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my names kirsty and i hav a daughter who is 18months.
Anyone with Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
I wondered if anyone could shed some light for me, I think I might have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
My symptoms are -
Frequent bowel movements ( about 5 or more times a day)
Belly aches just before I need to go
Sometimes I struggle to pass, other times its a tiny bit runny ( sorry tmi )
Once I have passed the pain seems to go until I need to go again
If I have got IBS, what will the doctor do? Will any tests be done?
Thanks in advance
4 AnswersWomen's Health8 years agoLittle bugs in my flat, what are they?
I live on a 13th floor high rise flat in the uk, I moved in on the 16th Jan and i noticed this tiny 'black' bugs in my bathroom sink, i thought it was maybe because the flat hadnt been lived in for a while and that they would go, I'm a very clean person and clean the flat everyday so I know its nothing to do with me, but now i notice these bugs on my bathroom floor, my living room ( which is carpet ) and my bedroom which is also carpet. im getting a little freaked out by them now, and wish they would go as i really dont like bugs.
They look like little specs, not big enough for me to count legs or anything, and if you try to squish them they move very fast like their on wheels. Has anyone had these before and know what their called? they mainly come out at night but they dont come out very often.
5 AnswersOther - Home & Garden9 years agoFire Safety? what should i do!?
Hi I live in a high rise flat and its privately rented, the council pay my rent though, there has not been a smoke alarm here since i moved in on january 16th and i did bring this to the landlords attention straight, now its april and i still dont have one, can she get in trouble for this?
also my electric cooker caught fire a week ago and I rang the landlord and she sent out an electrician who came round the next day, he did not use any equipment to test the safety of this appliance, he just switched it on and watched it heat up, he then told me that the cooker is old and needs replacing, nothing more. so he went away and now the landlord has text me saying the electrician said that he said the cooker was safe to use and just old, how can he say it was safe if he didnt use any equipment to test, i text him and asked why he told me one thing and the landlord another and he didnt reply so i rang up and he was very rude on the phone and i insisted he put his statement about the cooker in writing and he ended the call. Ive got a young child in the flat and i wont be taking any risks, especially fire risks that can put us in danger, what do you think i should do?
4 AnswersOther - Environment9 years agoMy toddler has chicken pox in her genital area?
My daughter is 22 months
Her chicken pox spots came out last wednesday, now most of them have crusted over except the ones around her genitals, i think its because their constantly getting wet due to her wearing nappies etc, iv been trying to change her more often but its just not helping at all.
Is there anything at all I can get to put on the spots to dry them out? I'm waiting to send her back to nursery so I can go back to work but nursery said she cant come back until all spots have crusted over!
3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years agoGiving my toddler medicine?
My daughter is 22 months old.
Like all children she needs a drop of calpol every now and then to bring her temperature down or for teething pains etc, Shes got chicken pox at the moment so i've been trying to give her calpol for temperature and Piriton to soothe the itching but I've always had trouble giving it to her, she doesnt seem to like the tastes at all, even though if it was me id happy guzzle a whole bottle of the stuff.
anyway, she wont take it off the spoon, and if i get the syringe out i have to lay her on the floor and hold her arms down and hold her head whilst giving her medicine all at the same time because she throws a massive tantrum, and even then she spits most of it out!
Have any of you got any tips, I dread medicine time :( and would like to make it a happier experience for both of us!
3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years agoEczema Treatments? help!?
I've had eczema since I was born, it was always manageable, when I hit puberty it got worse and my hands were only what I could describe as 'old ladys hands' they were so dry and sore.
I fell pregnant at 16, and my eczema seemed to disappear, i was ecstatic, a year after giving birth it came back, worse than ever and I cant even seem to control it anymore, I've been using the same topical corticosteroid creams all of my life and they just dont work anymore, iv tryed emollients, bath oils, soap substitues, antihistamines to control itching and have had no luck.
Iv been reading up on Ultra violet light therapy and I'm going to discuss it with my doctor, im 18 now and fed up of feeling embarassed of my body.
Has anyone ever had the ultra violet light treatment with their eczema or know anyone that has, what were your experiences, how long did it take to go and has it made a difference?
your answers will be appreciated
I have also tryed homeopathic treatments and found I was allergic
5 AnswersSkin Conditions9 years agoam i wrong? should I try and stop it?
My toddler is 21 months old,
when I put her to bed I put a dvd on for her and leave the room and she goes to sleep,
is it bad for me to do this
or do you think as long as she goes to sleep thats all that matters?
I do turn it off once she has fallen asleep, if you think I'm wrong how should I overcome it?
6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years agoMichael Jackson, some people think hes alive?
Been watching some videos tonight on Dave Dave's interview after jackons funereal and people are convinced its michael in disguise and that hes still very much alive? but surely his secret would have got out by now? what are your views?
i must say there are scary similarities between the 'dave dave' and michael jackson...
3 AnswersCelebrities9 years agoI want lose to weight...?
I had my daughter in May 2010, now I've never got round to losing the baby weight,
I'm really unhappy with the way I look, my mates are all so slim, I can't even look in the mirror without feeling so ' urgh '.
I am going to start the slimming world plan ( I did this a few years ago before I fell pregnant and lost 3 stone ) but I want to know if there is any kind of slimming pills or tricks that I can do to make the weight drop off quicker? I live in the UK.
I have already got a gym membership and I am going to try to go to the gym but with me going to college and having my daughter its hard to find the time and energy to actually do it.
Your help would be greatly appreciated, no snide comments, if you have nothing nice to say then don't bother answering my question.
thanks in advance
Also I've got a Wii & Wii Fit, and I'm going to get some fitness games for it, any recommendations? I want one that is quite strenuous
I don't know how much I weigh but my clothes are size 18, I'm determined to lose this weight!
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years agoI want to lose weight...?
I had my daughter in May 2010, now I've never got round to losing the baby weight,
I'm really unhappy with the way I look, my mates are all so slim, I can't even look in the mirror without feeling so ' urgh '.
I am going to start the slimming world plan ( I did this a few years ago before I fell pregnant and lost 3 stone ) but I want to know if there is any kind of slimming pills or tricks that I can do to make the weight drop off quicker? I live in the UK.
I have already got a gym membership and I am going to try to go to the gym but with me going to college and having my daughter its hard to find the time and energy to actually do it.
Your help would be greatly appreciated, no snide comments, if you have nothing nice to say then don't bother answering my question.
thanks in advance
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years agoGood gift ideas for a woman?
I need to buy a late christmas gift for my Auntie, dont want to spend anymore than £15
Shes about 28
She has a 2 year old son
She doesnt have a partner.
Any good gift ideas?
2 AnswersFamily9 years agoSingle Mums,, what would you do?
I am a single mum, my daughter is 19 months and she does not see her dad because he simply can't be bothered,
But I'm looking towards the future and thinking, what if he gets someone else pregnant and he is a proper dad to that child.. my first instict would be to go mad, but then hes not a very good role model anyways, so should I really be bothered?
I've given him plenty of opportunitys and I have told him if he REALLY wants to see her then he needs to go to a solicitor and set up contact that way.
Just wondered what you would do or if this has happend to you and how did you react?
Just curious thats all.
6 AnswersParenting9 years agodoes my mum have pneumonia?
My mum has had a cold for about 3 weeks, last week she was given a flu jab by occupational health at work, she said to the nurse before the jab that she had a cold and is it still safe to have the flu jab and the nurse said yeah your fine, as long as you dont have a fever, so she had the flu jab, she was speaking to one of the other nurses at work the next day and they said she shouldnt of had the flu jab at all.
Anyways, since then shes just been so ill, barely eating and feeling really weak and tired, now my fears are that she has pneumonia because shes lost her appetite, so weak she couldnt even cook christmas dinner, shes got aches and pains and she feels really cold even though the house is warm, she gets breathless just by doing little things and she says her chest is tight, shes just been laying on the sofa all day, iv tryed giving her sugary drinks to see if that makes her feel better but its just not working. shes 42 and she smokes so i know that pneumonia is more common in smokers.
do you think this is pneumonia?
what other symptoms are there?
your experiences are much appreciated, thanks in advance
3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases9 years agowhen did your toddler sleep in a toddler bed?
My daughter is 19 months old, shes still in her cot. iv always said that if she can climb out of the cot then i'll put her in a toddler bed,
i was just over a year when i climbed out of my cot as a baby, my daughter doesnt even try.. so i was just wondering
when did your children go into a toddler bed?
Did they go in cause they could climb out?
and whats an appropriate age for them to go into a toddler bed?
she sleeps well and i can put her in the cot at 7 and she will go straight to sleep without playing games or crying.
2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years agocan hcg be detected in non pregnant women?
i had a hcg blood test and it came back as ' 4 ' so the doctor said im not pregnant, but i swear they cant detect hcg unless your pregnant? i was really convinced i am pregnant because i would have been about 5 or 6 months and i have started feeling movements in my belly. give your advice plz
6 AnswersPregnancy10 years agohcg levels in pregnancy?
i had a blood test on friday to check the hcg in my blood because i have had 1 positive and 3 negative home pregnancy tests, i rang back for the results today and the receptionist said that the blood results came back 'normal' so i said, ' what does normal mean? pregnant or not pregnant' so she said i dont know im only the receptionist, iv tryed searching on the internet to work out what normal means but most forums say postive or negative results. i have been told hcg levels are not detected if you are not pregnant. so im a little confused really and would like your views on this? also if i am pregnant im gonna be quite far along in the pregnancy, at least the 2nd trimester and have also heard hcg gets lower as you get further along! please help!
2 AnswersPregnancy10 years agopregnant? liver problems?
I 2 blood tests last week as i haven't been well, one was just a full blood count to check everything which i have the results back for, the other was to test for pregnancy as i had 1 positive and 2 negative pregnancy tests, now if i am pregnant i might be 6 months gone already because the last time i had intercourse was in May, the results came back and they told me i had to make a doctors appointment because something came back in the blood test about my liver, iv heard there are liver problems that you can get in pregnancy but what are they?
i don't know if they have symptoms but i will say a few things iv had
very tired
low energy.
hope you can help, thanks :)
1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago1 positive and 1 negative home pregnancy test?
took a pregnancy test about 12 noon today and the result was positive, then took another test ( just to make sure ) at about 4.15pm this evening, and the result was negative, i rang my doctors and they said about a blood test and im booked in for friday, but i always thought if you got a positive it does infact mean your pregnant? im on the implant (implanon) aswell so could this jeopardise the test result?
1 AnswerPregnancy10 years agoreally worried, please share experiences?
i went to the doctors today complaining of sickness and diarrhea and the doctor gave me some tablets to take to calm my symptoms, i explained to her i was worried i was pregnant but the last time i had sex was 6 or 7 months ago and she told me to take a pregnancy test before i start the medication. i bought a home pregnancy strip test and 2 lines have showed up although the positive line was really faint, this would mean im like 5 or 6 months pregnant, im so worried and im going to do another test! but has this happend to you or anyone you know! i already have an 18 month old so im suprised i cant feel any movements however i do have a large belly from the previous pregnancy.
3 AnswersPregnancy10 years agohelp, i think i might be pregnant?
im on the implant, but recently have been vomitting alot and gone off certain foods that i went off of with my first pregnancy, however the last time i had sex was 6 or 7 months ago! i dont have any other symtoms of pregnancy and i am overweight so if i am its probaby why i cant feel movements? i was just wondering if this has happend to anyone? im really scared right now as my daughter is only 18 months!!
3 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago