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This fraction is giving me a hard time.?
/ = fraction
-15/18 + 5/2 - (-7/4) - 9/16 = ???
I cannot compute this at all...
4 AnswersHomework Help7 years agoConsidering the IRS says 21 days and I have no DDD yet. I am going to be one of the lucky few that is delayed?
Accepted Jan 31
No DDD as of today.
Not complaining too much, but it looks like I will not get my refund in the 21 day time frame considering there are only 4 days remaining on that time frame and I have yet to get my DDD.
3 AnswersUnited States7 years agoWill the Army ever grant Waivers for Prior Service Patterns of Misconduct?
Back in 2009 I was given a bogus discharge of Patterns of Misconduct for going "AWOL". My daughter was diagnosed with cancer and my CO refused to allow me to go back home to see her.
My platoon SGT told me to leave and go see her, so I did. My mistake was being an 18 year old Private and not realising that my Platoon Sergeant could not technically allow me leave without paperwork. Which at that time I had no idea.
Long story short, when I got back to my Unit I was chaptered out with a "Pattern of Misconduct" RE3 JKA. General under Honorable Conditions.
I have been trying to get a waiver to get back in since 2010. I have almost given up. Does anyone know if there is a chance they will ever grant this waiver again?
5 AnswersMilitary7 years agoGot a letter from the IRS stating I owe $14,000. I do not agree. Question inside?
After I sent the letter back to the stating I did not agree I went ahead and filed my taxes with my wife. The $14,000 is apparently from casino winnings that I did not claim on my taxes last year.
I have proof that I lost the winnings back to the casino and did not need to report it.
I have not yet sent in the proof, but the IRS has accepted my return as of today. I was waiting for their reply to send in my paperwork and win/loss records from the casino.
Since they accepted it will they take my refund completely or will they go ahead and deposit it still since I have disputed the transaction? H&R Block says they will deposit it, but a second opinion or someone with personal experience would be nice to hear from.
7 AnswersUnited States7 years agoI got a letter this week saying I owe the IRS $14,000. Decided to file anyway. Will I even get a return?
The tax professional says I will still get my Refund including my EIC. But was this just something he was telling me to get the sale?
I Expect the IRS to take my entire return and put it towards what I owe.
The amount owed is still in question and I sent in the paperwork saying that I disagree with the amount. Would this cause them to give me my refund?
Chances are I am going to have to owe them something. Just not what they said I owe. Either way the money is going to pay it off. But it would be nice to know if I should even check the account I put the direct deposit into.
3 AnswersUnited States7 years agoFinishing my Bobber build. Can this electrical equipment be removed?
There is that metal plate with a bunch of electircal things on it that I have no idea what they are. What do they control and can I remove them? None of the bobbers I have ever seen have that plate on the bike in that position.
This bike is a 1981 Suzuki GS450.
4 AnswersMotorcycles8 years agoRemoved old air filter and added aftermarket K&N stub air filters on my carbs. Now bike chugs to speed up.?
Motorcycle is a 1981 Suzuki GS450. Ever since changing the air filters the bike chugs to speed up. Only tops out at around 55MPH now. There was a rubber tube going from the motor to the air filter that has nothing to go to now. Im suspecting this is the problem. But now that the bike is bobbed I cannot put the old filter back on. What could the problem be?
6 AnswersMotorcycles8 years agoIs it safe to weld a motorcycle with the carbs still on it?
I am going to need to weld my Frame tomorrow. The part I need to weld is right above the carbs. The carbs do have gas in them. I have a welding fireproof blanket I am planning on putting over the carbs in case sparks are to hit them. I know the best solution is to take the carbs off but I am not a mechanic. Only a welder. I do not know how to take them off and I for sure wont get them back on. So my only option is to weld over them. Gas tank and battery will come off as well. Welding will be done outdoors.
Any suggestions on this would be great. Thanks
5 AnswersMotorcycles8 years agoMotorcycle fell over and now it will not start.?
Motorcycle ran just fine until it tipped over on the right side. It didnt hit too hard but hard enough to bend the rear brake pedal. Now when I try to start it it tries to crank then starts a clicking type sound then nothing but I can still hear the gas trying to move through the bike. Anyone know what this problem could be? It is a 1981 gs450.
4 AnswersMotorcycles8 years agowhat is a #36 drill bit converted to metric / standard?
1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)8 years agoIs it possible for scientists to eventually implant people with superhuman powers?
I have always thought about this since I was a child. But would it be possible for this to happen? Or maybe it has before. Never looked into it.
1 AnswerBiology8 years agoDoes a Firearm have to be locked up in a safe in Georgia if a child lives in the house?
I have read through the Georgia Laws, but I have not seen anything stating I must lock my guns up in a safe. As of right now the guns are all located in an area of the house that my child cannot get to. She would have no possible means of getting to them. But my concern is, do they legally have to be locked up in a safe? I am not a fan of that because if I ever need it, I may not have time to grab it from my safe which is set on a 1 minute timer.
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years agoWill neutering a puppy stop him from constant rowdieness and biting on everyones feet?
We have a 4 month old puppy that were still house breaking. We take him out of his crate every hour or so to let him do his business outside then let him in the house to roam around for about 30 minutes. During that 30 minutes no one can stand to be near him because he has so much energy and is constantly rough housing and biting very hard on peoples hands, legs, pants, and feet. Will neutering him calm him a bit? If not, what are some things we can do? We have tried all of the tricks: Ignoring him, putting our thumb under his tongue when he starts biting, switching our pant legs to his chew toy, putting treats in his chew toy. Nothing seems to work. Giving him a firm verbal NO! seems to make him even more rowdy and he starts barking and jumping around then right back to biting us.
13 AnswersDogs8 years agoWhich of the following statements regarding the heart is correct?
A. It receives its blood supply from the pulmonary arteries.
B. It relies on an external electrical source to correctly function.
C. It can tolerate an interruption of oxygen for 5 minutes.
D. It is under control of the autonomic nervous system.
2 AnswersBiology8 years agoIs this puppy a pure bred Saint Bernard?
We got him from a breeder who stated he was for sure a Pure Breed Saint Bernard? Are there any Long Time saint bernard owners that can confirm this please?
9 AnswersDogs8 years agoMy Saint Bernard is an all white albino. Will he have major health issues?
We just picked up a puppy today for my daughter. The person who gave him to us told us he was a Saint Bernard, I looked at pictures of Saint Bernards and he looks exactly like them except he is pure white, like an albino. He even has a pink nose, not black.
My concern is this. Is this just a very rare Saint Bernard that I got lucky to pick up for a small rehoming fee, or is this a sign of major health issues to come?
He is not blind or Def like I have heard some albinos are.
All answers will be appreciated.
1 AnswerDogs8 years agoTax return DD is tomorrow. Is there a certain time they deposit funds?
DD is 2/8/2013. Do they usually deposit at 12:00 am? or possibly later tomorrow evening? Or...Is it all just completely random?
5 AnswersUnited States8 years agoHow long until I receive my Federal Return?
Filed 3 days ago with H&R Block. Getting Direct Deposit :) Last year it was exactly 7 days until it was deposited to my account. This year its stating up to 21 days. Has anyone received theirs this year yet? Thanks for the input guys and girls!
2 AnswersUnited States8 years ago