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  • Question about getting accepted into An NYC Specialized High School?

    Okay, so in 7th grade I was in Honors Class. But now it's a new year and I am currently in an 8th Grade Pre-Honors Class. My parents REALLY want me to go to a Specialized high school, not that I don't want to, I really do! The thing is, I'm not sure if i fulfill the requirements to get into any of the Specialized High Schools in New York. Can anyone tell Me what are the basic parts of Math that are on the Test? Like Algebra, Scientific Notation, Etc. And Maybe an online Lesson would help? Please i really wish to get into this school!

    1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • How can a 13 year Old Lose weight?

    Basically what my question says.

    Im concerned about my weight. At the age of 10 I was Healthy weight, but I started to gain. Right now I just turned 13 years Old and My Parents and I are very concerned about my weight. I'm 4 foot 10inches, and i weigh 123.8 pounds. I need a good diet plan. Im very concerned of my weight because I am Just at Overweight. And what I am very concerned about is that I have been getting "Man Boobs" and its very concerning. I always wear a loose shirt because i don't want people to notice, but now since I am growing my shirts are becoming tighter. Also I have Asthma which I think that it might be because of my weight/fat. Please if anyone could help. I walk about 2-4Miles a Day and Play sports Occasionally, and have been trying to eat healthier.

    38 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago