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  • Is it better to do a Lease-to-Purchase or just Purchase a car?

    I shopped and found the car I wanted, got the specs and financing details, and went to my credit union on rate and auto loan details. I have done majority of what I needed to do. The real question is wondering whether doing the Lease-to-purchase option is best than just purchasing the car.

    Any thoughts about this plan? Which route do you think I should go for?

    Thank you

    4 AnswersBuying & Selling7 years ago
  • I think I have (or about to) have a problem?

    Three and a half weeks ago, me and my family were in a car accident. We've had injuries but nothing too serious and everyone is doing alright. I slammed my head on the headrest in the back seat (Suffering with cuts on my nose and forehead, along with post-concussion syndrome). I've had cat-scans showing that there's no fraction or any damage.

    Lately I have become a but more depressed when and without even knowing it. I don't know if it's the pain pills (Ibuprofen 200mg = 2 every 6 hours) I"m taking, or just the trama from the accident that's causes a bit of fear in me. I'm thankful to be alive, really am. I just don't understand what it is I'm going through.

    My mom and folks would think I'm snappy and get either irritated or concerned....this is cause while working (retail store...having to stand up most of the day cause we were low on staff and my light duties are constantly ignored...cause hell there aren't that many people working), I get really tired and extremely store (body and head). Yet when I talk feeling tired I sound snappy or rude to people....and I don't understand how it's possible when knowing what I had to go through. Frankly anything I say or try to do is wrong and I get so mad to the point of just giving up. I'm already feeling depressed and getting close to overdosing my pain pills to make me feel better....then later thinking about going to speak to a therapist.

    I just don't know.....I don't know if this is something new that might be serious. I'm scared, alone, and confused. I can't do anything right or think straight........I don't know what to do. What is it can you suggest for me? I'm really at a loss and don't know where to start.

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Is it a good idea to add your ex on Facebook?

    I decided to become friends after emailing him. So I sent a friend request.

    Is it a good idea to be friends with an ex on facebook?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do you send more emails to an ex you want to be friends with?

    I've sent one about how he's doing and of the incident we both had 3 years ago. We worked it out and he said we can be friends...though he's with someone else (been for a month). I respect that and still wish him the best. I've gotten over him now..well it's been on and off.

    After that reply, I sent two emails. One of how's it going and what I've been doing. and another email of a video I forgot to add to the I'm starting to think should I keep emailing him (even though he's busy with work and school and such).

    I do love him still and do miss him, but want to make a good impression in being friends with him again. Is sending more than 2 emails annoying or alright? It's been 2 days since than and no I being impatient or just ridiculous?

    And is it even a good idea to do that?

    Thing is, he hurt me years ago which what ended the relationship. Somehow, I grew enough courage in re-connecting with him as friends again...guessing I'm the only one who made that first step. Yet is it even worth my time thinking about it?

    (Note: yes it's a jerk.)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • When people say "you're too good for him.."?

    Is that considered a good thing?

    If so, how?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What does it mean when you've gotten over, but dream about him?

    What does it mean when you've gotten over a guy you once loved loved, became friends, he's dating another girl just last month........then for some reason you still dream about him?

    Even when you have gotten over him (the stuff he did that hurt you, but moved on quick and wants to be friends).... for some reason I still dream about him. Unconscious dreams of course.

    Why is this happening and is this considered normal? (I'm 23 and he's 28 now).

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I don't know anymore....?

    3 years ago, I had this friend who I liked very much. We were close friends at first, then we ended up liking one another. Of course it was online, but I got to know him for 10 months. Exchanged phone numbers and emails and got the better of him with the distance and he ended up joining a dating website ...only to tell me this a week after he joined. We broke it off, and I was left hurt. I let him have it and we ended it badly.

    3 years later, I started thinking about how I reacted and understood why. During this time, all I keep thinking about was him in my mind. I have dreams about him, felt like whether it would have worked out or not....I wanted to at least see him. But...we live in different states and of course money was an issue for me.

    I thought more about his feelings and sent a email to apologize and hope that we can still be friends. I wanted to re-connect and gain a friendship...cause I had a deep feeling that he's with someone else. He gets over it easily...which questions me. He replied and stated I didn't have to apologize, and how we were just not ready. He's a changed man (and I've changed as well). He's been with someone for a month, and I couldn't be more happy for him.

    I felt that a weight was lifted from my heart because I let out every ounce of what I've felt towards him.

    Even if he's a friend now...I still love him dearly. Of course even if we had wasn't going to happen. Me getting over it has been going on and off..and back on and off.... If you get over someone you once loved.....why is it you can't stop having dreams about that person? Am I being obsessed about it, sadden....or something else?

    I feel like I should just plan my future now. If I turn 35 and still remain single (not because I want to..but because it happen), then I'll adopt and make a family of my own alone. Of course that's just me doubting myself.....but honestly...I don't know anymore. I feel like the dreams I have of him is all that can make me happy inside. I never told him that..and don't want to do anything that would jeopardize his happiness. Still...I wish it was me there.

    So really.....I don't know anymore. I don't know what I should do. I don't believe seeing another guy would make it better for me...being me is complicated in many ways. He left a scar in my heart...I don't know how to get it off.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Should I join a dating website?

    I had a broken heart, but re-connected and became friends with a man I once (and still) love dearly.

    I have had harsh remarks about people joining dating websites and feel that no one should have to pay money to meet someone. I never had a first date my whole life, and feel unsure on whether I should just pay for a site to help me find someone or just let time take its course.

    What's your opinion about dating websites?

    Are they worth it? If so, which and how much?

    And if not, what should I do?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • i need help with Accounting?

    I'm stuck with this discount problem

    On Jan. 1st, the XY company issued $500,000, 5 year, 8% bonds. The market rate at the time of the sale was greater than 8%, so the bonds were sold at 93. Interest on these bonds is payable on June 30th and Dec. 31st. What is the selling price of the bonds?

    A. $500,000

    B. $407,000

    C. $465,000

    D. $593,000

    Part 2

    The entry to record the sale of the bond would be included a:

    a. debit to cash for $500,000

    b. credit to cash for 465,000

    c. debit to discount on bonds payable for 35,000

    d. credit to bonds payable for 407,000

    Part 3

    If the XY company used the straight line method to amortize discounts and premiums on their bonds the entry to record the first interest payment would include:

    a. debit to Interest Expense for $23,000

    b. debit to Interest Expense for $20,000

    c. credit to Interest Expense for $20,000

    d. debit to Discount on bond payable for $3,500

    I'm trying my best and still don't know if I'm getting it right or not.

    The first I answered 407,000, second I had no clue. Please help.

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • I have an eating habit that's a problem.?

    I heard that you were suppose to eat 3 or 4 meals a day with 1-2 snacks.

    I've been eating 1 to 2 meals daily, and can't pull myself to eat more. My weight is the same as always. I weigh 190...or close to 180. I drink water, eat healthy food..but I don't eat as much as I should be. The problem I have is trying to stop that...but I skip breakfast and just go for lunch and sometimes dinner. I eat veggies and fruits and drink less soda.

    My question is how can I stop this habit?

    It's not helping me lose weight, and I've grown to either not care much about it or get stressed out.

    I don't want to lose too much to be a size 4. I'm a size 16 and just want to be a size 12 or 10. I have thick bones and don't want to change a part of me that I know won't make me happy.

    I still want to be me and feel happy and healthy.

    Any advice on what I can do?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Weird feeling on my breast?

    I've been having this strange feeling on my right breast.

    I'm 22, not married and never been pregnant.

    It's not painful. I've checked both breasts to see if there was something new.

    I didn't feel any form of lump, no discharge, no redness of bumps or anything that seem strange. The size is the same as before, and I don't smoke.

    I just get this feeling in my inner right breast. It's not hurting me, but I can feel it. Doesn't feel like it's burning, but it started coming this morning. I get worried about it. So I'm wonder what could be the cause. Is this something that happens to many women that's normal?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What it takes to really get up and go?

    I'm 22 years old, and considering to lose at least 20 pounds.

    I weigh about 190, and want to be between 165 or 170.

    I found a good schedule of free exercise classes to take, yet..still questioning about how the process works in getting into those classes.

    For now, I need other tips to help me still stay in shape.

    I admit in being lazy, yet I do eat right and walk more when I go to my classes. I'm not interested in going on a diet. It doesn't work for me, nor will I even consider starving myself. And, I'm not willing to pay more to lose weight. That just seems crazy on my budget.

    So all I ask is what other tips do you have for me to still be active, and that doesn't cost me a dime?

    Also, besides having friends (who are busy) and family (who are far away), what motivates you to staying in shape?

    Please don't say a trainer, cause I wouldn't want someone giving me more stress to lose weight. Just something for me to really enjoy, spend time on, and save money. If anything, thank you so much for reading my question.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Christmas Gift for Fathers?

    I'm at a lost here. I'm trying to think of a very nice and special gift for my father. Not ties or stuff that are small.

    Just a gift that's very useful, whether it's original or not.

    I'm not sure to what I want to get for him. I don't want to spend too much money, and want it to be where it's affordable.

    So, any ideas on what fathers would like?

    Besides giftcards of course. And if it had to be giftcards, what kind should I give him?

    7 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • It's about my tailgate lights, and I'm not sure on what to do?

    My tailgate lights are out.

    It isn't because of the light bulbs, but it's the wiring. Somehow, the wiring is broken or something and my lights won't come on (even when I break or turn my headlights on).

    My dad took my car to the shop. Turns out it's going to cost me $3,000 to get it fixed. For now, I only drive during the day and have to take the bus at night. I can't afford to fix this.

    I'm wondering if there's any place that might help me, but to where I can afford to fix the lights. I can't get another car, and this is the only car I have to drive. If there isn't anything, then well I don't know what else to do.

    6 AnswersCommuting1 decade ago
  • What to do if I selected classes are full?

    Hey, I'm trying to register for my Spring semester.

    I have the classes marked as needed for my degree plan, and I'm a junior. The problem is the classes I selected are already full. For some reason, I wasn't able to register.

    I was wondering what should I do?

    Should I go for elective classes?

    Should I just take a course at a community college?

    Should I just relax and wait till Summer/Fall to take my classes?

    4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • AIG getting more money...Why?

    Why in the hell is AIG getting more money?

    What do you all think?

    4 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • Classes, what should I do?

    This semester is almost at an end.

    I did everything I could, went to tutoring sessions, read my textbooks, took extra notes, everything you can imagine. I know in 2 classes I should be fine. The other two I'm unsure. One is where I believe I can pass with a C ..or maybe a possible B. The other class, I'm scared that all my effort won't make a C in it.

    I wanted to drop the class, but wasn't sure. Talked with my adviser about it. She said I should just keep going, that even if things don't go well it won't effect my GPA badly.....still I worry alot. I don't know what to do, or how my parents are going to take it. I feel as if I'm expected to make the Dean's list again as I did last semester.

    My question is, how is it my confidence and hard work go down hill so quick...even when I had all the help I needed? I couldn't understand that, and I try my very best. What can I do now to improve myself?

  • Will it really happen to me?

    I keep having more doubts on whether or not I will ever find love. Years before, I didn't care about it and lived my life not thinking about guys. I never dated, nor was asked out before. I had some crushes, but realized they were a waste of time. I'm a grown woman, yet I feel hurt thinking that in 50 years I will be alone. I feel as if this love will never come, and believed I shouldn't care about it.

    I don't want to be the type to date many and not find the right one. And I fear of having my heart broken, or worse divorce. My parents divorced when I was about 5, and it became a scar in my heart thinking I don't want this when I grow up. Now...well what should I really do? Should I just give up and live my life not thinking about love? Will it really happen to me one day? Deep down, I don't believe it will at all. I don't know why I have this strong doubt...maybe it's because I'm scared.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago