min. I let her check everything out. Luna (the cat that is over a year old) of coarse comes out of my room to check what's going on and of coarse ends up hissing and growling. I get it its normal my house is her domain. This is her territory and there is an intruder. I then picked up the kitten and placed her in my room and kept her there for three days. After three days of them trying to paw at each other below the door that was blocking them from seeing each other I chose to let Sassy (the kitten) out to meet Luna and to my amazement there was no hissing growling nothing. Luna even started licking on Sassy and it looked like they were going to be really good friends. I was thrilled. Now here is the problem. It has now been about four days and Luna now has started pouncing on top of Sassy and biting her. At first when Sassy would cry she would back off. Now she is doing it more frequently and she doesn't always stop when Sassy cries. I at first thought it was just her playing but now I am not even so sure. What do you guys think? Should I worry about it? Is this normal behavior? Like I said my older cat is fixed. What do you think I should do? At this time right now I have put Sassy back into my room and Luna gets full range of the rest of the house. Thank you for your answers.

    2 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • What do you think I should do?

    I am right now a single mother. The father of my children never calls, e-mails, or writes a letter to his children. I am going insane because once a year his new wife contacts me and asks me information about the kids. What's there favorite color? What size clothes do they wear? What are there favorite toys? What type of things are they into? I realize some of these questions I would have to answer but the majority of them would be answered if there father was actually trying to be in there lives. I just got a message today and I was wondering would it make me a horrible mother if I completely ignored it? Should I just answer the questions? Should I actually send a message back explaining my thoughts about the whole situation. What would you do? What do you think I should do I just need some advice.

    5 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • what is your opinion on what I should do?

    yesterday I went to my piercer on the way there I tripped over my own feet and broke my right flip flop I have to say I was more embarrassed then anything else. Since we were early we walked over to holiday gas station and my boyfriend asked the guy at the counter for some duck tape. He then taped up my flip flop so I could ware it until I got some where to either buy another pair of flip flops or until we got home where I could change my shoes. Because of the duck tape I was slipping ever where I ended up almost falling down some stairs and quite a few times ended up slipping when just walking across a street within an hour I would say I tripped and slipped about 7 different times. The last time was the worst I slipped out of my shoe and made a quarter sized gash on the bottom of my foot. Soon after I bought a new pair of shoes. Of coarse there is little bruising and some pain which went down within a hour. My boyfriend and me went out to eat and everything was fine until we were done eating the next thing I know my foot hurt so bad to walk. We went strait home. I have iced it cleaned it off and rested and now if I walk and stuff I get pain but when I rest the pain almost vanishes of coarse I get some throbbing. I am just wondering should I go see a doctor or do you think just relaxing and resting will be enough what would you do?

    1 AnswerInjuries8 years ago
  • Will the police come back at all?

    Ok so here it is My house was broken into about two months ago and my house was trashed luckily my children weren't home so I had time to clean it. About a month later my friend moved into my house and the guy can be messy he left his trash on the floor and never picked up after himself so I would leave it alone while I was working and then the day before my kids would come home while I am off of work I will spend the day cleaning my house. My kids have never been in my house while its messy and I will never let them. The next thing I know there is pounding on my door and there was the police right there ready to take my kids because of the mess. Of coarse my kids weren't home so they couldn't take them. My house has been clean ever since but the police officer told me she would be comming back to check on me and the house to make sure it is clean. I am not worried about that because my house is spottless I wont let it get that way again even if my kids aren't home but it has been a month and a half and still no visit from the police so I am wondering if they will even come back. What do you think? Maybe they were just trying to scare me so that if they ever did come back for any reason the house would be clean. I don't know.

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • How do I tell my family in a nice way that they need to get off my back?

    Ok so I moved to minnesota and first lived with my grandma. It was great until she started calling me a bad mom every time she didn't agree with my parenting skills. I moved out as soon as I could. Well I have a three, a two and a seven month old and I give them praise when ever they do something right and my three and two year old have been potty training and my grandma made me put diapers on them just to make sure they wouldn't have an accident ever on her new carpet. I went along with it and then my three and two year old told me they wanted to put the diaper on themselves. I told them ok and handed the diaper to them. As soon as they put it on they ran to grandma to tell her they did it and she got hysterical with me and told me I was a bad mother because no child should be putting a diaper on themselves. I really don't think its a big deal. Now I just want her to get her off my back on what and how I should raise my kids. I think what drives me more crazy is that my grandma likes to tell me what she would never allow her kids to do and I should do the same or a I am a bad mother but she didn't raise her kids. All of her kids say that they raised each other so her kids probably didn't put diapers on them selves but they did put diapers on each other at one point accept for the oldest who admitted that her grandma took care of her until she was of age to be home alone and baby sit her sister.How do I deal with this in a appropriate manner? I just want her off my back and not only does that happen but when ever my older kids start throwing there tantrum and I put them on a couch until they calm down she tells me I should never let my kids cry its not like there babies any more and I just want my kids to be respectful and notice that just because they want something doesn't mean there always going to get it, there needs come first. I also hate how when my grandma goes off like that the rest of the family starts telling me what I should do to not irritate grandma which always ends with just do what she says. HELP PLEASE!!!!

    1 AnswerFamily9 years ago
  • Is this normal for a mother?

    I have two questions. I am a mom of three kids and I was just wondering if it was normal to be a mother wanting my mother to be there to hug me and cuddle with me? I was also wondering if it was normal to want my mother to do all that even though she wasn't there since I was ten or elevin years old?

    Please seriouse answers.

    2 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Why??????????????????????????????

    Why do people blame everything there kids do on there parents? I have seen first hand parents raising there kids right and yet there kids act like totally different people when they are some where else as if they were raised by gorillas. I know that kids are sponges and parents are supposed to teach them right from wrong. Here is the thing it starts from a young age right and in this day and age parents have to work so there are multiple places like daycare, school, church and family houses. Weather we like it or not the way kids act does not always imply that its because its bad parenting. I know that some one will also mention that it is also a parents duty to pick out a good daycare for there child but even if a parent does since your child is a sponge then they will also be watching the way other kids act and trying to mimic them. Church is the same way.

    7 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • Whats the difference?

    Ok so here is the thing yesterday morning I was told I should lock my kids in there room at night so I chose to see what other mothers had to say about it and if it was abuse. Now I have another question for people. What is the difference from locking your child in the room at nap or bedtime from putting a gate up dearing these times. I have even known mothers to put two gates up just to keep there children in there room. So every one knows I chose never to lock my children in there rooms and instead I baught an alarm for the door so I am sure to wake up if they open there door. Safety is my number one thing for my kids.

    My opinion is there is no difference because if there was a fire in the room you still have to get through the gates to get to your kids which is why I chose the alarm instead. When I think of the gate I think of those door knobs people put on bathrooms where you lock it from the inside and all you have to do is turn it from the the same side to open the door that is how I think of it and if there was a fire in my children's room I think the first thing they would do wether the door was locked or not right now is hide and scream for me so either way I would just feel safer with nothing there.

    I am just asking for peoples oppinions on the subject no crap talking at all. I am open minded and I would really like to hear what people have to say. I know my last question didn't go so well because even though the question clearly says I haven't locked my kids in there room they still lectured me and bad mouthed me for getting other peoples oppinion on the matter as if I was doing it.

    Well thank you for your answers and oppinions.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • Why does my children act diffrent when we are not home?

    My son behaves and my daughter is misschievious when we are home but when we are out and about my daughter is good and my son is naughty.

    3 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • How do you get a doctor to listen to you when you take your child in?

    My son was having a hard time breathing when he would cough. I told his doctor about it and she kept telling me that its just a cold. I have taken my son in for the same symptoms once a week for three months now. I have even told the doctor that I did not want to be told that it was a cold any more because I know that a cold does not last for three months. The doctor just told me that she didn't know what to tell me then because that is what it is. How can I get my doctor to listen to me. I don't really want to change doctors because this doctor has seen my son since he was born. What should I do.

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Would you consider this racist if you were told this?

    My uncle told me one day that he is not racist but he would not let his kids date any other race but there own. When I asked him how that was not racist he said he just wanted to keep the heritage in the family. I don't really understand and I think that it is a racist thing to say.

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Has any one been through this and what did you do that might help me.?

    I am in my second pregnancy and I have been feeling really weird. With my first pregnancy I didn't go through any of this but I understand all pregnancies are different. I just want to know if any one went through this and what did they do that might help me. I feel cramping like my period cramps daily and I have tummy pains as well. I am two months at the most pregnant. I of coarse catch anything that goes around I have the flu right now with all these pains. I of coarse feel like I am going to get sick all the time even when I didn't have the flu and I have tried every thing so that it might go away. I have tried saltines and gingerale but it doesn't work.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Who would you chose if this was to happen to you.?

    I want to say before I say this that I know it will never happen but I was asked it and I want to know how many people think the same thing as me.

    If your husband or the man you were going to spend the rest of your life with and you mother was falling off a cliff and you only had a chance to save one of them who would you save?

    I chose the guy who I was going to spend the rest of my life with because my mom has already done all she can do for me and this is the man I am having a family with. I would chose him. I love my mother dearly though.

    6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • What would you do in this situation?

    I am visiting my aunt who I have not seen in seven years. I have been here for a week and I am not going to be here for much longer. My problem is this from the moment I walked into the home I have noticed that my aunts children run the house not them. The kids are 7,8,and 14. They get what ever they want. There is no structure at all. The first day I stayed the night I had a shoe hitting my head the next morning around five because the girls wanted to wake me up. I said that to there parents and they just told me they usually do worse and didn't do anything about it. Three days ago one of my aunts daughters asked to hold my baby who is only four months old and when I told her no she asked her mother and her mom told her yes. When I told the girl not to touch my baby her mom got mad at me and told me that if she knew that I had said no that she wouldn't have told her daughter she could. It has not stopped from there the girl still does it to this day. I have told my husband about it but he says there just needs to be conversations between me and my aunt about it but the last time I tried I was told that I was attacking her kids. What does any one els think about this and maybe you can give me some ideas because I am trying to be respectful but I don't know what to do and we are supposed to come back in about a month for a wedding and my husband won't listen to me when I tell him I don't really want to come back to this place. Please help I need it.

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • I think that it is really stupid?

    I think that it is really stupid when people ask what makes them feel bad or some question like that when its different opinions that people get how in the world can you put a thumbs down for something like that. A woman said she feels guilty when she doesn't give her daughter warm milk and people gave her two thumbs down. I don't get that. Who els hates seeing that.

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • I am moving to Minasota from Nevada. I have a three month old.?

    I was wondering what kind of things should I do for a two to three day trip with a three month old. What should I have for the baby? What should I dress him in. How many times should we stop? Things like that.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Why do people say this?

    Why do people always say that your child is there child. My son's grandparents, My friends, My husband's friends, and even people I just met that think my baby is cute. Why is it they are always saying you better take care of my baby or how is my baby doing? Why do people always tell me that my child is there's.

    23 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago