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Breaking into the culinary buisness as a Commis Chef ;) Very hard to do in England! Im 17 so my views may be a little immature at times, but i am also very mature regarding serious issues. Love you all! ;)

  • I have a problem with a cam girl...?

    So bassically I thought I'd start using cam girls, livejasmin, never tried it before thought I'd give it a go.

    First girl I choose really caught my eye, started talking to her before i initiated a private chat, she was obviously playing me to private her so I did and then when I finished we started talking about game of thrones, bare in mind you pay for minutes, we like the same music and tv programmes so have quite alot in common, talked for about 20 minutes and then i went,

    Next day the same thing, but this time she says how she was thinking of me on the bus home and wants to see a picture of me, I'm 20 shes 21/22 said I'd send her one later (thought she was just playing me still)

    Next day the same again and now I start thinking of her after work and during, go home and log in shes online, talk to her again and she says she was thinking of me all day and sent me a private message to private chat with her. She then says Im differnt to the rest, I say I bet you say that to everyone, she replies no, why would I *** lick members when they private chat me, carried on talking again. Now i cant stop thinking off her.

    Its stupid I know, I mean looking from an outsiders perspective, I'm paying to talk to a girl who is trying to keep me coming back by flattering me and keeping me talking for a long time, but i just cant stop thinking about her and want to see her more...

    Am i just being stupid and getting played like a sucker, or should I carry on seeing her?


    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • how much is my computer worth? selling on ebay, specs included?

    As much as I'd hate to sell it, only a year old, I need the money for college fees, specs are;

    • Intel Core i5-2500K 3.30GHz (Sandybridge) Socket LGA1155 Processor

    • Official Intel Socket 1155 Cooler

    • GeForce GTX 560 1024MB GDDR5 PCI-Express Graphics Card

    • 8GB Exceleram Rippler Sandybridge-Series (2x4GB) DDR3 PC3-12800C9 1600MHz - ERS303A

    • 1TB Western Digital Caviar Green WD10EARX 3.5" SATA III Hard Drive

    • Gigabyte GA-Z68AP-D3 Intel Z68 (REV B3) Socket 1155 DDR3 PCI-Express Motherboard

    • 500W Corsair Builder Series 500CX V2 Power Supply

    • Coolermaster Elite 430 Midi Tower Chassis

    • LG 22x DVD-RW SATA Black Optical ReWriter Drive

    What should I price this at? I paid £700 brand new, so £500 - £600?

    4 AnswersDesktops8 years ago
  • Why do people associate a war between the US and North Korea, and an all out nuclear war?

    Surely countries such as China or Russia would attempt to calm the situation instead of firing of nuclear missiles like most believe will happen, I mean would they really essentially kill themselves in the hope of killing the US?

    Doubtful too be honest, I even think China is starting to become sick of their fat neighbour.

    7 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Having problems with my headchef?

    I work in a small restaurant where I am a commis chef, I am training directly under a head chef to take his position when he leaves.

    Basically, he is an utter, utter dick. He blames everything on me, If I done something wrong I'm the first to take the blame and try and figure out a solution, but I mean everything he does wrong somehow turns out to be my fault.

    Today I was told by the owner to be in a 10, when I arrived the head chef shouted at me for being an hour late, saying I should have been here at 9. I told him what the owner said and he told me it's a stupid excuse.

    He is a good teacher and a good cook but an utter prick, what's the best way to carry on under him? I mean like, should I just take the blame and agree with him or stand up for myself when I'm not in the wrong?

    A quick background about me, I loooove to cook it's a passion for me. My job is "part time" and I attend college to study professional cookery on my off days. I don't doubt my commitment to the job, I love it, just the headchef is becoming a issue for me.

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • light desert to follow mushroom rissotto?

    doing a three course meal for catering college

    My starter with a beet salad with feta and pear followed by a wild mushroom rissotto, (feel free to crituqe that if you think it clashes) need a light desert to follow this,

    All i have so far is a lemon souffle

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Vanilla white chocolate soufflé help?

    So I'm thinking of making these just as practise really, In my mind I'm at the stage of adding egg whites to fold into the roux or the actual soufflé mix ( sorry my vocabulary is limited, im still training) i was thinking of melting white chocolate one stage before this and as well as folding the egg whites in, fold one spoon at a time of the white chocolate in.

    I just have a question about this, would the white chocolate be too heavy and thus knock the air out of the mix and in turn cause it not to rise properly?

    Is this a case where I should just go for it and see what happens?


    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Why do the religious say they provide morality when some of the most evil acts are committed in a deitys name?

    Quite odd if you ask me. A quick look through history books will provide evidence for my point.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What are dietary requirements of "vulnerable people"?

    Sorry if the question is quite broad, it's just that the assignment I've been given doesn't really specify what this means. I have a feeling it isn't allergies, and it isn't groups of people who need special diets.

    Ill give the exact segment;

    "Identify two types of vulnerable people and two groups of people who need special diets"

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Healthy alternative to British fish & chips, your thoughts on my idea?

    Background info-

    It is an assignment for my professional cookery course at college to create a healthy alternative to an iconic British dish for a hypothetical restaurant,

    Fish and chips;

    Battered Cod, chunky chips (french fries) and mushy pea's.

    My idea was to keep the aesthetic appeal the same, so that you won't deter any customers, because if they are used to seeing and eating classic fish and chips, something to extravagant may not appeal to them. So I am trying to keep the visual look the same.

    My ideas are;

    Sea Bass in a lime and parsley drizzle served with baked sweet-potato chips (french fries) and a mint pee purée, or something to do with broad-beans.

    My question is, does this dish blend well like all the ingredients and flavours combine and is it healthier?

    I'm open to any new ideas in regards to the chips and peas but I would like to stick with sea bass as it goes well with citrus flavours and I'm trying to keep the dish relatively light.

    Thank you! :)

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • If the Universe is constantly expanding at a rapid rate, will there be nothing from something?

    It's hard to explain, but I posed my teacher a question over his religious beliefs and he couldn't give me a straight answer, so I turn to you.

    Is it possible that the Universe is in a cycle of rapidly expanding and then some way collapsing and it happens again? So you get nothing from something and in turn something from nothing?

    It's hard to explain, I have a problem of not being able to transfer into words what I am thinking in my head, my limited vocabulary I guess.

    Sorry if this is a ridiculous question, I realise it will make me look incredibly stupid but I was just wondering. Thank you guys!

    7 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • Why would God give someone free will if you are only going to abuse it?

    I understand that's the point of free will, having the choice to choose, but surely giving us free will then creating an eternal punishment for us if we abuse it, even though he has the foresight to realise many will, why would he grant it to us in the first place?

    It's like me giving a cookie to a child and tell him you have the choice to eat it or not, but if you eat it I'm going to throw you in the oven and bake you, but you can eat it if you want.

    God you're a noob.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why do Christians believe what the Bible says after it has been touched up and reworked so many times?

    It's actually quite staggering seeing how Luke and Matthew pretty much made **** up in their heads to link Jesus to the old testament.

    An example;

    Mathew traces Josephs descent from King David via twenty-eight intermediate generations, while Luke has 41 generations? Worse there is almost no overlap in the names on the two list. If Jesus was really born of a virgin, Josephs ancestry would be irrelevant and can no be used to fulfil, on Jesus behalf, the Old Testament prophecy that the Messiah should be descended from David.

    Tom Flynn suggests that the star in the east, the virgin birth, the veneration of the baby by kings, the miracles, the execution, the resurrection and the ascension are borrowed - every last one of them - from other religions already in existence in the Mediterranean and Near east region. Flynn suggests that Mathews desire to fulfil messianic prophecies (descent from David, birth in Bethlehem) for the benefit of Jewish readers came into headlong collision with Lukes desire to adapt Christanity for the Gentiles, and hence to press the familiar hot buttons of pagan Hellenistic religons (virgin birth, worship by kings, ect) The resulting contradictions are glaring, but consistently overlooked by the faithful.

    This was all taken from, Richard Dawkings: The God Delusion.

    Answer this please.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Who has been touched by the noodly appendage of Lord Spaghetti?

    Bolognaise be upon him.

    I hope you Christian heathens take notice, when you die you will be forced to suffer eternally in the overcooked pasta circle of hell!

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Someone threatning to take my sister to court over a second hand car?

    Basic story is:

    Sister put car on gumtree for sale, we listed everything we knew was wrong with it, that being scratches and possibly stiff brakes,

    Sold it for £500 cash in hand, she looked at the car, drove it all the way home waited the next day and then text her saying unless we give her the money back she will take us to court and we will have to pay for the expenses.

    She is claiming that when she took it to a mechanic the next day, there were hundreds of problems wrong with it and it is not safe to drive, except it passed its MOT in Febuary

    What basis can she take us to court with and will she win it?

    I know that it's possible some things may go wrong, but how do we know she hasn't messed the car up on the way back and it just trying to get her money back, surely as soon as she handed the money over she accepted the car "as is" and should have bought a mechanic in the first place?

    10 AnswersBuying & Selling9 years ago
  • Someone threatning to take my sister to court over a second hand car?

    Basic story is:

    Sister put car on gumtree for sale, we listed everything we knew was wrong with it, that being scratches and possibly stiff brakes,

    Sold it for £500 cash in hand, she looked at the car, drove it all the way home waited the next day and then text her saying unless we give her the money back she will take us to court and we will have to pay for the expenses.

    She is claiming that when she took it to a mechanic the next day, there were hundreds of problems wrong with it and it is not safe to drive, except it passed its MOT in Febuary

    What basis can she take us to court with and will she win it?

    I know that it's possible some things may go wrong, but how do we know she hasn't messed the car up on the way back and it just trying to get her money back, surely as soon as she handed the money over she accepted the car "as is" and should have bought a mechanic in the first place?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • SWTOR account suspension is ridiculous!?

    I have been suspended from SWTOR because I called someone an idiot. Said person was calling everyone a "noob."

    Their loss I guess, I'll be cancelling my sub along with the other hundreds of people.

    My advice, don't play this game, everyone gets major butthurt.

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • God's are something from nothing?

    When theists say to an atheist that something cannot come from nothing, e.g the big bang, then how do they explain that their God came from nothing?

    Like they say what was before it, something has to be before.

    Then I pose the question to theists, that what was before your God, who created it and how does something like that come from nothing? Surely it had to come from somewhere, nothing is infinite in that sense?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is religion slowly dying?

    In England the number of Christians on a survey or the census in England, I cannot remember which one, has fallen from 71% to 52/54% and with many Americans beginning to wake up to the fact there is no evidence to believe in a religion, would anyone agree that it is on its way out?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I have been de-converted from Christianity, thank you atheists!?

    Pretty simple actually, my science tutor and I were having a debate about religion and he said to me:

    "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"

    After thinking for a while, I literally couldn't think of any evidence to prove a God exists. For there is none as far as I know.

    I then said to him, well I have faith in my religion and God.

    He said to me the definition of faith is Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.

    That hit me really, really hard. I mean how can I justify to myself and to him, that I am believing in something that has no evidence to prove it exists.

    It is like me saying to him the ground is made out of cheese, I have no evidence to prove this even though he has evidence that proves it isn't and for me then to tell him "have faith".

    So thank you atheists, you have changed my life for the better, and I am now proud to call myself an atheist.

    31 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago