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  • How should I respond?!?

    Okay so I was sitting in Civics class yesterday and my friend Logan and I were talking. He asked me if my boyfriend was cheating on me and I've had suspicions about the girl he thought my boyfriend, Jordan, was talking to. So I started complaining about how he makes me upset with things like not changing his Instagram bio to taken, I know it's stupid but what would be a GOOD reason not to change it? It's because he has his own little world on kik, he even flat out admitted to me that he just "talks" to other girls on kik. And that's why he freaked out the one time I stole his phone to play around. Like FREAKED OUT.

    So anyways Logan started making this fake kik account named Bella. I told him not to but deep down I really did want to see how Jordan would respond to it.

    So this morning, Jordan texted me saying, "Heyy Bella". And he thinks it's ME. I want to act like I have NO idea what he's talking about. I feel like a simple "What?" isn't convincing enough. How should I respond and handle this situation?!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Isn't he being a bit ridiculous?

    Okayy so I'm 14 years old, and I just started dating this boy that's also 14. My mother agreed to letting me, my boyfriend and FIVE OTHER PEOPLE to an amusement park (it's s Halloween thing) for a night. My dad however completely disagreed. He thinks I'm too young to be out with my boyfriend without an adult and he doesn't care that there are other people that are gonna be with us...REALLY THOUGH? I mean we're not gonna **** in a Porta potty or something WTH. I guess I'm asking to either agree with me and list your reasoning or help me understand my dad's because we've been fighting about it lately. Is he just being and overprotective father or any normal dad would think this?

    2 AnswersFamily7 years ago

    Hey guys! I'm fourteen years old and I'm starting high school on August 22nd. But a week before, my school is having this prep 9 for us to sort of familiarize ourselves with the school and make friends. Here's my problem, I've had the same small group of friends since kindergarten. Most of them aren't even going to the same high school with me but the one great friend that is going to join me.

    But the thing is I AM RIDICULOUSLY SHY. I'm almost certain that 50% percent of people going to that orientation will be the same kids that I've gone to school with from K-8

    It's too late for me to make friends with them since I'm already marked as "the quiet one". However, the new kids that I'm meeting I'd really like to make friends with at the orientation...I've forgotten how due to having the same friends for a while. Will I survive high school with just one friend? Sure...but I want to change this year.


    Thanks! It's deeply appreciated!

    4 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Any methods or food to help me gain weight in OTHER places?

    Hi. I'm very unsatisfied with my figure (like every other girl on this ******* planet) and I've been doing (EATING) tons of things to help me gain weight. The thing is, I have a fast metabolism and some of the weight I actually DO gain, goes right to my stomach and obviously I don't want it to go there. Maybe some on my arms or legs. I'm 5'4" and 107 pounds. I've been called by girls at my school "anorexic" or "boney". When all I do is ******* eat. Is there ANY way I could gain weight in a flattering way?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Which city probably has the most extreme climate?

    Bismarck, North Dakota; Augusta, Maine; and Buffalo, New York.

    7 AnswersGlobal Warming7 years ago
  • Opinions on plastic surgery?

    Sure it's easy for people with equally proportioned faces to say, "Be confident with your NATURAL self! :D" I find it IMPOSSIBLE to feel beautiful with the huge honker I have. I'm fine with EVERY OTHER quality of myself except my nose. Its the whole reason my self esteem is absolutely horrible.

    To me, confidence is important in a woman's posture. I have a hunched back due to my self consciousness, I have trouble looking people in the eye, I'm scared to wear ******* MAKE UP because it will attract attention to my nose.

    BELIEVE ME, I've researched and experimented with every technique I've seen on online to reduce nose size. I've done ******* nose exercises to help even a little bit.

    I'm extremely excited to turn 18 because I'm planning to get rhinoplasty done. I want to FEEL beautiful and only way to do that IS plastic surgery.

    Why is everyone's opinions so negative towards it?

    10 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style7 years ago
  • Can someone help me write this so it doesn't seem as if she's bragging?

    I'm trying to make my main character, which is a girl, describe herself by looking into the mirror. She doesn't have the best self-esteem so I don't want her to be bragging about herself but I don't want her to make herself sound hideous.

    She has golden, long, wavy hair. Amber eyes. Fluorescent skin. full lips. high cheek bones. a radiant smile.

    I have no idea how to put them into good, descriptive words by herself any advice?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • What is crew (rowing) like?

    I'm going to high school next year and I signed up for the girls crew team just to try it out. Now I know very little about the sport. I've seen it on the Olympics and some YouTube videos and it looks really challenging. I'm a small 13 year old so I don't know if I could handle it. Any experienced rowers?

    2 AnswersWater Sports7 years ago
  • What's something I can say to him to make leave me alone?

    There's this annoying kid that just randomly walks up to me and my friends while we're talking and tell us to shut up. We've basically said EVERYTHING to this guy from "**** off" to "get a life" and all he does is flip us off. I mean, what do you say to that? He's an annoying asshole so some awesome, embarrassing comebacks that would make him want to cry would help a lot ^.^

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • Can someone rewrite this or tell me how to make it better?

    Sorry, Cal. Its broken. Do you want my jacket? She starts to unzip her jacket as the car is moving.


    The car swerved to the wrong lane then she moved it back.

    She starts laughing and it makes me smile.

    We all start laughing hysterically and hear Blink-182 blast from the Chevy pickup in the other lane.

    Becca and Kailyn are still laughing while the loud car attracts my attention.

    I look directly at the bed of the truck and see a guy sitting at the far edge, facing me. There’s smoke coming from his mouth and surrounding his face so I can’t really make out who it is.

    Finally the smoke disappears and he notices me staring. He flashes me the ******** smile I have ever seen then winked. Logan freaking Hough.

    The truck speeds as soon as the light changes to green. Did he even recognize who I was? He looked completely stoned. How did he not get caught yet? He’s sitting on the back of a truck smoking drugs. That’s like fifty laws broken.

    I'm not fully satisfied with this scene and this is an important part because this is where they finally notice each other. Can anyone help me?! *AMAZING WRITERS IN NEED*

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Is there a fake camera app that's available on the AppStore for the iPod?

    I'm trying to find a way to download Fake Camera onto my iPod because I have it downloaded onto my Android and I want it on my iPod. Could anybody help me out?

    1 AnswerCameras8 years ago
  • Who's sexier Ian Somerhalder or Taylor Lautner?



    I personally think that Taylor Lautner is WAY hotter than Ian Somerhalder

    In case you don't know who they are, which I doubt it because they're both big celebrities, Taylor Lautner is from the twilight saga and Ian Somerhalder is from The Vampire Diaries.

    9 AnswersCelebrities8 years ago
  • Is Twilight better than The Vampire Diaries?

    Twilovers only! ^.^

    3 AnswersCelebrities8 years ago
  • Is Twilight better than The Vampire Diaries?

    My friend and I are arguing over what is better. I REALLY WANT YOUR OPINION TO PROVE HER WRONG. #TEAMTWILIGHT

    6 AnswersMythology & Folklore8 years ago