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  • Diabetic cat, not absorbing insulin Question?

    We have been back and forth with Vets about our cat. She been diabetic over a year or 2 now. She was find with insulin until recently. She had surgery to remove a mass on her neck. A month or so after that we noticed her drinking a lot. We took her in to get her checked out. In the last 6 weeks (3 tests) her numbers averaged about 520 to 560, very high. We have not changed her diet and before the surgery her numbers were prefect. The vet says that the surgery may have thrown her off balance. For the next 2 weeks, we are going to try to give her the shots in her thigh to see if giving her the insulin in a different place.

    The vet said that if this does not lower her blood sugar level, she is out of ideas. Our cat is on ProZinc, she is about 11 to 12 years old, she could be older. She gets 4 units in the morning and at night. The vet said that upping her insulin usually does not work out in most cases. We had her for 5 years from a shelter. Has anyone ran into this and was given another option? I am going to ask another vet that i know that works in a different city for her opinion. I like to know if anyone ran into something like this and got another solution. After this, I am guessing our only choice is to put her to sleep, I do not want to see her suffer and it would not be fair to make her suffer because we wont her around longer. Thank you for your time.

    4 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • Looking to change out 1997 ford ranger oxygen sensor bank 2?

    I hear that O2 sensors are easy to change out and the one place near where i live wants 170.00 to change out the o2 sensor so I plan to do it myself. I got my truck used and it did not come with a manual. A friend is going to loan me the socket to use to get the O2 sensor out. My knowledge on truck mechanics is very low (i know the basics of stuff, but more of a computer tech than a car mechanic).

    My question is, are there any good resources for directions on what to look for to remove the 02 sensors, preferable pictures so that i can identify where the 02 sensor is? I priced out the 02 sensor and I need to get anti-seize compound to put on it. I done searching on the internet but I keep getting information on different models and years rather than the 1997 Ford Ranger. 2 wheel drive 3.0 L

    Thank you.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • how long does it take for side effects to start after starting a new medication?

    I started taking a new medication for depression and know that there are side effects but I was wondering how long it would take for the side effects to start, like if side effects could start the next day after you started taking the medicine.

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Indiana Jones 5 Movie?

    With new information of Indiana Jones 5 and the story taking place around the Bermuda Triangle. It is said to be Harrison Ford last movie as Indy and yes, looks like Mutt (Shia LaBeouf) will be back.

    Question is, how many of you all that want impressed with the 4th movie, going to give the 5th movie a chance?

    6 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Question about Diet Sodas?

    This may be a question for the health section, but figured i start here. Anyone has this problem or and idea of why?

    I have drank reg Coke for as long as i can remember. For a while now i have switch to drinking Diet Mountain Dew since my doc asked me to do stuff to lose some weight. I tried drinking Diet Coke and it gives me a headache. I am tired of drinking Diet Mountain Dew and decided to give Coke Zero a try and just like with Diet Coke, after a while (drinking it slowly over a few hours 24 oz bottle) i started to get a headache.

    As far as i know the diet sodas use the same sugar (Diet MD, coke, coke zero, etc) or is that incorrect? I do not get headaches from drinking Diet MD, Diet Dr Pepper, or Diet Rootbeer. So my question is:

    What is in Diet Coke/Code Zero that may cause me to get a headache and Diet MD, Diet Dr Pepper, or Diet Rootbeer does not cause me to have headaches or does this happen to anyone else?

    12 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago
  • Renting Apartment - Scared of Neighbor unruly teen living above us?

    Background info:

    Location: North Carolina

    There are 2 stories to the apartment complex and they live above us. For the first year it was a nightmare living under them, they were wrestling all the time shaking out apartment knocking stuff of shelves. We (included other people in the apartment) complained. This went on for a year. Finally the apartment manger did something and for the last year and half things been quiet.

    Now, he stole a $90 coffee maker the wife order, that FedEx dropped off but left at the door instead of taking it to the apartment manager. He told a friend that he "found" it, wrapped it up and gave it to his mother for Christmas. But we cannot prove it, we heard it word of mouth. So i put a flier up about it the missing coffee maker and he tears it down each time after i put it up. I watched him throw it in the grassy area of the next apartment. I put the flier up so that maybe the mother will see at her odd hours that some comes home.

    His father does not live with them, and we cannot talk to the mother because shes never home due to odd work hours. We told the apartment complex manager and they said nothing they can do without proof and that so far the havent done anything that breaks the rules of the apartment complex or that he hasnt been caught.

    Also from word of mouth, it appears he has broken into someone else apartment by window stealing stuff from their purse and other items in the room.

    We do have an alarm system but wife does not feel safe because of him. We cannot afford to move due to the possibility i may lose my job in 4 months may not be able to pay for everything with costs of moving, and we are in contract with apartment for another 6 months.

    Is there anything that can be done legally about this teen, even more so since wife is scared of being along and plus she walks home from work (5 min walk from work) because i am usually at work when she gets off. She did order pepper spray to have with her and she sets the alarm after she gets home and txts me to let me know she got home ok.

    If I tell the apartment managers about her being scare of him, would there be some action they have to take or do we have to wait until he does something else and able to prove it?

    A person shouldnt have to be afraid to live in their home...

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Courts in Nebraska - Traffic/Injury Case?

    Short version, asked a question while back related to this but new situation.

    Basically a guy is sueing someone i know for a wreck that happen 4 years ago, statues of limitation ran out but he got it signed the last day of the statues and pushed into courts. All this information is wrong that he based the case on. We have the police report to prove his info is wrong. She replied back to the person lawyer with the info saying that what he says is wrong with copies of the police report.

    Here is the kicker, she didnt know she had to reply to the courts to tell them that and now they have a court date set up in a week or so. She was told since she didnt reply to the courts, that it would default to him to wining the case based on wrong information.

    Is there any way she can get out of this even if she can prove with police report that he is wrong about what happen since she didnt reply back to the courts? She has called her parents lawyer who is out because of surgery, they referred her to another number who referred her to call litigator who told her to call a lawyer. She is getting the run around. Thank you for your time.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Question about being sued from a wreck that happen 4 years ago in Omaha NE?

    Someone i know got in a wreck 4 years ago in Omaha NE and they said it was her fault because she was turning on a green light and the other person spend out of a gas station and hit her. But because she was turning, they said it was her fault even since the other guy was speeding.

    At the time he didnt go to the hospital for his injuries and was told he cannot sue because they didnt go to the hospital at the time of the wreck. She went to the hospital in the ambulance. Now he is sueing 4 years later, is something this person can really do since he didnt go to the hospital? (Basically by the looks of it, he is hurting for money like all of us, and trying to make a quick buck by suing).

    Sueing for medical bills, pay lost from work and future pay. Also he says she was spending when she wasnt, she just started turning left on a green light but was in the middle of the intersection when it turned yellow.

    She didnt have insurance because it ran out, it was her parents car and she was in college. She was 20 at the time.

    From what she was told by her parents, because she wasnt 21 at the time, her parents would be held responsible for her? Her parents are non-collectible if he went after them.

    The statues of limitation ran out on Apr 28 2009, looking at NE law, its 4 years to the day of the wreck and the papers was signed by the courts on Apr 30 2009. Does the person still have a case since it was filed 2 days after the statues of limitation were up.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Question about handgun laws?

    A friend and i were talking about handguns and how he wants to get one and concealed license. Here is his question. If you have a permit to own a handguns but do not have license to carry is concealed. Then is he allowed to carry the weapon with it visible, as if he was walking down the street? Not doing anything criminal with it, just have it for protection but not hiding because he dont have a concealed licensing.

    My thought would be no that its not a good idea because people may get the wrong idea seeing him walk down a sidewalk carrying it. But is there law against this?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Question on Y! Answers Community Guidelines.?

    Is there something about people posting the same question 40 to 50 times against the guidelines, wouldnt it be under spam? Also that they use 3 or 4 accounts to do it with?

    If so, then why are these people left to continue to troll Answers?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • 97 Ford Ranger, Battery Light Flash?

    I have a 97 ford ranger. About a week or 2 ago my battery light would flicker or flash on and off once in a while. I went to get the battery checked and alternator. According to their tests, the alternator is fine. The battery was over 7 years old, and since batteries usually last 3 to 4 years, we figured the cells were going bad. I replaced the battery and still the battery light would flicker.

    I talked to a few people and we figure its a loose cable or the serpentine belt might run through the alternator and if it is slipping, it might cause it. From what i can tell none of the cables are loose, the ground cable and the battery cables seem to be on tightly. I had the serpentine belt replaced.

    The last few days i havent seen it flash or flicker on, thinking it was good to go. but this morning it did it again. It flashed on for a second and went back off.

    My question is, what else could be causing the light to flash/flicker on?

    Thank you for your time.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Nebraska Traffic laws?

    Heres a short version of a back story

    Someone i know was in a car wreak about 5 years ago or so. She was turning left on a green light. Then a car took off out of a gas station going 55 in a 35 after she had already started to turn and hit her. The courts said it was her fault because she was turning left. At the time the insurance ran out on the car because her parents couldnt afford it and so they took away her licensing and fined her $50,000 to get her license back.

    Heres the questions, is there a statue of limitation that run out on something like this and she can get her license back after so many years?

    Or would a judge be willing to give her a limited license so that she can at least drive back and forth from work? Its hard to get money to pay off a fine like this if you cannot get to the job.

    Right now we are living in NC but because there is an outstanding fee open, NC will not give her a license as of last year.

    Thank you for your time.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Whats the name of this movie?

    This movie came out in the last 3 to 5 years ago, i think. i do remember the previews of the movie but do not remember the name of it.

    In the previews, these people go back into time to the Jurassic time period (or so it looked). In their exploring one of the team members stepped on a plant and killed it or something and they didnt think much about stepping on the plant. They go back to the preset and find that everything has been changed and plants have pretty much taken over. Then from there pretty much shows them running and trying to survive.

    It wasnt in theaters very long. I know it didnt do well over all, and people werent too impressed by it. But i still like to figure out the name of the movie. Thank you.

    10 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Heard of a file called ifexistreboot.bat?

    Has anyone heard of this file? The body of the bat file is

    @ if c:\reboot.bat reboot.bat

    @ delete ifexistreboot.bat

    Found the file on a work computer and dont seem to find much on the internet with that file name. Just wondering if someone seen it before and knows what it is from.

    Thank you.

    1 AnswerSecurity1 decade ago
  • Question for Customize this folder under folder properties.?

    Some has asked me this and i havent seen this before. Going to copy and paste their info in.

    I have a folder in "My Pictures", I customize it (View > Customize this folder),

    Then a completely different folder in "My Videos" shows up with the same picture and attributes. If I re-customize the folder in "My Videos" the folder in "My Pictures" changes. This only happens occasionally with some folders. What is the deal with this? Why is my computer not recognizing the two folders as separate, individual folders? It seems to think they are both one folder. How do I stop this from happening?

    Thanks in advance.

    From what they have told me, one folder isn't a sub folder of the other and it happens on multiple folders.

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago