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  • slept with a friend's sort of ex?

    i'm 19 and up until 2 weeks ago had never had sex before. long story short we were all out together then my friend and other other girls out were too drunk and went home and I stayed out with this guy with whom i'm sort of friends with, but also happens to be a guy that my friend has also had a thing with about 7-8 months ago, they weren't in a relationship but i know that she really liked him at the time but he didnt want a relationship so they stopped sleeping together and now theyre just friends and shes over him.

    2 weeks ago is when he took me home because i was too drunk and we ended up sleeping together, i dont regret it because ive been wanting to lose my virginity for so long and just seemed like the right thing to do because i knew him and hes a nice guy. but at the time i wasnt thinking about how it would affect my friendship. i didnt tell her and she thinks that he slept in another bed, until the other night she asked if anything happened and i said no but sort of smiling, so i think she knows and she said it was okay because shes seeing someone else but the next day the guy messages me "did you tell her, because he got a message from her saying "why would you do my friend" and havent really spoken or seen her since.

    i feel like im just being paranoid but i feel like even though she says its okay that its not and i dont know how to explain or make it up to her and i feel likes shes ignoring me.

    please i need help to save this friendship!! any advice welcome :)

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • i think i'm at risk of depression because i'm losing friends?

    I feel like quite lonely these days because I have such few friends. After high school, I saw the true colours of many of who i considered to be my close friends and I decided that i couldnt be friends with someone like that, i lost 3-4 close friends this way and since I have been at university have not really made any new friends.

    due to having only 1-2 close friends left that ive known for years, i find myself forgiving things they do that i dont agree with and apologising even if it is their fault, and i do this because i dont want to lose all my friends and to keep the peace. but i have come to point where i cant take it anymore and i have cut the last real friend from high school out of my life because she constantly uses me to drive her places, pay for stuff and use my wi-fi for studying. i think to myself id rather have no friends than be friends with people who bring more negativity into my life than positive.

    i do go out quite often with "city friends" however i seriously consider these my real friends now, they are genuinely kind people who actually care about me, however, i only see them on weekend which i am okay with as i have always liked during the week to be more "me time".

    i just feel like a bit of a loser because everyone else my age (19) has so many more friends than me...

    it is this that is making me feel like people dont like me at all, but i dont want to change who i am for fake friends and id rather be friendless than be someone im not. Help?

    3 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • how damaging is smoking methamphetamine once a month?

    I like to use this as a party drug and only use it once a month on the weekends with friends. I am able to keep it under control as of right now using only minimal amounts to get a high and do not experience any signs of addiction. I have been doing this for about 1 year now and I would just like to know the damage it will do long term, even if i only use it once a month.


    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases7 years ago
  • weight loss motivation tips?

    I started a healthy new eating plan in january because i wanted to lose 5-7 kilos before a holiday to bali in february 7th and i managed to lose about 7 kilos with healthy eating and walking for an hour every day.

    since i got back at the end of february, I have returned to my old eating habits which are really bad, stopped exercising and stopped drinking 2-3 litres of water a day. i have no regained all of the weight i lost but i really want to get back to healthy eating and exercising before it all goes back on which will make me even more unmotivated than i am now..

    i put 3 kilos back on, so i know if i just go back to eating right for 2 weeks i should be back to my lowest weight of 72kg and i want to keep going.

    however everyday that i decide to eat relatively healthy that day, always ends up in me eating an enormous amount in the evening and I cant help it because im just not getting full and i have to retrain my body to be used to 1200 calories a day, but at the moment im eating about 2000 calories a day im guessing, possibly more.


    im getting depressed because the more i eat the further away i get from my lowest weight and losing more weight which i would love to do because i am just not happy with the way i look.

    im scared that im going to keep eating because i feel like there is no hope to get motivated.

    please help

    35 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • what can i do to avoid constipation on a diet?

    i am on a low calorie diet that is low in carbs and high in protein and i'm not eating any bread rice or pasta.

    i tried metamucil and its not working, recently i have been using senna tea natural laxative maybe once a week when im desperate but want to stop using laxative because im scared that it will damage my bowels if i use it too much.

    i drink 3-4 litres of water a day as well.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • what is a credible reason to tell my uni why i want to change where i do my nursing placements?

    i have been placed at a nearby hospital, however, the reason i want to change where i do my clinical placements to another better hospital is that its where i want to apply for a graduate year program/job after i graduate.

    my clinical educator on my most recent placement did mention that where you do your placement is most likely where you will get accepted for the graduate year program.

    my question is, the uni told me that i need a reason to not want to go to the hospital that i have been allocated rather than why i want to switch to the better hospital.

    i have been thinking about saying:

    - my mum works at the better hospital (this is true) so transport to placement would be easier.

    - i plan to move out closer to the better hospital

    - i've recently been admitted to the hospital so i do not wish to return due to embarrassment.

    any other ideas would be appreciated?


    1 AnswerHealth Care7 years ago
  • what are the signs that a guy likes you?

    he's 19 and i'm 18 and we are friends and go to the same uni

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • does it sound like this guy likes me? what are the signs that a guy likes you?

    i met him a few months ago at uni through a mutual friend and i have become friends with him.

    last weekend it was the mutual friend's birthday and he was there.

    she had a house party on friday night and he hugged and kissed me on the cheek to say hello and goodbye when he left and we talked a bit.

    then the friend rented the apartment in the city and we went out on saturday night and when he saw me he came up from behind me and hugged me to say hello and then i turned around to give him a hug. we also spent some of the night sitting together and chatting.

    we went out again the following night and he asked me if i was definitely coming and i said yes but i ended up sleeping instead and i saw him the following morning when everyone was leaving and he hugged and kissed my cheek goodbye again, and said "bye katie see you at uni"

    its never awkward but the only chance i get to see him is when i hang out with his friends and my friends together... and it was him who started hugging me all the time (which i like haha)

    i cant tell if he likes me or just wants to be friends and i dont want to ask him because hes a good friend and i dont want to make things awkward..

    so are there any signs that i can pick up on that he likes me?


    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • would a 19 year old guy wait to have sex with a virgin 18 year old girl?

    i like this guy and he likes me however, if we were to start dating i would want to wait a few months or at least til we say we love each other so i dont regret it..

    im pretty sure hes had sex before so i was just wondering if this guy would actually wait up to six months to have sex with me?

    need honest opinions of guys/men please :)

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • how do i go about hooking up with a guy next weekend?

    its my friends birthday and we are all going out and she has rented an apartment for the weekend to go to between clubs and this guy that i like will be there as he is her friend..

    just want to know some subtle strategies that will catch his attention or help me to just casually hook up with him (because thats all im looking for)

    ive spoken to him before and we flirt on facebook but just wondering any advice to actually take it to the next level?

    chances are it will either happen at a club or at the apartment but neither of us will be drunk... we will be on "other substances"

    any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I have a thing for a guy I've never spoken to?

    He is my mum's bestfriend's nephew and I met him once about 5-6 years ago vaguely and havent seen or thought about him once until now, and if I met him again now i guarantee that he wouldnt remember me (I have since changed my hair from black to blonde and have lost a fair bit of weight)

    the story is that we go to the same uni now and and I have kind of kept an eye out for him for the whole semester (i really have no idea why) because he's really attractive but only just spotted him today briefly and it has started a kind of crush on him and cant stop thinking about those few seconds that i saw him (he didnt see me)

    i find this really strange myself and cant think why i am feeling this way as i have never spoken to him nor actually know anything about him, and getting to know him is not really an option because the university has so many people that I dont think that i will ever see him again :(

    which sucks because now this little infatuation is all in my mind and cannot enjoy seeing him every now and then.

    any ideas why or any advice would be great!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • do i have appendicitis?

    Last night I had severe abdominal pain near the stomach and intestine and could not sleep due to the pain.

    I had nausea and ended up throwing up

    I tried going to the toilet but nothing was coming out and could not pass wind.

    when i was laying in bed trying to sleep, i had a hot pack on the pain but it didnt really help, and i was shivering and shaking.

    however, this morning the pain has moved to lower right abdomen, which makes me think that it is appendicitis, and i have pushed on it and let go and experience severe pain but then it goes away.

    but the think that makes me think that i dont have it is that the pain is not severe, only mild and is probably better than it was last night except when i put pressure on it.

    what do you think?

    also i have to walk with a bit of a hunch and then theres no pain..

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • what are some little things that I can do to mask ecstasy in a roadside saliva drug test?

    I took half a pill last night for the first time and I was drunk first otherwise I never would have considered taking ecstasy and also it was free so I made the silly decision to try it.

    However, I am driving a long distance tonight (2 hour drive) and it is a long weekend here so I am expecting booze and drug buses.

    I am female and 160cm tall and weigh 65kg.

    Are there any techniques that will help me pass a saliva drug test if the opportunity presents itself?

    I have drunk 1.5 L of water to try to flush it out and have heard of sucking on mints or sucking on coins screws up the drug test.

    I was just wondering if there are anymore that have been successful for you?

    Please, I can not afford a criminal record in drugs as I am a nursing student and it will mess up my future as a nurse completely.

    It was an error in judgement and need help to avoid a positive just this once.

    Thanks so much.

    2 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • What to expect when I get a Brazilian wax for the first time?

    I'm 18 and I'm going away for Christmas to Vietnam and decided that I want a Brazilian but I have never had one before.

    Can someone please tell me what to expect for my first time and give me some advice please?

    I'm not scared about the pain as much as the awkward situation of the waxer seeing basically everything hahaha

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • is this a good idea for a tattoo? do you think that i will regret it? honest answers please.?

    i was thinking of just getting a small bow and arrow because i am a sagittarius, about 2 cm big (about an inch americans lol) and just getting it where no one can see it unless im in bathers or underwear high on my ribs on the breast line on the side, so it would be covered if my arm is by my side. (i am a female btw).

    i think it is quite cute and is not visible and small so if i do decide to get it removed one day it is achievable.

    what is your honest opinion of this tattoo idea? do you think that i will regret it?

    also i am not getting it anytime soon as this is just an idea, it would be at least a year from now.

    5 AnswersTattoos9 years ago
  • how do i get the attention of a guy i like?

    It's just a crush but a pretty big one. I've never really spoken to him and he is in my biology class and this is the only time I see him.

    I am only 17 so reasonable suggestions please lol.

    GUYS: just wondering what catches your attention about a girl if you see her? i.e. what can i change about myself for tomorrow's class so that he might keep thinking about it?

    I have no plans on acting on these feelings but having a crush is quite entertaining and fun as I haven't liked a guy since my ex over a year ago. so I just wanna have a little fun with it and see if I can get him to start noticing me more or do something to keep him thinking.

    GIRLS: what have you done to get a guy's attention in the past without talking to him?

    would rather not speak to him as much as it leaves more mystery to it :)

    thanks for any advice you have to give!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • how do i switch users dropbox on my mac?

    my sister used my computer recently and installed dropbox in her account and now i have my computer back it is still linked to all of her files.

    i was just wondering how i can get rid of her files so MY dropbox account is linked to my computer.

    i have tried re-installing drop box but it is still logged into her files.

    it is driving me crazy

    please help!

  • toe nail removal under general anaesthetic?

    i am ingrown toe nails on both of my big toes and getting them removed under general anaesthetic. however i want my toe nails to grow back... do they???

    i think i would be depressed for ages if i had no big toe nails and i would be really upset..

    does anyone have any advice or can anyone share their experiences?

    also i have never been under general anaesthetic before, can someone tell me what it is like?

    i am a bit scared.


    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • should i stay blonde or go brunette?

    i used to be a brunette until i decided about 3 years ago that i wanted to go blonde again ( i was blonde before i was brunette as well). it took a long time to get it to a blonde colour i liked but made my hair very thin and very dry, not to mention most people i know say that they prefer me as a brunette because i have blue eyes and they like the contrast apparently..

    recently i have considered going brunette again because blonde is too much to maintain and it is damaging my hair too much, even though i love being blonde i think it may be time to go back to brown.

    do you have any adivce on what i should do or if you have gone through this as well?

    what are you thoughts? i dont mind what anyone says, i would like to know the truth.

    also what are you general perceptions about blondes and/or brunettes?


    2 AnswersHair9 years ago